楼主: 心的力量










 楼主| 发表于 2019-2-26 01:53 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 心的力量 于 2019-2-26 03:44 编辑

以诺与上帝同行  上帝将他带去  他就不在了。  

《艾赛尼派的创世记》  章节  

那律法种植在神圣集体的花园中  以照亮人的心  
成为谦卑的灵具有平和的禀性  具有自发的爱心  
具有巨大的智能相信上帝的所有工作  并且对上帝的各种恩赐充满信心  
还有对伟大秩序中的所有事物具有属灵的知识  对真理之子女忧戚与共  
他们对所有隐藏起来的真理  以及内在知识的秘密  均能加以分辨。  



差派日间的天使  以及夜间的天使  

天父啊 我感谢他  
将我引导  从地上的深处  
使我能加入地上的天使  又洁净了我的灵  
使我能加入天上的天使  给人以永恒  
使他们能以喜乐的歌声  晨昏颂赞  



《训导书》  日间到来  
我拥抱我的母亲  夜间到来  




使用道具 举报








 楼主| 发表于 2019-2-26 01:53 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 心的力量 于 2019-2-26 03:48 编辑










使用道具 举报








 楼主| 发表于 2019-2-26 01:54 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 心的力量 于 2019-2-26 03:52 编辑








  说这些话时他手上拿着七星并行走在七支金色蜡烛的焰火之中。有耳的当听那灵的说话「那些能克服万难者我会给他吃生命树上的果子 那树长在上帝之闪耀天国中间。」  
我的灵便立即到了那里在天国打开的门槛外我进入了那度门来到一片耀目光芒的海洋。在那令人目炫的光芒中央有一宝座座上者的脸孔却看不清楚宝座有彩虹围绕看起来好象一块绿宝石。围绕着宝座有十三个座位上面坐着十三位长老穿著白色的衣服他们的脸孔都隐藏在光的回旋云朵之中。宝座前燃点着七支灯那是地母之火。天国的七星在宝座前照耀那是天父的火。在宝座前面有一琉璃的海像水晶一样里面反映的是地上所有的山脉、幽谷和海洋以及居住在地上的被创造物。十三位长老向那坐在宝座上看不清脸孔的鞠躬敬拜光芒的河流流经他们的双手一个连着一个他们齐声颂赞「圣哉圣哉圣哉大能之主过去在现在在将来亦在。主啊他应当接受荣耀与权柄因他创造了一切生物。」  然后我看见那坐在宝座上脸孔看不清的他右手拿着一本书里面和外面都写了文字并加上七个封印。我看见一位天使大声地宣布「有谁配打开这书开启那些封印」  


  然后我打开第一个封印我看见空气天使在她唇间吹出生命之气,她降下地上给人以智能之风。人吸入了那气但当他呼出时天空变成黑色 甜蜜的空气变得污秽发臭邪恶的黑云低低地笼罩大地。我在羞惭之中转过了脸。   








然后第二位天使吹响了号角就好象有一座大山着了火降下海面上 地上涌出鲜血好象蒸气一样。  

然后第七位天使吹响了号角我看见大能者从天降下以云朵为衣服 他头上围绕着彩虹他的脸像在太阳之中一样他的脚像火柱他手中拿着一本打开了的书。他右脚踏在海里左脚踏在地上他以听起来很奇妙的声音大声说「人啊你愿意这些所见都成为过去么」我回答说「啊神圣者你知道的如果这些可怕的事情不成为过去我是愿意作任何事的。」   

然后他说「人制造了这些毁灭的力量他以自己的思维制造了这一切 他把脸背向天父与地母的天使造成自己的毁灭。」  


然后那声音再次说我的双眼再次被那光的辉煌照得目眩。「人啊听着 可能你行走义路并与天使同行可能你日间为地母而歌晚上为天父而歌可能那金色河流流经于你但你会任由你的兄弟因大地与石块的抽搐而呻吟堕入血染的深渊吗当你的兄弟因口渴而死你还可以喝下永恒生命的福杯吗」  



我走到那片泥沼的边缘并探头下望我看见鲜血的旋涡里面的人 像是被蛛网逮住的苍蝇。我大声说「兄弟们放下你们的刀剑紧握我的手。离开这块对生下你们给你们各种禀赋的母亲的不洁及亵渎之地你们买卖的日子已经结束行猎与杀戮的日子已经结束因那围猎的将为刀剑所杀。地上的商人将哭泣呻吟因为没有人会再买他们的货物那些贩买金银玉石、珍珠、亚麻、丝绸、大理石、野兽、绵羊、马匹、兽车、奴隶和人的灵魂的所有这些都不能再买卖因为一切都已埋葬在鲜血的海洋之中因为你们背向你们的父母去崇拜那以石头作天堂的野兽。兄弟们放下刀剑握紧我的手。」  





我的目光再一次转移我听到神圣集体的声音在歌声中响起说「来吧,让我们行走在律法的光之下。」我看到神圣的城市那神圣集体的兄弟们都飘到那里去。那城市不用太阳不用月亮去照亮因为上帝的荣耀已令整个城市光明。我看到生命之水的纯洁河流如水晶清彻从上帝的宝座里流出。在那河流之中有生命树耸立结出十四种果子把她的果子给那些要吃的人树上的叶子能医治列国。在那里没有黑夜他们不需要烛光更不需要阳光 因为上帝给他们光明他们并能统治直到永永远远。

我的字句用铁笔刻在石上永流于世  因我知道我的创造者活着,在时间的终结他将站立在地上,在星宿上。  
虽然蛊虫会毁坏这身体  但我将看见上帝。  

使用道具 举报








 楼主| 发表于 2019-2-26 01:55 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 心的力量 于 2019-2-26 03:57 编辑

第三册 艾赛尼派神圣集体遗经英译本序言 3
按年代先后第一个传统流派是沿自希伯来人被置于巴比伦监狱那时 从吉加曼艾史诗 1( Gilgamesh Epics) 到索罗亚斯德的 《波斯古经》云渔犮N。第二个传统流派与旧约、新约的庄严诗歌相承那永恒的以诺及其它族长经过众先知而传到隐秘的艾赛尼派神圣集体。  
艾赛尼派神圣集体的经典埋于死海处在那里已发现为数极多的手卷 这两个传统流派的原文互相交织。它们互相形成奇妙的连续前者满是力量直截简明的风格与后者那壮严崇高表达的诗歌并列。
这些收集得来的原文可以大约分为三组大约有70%与古代《波斯古经》及《旧约》、《新约》完全不同有20%是相似及10%是完全一样。  我希望第三册能像第一册那样成功继续将永恒神灵的启示带给我们迷失方向的世纪引领我们走向更大更大的光明。     

我进入那永恒及无尽的花园尊崇那天父、那地母、列位伟大的导师 尊崇那神圣、纯洁及救赎的教导尊崇那被拣选者中的神圣集体。  

上帝看到他的子民将要灭亡因为他们看不到生命之光他便拣选以色列中那最好的使他们能把生命之光在众人子面前照耀。那些被拣选的称为艾赛尼因为他们教导那些无知的人医治那些患病的人而且他们会在每个七日的前一天聚集一起与众天使一起欢欣。  崇拜  
长老地母给我们生命的粮食  众兄弟我将吃那生命之粮  
长老阳光天使给我们生命之火  众兄弟我们将使那生命之火永存  长老活水天使给我们生命活水  众兄弟我们将沐浴在生命活水中  长老空气天使给我们生命的气息  众兄弟我们将呼吸生命的气息  长老天父给我们力量  
众兄弟我们将以天父的力量去建立上帝的国度  长老天父给我们他的爱  
众兄弟我们的心将填满天父的爱  长老天父给我们他的智能  
众兄弟我们将跟随那天父的智能  长老愿平安与你们同在  
众兄弟愿平安与你们同在  遗经里的正文阳光天使  
阳光天使你是光明的喷泉你划破黑暗。你打开海面水平线的闸门 阳光天使住在大地高处之上但她的光芒能以生命及温暖充满我们的岁月。早晨的战车带着旭日的光芒使人们的心喜乐。阳光天使以荣美的光芒照耀我们的道路。  



从天国海洋里从那永不干枯的泉源流出活水  在那干旱与荒芜的沙漠上兄弟们已带来活水天使好让她带来花园与翠绿之地满布树木满是花儿的香气。  
我们崇拜生命之水所有大地的水无论是静止、流动或是井里的水 或是终年流动的泉水或是受祝福的雨点我们都把祭物献给那美善、神圣的水是那律法创造出来的。  

我们崇拜那神圣的气息在一切受造物之上我们崇拜那最真实的智能。  在森林里、田野间的清新空气之中你会找到空气天使。她耐心地等候你离开那城市的阴湿及挤迫的洞口。寻找她并畅饮她给你那医治的气流。深长的呼吸使空气天使进入你里面因为你呼吸的韵律是知识的钥匙显示神圣的律法。  
正如海洋是聚集诸水的地方水上升水流下升上空中降到地上 再升上空中如此升起并运转不息你如此升起及生长天父就此而创造出永恒统辖的光明宇宙。  

我们赞美广阔的大地以条条小径伸展出来那旺盛丰满的是你的母亲 神圣的植物  
我们赞美高山满是绿草与活水山上满是河流与溪涧。  我们赞美大地天使的神圣植物从地下长出滋养动物与人类滋养光明之子。  

所有有生命的比没有生命的经典更接近上帝。上帝创造生命及一切生物 好让他们靠着永恒生命的道向人子们教导天父和地母的律法。  

天国微笑大地庆祝晨星一起歌唱所有光明之一起欢呼。  啊向天父唱新歌向地母整个大地歌唱。让天国欢欣让大地喜悦
让大海咆哮那永恒生命的丰盛。让田园成为欢欣之地所有居住在其中的 一切树木在神圣的律法前欢欣。  
在神圣集体的花园里整个大地会以神圣及无穷的喜乐闪耀因为那里已播下神圣律法的种子。那律法是给光明之子一切美好中之上好给他们光明与荣耀身体健康与气力与众天使联合而得享长寿得享永恒无尽的喜乐。  我们将会向天父歌唱向地母及所有天使歌唱。只要我们住在神圣集体的花园里我们会向神圣的律法歌唱直到永永远远。  

我们呼吸的空气是由地母的气息所生她的气息在高处成为碧蓝的天空 在山脉顶峰发出飕飕声在森林的叶子里细语在玉米园中如巨浪般奔腾在深谷处熟睡在沙漠中蒸腾。  

我要恳求礼物中的上好天父他那最好的就是神圣的律法在我们里面 透过他的力量天使去掌管我们  

仁慈的爱啊爱的创造者啊上天的心智活在我们里面启示最美好的说话。向那在集体的花园里开垦泥土的光明孩子说尊重所有人爱众兄弟 遵守那律法。  


他建立诸天时我已在那里。当他在深处的脸上划上圆圈当他使天空牢固当他使深处的泉水强壮当他使海洋有了界限大水不能逾越他的律法时当他划出大地的根基我已在他身旁成为头等的工匠。我每天都获得他的喜悦在他面前欢欣在所住的大地上欢欣。我的喜悦是与众人子在一起的因天父的统治是永恒的他以尊贵与力量作衣裳。他来自永恒  主啊那时洪水四处泛滥到处发出声音洪水扬起大浪。高高在上的天父比洪水的声音更有力量比海洋的大浪更有力量。他的名将永存他的名将直至永远。所有光明之子都会获得他的祝福所有人子都称他为祝福者且让整个大地均充满天父与地母以及神圣天使的光荣。  

的尘土谁以天砰去量度那大山与小丘  日出时兄弟们聚集起来到他们工作的田野去在集体的花园中共同劳动。他们都是良善的工人做着天父良善的工作。他们是那些教导律法并为律法奋斗的人的灵、良知与魂魄。他们以右臂及左臂翻动泥土使旷野长出绿色和金色。以右臂及左臂他们放下基石好使天国能在地上建立。他们都是工作天使的使差在他们里面反映了神圣的律法。  
天父啊他是独一无二的请向光明之子显示哪里是地上最好之处 能带来最大的喜乐天父回答说「就是在那地方其中一个兄弟遵从神圣的律法有良善的思想良善的言辞良善的行事他的背脊强壮努力做事他的双手不怠惰能提高声音与法律和合那地方便是最好的。」如果其中一个兄弟播下最多的玉米播下最多的草种和果子如果他灌溉旱地并为遇湿的土壤排水那地方便是神圣的。因大地已交给光明之子去管理他们应该珍惜大地照顾大地只为养育身体才开发大地至一定深度。  
光明之子有福了他们的喜乐是为律法而工作他们日间在集体的花园中工作晚上与天父的天使在一起。他们的唇间讲出故事用来教导人子。  据说有一次树木要在它们之中找出一位君主。它们去找橄榄树并说

我将呼唤平安天使其气息友善他的手具有力量。在平安的国度中 没有饥渴没有冷风或热气没有年老也没有死亡。在平安的国度中人和动物都没有死亡植物都不会凋谢生命的食物将永远丰足。  
在平安的国度中律法变得强大光明之子将管治海洋直至地极。平安国度的泉源来自天父他的力量能安放山脉并使日夜交替在光明之中欢欣。他带给大地律法的河流使它得以灌溉及滋润。他以骤雨使大地松软雨水下在旷野的草原上那小山在每一面都欢欣起来。那草原有羊群在其上 那幽谷有玉米覆盖他们齐声为喜乐而歌唱。  

在他们的位置在看守中不会昏暗。  看那彩虹颂赞那创造它的主它的光芒异常美丽在天际划出光荣的圆形是那至高者把它屈曲成这个形状的。  
云朵像飞鸟那样飞过。他以大能使云朵牢固又使冰雹细碎。在他视线内 山脉震动他的意志能使南风急吹。雷声使大地战栗北面的风暴和旋风也是这样。  
天父谁在我们灵魂之中创造了神圣的律法谁在黑暗之中创造了光明谁创造了睡眠和醒着时的兴味谁使运转的太阳与星辰有不变的轨迹谁使月亮圆了又缺天父啊除他之外还有谁可作这些光荣之事  主啊世代以来他都是我们的住处。在山脉出现以前甚至在他塑造大地及整个世界以前从永远到永远他都是那律法。  
天父啊他的名在地上是多么美好他使他的荣耀高于诸天。当我们想及他指头所做的诸天所立的月亮和星辰人算得什么竟值得他的关注但他却与光明之子立了约使他们与神圣的天使一同行走。他又给他们加上光荣尊贵的冠冕令他们管治他手中的创造并叫他们养育保护所有生命 以及绿色大地上的作物。  天父啊他的名在全地上多么美好且听那呼唤他的声音我应该追求他的灵么还是我应该逃避他的存在如果我升至天堂他在那里。如果我落入地狱看啊他也在那里。如果我以清晨之翼到达海洋最远处的地方甚至在那里他的手也会带引我他的右手将拖着我。如果我说「且让黑暗覆盖我。」甚至在黑暗中也有光在我之上因那黑暗也不能逃避他黑暗要光明得如同白昼。对他来说黑暗与光明是一样的因他有我的缰绳就好象牡鹿跟随河流主啊我的灵魂也要跟从着他我的灵魂渴求活生生的天父。   
那律法是我的光和拯救有谁令我恐惧那律法是我生命的基石和力量 有令谁我害怕只要我愿望追求律法好使我生命中的所有日子都住在律法之中赞叹天父的美丽。那些住在最高神秘之处的应住在全能的上帝的荫蔽之下。  

使用道具 举报








 楼主| 发表于 2019-2-26 01:57 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 心的力量 于 2019-2-26 04:06 编辑

第四册 对被拣选者的教导

在卑微青草上的生命赏赐  七重的平安
英译本序言 4

  这第四册《对被拣选者的教导》是完整手稿的一部分,亚兰语原稿存于梵帝冈的秘密档案保管处,古斯拉夫语原文存于哈斯堡皇家图书馆(现成为奥大利政府 财产)。延迟出版这部书的原因我猜想是石基理博士希望永恒的真理、活生生的真相能卓然独立,更不要受翻译者的左右。他曾在1937年伦敦首版的第一册序言中说「我们首先出版此一部分因为今日受苦的人类最需要这些。」或者同样道理四十四年后的今日,在这充满变换的世界里,我们正需要第四册《艾赛尼派的平安福音》。
( Norma NilssonBordeaux ) 哥斯达尼迦 1981


耶稣带领光明诸子到河边一棵上古的老树下那树的根正生长穿越河岸 他跪在经年累月而变成灰白瘤节的盘根处。那光明诸子也同样跪下恭敬地触摸那树干因为他们学懂树木皆是人子的兄弟因为他们的母亲一样是大地之母她的血同样在树液及人子身体内流动他们的父亲一样是天国之父他的律法写在树枝上以及刻在人子的额前。

耶稣伸出他的双手到那树说「看呀生命之树耸立在永恒海洋的中央不要单用肉体的眼睛看还要用心灵的眼睛看生命之树。在流水的源头在干旱之地的生命泉水里看那奇妙的永恒花园在它的中央是生命之树 一切奥秘中的奥秘生出永恒的枝干成为永恒的栽种盘根深入生命流水的永恒泉源处。你们且用心灵的眼睛看白日天使与黑夜天使用各处燃烧着的、永恒光明的火焰去保护各种果实。」
「看光明诸子那生命树的枝干高耸入天父的国度里。看生命树的盘根落在大地母亲的胸膛里。人子被提升到永恒的高处在奇妙的平原上行走 因为只有人子在他的身体里带有生命树的盘根那根在地母的胸膛哺育只有人子在他的心灵处带有生命树的枝干那枝干高耸入云并进入天父的国度里。」

「但七年里这些话语没有给你们因为若有人用话语的恩赐去追求财利 去支配他的敌人他便不能成为光明之子只成为恶魔的幼兽与黑暗的造物。因为只有纯洁的水才能反映太阳的光若那水变得污浊阴暗便不能反映什么出来。若人子的肉体与灵体在这七年与地母及天父的天使同行他就像正午太阳下淙淙的河流照出珍贵宝石的绚烂光芒。」

「在安息日后的第六个早晨说这些话『活水天使请进入我的血液 给我身体以活水。』你们将会感到如河水之流动活水天使的力量进入你们的血液像分流的细川小溪透过你们的血液把地母的力量送给你们身体各部分。这能医治疾病因为活水天使的能力十分大。若你们对她说她便把她的力量送给你们无论你们在何处命令。因为当上帝的天使住在人子里面一切皆得以成就。」
「安息日后的第三个黄昏说这些话『平安、平安、平安平安天使 愿各处皆是。』你们要在一切生活之中在你们所做的一切之中在你们所说的每一个字之中追求平安天使。因为平安是一切知识、奥秘及生命的钥匙。那里没有平安那里就被撒旦掌管。那黑暗诸子已在垂涎要偷去光明诸子的一切平安。故此去吧在这晚上到光明的金色河流这是平安天使的衣服。早上带回上帝的平安这是超越理解的有这完美的平安你们就能安慰众人子的心。」
「在安息日后的第六个黄昏说这些话『智慧天 使请降临于我以智慧充满我一切的思想。』要知道光明诸子你们的思想就如闪电雷霆一样的能力在暴风雨中把巨木剌穿分成两面。正因如此你们须等待七年去学习与天使说话因为你们不知道自己思想的能力。要用智慧于你们一切所想所说及所做之中。我老实告诉你们所做的若没有智慧就如没有人骑的马口流泡沬、眼睛狂野、疯狂的奔跑走入裂开的深渊。但若智慧天使掌管你们的行为你们便会通向不可知的国度秩序与和睦会掌管你们的生活。」

「日出我拥抱我的母亲日落我拥抱我的父亲。早晨之后黄昏之后 我会呼吸律法我不会中断这个联合直到时间终结。」在卑微青草上的生命赏赐这是在三月里雨后大地布满小草的嫩叶翠绿一遍犹如盖上雏鸟的
柔顺羽毛。就在阳光充沛的早上耶稣聚集那新被拣选的神圣集体来围绕他 使他们能用耳朵听见能用心明白那曾向他们父亲作过的教导即使是在古远时以诺也曾这样被教导。

了它阳光天使也是这样。这三个天使的力量已唤醒小麦种子内的生命天使 故此在每一颗种子里生出根来长出幼苗来。」

「我们该做什么呢师父。」有一个稀奇地问。「有什么秘密我们要知道 使我们可以看见、听见并触摸神圣的生命河流」
没有人知道时间的消逝是一刻还是一年因为时间都静止下来万物都像停止了呼吸一样。耶稣张开眼睛耶稣开口说话时满布花朵的香气「这就是秘密光明诸子就在谦卑的青草里。这里就是天父与地母的相会之地这里就是生命河流孕育万物之处。我老实告诉你们只有人子才给去看、去听及去触摸那天地国度间的生命河流。把你们的手围着那大地天使的嫩草 你们便看见、听见并触摸到所有天使的力量。」

「生命天使流经青草进入光明之子的身上用她的力量去震动他们 因为青草是生命光明之子是生命。生命经光明之子与青草之间造成一道桥梁通向那孕育万物的神圣光明河流。」
「接触那草叶光明诸子去接触那永生的天使。若你们以灵的眼睛去看你们会看到青草是永恒的。现在是幼小及柔软带着初生婴儿的光彩。不久会长得茂盛高大像新长出的树新结出的果子。之后随年老而变黄俯首鞠躬就像收成后躺在田园里最后会枯萎因这小小的土盆不能盛满小麦的全部寿命。但它没有死亡因为那枯萎的叶子只是返回大地天使那里 她拥抱着那植物在她弯臂里使它安睡。所有的天使都在这枯叶里工作。看它们被改造没有死去但以另一样装束重新生长出来。同样光明诸子也永不看见死亡只是知道自己不断改换直至升进到永恒的生命。」



「故此要这样做在中午太阳高照时向天父祈求『我们在天上的父 请差派他的平安天使到所有的人子那里并差派生命天使到我们的身体之内永远居住其中。』」
老实告诉你们在天地里没有什么比人子思想的力量更大。虽然肉眼看不见 但每一个思想都有巨大力量这力量能震动天国。」



「很久以前洪水还没有到来以前诸圣曾踏足地上在那巨木之下 虽然现在已不复见仅成为传说但那就是他们的家园他们的国度。他们活了多个世代因为他们吃的全来自地母桌上并睡在天父的臂弯里他们不知道疾病、年老甚至死亡。他们赠与人子他们国度的一切荣耀甚至是耸立在永恒海洋中央的生命树的隐秘知识。但人子的眼睛被撒旦的异像所蒙蔽被权力的承诺蒙蔽那权力是以力气及血腥去征服的。跟着人子便割断与地母及天父连在一起的金线。他踏出神圣的生命河流就是他以往的身体、思想及感觉与律法连在一起的地方。他们开始用自己的思想、自己的感觉以及自己的行为去定出数以百计的法律但在此以前律法只有一条。」






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The Original Hebrew and Aramaic Texts

Translated and edited by




And then many sick and maimed came toJesus, asking him. "if you know all things, tell us, why do we suffer withthese grievous plagues? Why are we not whole like other men? Master, heal us,that we too may be made strong, and need abide no longer in our misery. We knowthat you have it in your power to heal all manner of disease. Free u s fromSatan and from all his great afflictions. Master, have compassion on us."
And Jesus answered- "Happy are youthat you hunger for the truth, for I will satisfy you with the bread of wisdom.Happy are you, that you knock, for I will open to you the door of life. Happyare you, that you would cast off the power of Satan, for I will lead youinto  the kingdom of our Mother's angels,where the power of Satan cannot enter."

And they asked him in amazem ent: "Who is our Mother and which her angels? And where is herkingdom?"
"Your Mother is in you, and you inher. She bore you she gives you life. it was she who gave to you your body, andto her shall you one day give it back again. Happy are you when you come toknow her and her kingdom; if you receive your Mother's angels and if you do herlaws. I tell you truly, he who does these things shall never see disease. Forthe power of our Mother is above all. And it destroys Satan and his kingdom, and has rule over allyour bodies and all living things.

"The blood which runs in us is born ofthe blood of our Earthly Mother. Her blood falls from the clouds; leaps fromthe womb of the earth; babbles in the brooks of the mountains; flows wide in the rivers of the plains; sleeps in the lakes; rages mightily in tempestuousseas.
"The air which webreathe is born of the breath of our Earthly Mother. Her breath is azure in theheights of t heavens; soughs in the tops of the mountains; whispers the leavesof the forest;  billows over the cornfields; slumbers in thedeep valleys, burns hot in the desert.
"The hardness of our bones is born ofthe bones of our Earthly Mother, of the rocks and of the stones. They standnaked to the heavens on the tops of mountains; are as giants that lie sleepingon the sides of the mo untains, as idols set in the desert, and are hidden inthe deepness of the earth.
"The tenderness of our flesh is bornof the flesh of our Earthly Mother; whose flesh waxes y ellow and red in thefruits of the trees, and nurtures us in the furrows of the fields.

"Our bowels are born of the bowels ofour  Earthly Mother, and are hid from our eyes,like the invisible depths of the earth.
"The light of our eyes, the hearing ofour ears, both are born of the colors and the sounds of our EarthlyMother;  which enclose us about, as thewaves of the sea a fish, as the eddying air a bird.
"I tell you in very truth, Man is theSon of the Earthly Mother, and from her did the Son of Man receive his wholebody, even as the body of the newborn babe is born of the womb of his mother. Itell you truly, you are one with the Earthly Mother; she is in you, and you inher. Of her were you born, in her do you live, and to her shall you returnagain. Keep, therefore, her laws, for none can live long, neither be happy, buthe who honors his Earthly Mother and does her laws. For your breath is herbreath; your blood her blood; your bone her bone; your flesh he r flesh; yourbowels her bowels; your eyes and your ears are her eyes and her ears.

"I tell you truly, should you fail tokeep but one only of all these laws, should you harm but one only of all yourbody's members, you shall be utterly lost in your grievous sickness, and thereshall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. I tell you, unless you follow the lawsof your Mother, you can in no wise escape death. And he who clings to the lawsof his Mother, to him shall his Mother cling also. She shall heal all hisplagues, and he shall never become sick. She gives him long life, and protectshim from all afflictions; from fire, from water, from the bite of venomousserpents. For your Mother bore you, keeps life within you. She has given youher body, and none but she heals you. Happy is he who loves his Mother and liesquietly in her bosom. For your Mother loves you, even when you turn away fromher. And how much more shall she love you, if you turn to her again? I tell youtruly, very great is her love, greater than the greatest of mountains, deeperthan the deepest seas. And those who love their Mother, she never deserts them.As the hen protects her chickens, as the lioness her cubs, as the mother hernewborn babe, so d oes the Earthly Mother protect the Son of Man from alldanger and from all evils.
"For I tell you truly, evils anddangers innumerable lie in wait for the Sons of Men. Beelzebub, the prince ofall devils, the source of every evil, lies in wait in the body of all the Sonsof Men. He is death, the lord of every plague, and taking upon him a pleasingraiment, he tempts and entices the Sons of Men. Riches does he promise, andpower, and splendid palaces, and garments of gold and silver, and a multitudeof servants, all these; he promises renown and glory, fornication andlustfulness, gluttony and wine-bibbing, riotous living, and slothfulness andidle days. And he entices every one by that to which their heart is mostinclined. And in the day that the Sons of Men have already become the slaves ofall these vanities and abominations, then in payment thereof he snatches fromthe Sons of Men all those things which the Earthly Mother gave them soabundantly. He takes from them their breath, their blood, their bone, theirflesh, their bowels, their eyes and their ears. And the breath of the Son ofMan becomes short and stifled, full of pain and evil-smelling, like the breathof unclean beasts. And his blood becomes thick and evil-smelling, like thewater of the swamps; it clots and blackens, like the night of death. And hisbone becomes hard and knotted; it melts away within and breaks asunder, as astone falling down upon a rock. And his flesh waxes f at and watery; it rotsand putrefies, with scabs and boils that are an abomination.

And his bowels become full with abominablefilthiness, with oozing streams of decay; and multitudes of abominable wormshave their habitation there. And his eyes grow dim, till dark night enshroudsthem, and his ears become stopped, like the silence of the grave. And last ofall shall the erring Son of Man lose life. For he kept not the laws of hisMother, and added sin to sin. Therefore, are taken from him all the gifts ofthe Earthly Mother: breath, blood, bone, flesh, bowels, eyes  and ears, and after all else, life, withwhich the Earthly Mother crowned his body.
"But if the erring Son of Man be sorryfor his sins and undo them, and return again to his Earthly Mother; and if hedo his Earthly Mother's laws and free himself from Satan's clutches, resistinghis temptations, then does the Earthly Mother receive again her erring Son withlove and sends him her angels that they may serve him. I tell you truly, whenthe Son of Man resists the Satan that dwells in him and does not his will, inthe same hour are found the Mother's angels there, that they may serve  him with all their power and free utterly theSon of Man from the power of Satan.
"For no man can serve two masters. Foreither he serves Beelzebub and his devils or else he serves our Earthly Motherand her angels. Either he serves death or he serves life. I ten you truly,happy are those that do the laws of life and wander not upon the paths of death. For in them the forces of life wax strong and they escape the plagues ofdeath."

And all those round abouthim listened to his words with amazement, for h is word was with power, and hetaught quite otherwise than the priests and scribes. And though the sun was nowset, they departed not to their homes. They sat round about Jesus and askedhim: "Master, which are these laws of life? Rest with us awhile longer andteach us. We  would listen to yourteaching that we may be healed and become righteous."
And Jesus himself sat down in their midst and said: "I tell you truly, nonecan be happy, except he do the Law."
And the others answered: "We all do the laws of Moses, our lawgiver, even as they arewritten in the holy scriptures."
And Jesus answered: "Seek not the lawin your scriptures, for the law is life, whereas the scripture is dead. I tellyou truly, Moses received not his laws from God in writing, but through theliving word. The law is living word of living God to living prophets for livingmen. In everything that is life is the law written. You find it in the grass,in the tree, in the river, in the mountain, in the birds of heaven, in thefishes of the sea; but seek it chiefly in yourselves. For I tell you truly, allliving things are nearer to God than the scripture which is without life. Godso made life and all living things that they might by the everlasting wordteach the laws of the true God to man. God wrote not the laws in the pages ofbooks, but in your heart and in your spirit. They are in your breath, yourblood, your bone; in your flesh, your bowels, your eyes, your ears, and inevery little part of your body. They are present in the air, in the water, inthe earth, in the plants, in th e sunbeams, in the depths and in the heights.They all speak to you that you may understand the tongue and the will of theliving God. But you shut your eyes that you may not see, and you shut your earsthat you may not hear. I tell you truly, that the scripture is the work of man,but life and all its hosts are the work of our God. Wherefore do you not listento the words of God which are written in His works? And wherefore do you study the dead scriptures whichare the work of the hands of men?"

"How may we read the laws of God elsewherethan in the scriptures? Where are they written? Read them to us from therewhere you see them, for we know nothing else but the scriptures which we haveinherited from our forefathers. Tell us the law s of which you speak, thathearing them we may be healed and justified."

Jesus said: "You do not understand thewords of life, because you are in death. Darkness darkens your eyes and yourears are stopped with deafness. For I tell you, it profits you not at all thatyou pore over d ead scriptures if by your deeds you deny him whohas given you the scriptures.
I tell you truly, God and his laws are notin that which you do. They are not in gluttony and in wine-bibbing, neither inriotous living, nor in lustfulness, nor in seeking after riches, nor yet inhatred of your enemies. For all these things are far from the true God and fromhis angels. But all these things come from the kingdom of darkness and the lordof all evils. And all these things do you carry in yourselves; and so the wordand the power of God enter not into you, because all manner of evil and allmanner of abominations have their dwelling in your body and your spirit. If youwill that the living God's word and his power may enter you, defile not yourbody and your spirit; for the body is the temple of the spirit, and the spiritis the temple of God. Purify, therefore, the temple, that the  Lord of the temple may dwell therein andoccupy a place that is worthy of him.
"And from all temptations of your bodyand you r spirit, coming fromSatan, withdraw beneath the shadow of God's heaven.
"Renew yourselves and fast. For I tellyou truly, that Satan and his plagues may only be cast out by -fasting and byprayer. Go by yourself and fast alone, and show your fasting to no man. Theliving God shall see it and great shall be your reward. And fast till Beelzebuband all his evils depart from you, and all the angels of our Earthly Mothercome and serve you. For I tell you truly, except you fast, you shall never befreed from the power of Satan and from all diseases that come from Satan. Fastand pray fervently, seeking the power of the living God for your healing. Whileyou fast, eschew the So ns of Men and seek our Earthly Mother's angels, for hethat seeks shall find.

"Seek the fresh air of the forestand of the fields, and there in the midst of them shall you find the angel ofair. Put off your shoes and your clothing and suffer the angel of air toembrace all your body. Then breathe long and deeply, that the angel of air maybe brought within you. I tell you truly, the angel of air shall cast out ofyour body all uncleannesses which defiled it without and within. And thus shallall evil-smelling and unclean things rise out of you, as the smoke of firecurls upwards and is lost in the sea of the air. For I tell you truly, holy isthe angel of air, who cleanses all that is unclean and makes all evil-smellingthings of a sweet odor.

No man may come before the face of God,whom the angel of air lets not pass. Truly, all must be born again by air andby truth, for your body breathes the air of the Earthly Mother, and your spirit breathes the truth of theHeavenly Father.
"After the angel of air, seek theangel of water. Put off your shoes and your clothing and suffer the angel ofwater to embrace all your body. Cast yourselves wholly into his enfolding arms,and as often as you move the air with your breath, move with your body thewater also. I tell you truly, the angel of water shall cast out of your bodyall uncleannesses which defiled it without and within. And all unclean andevil-smelling things shall flow out of you, even as the uncleannesses ofgarments washed in water flow away and are lost in the stream of the river. Itell you truly, holy is the angel of water who cleanses all that is unclean andmakes all evil-smelling things of a sweet odor. No man may come before the faceof God whom the angel of water lets not pass. in very truth, all must be bornagain of water and of truth, for your body bathes in the river of earthly life,and your spirit bathes in the river of life everlasting. For you receive your blood from our Earthly Mother and thetruth from our Heavenly Father.

"Think not that it is sufficient thatthe angel of water embrace you outwards only. I tell you truly, the uncleannesswithin is greater by much than the uncleanness without. And he who cleanseshimself without, but within remains unclean, is like to tombs that outwards arepainted fair, but are within full of all manner of horrible uncleannesses andabominations. So I tell you truly, suffer the angel of water to baptize youalso within, that you may become free from all your past sins, and that withinlike wise you may become as pure as the river's foam sporting in the sunlight.

"Seek, therefore, a large trailinggourd, having a stalk the length of a man; take out its inwards and fill itwith water from the river which the sun has warmed. Hang it upon the branch ofa tree, and kneel upon the ground before the angel of water, and suffer the endof the stalk of the trailing gourd to enter your hinder parts, that the watermay flow through all your bowels. Afterwards rest kneeling on the ground beforethe angel of water and pray to the living God that he will forgive you all yourpast sins, and pray the angel of water that he will free your body from everyuncleanness and disease. Then let the water run out from your body, that it maycarry away from within it all the unclean and evil-smelling things of Satan.And you shall see with your eyes and smell with your nose all the abominations,and uncleannesses which defiled the temple of your body; even all the sinswhich abode in your body, tormenting you with all manner of pains. I tell youtruly, baptism with water frees you from all of these. Renew your baptizingwith water on every day of your fast, till the day when you see that the waterwhich flows out of you is as pure as the river's foam. Then betake your body tothe coursing river, and there in the arms of the angel of water render thanksto the living God that he has freed you from your sins. And this holy baptizingby the angel of water is: Rebirth unto the new life. For your eyes shallhenceforth see, and your ears shall hear. Sin no more, therefore, after yourbaptism, that th e angels of air and of water may eternally abide in you andserve you evermore.

"And if afterward there remain withinyou aught of your past sins and uncleannesses, seek the angel of sunlight. Putoff your shoes and your clothing and suffer the angel of sunlight to embraceall your body. Then breathe long and deeply, that the angel of sunlight may bebrought within you. And the angel of sunlight shall cast out of your body allevil-smelling and unclean things which defiled it without and within. And allunclean and evil-smelling things shall rise from you, even as the darkness ofnight fades before the brightness of the rising sun. For I tell you truly, holyis the angel of sunlight who cleans out all uncleannesses and makes allevil-smelling things of a sweet odor. None may come before the face of God, whomthe angel of sunlight lets not pass. Truly, all must be born again of sun andof truth, for your body basks in the sunlight of the Earthly Mothe r, and yourspirit basks in the sunlight of the truth of the Heavenly Father.
"The angels of air and of water and ofsunlight are brethren. They were given to the Son of M an that they might servehim, and that he might go always from one to the other.

"Holy, likewise, istheir embrace. They are indivisible children of the Earthly Mother, so do notyou put asunder those whom earth and heaven have made one. Let these threebrother a ngels enfold you every day and let them abide with you through allyour fasting.

"For I tell you truly, the power ofdevils, all sins and uncleannesses shall depart in haste from that body whichis embraced by these three angels. As thieves flee from a deserted house at thecoming of the lord of the house, one by the door, one by the window, and thethird by the roof, each where he is found, and whither he is able, even soshall flee from your bodies all devils of evil, all past sins, and alluncleannesses and diseases which defiled the temple of your bodies. When theEarthly Mother's angels enter into your bodies, in such wise that the lords ofthe temple repossess it again, then shall all evil smells depart in haste byyour breath and by your skin, corrupt waters by your mouth and by your skin, byyour hinder and your privy parts. And all these things you shall see with youreyes and smell with your nose and touch with your hands. And when all sins anduncleannesses are gone from your body, your blood shall become as pure as ourEarthly Mother's blood and as the river's foam sporting in the sunlight. Andyour breath shall become as pure as the breath of odorous flowers; your fleshas pure as the flesh of fruits reddening upon the leaves of trees; the light ofyour eye as clear and bright as the brightness of the sun shining upon the bluesky. And now shall all the angels of the Earthly Mother serve you. And yourbreath, your blood, your flesh shall be one with the breath, the blood and theflesh of the Earthly Mother, that your spirit also may become one with thespirit of your Heavenly Father. For truly, no one can reach the Heavenly Fatherunless through the Earthly Mother. Even as no newborn babe can understand theteaching of his father till his mother has suckled him, bathed him, nursed him,put him to sleep and nurtured him. While the child is yet small, his place iswith his mother and he must obey his mother. When the child is grown up, hisfather takes him to work at his side in the field, and the child comes back tohis mother o nly when the hour of dinner and supper is come. And now his fatherteaches him, that he may become skilled in the works of his father. And whenthe father sees that his son understands his teaching and does his work well,he gives him all his possessions, that they may belong to his beloved son, andthat his son may continue his father's work. I tell you truly, happy is that sonwho accepts the counsel of his mother and walks therein. And a hundred timesmore happy is that son who accepts and walks also in the counsel of his father, for it was said to you:'Honor thy father and thy mother that thy days may be long upon this earth.'But I say to you, Sons of Man: Honor your Earthly Mother and keep all her laws,that your days may be long on this earth, and honor your Heavenly Father thatEternal Life may be yours in the heavens. For the Heavenly Father is a hundredtimes greater than all fathers by seed and by blood, and greater is the EarthlyMother than all mothers by the body. And d earer is the Son of Man in the eyesof his Heavenly Father and of his Earthly Mother than are children in the eyesof their fathers by seed and by blood and of their mothers by the body. Andmore wise are the words and laws of your Heavenly Father and of your EarthlyMother than the words and the will of all fathers by seed and by blood, and ofall mothers by the body. And of more worth also is the inheritance of yourHeavenly Father and of your Earthly Mother, the everlasting kingdom of earthlyand heavenly life, than all the inh e ritances of your fathers by seed and byblood, and of your mothers by the body.

"And your true brothers are all those whodo the will of your Heavenly Father and of your Earthly Mother, and not yourbrothers by blood. I tell you truly, that your true brothers in the will of theHeavenly Father and of the Earthly Mother will love you a thousand times morethan your brothers by blood. For since the days of Cain and Abel, when brothersby blood transgressed the will of God, there is no true brotherhood by blood.And brothers do unto brothers as do strangers. Therefore, I say to you, loveyour true b ro thers in the will of God a thousand times more than yourbrothers by blood.


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the first, said to him:"I will persevere to the seventh day." And the second,  likewise, saidto him: "I also will persevere to the seven times seventh day." Jesusanswered th em: "Happy are those that persevere to the end, for they shallinherit the earth."
And there were many sick among themtormented with grievous pains, and they hardly crawled to Jesus' feet. For theycould no longer walk upon their feet. They said: "Master, we aregrievously tormented with pain; tell us what we shall do." And they showedJesus their feet in which the bones were twisted and knotted and said:"Neither the angel of air, nor of water, nor of sunshine has assuaged ourpains, notwithstanding that we ba ptized ourselves, and do fast and pray, and follow your words in allthings."

"I tell you truly, your bones will behealed. Be not discouraged, but seek for cure nigh the healer of bones,the  angel of earth. For thence were yourbones taken, and thither will they return."
And he pointed with his hand to where therunning of the water and the sun's heat had softened to clayey mud the earth bythe edge of the water. "Sink your feet in the mire, that the embrace ofthe angel of earth may draw out from your bones all uncleanness and alldisease. And you will see Satan and your pains fly from the embrace of theangel of earth. And the knots of your bones w ill vanish away, and they will bestraightened, and all your pains will disappear."
And the sick followed his words, for theyknew that they would be healed.  

And there were also other sick who sufferedmuch from their pains, howbeit, they persisted in their fasting. And theirforce was spent, and great heat tormented them. And when they would have risenfrom their bed to go to Jesus, their heads began to turn, as if it were a gustywind which shook the m , and as oft as they tried to stand upon their feet theyfell back to the ground.
Then Jesus went to them and said: "Yousuffer, for Satan and his diseases torment your bodies. But fear not, for theirpower over you will quickly end. For Satan is like a choleric neighbor whoentered his neighbor's house while he was absent, intending to take his goodsaway to his own house. But some told the other that his enemy was ravagingwithin his house, and he came back to his house, running. And when the wickedneighbor, having gathered together all that pleased him, saw from afar themaster of the house returning in haste, then he was very wroth t hathe could not take all away, and set to breaking and spoiling all that was ther1e2,2 to destroy all. So that evenif the things might not be his, the other might have nothing. But immediatelythe lord of the house came in, and before the wicked neighbor fulfilled hispurpose, he took him and cast him out of the house. I tell you truly, even sodid Satan enter your bodies which are the habitation of God. And he took in hispower all that he wished to steal: your breath, your blood, your bone, yourflesh, your bowels, your eyes, and your ears. But by your fasting and yourprayer, you have called back the lord of your body and his angels. And nowSatan sees that the true lord of your body returns, and that it is the end ofhis power. Wherefore, in his wrath he gathers his strength once again, that hemay destroy your bodies before the coming of the lord. It is for this thatSatan torments you so grievously, for he feels that the end is come. But letnot your hearts tremble, for soon will the angels of God appear, to occupyagain their abodes and rededicate them as temples of God. And they will seizeSatan and cast himn from your bodies with all his diseases and all hisuncleannesses. And happy will you be, for you will receive the reward of your steadfastness, and you will never seedisease."

And there was among the sick, one that wasmore tormented by Satan than all the others. And his body was as parched as askeleton, and his skin yellow as a falling leaf. He was so weak already that hecould not, even upon his hands, crawl to Jesus, and cried only to him fromafar: "Master, have pity on me, for never has man suffered, not from thebeginning of the world, as I do suffer. I know that you are indeed sent by God,and I know that if you will, you can straightway cast out Satan from my body.Do not the angels of God obey God's messenger? Come, Master, and cast out Satan from me now, for he rages angrily within me and grievous is historment."

And Jesus answered him: "Satantorments you thus greatly because you have already fasted many days, and you donot pay to him his tribute. You do not feed him with all the abominations withwhich you hitherto defiled the temple of your spirit. You torment Satan withhunger, and so in his anger he torments you also. Fear not, for I tell you,Satan will be destroyed before your body is destroyed; for while you fast andpray, the angels of God protect your body, that Satan's power may not destroy you. And the anger of Satan isimpotent against the angels of God."

Then they all came to Jesus and with loudcries besought him saying: "Master, have compassion on him, for he suffersmore than we all, and if you  do not atonce cast Satan out of him, we fear he will not live until tomorrow."
And Jesus answered them: "Great isyour faith. Be it according to your faith, and you shall see soon, face toface, the frightful countenance of Satan, and the power of the Son of Man. ForI will cast out from you the powerful Satan by the strength of the innocentlamb of God, the weakest creature of the Lord . For the holy spirit of Godmakes more powerful the weakest than the strongest."

And Jesus milked an ewewhich was feeding among the grass. And he put the milk upon the sand made hotby the sun, saying: "Lo, the power of the angel of water ha s entered thismilk. And now the power of the angel of sunshine will enter it also."
And the milk became hot by the strength ofthe sun.
"And now theangels of water and of sun will join with the angel of air."And lo, the vapor of the hot milk began to riseslowly into the air.
."Come and breathe in by yourmouth the strength of the angels of water, of sunsh in e, and of air, that itmay come into your body and cast out the Satan from you."
And the sick man wh om Satan tormented didbreathe within himself, deeply, the rising whitish vapor.

"Straightway will Satan leave yourbody, since for three days he starves and finds no food within you. He willcome out of you to satisfy his hunger by the hot steaming milk, for this foodfinds favor in his sight. He will smell its smell, and will not be able toresist the hunger which has tormented him three days already.  But the Son of Man will destroy his body,that he may torment none else again." Then the sick man's body was seizedwith an ague, and he retched as though he would vomit, but he could not.And  he gasped for air, for his breathwas spent. And he fainted on the lap of Jesus.
"Now does Sat an leave his body. Seehim." And Jesus pointed to the sick man's opened mouth.

And then they all saw with astonishment andterror that Satan was coming out from his mouth in the shape of an abominableworm, straight towards the steaming milk. Then Jesus took two sharp stones inhis hands and crushed the head of Satan, and drew out from the sick man all thebody of the monster which was almost as long as the man. When the abominableworm came out of the sick man's throat, he recovered at once his breath, andthen all his p ains ceased. And the others looked with terror at the abominablebody of Satan.

"See, what an abominable beast youcarried and nourished in your body for long years. I have cast it out of youand killed it that it may never again torment you. Give thanks to God that hisangels have made you free, and sin no more, lest
Satan return to you again. Let your body be henceforth a temple dedicated toyour God."
And they were all amazed at his words andat his power. A nd they said: "Master, you are indeed God'smessenger, and do know all secrets."

"And you," answered Jesus,"be true Sons of God, that you also may partake in his power and in theknowledge of all secrets. For wisdom and power can come only from the love ofGod. Love, therefore, your Heavenly Father and your Earthly Mother with allyour heart, and with all your spirit. And serve them, that their angels mayserve you also. Let all your deeds be sacrificed to God. And feed not Satan,for the wages of sin is death. But with God lie s the reward of the good, his love, which is knowledge and power ofeternal life." And they all knelt down to give thanks to God for his love.

And Jesus departed, saying: "I willcome again t o all who persist in prayer and fasting tAl the seventh day. Peacebe with you."
And the sick man from whom Jesus had castout the Satan, stood up, for the strength of life had come back to him. Hebreathed out deeply, and his eyes became clear, for every pain had left him.And he cast himself down upon the   ground whereJesus had stood, and he kissed the print of his feet and he wept.

And it was by the bed of a stream, manysick fasted and prayed with God's angels for seven days and seven nights. Andgreat was their reward, because they followed Jesus' words. And with thepassing of the seventh day, all their pains left them. And when the sun roseover the earth's rim they saw Jesus coming towa rds them from the mountain,with the brightness of the rising sun about his head.
"Peace be with you."
And they said no word at all, but only castthemselves do wn before him, andtouched the hem of his garment in token of their healing.
"Give thanks not to me, but to yourEarthly Mother, who sent you her healing angels. Go, and sin no more, that you ma ynever again see disease. And let the healing angels become yourguardians."
But they answered him: "Whither shouldwe go, Master, for with you are the words of eternal life? Te ll us, what arethe sins which we must shun, that we may nevermore see disease?"

Jesus an swered: "Be it so accordingto your faith," and he sat down among them, saying:
"It was said to them of old time,'Honor thy Heavenly Father and thy Earthly
Mother, and do their commandments, that thydays may be long upon the earth.' And next afterward was given thiscommandment, 'Thou shalt not kill,' for life is given to all by God, and thatwhich God has given, let not man take away. For-I tell you truly, from oneMother proceeds all that lives upon the earth. Therefore, he who kills, killshis brother. And from him will the Earthly Mother turn away, and will pluckfrom him her quickening breasts. And he will be shunned by her angels, andSatan will have his dwelling in his body. And the flesh of slain beasts in hisbody will become his own tomb. For I tell you truly, he who kills, killshimself, and whoso eats the flesh of slain beasts, eats of the body of death.For in his blood every drop of their blood turns to poison; in his breath theirbreath to stink; in his flesh their flesh to boils; in his bones their bones tochalk; in his bowels their bowels t o decay; in his eyes their eyes to scales;in his ears their ears to waxy issue. And their death will become his death.For only in the service of your Heavenly Father are your debts of seven yearsforgiven in seven clays. But Satan forgives you nothing and you must pay himfor all. 'Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot; burningfor burning, wound for wound; life for life, death for death.' For the wages ofsin is death. Kill not, neither eat the flesh of your innocent prey, lest youbecome the slaves of Satan. For that is the path of sufferings, and it leadsunto death. But do the will of God, that his angels may serve you on the way oflife. Obey, therefore, the words of God: 'Behold, I have given you every herbbearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in thewhich is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat. And toevery beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to everything thatcreepeth upon th e earth, wherein there is breath of life, I give every greenherb for meat. Also the milk of every thing that moveth and liveth upon earthshall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given unto them, so I givetheir milk unto you. But flesh, and the blood which quickens it, shall ye noteat. And, surely, your spurting blood will I require, your blood wherein isyour soul; I will require all slain beasts, and the souls of all slain men. ForI the Lord thy God am a God strong and jealous, visiting the iniquity of thefathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them thathate me; and showing mercy unto thousands -of them that love me, and keep mycommandments. Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul,and with all thy strength: this is the first and greatest commandment.' And thesecond is like unto it: 'Lov e thy neighbor as thyself' There is none othercommandment greater than these." And after these words they all remainedsilent, save one, who called out: "What am I to do, Master, if I see awild beast rend my brother in the forest? Shall I let my brother perish, or kill the wild beast?Shall not I thus transgress the law?" And Jesus answered: "It wassaid to them of old time: "All beasts that move upon the earth, all thefish of the sea, and all the fowl of the air are given into thy power." Itell you truly, of all creatures living upon the earth, God created only manafter his image. Wherefore beasts are for man, and not man for beasts. You donot, therefore, transgress the law if you kill the wild beast to save yourbrother's life. For I tell you truly, man is more than the beast. But he whokills the beast without a cause, though the beast attack him not, through lustfor slaughter, or for its flesh, or for its hide, or yet for its tusks, evil isthe deed which he does, for he is turned into a wild beast himself. Wherefore is his end also as the end of thewild beasts."

Then another said: "Moses, thegreatest in Israel, suffered our forefathers to eat the flesh of clean beasts,and forbade only the flesh of unclean beasts. Why, therefore, do you forbid usthe  flesh of all beasts? Which law comesfrom God? That of Moses, or your law?"

And Jesus answered: "God gave, byMoses, ten commandments to your forefathers. 'These commandments are hard,'said your forefathers, and they could not keep them. When Moses saw this, hehad compassion on his people, and would not that they perish. And then he gavethem ten times ten commandments. For he whose feet are strong as the mountainof Zion, needs no crutches; but he whose limbs do shake, gets further havingcrutches, than without them. And Moses said to the Lord: 'My heart is filledwith sorrow, for my people will be lost. For they are without knowledge, andare not able to understand thy commandments. They are as little children whocannot yet understand their father's words. Suffer, Lord, that I give themother laws, that they may not perish. if they may not be with thee, Lord, letthem not be against thee; that they may sustain themselves, and when the timehas come, and they are ripe for thy words, reveal to hem thy laws.' For thatdid Moses break the two tablets of s tone whereon were written the tencommandments, and he gave them ten times ten in their stead. And of these tentimes ten the Scribes and Pharisees have made a hundred times ten commandments.And they have laid unbearable burdens on your shoulders, that they themselvesdo not carry. For the more nigh are the commandments to God, the less do weneed; and the farther they are from God, then the more do we need. Whereforeare the laws of the Pharisees and Scribes innumera ble; the laws of the Son ofMan seven; of the angels three; and of God one.

"Therefore, I teach you only thoselaws which you can understand, that you may become men, and follow the sevenlaws of the Son of Man. Then will the unknown angels of the Heavenly Fatheralso reveal their law s toyou, that God's holy spirit may descend upon you, and lead you to hislaw."

And all were astonished at his wisdom,and  asked him: "Continue, Master,and teach us all the laws which we can receive."
And Jesus continued: "God commandedyour forefathers: 'Thou shalt not kill.' But their heart was hardened and theykilled. Then Moses desired that at least they should not kill men, and hesuffered them to kill beasts. And then the heart of your forefathers washardened yet more, and they killed men and beasts likewise. But I do say toyou: Kill neither men, nor beasts, nor yet the food which goes into your mouth.For if you eat living food, the same will quicken you, but if you kill yourfood, the dead food will kill you also. For life comes only from life, and fromdeath comes always death. For everything which kills your foods, kills yourbodies also. And everything which kills your bodies kills your souls also. Andyour bodies become what your foods are, even as your spirits, likewise, becomewhat your thoughts are. Therefore, eat not anything which fire, or frost, orwater has destroyed. For burned, frozen and rotted foods will burn, freeze androt your body also. Be not like the foolish husbandman who sowed in his groundcooked, and frozen, and rotten seeds. And the autumn came, and his fields borenothing. And great was his distress. But be like that husbandman who sowed inhis field living seed, and whose field bore living ears of wheat, paying ahundredfold for the seeds which he planted. For I tell you truly, live only bythe fire of life, and prepare not your foods w ith the fire of death, which kills your foods, your bodies and yoursouls also."

"Master, where is the fire oflife?" asked some of them.
"In you, inyour blood, and in your bodies." "And the fire of death?" asked others.

"It is the fire which blazes outsideyour body, which is hotter than your blood. With that fire of death you cookyour foods in your homes and in your fields. I tell you truly, it is the samefire which destroys your foods and your bodies, even as the fire of malice,which ravages your thoughts, ravages your spirits. For your body is that whichyou eat, and your spirit is that which you think. Eat nothing, therefore, whicha stronger fire than the fire of life has killed. Wherefore, prepare and eatall fruits of trees, and all grasses of the fields, and afl milk of beasts goodfor eating. For all these are fed and ripened by the fire of life; all are thegift of the angels of our Earthly Mothe r. But eat nothing to which only the fire of death gives savor, forsuch is of Satan."
"How should we co ok our daily breadwithout fire, Master?" asked some with great astonishment.

"Let the angels of God prepare yourbread. Moisten your wheat, that the angel of water may enter it. Then set it inthe air, that the angel of air also may embrace it. And leave it from morningto evening beneath the sun, that the angel of sunshine may descend upon it. Andthe blessing of the three angels will soon make the germ of life to sprout inyour wheat. Then crush your grain, and make thin wafers, as did yourforefathers when they departed out of Egypt, the house of bondage. Put themback again beneath the sun from its appearing, and when it is risen to itshighest in the heavens, turn them over on the other side that they be embracedthere also by the angel of sunshine, and leave them there until the sun be set.For the angels of water, of air, and of sunshine fed and ripened the wheat inthe field, and they, likewise, must prepare also your bread. And the same sunwhich, with the fire of life, made the wheat to grow and ripen, must cook yourbread with the same fire. For the fire of the sun gives life to the wheat, tothe bread, and to the body. But the fire of death kills the wheat, the bread,and the body. And the living angels of the living God serv e only living men.For God is the God of the living, and not the God of the dead.

"So eat always from the table of God:the fruits of the trees, the grain and grasses of the field, the milk ofbeasts, and the honey of bees. For everything beyond these is of Satan, andleads by the way of sins and of diseases unto death. But the foods which youeat from the abundant table of God give strength and youth to your body, andyou will never see diseases For the table of God fed Methuselah of old, and Itell you truly, if you live even as he lived, the n will the God of the livinggive you also long life upon the earth as was his.

"For I tell you truly, the God of theliving is richer than all the rich of the earth, and his abundant table isricher than the richest table of feasting of all the rich upon the earth. Eat,therefore, all your life at the table of our Earthly Mother, and you will neversee want. And when you eat at her table, eat all things even as they are foundon the table of the Earthly Mother. Cook not, neither mix all things one withanother, lest your bowels become  assteaming bogs. For I tell you truly, this is abominable in the eyes of theLord.
"And be not like the greedy servant,who always ate up, at the table of his lord, the portions of others. And hedevoured everything himself, and mixed all together in his gluttony. And seeingthat, his lord was wroth with him, and drove him from the table. And when allhad ended their meal, he mixed together all that remained upon the table, andcalled the greedy servant to him, and said: 'Ta k e and eat all this with theswine, for your place is with them, and not at my table.' "Take heed,therefore, and defile not with all kinds of abominations the temple of yourbodies. Be content with two or three sorts of food, which you will find alwaysupon the table of our Earthly Mother. And desire not to devour all things whichyou see around you. For I tell you truly, if you mix together all sorts of foodin your body, then the peace of your body will cease, and endless war will ragein you. And it will be blotted out even as homes and kingdoms divided againstthemselves work their own destruction. For your God is the God of peace, anddoes never help division. Arouse not, therefore, against you the wrath of God,lest he drive you from his table, and lest you be compelled to go to the  table of Satan, where the fire of sins, diseases,and death will corrupt your body.

"And when you eat, never eat untofulness. Flee the temptations of Satan, and listen to the voice of God'sangels. For Satan and his power tempt you always to eat more and more. But liveby the spirit, and resist the desires of the body. And your fasting is alwayspleasing in the eyes of the angels of God. So give heed to how m uch you haveeaten when your body is sated, and always eat less by a third.

"Let the weight of your daily food benot less than a mina, but mark that it go not beyond two. Then will the angelsof God serve you always, and you will never fall into the bondage of Satan andof his diseases. Trouble not the work of the angels in your body by eatingoften. For I tell you truly, he who eats more than twice in the clay does inhim the work of Satan. And the angels of God leave his body, and soon Satanwill take possession of it. Eat only when the sun is highest in the heavens,and again when it is set. And you will never see disease, for such finds favorin the eyes of the Lord. And if you will that the angels of God rejoice in yourbody, and that Satan shun you afar, then sit but once in the day at the tableof God. And then your days will be long upon the earth, for this is pleasing inthe eyes of the Lord. Eat always when the table of God is served before you,and eat always of that which you find upon the table of G od. For I tell youtruly, God knows well what your body needs, and when it needs.

"From the coming of the month of Ijar,eat barley; from the month of Sivan, eat wheat, the most perfect among allseed-bearing herbs. And let your daily bread be made of wheat, that the Lordmay take care of your bodies. From Tammuz, eat the sour grape, that your bodymay diminish and Satan may depart from it. in the month of Elul, gather thegrape that the juice may serve you as drink. In the month of Marchesvan, gatherthe sweet grape, dried and sweetened by the angel of sun, that your bodies mayincrease, for the angels of the Lord dwell in them. You should eat figs rich injuice in the months of Ab and Shebat, and what remain, let the angel of sunkeep them for you; eat them with the meat of almonds in all the months when thetrees bear no fruits. And the herbs which come after rain, these eat in themonth of Thebet, that your blood may be cleansed of all your sins. And in thesame month begin to eat also the milk of your beasts, because for this did theLord give the herbs of the fields to all the beasts which render milk, thatthey might with their milk feed man. For I tell you truly, happy are they thateat only at the table of God, and eschew all the abominations of Satan. Eat notunclean foods brought from far countries, but eat always that which your treesbear. For your God knows well what is needful for you, and where and when. Andhe gives to all peoples of all kingdoms for food that which is best for each.Eat not as the heathen do, wh o stuff themselves in haste, defiling theirbodies with all manner of abominations.
"For the power of God's angels entersinto you with the living food which the Lord gives you from his royal table.And when you eat, have above you the angel of air, and below you the angel ofwater. Breathe long and deeply at all your meals, that the angel of air maybless your repasts. And chew well your food with your teeth, that it becomewater, and that the angel of water turn it into blood in your body. And eatslowly, as it were a prayer you make to the Lord. For I tell you truly, thepower of God enters into you, if you eat after this manner at his table. ButSatan turns into a steaming bog the body of him upon whom the angels of air andwater do not descend at his repasts. And .the Lord suffers him no longer at histable. For the table of the Lord is an altar, and he who eats at the table ofGod is in a temple. For I tell you truly, the body of the Son of Man is turnedinto a temple, and his inwards into an altar, if he does the commandments ofGod. Wherefore, put naught u pon the altar of the Lord when your spirit isvexed, neither think upon any one with anger in the temple of God. And enteronly into the Lord's sanctuary when you feel in yourselves the call of hisangels, for all that you eat in sorrow, or in anger, or without desire, becomesa poison in your body. For the breath of Satan defiles aR these. Place with joyyour offerings upon the altar of your body, and let all evil thoughts departfrom you when you receive into your body the power of God from his table . Andnever sit at the table of God before he call you by the angel of appetite.

"Rejoice, therefore, always with God'sangels at their royal table, for this is pleasing to the heart of the Lord. Andyour life will be long upon the earth, for the most precious of God's servants will serve you all your days: theangel of joy.
"And forget not that every seventh dayis holy and consecrated to God. On six days feed your body with the gifts ofthe Earthly Mother, but on the seventh day sanctify your body for your HeavenlyFather. On the seventh day eat not any earthly food, but live only on the wordsof God, and be all the day with the angels of the Lord in the kingdom of theHeavenly Father. And on the seventh day let the angels of God build the kingdomof the heavens in your body, as you labor for six days in the kingdom of theEarthly Mother. And let not food trouble the work of the angels in your bodythroughout the seventh day. And God will give you long life upon earth, thatyou may have life everlasting in the kingdom of the heavens. For I tell youtruly, if you see not di seases any more upon earth, you will live for ever inthe kingdom of the heavens.

"And God will send you each morningthe angel of sunshine to wake you from your sleep. Therefore, obey yourHeavenly Father's summons, and lie not idle in your beds, for the angels of airand water await you already without. And labor all day long with the angels ofthe Earthly Mother that you may come to know them and their works ever more andmore well. But when the sun is set, and your Heavenly Father sends you his mostprecious angel, sleep, then take your rest, and be all the night with the angelof sleep. And then will your Heavenly Father send you his unknown angels, thatthey may be with you the livelong night. And the Heavenly Father's unknownangels will teach you many things concerning the kingdom of God, even as theangels that you know of the Earthly Mother, instruct you in the things of herkingdom. For I tell you truly, you will be every night the guests of thekingdom of your Heavenly Father, if you do his commandments. And when you wakeup upon the morrow, you will feel in you the power of the unknown angels. Andyour Heavenly Father will send them to you every night, that they may buildyour spirit, even as every day the Earthly Mother sends you her angels, thatthey may build your body. For I tell you truly, if in the daytime your EarthlyMother folds you in her arms, and in the night the Heavenly Father  breathes his kiss upon you, then will theSons of Men become the Sons of God.

"Resist dayand night the temptations of Satan. Wake  not by night, neither sleepby day, lest the angels of God depart from you.
"And take nodelight in any drink, nor in any smoke from Satan, waking you by night andmaking you to sleep by day. For I tell you truly, all  the drinks and smokes of Satan areabominations in the eyes of your God.

"Commit not whoredom, by night or byday, for the whoremonger is like a tree whose sap runs out from its trunk. Andthat tree will be dried up before its time, nor will it ever bear fruit. Therefore,go not a- whoring, lest Satan dry up your body, and the Lord make your seedunfruitful.

"Shun all that is too hot and toocold. For it is the will of your Earthly Mother that neither heat nor coldshould harm your body. And let not your bodies become either hotter or colderthan as God's angels warm or cool them. And if you do the commandments of theEarthly Mother, then as oft as your body becomes too hot, will she send theangel of coolness to cool you, and as oft as you r body becomes too cold, willshe send you the angel of heat to warm you again.

"Follow theexample of all the angels of the Heavenly Father and of the Earthly Mother, whowork day and night, without ceasing, upon the kingdoms of the heavens and ofthe earth. Therefore, receive also into yourselves the strongest of God'sangels, the angel of deeds, and work all together upon the kingdom of God.Follow the example of the running water, the wind as it blows, the rising andsetting of the sun, the growing plants and trees, the beasts as they run andgambol, the wane and waxing of the moon, the stars as they come and go again;all these do move, and do perform their labors. For all which has life doesmove, and only that which is dead is still. And God is the God of the living,and Satan that of the dead. Serve, therefore, the living God, that the eternalmovement of life may sustain you, and that you may escape the eternal stillnessof death. Work, therefore, without ceasing, to build the kingdom of God, lestyou be cast into the kingdom of Satan. For eternal joy abounds in the livingkingdom of God, but still sorrow darkens the kingdom of death of Satan. Be,therefore, true Sons of your Earthly Mother and of your Heavenly Father, thatyou fall not as slaves of Satan. And your Earthly Mother and Heavenly Fatherwill send you their angels to teach, to love, and to serve you. And theirangels will write the commandments of God in your head, in your heart, and inyour  hands, that you may know, feel, and do God'scommandments.

"And prayevery day to your Heavenly Father and Earthly mother, that your soul become asperfect as your Heavenly Father's holy spirit is perfect, and that your bodybecome as perfect as the body of your Earthly Mother is perfect. For if youunderstand, feel, and do the commandments, then all for which you pray to yourHeavenly Father and your Earthly Mothe r will be given you. For the wisdom, thelove, and the power of God are above all.

"After thismanner, therefore, pray to your Heavenly Father: Our Father which art inheaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as itis in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as weforgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from  evil. For thine is the kingdom, the power,and the glory, for ever.

"And afterthis manner pray to your Earthly Mother: Our Mother which art upon earth,hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, and thy will be done in us, as it is inthee. As thou sendest every day thy angels, send them to us also. Forgive usour sins, as we atone all our sins against thee. And lead us not into sickness,but d eliver us from allevil, for thine is the earth, the body, and the health. Amen.

And the y all prayed together with Jesus to the Heavenly Father and to theEarthly Mother.
And afterwards Jesus spoke thus to them:"Even as your bodies have been reborn through the Earthly Mother's angels,may your spirit, likewise, be reborn through the angels of the Heavenly Father.Become, therefore, true Sons of your Father and of your Mother, and trueBrothers of the Sons of Men. Till now you were at war with your Father, withyour Mother, and with your Brothers. And you have served Satan. From today liveat peace with your Heavenly Father, and with your Earthly Mother, and with yourBrothers, the Sons of Men. And fight only against Satan, lest he rob you ofyour peace. I give the peace of your Earthly Mother to your body, and the peaceof your Heav enly Father to your spirit. And let the peace ofboth reign among the Sons of Men.
"Come to me, all that are weary andthat suffer in strife and affliction! For my peace will strengthen you andcomfort you. For my peace is exceeding full of joy. Wherefore do I always greetyou after this manner: 'Peace be with you!' Do you always, therefore, so greetone another, that upon your body may descend the peace of your Earthly Mother,and upon your spirit the peace of your Heavenly Father. And then you will findpeace also among yourselves, for the kingdom of God is within you. And nowreturn to your Brothers with whom hitherto you were at war, and give your peaceto them also. For happy are they that strive for peace, for they will find thepeace of God. Go, and sin no more. And give to every one your peace, even a s Ihave given my peace unto you. For my peace is of God. Peace be with you."

And he left them.
And his peace descended upon them; and intheir heart the angel of love, in their head the wisdom of law, and in theirhands the power of rebirth, they went forth among the  Sons of Men, to bring the light of peace tothose that warred in darkness.

And they parted, wishing one to another:"PEACE BE WITH YOU."

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PEACE Translated by Edmond BordeauxSzekely

In Four Volumes

It was in 1928 that Edmond Bordeaux Szekelyfirst published his translation of
Book One of The Essene Gospel of Peace, anancient manuscript he had found in the Secret Archives of the Vatican as theresult of limitless patience, faultless scholarship, and unerring intuition.This story is told in his book, The Discovery of the Essene Gospel of Peace,published in 1975. The English version of Book One appcared in 1937, and eversince, the little volume has traveled over the world, appearing in manydifferent languages, gaining every year more and more readers, until now, stillwith no commercial advertisement, over a million copies have been sold in theUnited States alone. It was not until almost fifty years after the first Frenchtranslation that Book Two and Book Three appeared (The Unknown Books of theEssenes and Lost Scro lls of the Essene Brotherhood), achieving rapidly thepopularity of Book One.

In 1981, Book Four, The Teachings of theElect, was published posthumously according to Dr. Szekely's wishes,representing yet another fragment of the complete manuscript which exists inAramaic in the Secret Archives of the Vatican and in old Slavonic in the RoyalLibrary of the Habsburgs (now the property of the Austrian government). Thepoetic style of the translator brings to vivid reality the exquisitelybeautiful words of Jesus and the Elders of the Essene Brotherhood. Some of thechapters: The Essene Communions. The Sevenfold Peace. The HolyStreams of Life, Light, and Sound. The Gift of the Humble Grass.

EXCERPTSFROM The Essene Gospel of Peace ,  BookTwo:
The Unknown Books ofthe Essenes
And one man spoke: "But, Master, weare but men, we are not  angels. How then can we hope to walk in theirways? Tell us what we must do."
And Jesus spoke:
As the son inherits the land of his father,So have we inherited a Holy Land From our Fathers. This land is not a field tobe ploughed, But a place within us Where we ma y build our Holy Temple. -Andeven as a temple must be raised, Stone by stone,
So will I give to you those stones
For the building of the Holy Temple;
That which we have inherited
From our Fathers,And their Fathers' Fathers.
And all the men gatheredaround Jesus, and their faces shone with desire to hear the words which wouldcome from his lips. And he lif ted his face to the rising sun, and the radianceof its rays filled his eyes as he spoke:
"The Holy Temple can be built Only with the ancientCommunions, Those which are spoken,
Those which arethought, And those which are lived. For if they are spoken only with the mouth,They are as a dead hiveWhich the bees have forsaken,That gives no more honey.The Communions are a bridge
Between man and the angels,
And like a bridge,
Can be built only with patience,
Yea, even as the bridge over the river
Is fashioned stone by stone,
As they are found by the water's edge.
And the Communions are fourteen in number,
As the Angels of the Heavenly Father
Number seven,
And the Angels of the Earthly Mother
Number seven.
And just as the roots of the tree
Sink into the earthand are nourished, Andthe branches of the tree
Raise their arms to heaven,
So is man like the trunk of the tree,
With his roots deep
In the breast of hisEarthly Mother, And his soul ascending
To the bright starsof his Heavenly Father. Andthe roots of the tree
Are the Angels ofthe Earthly Mother, Andthe branches of the tree
Are the Angels ofthe Heavenly Father. Andthis is the sacred Tree of Life Which stands in the Sea of Eternity.  

EXCERPTSFROM The Essene Gospel of Peace, B o ok Three:
Lost Scrolls of theEssene Brotherhood
Forthe earth shall be filled withthe Peace of the Heavenly Father, as the waters cover the sea.
I will invoke the Angel of Peace, Whose breath is friendly,
Whose hand is clothed in power.
In the reign of Peace, there is neither hunger nor thirst,Neither cold wind nor hot wind,Neither old age nor death.
In the reign of Peace,
Both animals and men shall be undying,
Waters and plants shall be undrying,
And the food of life shall be never-failing.
It is said that the mountains Shall bring peace to the people,
And the little hills, righteousness.
There shall be peace
As long as the sun and moon endure,Throughout all generations.
Peace shall come down like rain upon mo wngrass, As showers that water the earth.
In the reign of Peace shall the Law grow strong,And the Children of Light shall have dominionFrom sea to sea, unto the ends of the earth.
T'he reign of Peace hath its source In the Heavenly Father;
By his strength he setteth fast themountains,
He maketh the outgoings of morning andevening To rejoice in the Light,  
He bringeth to earth the river of the Law,To water and enrich it,
He maketh soft the earth with showers;
They drop upon the pastures of thewilderness, And the little hillsrejoice on every side.
The pastures are clothed with flocks;
The valleys also are covered over with corn;They shout for joy, they also sing.
O Heavenly Father!
Bring unto thy earth thereign of Peace! 7'hen shall we remember the words  Of him whotaught of old the Children of Light:
I give the peace of thy Earthly Mother
To thy body,
And the peace of thy Heavenly Father To thyspirit.
And let the peace of bothReign among the sons of men.
Come to me all that are weary,
And that suffer in strife and affliction!
For my peace will strengthen thee and comfort thee. For my peace is exceeding full of joy.
Wherefore do I always greet thee after thismanner: Peace be with thee!
Do thou always, therefore, so greet oneanother, That upon t hy body may descend
The The Peace of thy Earthly Mother, And upon thy spirit
The Peace of thy Heavenly Father.
And then wilt thou find peace also among thyselves,For the Kingdom of the Law is within thee.
And return to thy Brothers
And give thy peace to them also,
For happy are they that strive for peace,
For they will find the peace of the HeavenlyFather.
And give to every one thy peace,
Even as I have given my peace unto thee.
For my peace is of God.
Peace be with thee!  

EXCERPTSFROM The Essene Gospel of p ea ce, Book Four:
The Teachings of theElect
Into the innermost circle have you come,into the mystery of mysteries, that which was old when our father Enoch wasyoung and walked the earth. Around and around have you come on your journey ofmany years, always following the path of righteousness, living according to theHoly Law and the sacred vows of our Brotherhood, and you have made of your bodya holy temple wherein dwell the angels of God. Many years have you shared thedaylight hours with the angels of the Earthly Mother; many years have you sleptin the arms of the Heavenly Father, taught by his unknown angels. You havelearned that the laws of the Son of Man are seven, of the angels three, and ofGod, one. Now you shall know of the three laws of the angels, the mystery ofthe three Holy Streams and the ancient way to traverse them; so shall you bathein the light of heaven and at last beh old the revelation of the mystery of mysteries: the law of God,which is One.

Now in the hour before the rising of thesun, just before the angels of the Earthly
Mother breathe life into the still sleepingearth, then do you enter into the Holy Stream of Life. It is your Brother Treewho holds the mystery of this Holy Stream, and it is your Brother Tree that youwill embrace in your thought, even as by day you embrace him in greeting whenyou walk along the lake shore. And you shall be one with the tree, for in thebeginning of the times so did we all share in the Holy Stream of Life that gavebirth to all creation. And as you embrace your Brother Tree, the power of theHoly Stream of Life will fill your whole body, and you will tremble before itsmight. Then breathe deeply of the angel of air, and say the word"Life" with the outgiving of breath. Then you will become in truththe Tree of Life which sinks its roots deep into the Holy Stream of Life froman eternal source. And as the angel of sun warms the earth, and all thecreatures of land and water and ai r rejoice in the new day, so will your bodyand sp irit rejoice in the Holy Stream of life that flows to you through yourBrother Tree.

And when the sun is high in the heavens,then shall you seek the Holy Stream of Sound. in the heat of noontide, allcreatures are still and seek the shade; the angels of the Earthly Mother aresilent for a space. Then it is that you shall let into your ears the HolyStream of Sound; for it can only be heard in the silence. Think on the streamsthat are born in the desert after a sudden storm, and the roaring sound of thewaters as they rush past. Truly, this is the voice of God, if you did but knowit. For as it is written, in the beginning was the Sound, and the Sound waswith God, and the Sound was God. I tell you truly, when we are born, we enterthe world with the sound of God in our ears, even the singing of the vastchorus of the sky, and the holy chant of the stars in their fixed rounds; it isthe Holy Stream of Sound that traverses the vault of stars and crosses theendless kingdom of the Heavenly Father. It is ever in our ears, so do we hearit not. Listen for it, then, in the silence of noontide; bathe in it, and letthe rhythm of the music of God beat in your ears untfl you are one with theHoly Stream of Sound. It was this Sound which formed the earth and the world,and brought forth  the mountains, and setthe stars in their thrones of glory in the highest heavens.

And you shall bathe in the Stream of Sound,and the music of its waters shall flow over you; for in the beginning of thetimes so did we all share in the Holy Stream of Sound that gave birth to allcreation. And the mighty roaring of the Stream of Sound will fill your wholebody, and you will tremble before its might. Then breathe deeply of the angelof air, and become the sound itself, that the Holy Stream of Sound may carryyou to the endless king d om of the Heavenly Father, there where the rhythm ofthe world rises and falls.

And when darkness gently closes the eyes ofthe angels of the Earthly Mother, then shall you also sleep, that your spiritmay join the unknown angels of the Heavenly Father. And in the moments beforeyou sleep, then shall you think of the bright and glorious stars, the white,shining, far-seen and far-piercing stars. For your thoughts before sleep are asthe bow of the skillful archer, that sends the arrow where he wills. Let yourthoughts before sleep be with the stars; for the stars are Light, and theHeavenly Father is Light, even that Light which is a thousand times brighterthan the brightness of a thousand suns. Enter the Holy Stream of Light, thatthe shackles of death may loose their hold for ever, and breaking free from thebonds of earth, ascend the Holy Stream of Light through  the blazing radiance of the stars, into theendless kingdom of the Heavenly Father.

Unfold your wings of light, and in the eyeof your thought, soar with the stars into the farthest reaches of heaven, whereuntold suns blaze with light. For at the beginning of the times, the Holy Lawsaid, let there be Light, and there was Light. And you shall be one with it,and the power of the Holy Light Stream will fill your whole body, and you willtremble before its might. Say the word "Light," as you breathe deeplyof the angel of air, and you will become the Light itself; and the Holy Streamwill carry you to the endless kingdom of the Heavenly Father, there losingitself in the eternal Sea of Light which gives birth to all creation. And youshall be one with the Hol yStream of Light, always before you sleep in the arms of the Heavenly Father.

I tell you truly, your body was made notonly to breathe, and eat, and think, but it was also made to enter the HolyStream of Life. And your ears were made not only to hear the words of men, thesong of birds, and the music of falling rain, but they were also made to hearthe Holy Stream of Sound. And your eyes were made not only to see the risingand setting of the sun, the ripple of sheaves of grain, and the words of theHoly Scrolls, but they were also made to see the Holy Stream of Light. One dayyour body will return to the Earthly Mother; even also your ears and your eyes.But the Holy Stream of Life, the Holy Stream of Sound, and the Holy Stream ofLight, these were never born, and can never die. Enter the Holy Streams, eventhat Life, that Sound, and that Light which gave you birth; that you may reachthe kingdom of the Heavenly  Father andbecome one with him even as the river empties into the far-distant sea.

More than this cannot be told, for the HolyStreams will take you to that place where w ords are no more, and even the HolyScrolls cannot record the mysteries therein.

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 楼主| 发表于 2019-2-26 02:08 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 心的力量 于 2019-2-26 02:18 编辑

Book Two
TheOriginal Hebrew and Aramaic Texts
Translated and edited by

The VisionOf Enoch,
God speaks to man the most ancientrevelation
From the Essene Book Of Mo ses
The Ten Commandments
The Communions
Communionswith the Angels of the Earthly Mother
The Angel of Sun
The Angel of Water
The Angel of Air
The Angel of Earth
The Angel of Life
The Angel of Joy
The Earthly Mother
Communionswith the Angels of the Heavenly Father
The Angel of Power
The Angel of Love
The Angel of Wisdom
The Angel of Eternal Life
The Angel of Work
The Angel of Peace
The Heavenly Father

From the Essene Book of Jesus
The Sevenfold Peacefile:///C:/DOCUME~1/admin/LOCALS~1/Temp/msohtml1/01/clip_image002.gif
Peace with the Body
Peace with the Mind
Peace with the Brotherhoodfile:///C:/DOCUME~1/admin/LOCALS~1/Temp/msohtml1/01/clip_image002.gif
Peace with Mankind
Peace with the Wisdom of the Ages
Peace with the Kingdom of the Earthly Mother
Peace with the Kingdom of the HeavenlyFather
Book Two of the Essene Gospel of Peace

I have to begin this preface with a greatconfession: this is not my first translation of Book Two of the Essene Gospelof Peace; it is my second. The first effort took many years to complete, and itwas composed painstakingly and literally, with hundreds of cross references andabundant philological and exegetical footnotes. When it was finished, I wasvery proud of it, and in a glow of selfsatisfied accomplishment, I gave it tomy friend, Aldous Huxley, to read. Two weeks later, I asked him what he thoughtof my monumental translation. "It is very, very bad, he answered. "Itis even worse than the most boring treatises of the patristics and scholastics,which nobody reads today. it is so dry and uninteresting, in fact, that I haveno desire to read Book Three." I was speechless, so he continued."You should rewrite it, and give it some of the vitality of your otherbooks-make it literary, readable and attractive for twentieth century readers.I'm sure the Essenes did not speak to each other in footnotes! In the form itis in now, the only readers you will have for it may be a few dogmatists intheological seminaries, who seem to take masochistic pleasure in reading thissort of thing. However," he added with a smile, "you might find somevalue in it as a cure for insomnia; each time I tried to read it I fell asleepin a few minutes. You might try to sell a few copies that way by advertising anew  sleep remedy in the healthmagazines-no harmful chemicals, and all that."

It took me a long time to recuperate fromhis criticism. I put aside the manuscript for years. Meanwhile, I continued toreceive thousands of letters from many readers from all parts of the world ofmy translation of Book One of the Essene Gospel of Peace, asking for the secondand third books promised in the preface. Finally, I got the courage to startagain. The passing of the years had mellowed my attitude and I saw my friend'scriticism in a new light. I rewrote the entire manuscript, treating it asliterature and poetry, coming to grips with the great problems of life, bothancient and contemporary. it was not easy to be faithful to the original, andat the same time to present the eternal truths in a way that would appeal totwentieth century man. And yet, it was vitally important that I try; for theEssenes, above all others, strove to win the hearts of men through reason, and the powerful and vivid example oftheir lives.

Sadly, Aldous is no longer here to read mysecond translation. I have a feeling he would have liked it (not a singlefootnote!), but I will have to leave the final judgment to my readers. If BooksTwo and Three will become  as popular asBook One, my efforts of many, many years will be amply rewarded.
San Diego, California
the first of November, 1974.

There are three paths leading to Truth. Thefirst is the path of the consciousness, the second that of nature, and thethird is the accumulated experience of past generations, which we receive inthe shape of the great masterpieces of al l ages. From time immemorial, man andhumanity have followed all three paths.

The first path to Truth, the path of theconsciousness, is that followed by the great mystics. They consider that theconsciousness is the most immediate reality for us and is the key to theuniverse. it is something which is in us, which is us. And throughout the agesthe mystics have made the discovery that the laws of human conscious nesscontain an aspect not found in the laws governing the material universe.

A certain dynamic unity exists in ourconsciousness, where one is at the same time many. it is possible for us tohave simultaneously different thoughts, ideas, associations, images, memoriesand intuitions occupying our consciousness within fragments of a minute or asecond, yet all this multiplicity will still constitute only a single dynamicunity. Therefore the laws of mathematics, which are valid for the materialuniverse and are a key to its understanding, will not be valid in the field ofconsciousness, a realm where two and two do not necessarily make four. Themystics also found that measurements of space, time and weight, universallyvalid in nature and throughout the material universe, are not applicable to theconscio usness, where sometimes a few seconds seem like hours, or hours like aminute.

Our consciousness does not exist in spaceand therefore cannot be measured in spatial terms. It has its own time, whichis very often timelessness, so temporal measurements cannot be applied to Truthreached by this path. The great mystics discovered that the humanconsciousness, besides being the most immediate and the inmost reality for us,is at the same time our closest source of energy, harmony and knowledge. The pathto Truth leading to and through the consciousness produced the great teachingsof humanity, the great intuitions and the great masterpieces throughout theages. Such then is the f irst path to or source of Truth, as the Essenetraditions understand and interpret it.
Unfortunately, the magnificent originalintuitions of the great masters often lose their vitality as they pass down thegenerations. They are very often modified, distorted and turned into dogmas,and all too frequently their values become petrified in institutions andorganized hierarchies. The pure intuitions are choked by the sands of time, andev entually have to be dug out byseekers of Truth able to penetrate into their essence.

Another danger is that persons followingthis path to Truth, the path of the consciousness-may fall into exaggerations.They come to think that this is the only path to Truth and disregard allothers. Very often, too, they apply the specific laws of the humanconsciousness to the material universe where they lack validity, and ignore thelaws proper to the latter sphere. The mystic often creates for himself anartificial universe, farther and farther removed from reality,  till he ends by living in an ivory tower,having lost all contact with reality and life.
The second of the three paths is the pathof nature. While the first path of the consciousness starts from within andpenetrates thence into the totality of things, the second path takes theopposite way. Its starting point is the external world. it is the path of thescientist, and has been followed in all ages through experie nce and throughexperiment, through the use of inductive and deductive methods.

The scientist, working with exactquantitative measure ments, measures everything in space and time, and makesall possible correlations.

With his telescope hepenetrates into far-distant cosmic space, into the various solar and galacticsystems; through spectrum analysis he measures the constituents of thedifferent planets in cosmic space; and by mathematical calculation heestablishes in advance the movements of celestial bodies. Applying the law ofcause and effect, the scientist establishes a long chain of causes a nd effectswhich help him to explain and measure the universe, as well as life.

But the scientist, like the mystic,sometimes falls into exaggerations. While science has transformed the life ofmankind and has created great values, for man in all ages, it has failed togive entire satisfaction in the solution of the final problems of existence, lifeand the universe. The scientist has the long chain of causes and effects securein all its particles, but he has no idea what to do with the end of the chain.He has no solid point to which he may attach the end of the chain, and so bythe path to Truth through nature and the material universe he is unable to answer the great and eternal questions concerning the beginning and end of allthings.

The greatest scientists recognize that inthe metaphysical field beyond the scientific chain there is something else -continuing from the end of that chain. However, there are also the dogmaticscientists who deny any other approach to Truth than their own, who refuse toattribute reality to the facts and pheno mena which they cannot fit neatly intotheir own categories and classifications.

The path to Truth through nature is notthat of the dogmatic scientist, just as the first path is not that of theone-sided mystic. Nature is a great open book in which everything can be found,if we learn to draw from it the inspiration which it has given to the greatthinkers of all ages. if w e learn her language, nature will reveal to us allthe laws of life and the universe.

It is for this reason that all the greatmasters of humanity from time to time withdrew into nature: Zarathustra andMoses into the mountains, Buddha to the forest, Jesus and the Essenes to thedesert-and thus followed this second path as well as that of the consciousness.The two paths do not contradict one another, but harmoniously complete one anotherin full knowledge of the laws of both. It was thus that the great teachersreached wonderful and deeply prof ound truths which have given inspiration tomillions through thousands of years.

The third path to Truth, is the wisdom,knowledge and experience acquired by the great thinkers of all ages andtransmitted to us in the form of great teachings, the great sacred books orscriptures, and the great masterpieces of un iversal literature which togetherform what today we would call universal culture.

In brief, therefore,our approach to Truth is a threefold one: throughconsciousness, nature and culture.
In the following chapters we shall followthis threefold path leading to Truth  andshall examine and translate some of the great sacred writings of the Essenes.

There are different ways of studyingthese great writings. One way-the way of all theologians and of the organizedChurches-is to consider each text literally. This is the dogmatic way resultingfrom a lon g process of petrification, by which truths are inevitablytransformed into dogmas.

When the theologian follows this most easybut one-sided path, he runs into endless contradictions and complications, andhe reaches a conclusion as far removed from the truth as that of the scientificinterpreter of these texts who rejects them as entirely valueless and withoutvalidity. The approaches of  the dogmatictheologian and the exclusivist scientist represent two extremes.

A third error is to believe, as do certainsymbolists, that these books have no more than a symbolic content and arenothing more than parables. With their own particular way of exaggeration thesesymbolists make  thousands of differentand quite contradictory interpretations of these great texts.

The spirit of the Essene traditions isopposed to all three of these ways of  interpretingthese ageless writings and follows an entirely different approach.

The Essene method of interpretation ofthese books is, on the one hand, to place them in harmonious correlation withthe laws of the human consciousness and of nature, and, on the other, toconsider the facts and circumstances of the age and environment in which theywere written. This approach also takes into account the degree of evolution andunderstandi ng of the people to whom the particular master was addressing his message.

Since all the great masters had to adapt theirteaching to the level of their audience, they found it necessary to formulateboth an exoteric and esoteric teaching. The exoteric message was onecomprehensible to the people at large and was expressed in terms of variousrules, forms and rituals corresponding to the basic needs of the people and theage concerned. Parallel with this, the esoteric teachings have survived throughthe ages partly as written and partly as unwritten living traditions, free fromforms, rituals, rules and dogm as, and in all periods have been kept alive andpracticed by a small minority.

It is in this spirit of the interpretationof the Truth that the Essene Gospel of Peace will be translated in thefollowing pages. Rejecting the dogmatic methods of literal and purely scientificinterpretation as well as the exaggeration of the symbolists, we shall try totranslate the Essene Gospel of Peace in the light of our consciousness and ofnature, and in harmony with the great traditions of the Essenes, to whosebrotherhood the authors of the Dead Sea Scrolls themselves belonged.


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 楼主| 发表于 2019-2-26 02:20 | 显示全部楼层
And seeing the multitudes, Jesus went upinto a mountain, and his disciples came
unto him, and allthose who hungered for his words. And seein g them gathered, he opened hismouth and taught them, saying:
"Peace I bring to thee, my children,
The Sevenfold PeaceOf the Earthly MotherAnd the Heavenly Father.
Peace I bring to thy body,
Guided by the Angel of Power; Peace I bringto thy heart,
Guided by the Angel of Love; Peace I bringto thy mind,
Guided by the Angel of Wisdom. Through theAngels of
Power, Love and Wisdom,
Thou shalt travel the Seven Paths
Of the Infinite Garden,
And thy body, thy heart and thy mind
Shall join in Oneness
In the Sacred Flight to the Heavenly Sea ofPeace.
Yea, I tell thee truly,
The paths are seven
Trough the Infinite Garden,
And each must be traversed
By the body, the heart and the mind Asone,
Lest thou stumble and fall Into the abyss of emptiness.
For as a bird cannot fly with one wing,
So doth thy Bird of Wisdom
Need two wings of Power and Love
To soar above the abyss
To the Holy Tree of Life.
For the body aloneIs an abandoned house seen from afar:
What was thought beautiful Is but ruin and desolation When drawing near.
Are body alone
Is as a chariot fashioned from gold,
Whose maker sets it on a pedestal,Loath to soil it with use.
But as a golden idol,
It is ugly and without grace,
For only in movement
Doth it reveal its purpose.
Like the hollow blackness of a window
When the wind puts out its candle,
Is the body alone,
With no heart and no mind To fill it with light.
And the heart alone is a sun with no earth to shine upon,
A light in the void,
A ball of warmth drowned In a sea of blackness.
For when a man doth love,
Aat love turneth only to
Its own destruction
When there is no hand to stretch forthIn good works,
And no mind to weave the flames of desireInto a tapestry of psalms.
Like a whirlwind in the desert
Is the heart alone,
With no body and no mind
To lead it singingthrough the cypress and the pine.
And the mind alone
Is a holy scroll
Which has worn thin with the years, And must be buried.
The truth and beauty of its words
Have not changed,
But the eyes can no longer read the faded letters,And it falleth to pieces in the hands.
So is the mind without the heart
To give it words,
And without the body To do its deeds.
For what availeth wisdom
Without a heart to feel And a tongue to give it voice?
Barren as the womb of an aged woman
Isthe mind alone, With no heart and nobody To fill it with life.
For, lo, I tell thee truly,
The body and the heart and the mind Are as a chariot, and a horse, and a driver.
The chariot is the body,
Forged in strength to do the will of the Heavenly Father
And the Earthly Mother.
The heart is the fiery steed,
Glorious and courageous,
Who carries the chariotbravely, Whether the road besmooth,
Or whether stones and fallen trees
Lie in its path.
And the driver is the mind,
Holding the reins of wisdom,
Seeing from above what lieth
On the far horizon,
Charting the course of hoofs and wheels.
Give ear, O ye heavens,
And I will speak;
And hear, O earth,The words of my mouth.
My doctrine shall drop as the rain,
My speech shall distil as the dew,
As the small rain Uponthe tender herb,
And as the showers upon the grass.
Blessed is the Child of Light
Who is strong in body, For he shall have oneness with the earth.Thou shalt celebrate a daily feastWith all the gifts of the Angel of Earth:
The golden wheat and corn,
T'he purple grapes of autumn,
The ripe fruits of the trees, The amber honey of the bees.
Thou shalt seek the fresh airof the forest and of the fields,And there in the midst of themShalt thou find the Angel of Air.
Put off thy shoes and clothingAnd suffer the Angel of AirTo embrace all thy body.
Then shalt thou breathe long and deeply,
That the Angel of AirMay be brought within thee.
Enter into the cool and flowing river And suffer the Angel of Water To embrace all thy body.
Cast thyself wholly into his enfolding arms,
And as often as thou movest the air with thy breath,Move with thy body the water also.
T'hou shalt seek the Angel of Sun, And enter into that embrace
Which doth purify with holy flames.
And all these things are of the
Holy Law of the Earthly Mother, She who did give thee birth.
He who hath found peace with the body
Hath built a holy temple
Wherein may dwellforeverThe spirit of God.
Know this peace with thy mind,
Desire this peacewith thy heart, Fulfill this peace withthy body.
Blessed is the Child ofLight Who is wise in mind,For he shall create heaven.
The mind of the wise
Is a well-ploughed field, Which giveth forth abundance and plenty.
For it thou showest a handful of seed
To a wise man,
He will see in his mind's eye
A field of golden wheat.
And if thou showest a handful of seed To a fool,
He will see only that which is before him,And call them worthless pebbles.
And as the field of the wise man
Giveth forth grain in abundance,
And the field of the fool
Is a harvest onlyof stones, So it is with ourthoughts.
As the sheaf of golden wheat
Lieth hidden within the tiny kernel, So is the kingdom of heaven Hidden within our thoughts.
If they be filled with the
Power, Love and Wisdomof the Angels of the Heavenly Father,
So they shallcarry us To the Heavenly Sea.
But if they be stained
With corruption, hatredand ignorance, They shall chain ourfeet To pillars of pain andsuffering.
No man can serve two masters;
Neither can evil thoughts abide in a mindFilled with the Light of the Law.
He who hath found peace with the rnind Hath leamed to soar beyond The Realm of the Angels.
Know this peace with thy mind,
Desire this peacewith thy heart, Fulfill this peace withthy body.
Blessed is the Child of Light
Who is pure inheart, For he shall see God.
For as the Heavenly Father hath given thee
His holy spirit,
And thy Earthly Mother hath given thee
Her holy body,
So shall ye give love To all thy brothers.
And thy true brothers are all those
Who do the will of thy Heavenly Father An d thy Earthly Mother.
Let thy love be as the sun
Which shines on all thecreatures of the earth, Anddoes not favor one blade of grass For another.
And this love shall flow as a fountain
From brother to brother, And as it is spent,
So shall it be replenished. For love is eternal.
Love is stronger
Than the currents of deep waters. Love is stronger than death.
And if a man hath not love,
He doth build a wall between him
And all the creatures of the earth, And therein doth he dwell In loneliness and pain.
Or he may become as anangry whirlpool Which sucks into itsdepths All that floats toonear.
For the heart is a sea with mighty waves,
And love and wisdom must temper it,
As the warm sun breaks through the cloudsAnd quiets the restless sea.
He who hath found peace with his brothersHath entered the kingdom of Love,And shall see God face to face.
Know this peace with thy mind,
Desire this peacewith thy heart, Fulfill this peace withthy body.
Blessed is the Child of Light
Who doth build on earth
Thekingdom of heaven,
For he shall dwell in both worlds.
Thou shalt follow the Law of theBrotherhood,
Which saith that none shall have wealth,
And none shall be poor,
And all shall work together
In the garden of the Brotherhood.
Yeteach shall follow his own path, And each shall commune with his own heart.
For in the Infinite Garden There are many and diverse flowers:
Who shall say that one is best
Because its color is purple,
Or that one is favored Because its stalk is long and slender?
Though the brothers
Be of different complexion,
Yet do they all toil
In the vineyard of the Earthly Mother,
And they all do lift their voices togetherIn praise of the Heavenly Father.
And together they breakthe holy bread, And in silence sharethe holy meal Of thanksgiving.
There shall be no peace among peoples
Til there be one garden of the brotherhood Over the earth.
For how can there be peace
When each man pursueth his own gain And doth sell his soul into slavery?
Thou, Child of Light,
Do ye gather with thy brothersAnd then go ye forth
To teach the ways of the Law To those who would hear.
He who hath found peace
With the brotherhood of man
Hath made himself
The co-worker of God
Know this peace with thy mind,
Desire this peacewith thy heart, Fulfill this peace withthy body.
Blessed is the Child of Light
Who doth study the Book of the Law,
For he shall be as a candle
In the dark of night,
And an island of truth
In a sea of falsehood
For know ye, that the written wordWhich cometh from God
Is a reflection of the Heavenly Sea,
Even as the bright stars Reflect the face of heaven.
As the words of the Ancient Ones
Are etched with the hand of God
On the Holy Scrolls,
So is the Law engraved on the hearts ofthe faithful who do study them.
For it was said Of old,
That in the beginning there were giants
In the earth,
And mighty men which were of old, Men Of renown.
And the Children of Light
Shall guard and preserve
Their written word, Lest we become again as beasts,
And know not the Kingdom of the Angels. Knowye, too,
That only through the written word shalt thou find that Law
Which is unwritten, As the spring which floweth from the ground
Hath a hidden source in the secret depthsbeneath the earth.
The written Law
Is the instrument by which
The unwritten Law is understood,
As the mute branchof a tree Becomes a singing fluteIn the hands of the shepherd.
Many there are
Who would stay in the tranquil
Valley of ignorance,
Where children play
And butterflies dance in the sun For their short hour of life.
But none can tarry there long, And ahead rise the somber Mountains of learning.
Many there are
Who fear to cross,
And many there are
Who have fallen bruised and bleeding From their steep and rugged slopes.
But faith is the guide
Over the gaping chasm,
And perseverance the foothold In thejagged rocks.
Beyond the icy peaks of struggle
Lies the peace and beauty
Of the Infinite Garden of Knowledge,
Where the meaning of theLaw Is made known to theChildren of Light.
Here in the center of its forest Stands the Tree of Life, Mystery of mysteries.
He who hath found peace
With the teachings of the Ancients,
Through the light of the mind,
Through the light of nature,
And through the study of the Holy Word, Hath entered thecloud-filled
Hall of the Ancients,
Where dwelleth the Holy Brotherhood, of whomno man may speak.
Know this peace with thy mind,
Desire this peacewith thy heart, Fulfill this peace withthy body.
Blessed is the Child of Light
Who knoweth his Earthly Mother, For she is the giver of life.
Know that thy Mother is in thee, And thou art in her.
She bore thee Andshe giveth thee life.
She it was who gaveth thee thy body,And to her shalt thou one dayGive it back again.
Know that the blood which runs in thee is born of the blood
Of thy Earthly Mother.
Her blood falls from the clouds,
Leaps up from the womb of the earth,
Babbles in the brooks of the mountains,
Flows wide in the rivers of the plains,
Sleeps in the lakes, Rages mightily in the tempestuous seas.
Know that the air which thou dost breathe
Is born of the breathOf thy Earthly Mother.
Her breath is azure
In the heights of the heavens,
Soughs in the tops of the mountains,
Whispers in the leaves of the forest,
Billows over the cornfields,
Slumbers in the deep valleys, Bums hot in the desert.
Know that the hardness of thy bones
Is born of the bones
Of thy Earthly Mother, Of the rocks and of the stones.
Know that the tenderness of thy flesh
Is born of the flesh
Of thy Earthly Mother,
She whose flesh waxeth yellow and red In the fruits of the trees.The light of thy eyes,
The hearing of thy ears,
These are born
Of the colors and the sounds
Of thy Earthly Mother,
Which doth enclose thee about,
As the waves of the sea enclose a fish, As the eddying air a bird.
I tell thee in truth,
Man is the Son
Of the Earthly Mother,
And from her did the Son of Man
Receive his whole body,
Even as the body of the newborn babe Is born of the womb of his mother.
I tell thee truly,
Thou art one with the Earthly Mother; She is in thee, and thou art in her.
Of her wert thou born,
In her dost thou live, And to her shalt thou return again.
Keep, therefore, her laws,
For none can live long,
Neither be happy,
But he who honors his Earthly Mother And keepeth her laws.
For thy breath is her breath,
Thy blood her blood,
Thy bone her bone,
Thy flesh her flesh,Thy eyes and thy earsAre her eyes and her ears.
He who hath found peaceWith his Earthly MotherShall never know death.
Know this peace with thy mind,
Desire this peace with thy heart,
Blessed is the Child of Light
Who doth seek his Heavenly Father, For he shall have eternal life.
He that dwelleth in the secret place
Of the Most High
Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
For he shall give his Angels charge over thee,To keep thee in all thy ways.
Know ye that the Lordhath been our dwelling placeIn all generations.
Before the mountains were brought forth,
Or ever he had formed
The earth and the world,
Even from everlasting to everlasting,
Hath there been love
Between the Heavenly Father And his children.
And how shall this love be severed?
From the beginning
Until the ending of time
Doth the holy flame of love
Encircle the headsOf the Heavenly FatherAnd the Children of Light:
How then shall this love be extinguished?Ye that love thy Heavenly Father,Do ye then his bidding:
Walk ye with his Holy Angels,
And find thy peace with his Holy Law.
For his Law is the entire Law:
Yea, it is the Law of laws.
Through his Law he hath made
The earth and theheavens to be one; The mountainsand the sea Are his footstools.
With his hands he hath made us
And fashioned us,
And he gaveth us understanding That we may learn his Law. He is covered with Light As with a garment:
He stretcheth out the heavens Like a curtain.
He maketh the clouds his chariot; He walketh upon the wings of the wind. He sendeth the springs into the valleys,And his breath is in the mighty trees.
In his hand are the deep places of theearth:
The strength of the hills is his also.
T'he sea is his, Andhis hands formed the dry land. All the heavens declare the Glory of God,And the firmament showeth his Law.
And to his children
Doth he bequeath his Kingdom, To those who walk with his Angels,
And find their peace with his Holy Law.Wouldst thou know more, my children?How may we speak with our lipsThat which cannot be spoken?
It is like a pomegranate eaten by amute:
How then may he tell of its flavor?
If we say the Heavenly Father
Dwelleth within us,
Then are the heavens ashamed;
If we say he dwelleth without us, It is falsehood.
The eye which scanneth the far horizon
And the eye which seeth the hearts of menHe maketh as one eye.He is not manifest, He is not hidden.
Heis not revealed, Noris he unrevealed.
My children, there are no words To tell that which he is! Only this do we know:
We are his children, And he is our Father.
He is our God,
And we are the children of his pasture, And the sheep of his hand.
He who hath found peace
With his Heavenly Father
Hath entered the Sanctuaryof the Holy Law,
And hath made a covenant with God Which shall endure forever.
Know this peace with thy mind,
Desire this peace with thy heart,
Fulfill this peace with thy body,
Though heaven and earthmay pass away, Not one letter of theHoly Law Shall change or passaway.
For in the beginning was the Law,And the Law was with God,And the Law was God.
May the Sevenfold Peace Of the Heavenly Father Be with thee always.


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