转自: ajoyfullife
Our dear readers from China: we wish you a happy, creative and inspiring 2020!!
We are connected through a web of love and understanding. Please remember you are not alone. Lightworkers are everywhere. A lot of people are awakening in this time. You are a wayshower, a teacher of new consciousness. Honor yourself for this role, even if it scares you sometimes because you seem to be different from everyone else around you. You are not alone. Others have walked this path, and they are with you in spirit. The heart is not bound by space and time.
We are with you, and we will visit China (Beijing) in May 2020! We are so happy to meet you again. Peace be with you, and Jeshua’s message for you is:
Keep both feet on the ground while you reach out for the stars. You are the bridge makers. You build a bridge between heaven and earth, light and dark, soul and body. You are gifted and precious. Although the gifts you share aren’t always recognized by the people around you, you are guided and never alone. Trust your Heart.
Gerrit and Pamela
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