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发表于 2020-5-6 00:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 心的力量 于 2020-5-6 01:00 编辑

感谢:靛蓝星际种子和道成 分享

I first discovered that MMS (chlorinedioxide) can help people recover their health, 24 years ago. Since that timemore than 2 million people have recovered their health from just about allknown diseases, in a total of about 175 different countries. Many people arenow using it around the world for a wide range of ailments/disease in a varietyof ways.
我首次发现MMS二氧化氯,chlorine dioxide,也称为亚氯酸钠)可以让人恢复健康,是在24年前。自那时起,已经有来自175个国家的两百多万人,从各种已知疾病中康复。现在世界各地的很多人,都在用它,用在各种疾病上,以各种各样的方式。

And now for some good news—two days agowe received word that 14 people who were confirmed cases of COVID-19 (inEurope), took MMS and have recovered their health. All of these tested positiveand when re-tested after taking MMS, they came out negative for COVID-19. Inaddition, we have other testimonies coming in now from various parts of theworld, of people with coronavirus who have taken MMS and have recovered. Apartfrom what has come in directly to me, we have seen other testimonials on webboards and in comment boxes on the internet of people who took MMS andrecovered from the virus.

Those of us who have used chlorinedioxide (MMS) over the years certainly expected it to also work with thisvirus, but we wanted to be sure and now with this data we are confident thatthe proper mixture of chlorine dioxide (MMS) has every hope of eradicatingCOVID-19.
The next question that I anticipate ison everyone’s mind is what did these people do for COVID-19? What protocol didthey follow? In the reports we have received, people have done different thingsthat have worked. My intent here is to hopefully bring some clarity to thissubject.

MMS is an amazing substance. I have setout very specific guidelines in my latest book on how to use MMS, and Ipersonally encourage people to follow those guidelines—but MMS is veryforgiving, and though we set out specific protocols for various things, it isimportant to stay open. MMS is not always a one size fits all deal, nothinghealth related really is. This is why I highly advocate the Three Golden Rulesof MMS. Anyone who has ever heard from me personally knows that I am alwayspointing people to the Three Golden Rules of MMS, which essentially helps an individualdetermine the proper dose for them personally.

In brief, the Three Golden Rules of MMSare:
If you are getting better—do not changeanything. Continue with what you are doing—keep doing the same dose.

If you are feeling worse—showing signsof nausea, diarrhea or vomiting, reduce your MMS intake by 50%. Reduce, butdon’t quit—keep up the hourly dosing.

If you are not getting better, neithergetting worse—if there are no signs of improvement, do the next increase or goto the next protocol, increase your intake of MMS.

I have outlined these principles in thisletter, because it’s very important to know this and because right now, even inthe MMS community, there have been a variety of recommendations on how much MMSto take for coronavirus. Some suggested dosing is rather high dosing, othersuggested dosing has been on the lower side, and some more in the middle. Allof the various suggestions may be good and all of them may work, but possiblynot for everyone. Remember, we are all bio-individual. Each person is differentand what may be going on in one person’s body is different from the nextperson. There are so many variables that enter into the equation. With MMS,some may do better on a low and slow approach, even with coronavirus, andothers may need higher dosing.

This is why you must pay close attentionto what your body is telling you, and follow the Three Golden Rules of MMS soyou can adjust the protocols according to what your own body is asking for, orrequiring. So please remember this, I can’t say it enough. If you are taking acertain dosage of MMS and you start to feel worse, lower your dose. If you aretaking a certain dosage and you don’t see any results, up your dosage some.Adjust the protocol to what works for you.

Having said this, we have seen over theyears, that taking MMS in most any form brings good results in some way. As formy advice, this is what I would suggest for coronavirus:

(Please note, especially if you are new toMMS: Below I talk about 3-drop doses and 6-drop doses of MMS. All MMS doses aremade by taking drops of sodium chlorite solution 22.4% in distilled water andmixing it with drops of a food grade acid activator. Usually 50% citric acid or4% HCl (hydrochloric acid) are used and at these percentages you mix the drops,drop for drop. A 3-drop dose would mean taking a clean, dry glass and putting 3drops of the sodium chlorite solution and 3 drops of the acid activator in theglass. Gently swirl the drops so they mix together and count 30 seconds. Themixture should turn amber color. Then add 4 ounces of purified water and drinkit down. All MMS doses are taken in 1/2 cup (4 ounces/120 ml) of water. When Isay a 3-drop dose or a 6-drop dose, it goes without saying that means the dropsare mixed as stated above and added to water. Never take MMS drops withoutadding water. For more details on mixing a dose of MMS and possibly using otheracid activators, please refer to the MMS Health Recovery Guidebook for instructions.)
(请注意,哪怕你刚开始了解MMS:以下我谈的是MMS13滴配方和6滴配方。)所有MMS1剂量都是这么做的:取浓度为22.4%二氧化氯溶液,置于蒸馏水中,再混合以数滴食品级酸性活化剂。通常是浓度为50%的柠檬酸,或浓度为4% 的盐酸(HCl),以不同比例把它们混在一起。要一滴一滴来。3滴剂量,意思是,准备一个干净的、干燥的杯子,滴入3二氧化氯溶液,和3滴酸性活化剂。轻摇液滴,使之混合,如此进行30秒。之后加入4盎司纯净水,喝下去。所有MMS1配方剂量,都是用1/2杯(4盎司/120毫升)的水。当我说3滴配方,或6滴配方,当然就是说,如以上所述,先把液滴混在一起,之后再加水。永远都不要只喝液滴,而不加水。关于如何制作MMS1混合溶液,以及其他可能的酸性活化剂的使用,更多详情,请参考《MMS健康康复指南》(MMS Health Recovery Guidebook)里的说明。

If you have COVID-19
--Take Protocol 6 and 6 to start. Thisis one 6-drop dose of MMS, then one hour later take another 6-drop dose of MMS.
--After two 6-drop doses of MMS, go onhourly doses of 3 activated drops in 4 ounces of water hourly. BUT work up tothe 3 drops per hour, start with 1 drop for a dose or two, then go up to 2drops, then 3 drops—that is, if your body is tolerating it, if not, lower thisdosing, but keep taking hourly doses for eight consecutive hours a day.
--I suggest that the hourly doses of MMSevery day (for 8 consecutive hours) be kept up for a period of 3 weeks (21days). Even if one feels completely recovered and shows no symptoms, it wouldbe prudent to keep up the 3 week protocol. This is for the purpose to detox thebody and therefore strengthen the immune system, as well as guard against relapse.
--After the 21 days is completed if allis well, I suggest going on a daily maintenance dose of MMS. This is one 6-dropdose of MMS daily and make it on-going.
--For children, follow the sameinstructions as above and cut the amounts in half.
If one does not have coronavirus butknows you have been directly exposed:
--In this case, it may be wise to do theStarting Procedure, followed by Protocol 1000–which is the 3 week protocoltaking MMS for 8 consecutive hours every day. This is outlined in my book theMMS Health Recovery Guidebook, available here: jhbooks.org
——在这种情况下,开始程序(Starting Procedure)是非常明智的,也就是配方1000——这也是三周疗程,每天服用MMS1,也是连续8小时服用的方式。

For everyone—if you have not beendirectly exposed:
--As per the news reports of how thevirus is spreading, if you want to strengthen your immune system and takepreventative measures, I would suggest taking a daily maintenance dose of MMS.This is one 6-drop dose of MMS daily, be sure to not take this while drinkingcoffee, tea, orange juice, milk, alcohol and things particularly high inantioxidants. This works well to take first thing in the morning, then wait anhour before drinking or eating anything else. (If too strong on the stomachfirst thing in the morning, take at another time during the day, but space itout from food and drink.) Another good time to take it is before bed-time.

Overall, the above suggestions are whatI would do for Coronavirus. However, below is another suggestion based on areport that came in this week. It involves taking MMS more frequently. This issomething that I have seen over the years—that is, that for some conditions,taking MMS more frequently as in every 10 or 15 minutes for a number of hoursis often very effective. Depending on what the condition is, the dose would befairly low, though sometimes it is needed to be a higher dose, again, dependingon the condition. I have done this myself for various things, such as a strongattack of bronchial problems and extreme coughing and difficulty breathing, andthe frequent dosing for a time brought quick results. So, I believe there is atime to keep MMS running through your system in shorter intervals of time thanonce every hour. In my personal experience it was every 10 or 15 minutes. Inthe testimonial below it was given every 5 to 10 minutes but in smaller amountsas the man was sipping the MMS, not taking a larger gulp or a full 4 ouncedose.

Here is the testimony of a man who wasexperiencing very serious symptoms of Coronavirus:

The man is 85 years old and wasconfirmed to have coronavirus. He was quarantined at home, all of his relativesat home were also infected, but the elderly man was in very serious conditionand on oxygen—by far he was the most worst off. He was given a 1 liter bottleof water which had 20 activated drops of MMS added to it. He was instructed totake a sip from the bottle every five minutes, but not to let it go past 10minutes. So every 5 to 10 minutes the man took a sip (not a big gulp, just asip) from the bottle—that’s all, but he did this faithfully, every 5 to 10minutes throughout the day until the bottle was finished, just a sip each time.After three days he was noticeably improved and off of the oxygen, so his dosewas reduced to 12 activated drops in the 1 liter bottle of water and he drankfrom it, just sipping it, every half hour. He is recovering quickly—90%improved, has just a slight remnant of cough occasionally. The rest of thefamily who also took MMS are now fully recovered.

I would suggest this is something onemight try, especially if they have an extreme case of coronavirus—I thinkhowever, I would alter it to 24 drops of activated MMS in the 1 liter bottle ofwater. For those of you who are familiar with Protocol 1000, please note thatProtocol 1000 is essentially taking 24 drops of MMS a day. (This is eighthourly doses, of 3 drops of MMS each dose.) In the case above, the man wastaking nearly the equivalent of Protocol 1000, but I believe taking it in sipsand frequently, every 5 to 10 minutes, was obviously a key for him to keep theMMS running through his system at a certain pace. He had a more drastic case ofthe virus, showed more serious symptoms and it seems taking the MMS in a moreconstant manner helped him.我会建议说,这是可以试的,尤其是新冠病毒感染非常极端的例子——但我认为,我会把它变为1升水24滴活化MMS。对于那些比较熟悉配方1000的人,请注意,配方1000基本上就是124MMS。(这是连续8小时服用的量,或每次3滴的剂量)。上面的例子中,那个人几乎就是在用配方1000,但我认为,对他而言,小口啜饮,5-10分钟的频率,显然是关键之处,能够让MMS在他的循环系统以一定的速度循环。他感染病毒的情况比较惨烈,症状更为严重,更频繁地服用MMS看来是帮到了他。

In general, I advocate taking fresh madedoses of MMS whenever possible. But this does not rule out across the boardother possibilities, as in this case, a premade bottle, which worked for thisman. There is a lot to be said for hydrating the body, and it is known thathydrating the body works best in frequent smaller sips of water, rather thanchugging down your daily water quota in one fell swoop (or two). How muchbetter to hydrate by sipping water more frequently throughout the day, and inthe case of wanting to strengthen the immune system, with water that has MMSadded.

In any case, this is an encouragingtestimonial and definitely something to keep in mind if you or anyone you knowhas a severe case of the virus. Of course, if the same man would have followedthe 6 and 6 Protocol, followed by hourly doses, the results likely would havebeen the same—though perhaps the sipping in smaller amounts was easier for him.Listen to your body and do as you feel led, if one thing is not bringingresults move on to another. As for any other suggested protocols you mayreceive from the MMS community, again, go with what you think will work foryou, but please, please, please pay close attention to the Three Golden Rulesof MMS.

If it has been suggested that you useCDS, that’s Chlorine Dioxide Solution, it might be OK and so I would not saydon’t try it. But know that CDS is a different form of MMS. We have seen thatall forms of MMS help people recover their health, but I and others haveconcluded that in some cases those who take CDS can tend to come to a stalematein their health recovery, and they have to either substantially increase the amountthey are taking, or go to taking the original MMS1 fresh mixed drops. I wouldsuggest using CDS only if you do not have MMS1 available. Please see the MMSHealth Recovery Guidebook, Appendix A, for more thorough details on thedifference between CDS and MMS1.

Another point is that some people haveasked if MMS2 is effective in eradicating coronavirus. To date, I have notreceived any reports of people using it with the virus, however, if you haveMMS2 and do not have MMS1, it would certainly be worth a try using it, and inmy opinion, it is highly likely to do the job. In this case, follow Protocol4000, which is basically taking 5 capsules (either size 1 or size 0) of MMS2 aday. Take them two hours apart. Fill the capsules with a little MMS2 powder tostart, then gradually increase the amount of powder until you reach full ifusing #1 size capsules, or until you reach ¾ full for #0 size capsules. Whentaking MMS2, remember the Three Golden Rules of MMS apply, increase or decreasethe amount you are taking according to what your body is telling you.

Remember, there are many guidelines totake into account when taking MMS1 and MMS2. This newsletter is already long,so please see the full details on how to use MMS, how to mix up a dose, anddo’s and don’ts in the MMS Health Recovery Guidebook. Also available is TheMaster Mineral Solution of the Third Millennium which gives complete detailsfor making your own MMS solution. Both books are available here: jhbooks.org
要记得,服用MMS1MMS2,有很多注意事项。这个通稿已经很长,所以请再去查阅如何使用MMS,如何做出一个剂量,《MMS健康康复指南》需要做的,和不能做的,等等,在《第三千禧年大师矿物溶液》(The Master Mineral Solutionof the Third Millennium),也有详细说明,关于如何制作你自己的MMS溶液。两本书都在这个网站:jhbooks.org
I hope this helps. Remember, keep doingthe right thing and help one another.我希望这个通稿会帮到你。记住,坚持做对的事,互相帮助。

To your good health, safety andwell-being,

Jim Humble

This is my disclaimer as it seemseveryone must have a disclaimer nowadays: I have given certain advice in theabove email letter. It is the advice I would follow myself if I were in thesame situation. However I do not advise you or anyone, to follow my advicewithout getting the advice from a professional. Each person must takeresponsibility for his own health. So, please do what you feel is best.


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 楼主| 发表于 2020-5-6 01:22 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 心的力量 于 2020-5-18 19:44 编辑

TheMiracle Mineral Solution
of the21st Century
PartsI and II
Author:Jim V. Humble
Copyright © 2006Jim V. Humble
I II部分
作者: 吉姆.汉伯
著作权© 2006 Jim V. Humble

Quotationsup to one full page may be used when the author is given credit. Other copies,even full copies, may be used under certain conditions. Please contact theauthor for further information.

Possiblecancellation of copyright: In the event of the death of the author, for anyreason, or the detention of the author, for any reason, for more than 60 daysduring any 6 month period, or if the author is missing for a period of morethan 60 days after being reported as missing to a police station in the Stateof Nevada, the Copyright 2006 by the author, Jim V. Humble, is cancelled andthis book becomes public domain.
著作权之取消:若作者死亡(无论死因为何)或者在6个月内因任何理由而被拘留60天以上,或者作者在内华达州的任一警察局被报备为失踪人口之后仍失踪60天以上,那么作者Jim V. Humble的著作权将被取消且本书变成版权公有。

Inaddition, the author grants permission to any person, group, or entity todistribute this book free  throughout the world should any of theconditions mentioned in the above paragraph come about.

The author’s email address is jim@jimhumble.com. Only emails with the subject of“Stories of Success” will get past the server’s spam filter. You will receivean automatic response. Follow the instructions in the response to communicatewith Jim.
只有主题为“Stories of Success(成功的故事)”的邮件才能通过服务器的邮件过滤软件。您的邮件被接收后您将收到一封自动回复。请按照回复中的说明与Jim联系。

Thanksto Bill Boynton of Mina, Nevada for his help with the chemistry of chlorinedioxide. Thanks to Clara Tate of Hawthorne, Nevada for her help and inspirationwith ideas, suggestions, and English.
感谢内华达州米纳(Mina) 的BillBoynton在二氧化氯化学作用方面所提供的帮助。

Editor’s Note Dated October, 2009

First published in 2006 this book ranks among the most read books in theworld. Over 3 million downloads have gone out from thousands of web sites. Over4,000 web site owners are “friends of MMS” and they provide free copies toanyone who asks for it. The original copyright statement remains unchanged. Asof June, 2009, Jim Humble became a perpetual traveler and his work continues inAfrica and other countries as described in his updated web site http://JimHumbleFoundation.org.
本书于2006年第一次出版,是全世界最畅销书刊之一,在无数网站上被下载3百万次以上。共有4000多个网站所有者成为“MMS的朋友”,并为任何需要的人提供免费副本。最初的版权声明未做更改。自2009年6月起,Jim Humble成为一名漫游者,并在非洲和其他国家继续创作;关于这一点可访问他的最新网址http://JimHumbleFoundation.org

Thelinks within the original book version gradually became obsolete or broken.Therefore a table has been placed at the end of the book which lists Internetresources – recent educational materials that have been written mostly by Jimsince June 2009. They are updated frequently and are listed at the end of thisbook.

Theworld-wide Flu Pandemic announced by the World Health Organization has causednumerous health web sites in the U.S. to be brought off-line. This is based onU. S. Congress openly supporting arrests and fines against persons andorganizations that promote alternative remedies for flu and Influenza otherthan those approved by the World Health Organization. Vaccinations and Tamifluor other approved antibiotics are said to be the only legitimate means ofreducing flu symptoms. At the time of writing, most web sites located in non-UScountries still provide MMS information as listed at the end of volume one.

Viewedas a classic work this book stands as the authentic history of how ClO2 came tothe front as the most potent and powerful germicidal agent on the planet. Jimexplains how activated MMS cannot harm normal living body cells. Hiscontribution was that he found the best way to package MMS as a safe affordableproduct, and to test it for five years to prove reliable outcomes. Hisdiscovery is now used daily by more than a million people around the world, notincluding dogs, cats, horses, and other animals. All this since 2006 when MMSwas introduced along with this book.

MMSsuppliers are no longer listed or identified because search engines providethat information quite effectively.

Disinformationon the Internet states that MMS (and the ClO2 that it generates) is the same aschlorine and therefore it is dangerous. That is not true. Chlorine dioxide hasbeen well known in industry for 70 years. Chlorine Dioxide is even an approvedfood additive at food-packaging time because it destroys salmonella, ecoli, andevery other known germ – eventually converting into molecules of water as itdisappears.

MMSwas developed and tested by Jim between 2001 and 2006, involving over 75,000volunteers in five different countries. This is the story of those years andthe events that led to standardization of the current MMS product.

Newprotocols and methods for using MMS have evolved in the years since the releaseof this book. The latest discoveries and innovations are described in the linksat the end of the book. Disregard links within the book –they are now obsolete.
TheEditor – October, 2009



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 楼主| 发表于 2020-5-6 01:28 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 心的力量 于 2020-5-6 01:29 编辑






4  Moses Flomo医生


500多名疟疾和其他疾病患者在Life Link 诊所(MedicalClinic)接受了治疗,该诊所是任务的一部分。
7 MMS的故事延续

作为Malaria Solution Foundation(疟疾溶液基金会)的一部分,作者展开了一系列成功的临床试验以治疗监狱中的疟疾。




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 楼主| 发表于 2020-5-6 01:32 | 显示全部楼层
AboutThis Book
Ihope you do not think this book is just another account of a very interestingsupplement that can help some people after they take it for several months. Itis not. This book presents the Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS), which works injust a few hours. In the world today, the leading killer of mankind is malaria,a disease that is usually overcome by this solution in only 4 hours. This hasbeen proven through clinical trials in Malawi, a country in eastern Africa. Inthese trials, MMS has never failed to kill the malaria parasite in an infectedhuman. More than 75,000 malaria victims have taken the Miracle Mineral Solutionand are now back to work and living productive lives.
Aftertaking the Miracle Mineral Solution, AIDS patients are often disease free inseveral weeks, and other diseases and conditions simply disappear. If patientsin hospitals around the world were treated with this Miracle Mineral Solution,over 50% of them would be back home within a week.
Formore than 100 years, clinics and hospitals have used the active ingredients inthis solution to sterilize hospital floors, tables, equipment, and other items.Now, this same powerful germ killer can be harnessed by the immune system tosafely kill pathogens in the human body. Amazing as it might seem, when usedcorrectly, the immune system can use this killer to attack only those germs,bacteria, and viruses that are harmful to the body. It does not affect thefriendly bacteria in the body or any healthy cells.
Inthis book, I have, to the best of my ability, stuck to the facts of exactlywhat has happened regarding the Miracle Mineral Solution. This book is thestory of the discovery and development of the most amazing enhancement for theimmune system yet discovered. Thus, it is the greatest solution to the diseasesand ills now known to mankind; it is not a drug. I believe if you follow myefforts to develop the data presented in this book and to make it available tothe public, the story will help make it real to you and convince you to give ita try. To that purpose, I have provided complete details on how to make thesolution in your kitchen, and to buy most of the ingredients off the shelf. Itis entirely possible that one day you will use this solution to save someone’slife, perhaps your own.
Becausethe Miracle Mineral Solution functions as a supercharger to the immune system,it is not meant for treatment of any particular disease, rather it is meant toimprove the immune system to the point of overcoming many diseases, frequentlyin less than 24 hours.
Mypurpose for writing this book is that this information is far too important toallow any one person, group, or even several groups to have control of it. Itis information that the world should have. After 5 years of seeing practicallynothing done by a group that could have done a great deal, I finally realizedthat the information simply had to be distributed to as many people as possibleor someone would always be out of the loop of receiving this life-saving data.It regularly occurs that there is a great deal of important medical informationwithheld from the public that could save lives. It is my intention to preventthis from happening with this information.


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 楼主| 发表于 2020-5-6 01:33 | 显示全部楼层
Thisforeword was written by Dr. Hector Francisco Romero G., a medical doctor in thestate of Sonora, Mexico, where he has a very successful clinic that treatscancer and many other illnesses considered incurable. He uses the MiracleMineral Solution (MMS) talked about in this book and a number of othernoninvasive treatments. He is well known in Sonora for the work that he hasdone with Mexican Indians. Dr. Romero makes me look much greater than I am, butthen how could I refuse his foreword.
本序言由墨西哥Sonora州的HectorFrancisco Romero G医生所著。Romero医生在Sonora有一家非常成功的诊所,能治疗癌症以及其他许多被认为无法治愈的疾病。他采用本书介绍的神奇矿物质溶液(MMS) 以及其他多种非侵入性疗法。他在Sonora因为与墨西哥籍印度人合作展开的工作而闻名。Romero医生使得我看起来更了不起,我怎能拒绝他为我著述序言。
Dr.Romero writes: A dear, good old friend of mine and respectfulphilosopher, teacher, impeller of men of good temper in this desert state ofSonora, Mexico used to say: “Those men who live ‘the University of Life,’ willleave footprints in this world.”
Romero医生写道: 他是我亲爱的老朋友,令人尊敬的哲学家兼教师,他推动了墨西哥Sonora州人的好脾气,他曾经说过:“那些生活在‘社会大学’里的人们必将在世界留下他们的脚印。”
Notjust anyone builds up and writes with his own ideas “a book.” This is the samecase with my friend Jim Humble. This personality is a challenger, a worldwalker, an anxious person who has fought all his life to leave footprints withhis contributions of investigation to humanity. He has covered thousands andthousands of kilometers as his investigation has shown in this book, sufferingan infectious illness of malaria—an illness which put his life at risk—anddemonstrating to medical science that it is possible to counter it with newalternative treatments. It will give a better quality of life to those sickones from endemics zones, as Jim says, in the regions of Africa, Asia, andSouth America. In these places there is a lot of mortality due to malaria andother viral infections, such as HIV, causing the death statistics to be veryconsiderable and higher than other places in the world.
不平凡的人不会只用自己的观念来编写“一本书”,我的朋友Jim Humble亦是如此。他是一位挑战者、漫步世界之人,他热心地将终身都投入到人性的研究工作中。正如他书中所述,他走遍了千山万水,也曾感染疟疾(这一度使得他生命垂危),并向医疗科学界证实了用一种新的替代疗法可治愈疟疾。Jim指出,这种新疗法能使非洲、亚洲和南美洲一些特殊地区患者的生活质量提高。这些地方的很多居民都因疟疾和其他病毒感染(如HIV)而死亡,因此这些区域的死亡人数非常高且高于世界上其他地区。
Hisproduct was investigated and well recognized by the health authorities in anAfrican country. With MMS, he offers them hope and quality of life, especiallythose who are threatened by these destructive illnesses. Our experience inMexico with MMS—in the state of Sonora—has been to treat some cases ofcontagious febrile infections, inflammatory degenerative tumors, prostatecancer, and other malignant tumors with good and promising results.
Forall of these, I pray to God so he can have great intelligence, so he cancontinue to help these towns of the world that have no hope and are forgotten,especially the children, who deserve our attention for a life and a betterfuture.

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 楼主| 发表于 2020-5-6 01:34 | 显示全部楼层
TheStatus of MMS As of March 2009
Includingthe 2,000 people I treated in Africa and the people I treated in the U.S. andMexico, I have treated over 5,000 people directly or supervised their treatmentin person. I have answered more than 10,000 emails. This is not meant to beboastful in any way, but rather to simply tell you how things are. I have seenmore people recover from incurable diseases than any other person alive.
Morethan one million people in the U.S. alone have tried MMS. More than 50 peoplehave manufactured MMS in their own homes. And, more than 350,000 bottles of MMShave been sold in the U.S. MMS is being manufactured in most Europeancountries, and in South Africa, Australia, and Mexico. Worldwide, it is estimatedthat 20,000 bottles of MMS are being sold per month. In almost every instance,the price has been kept down to 20 USD or the equivalent. Each bottle contains460 six-drop doses. That means each dose costs less than half a cent. Mostpeople of the world can afford it.
Ihave sold over 50,000 copies of the English version of my book, TheMiracle Mineral Supplement of the 21st Century. It has been translatedinto German, Polish, Spanish, Croatian, French, and Czech. All of theseversions are being sold at this time, and the Japanese book will be on salebefore this edition is printed.
TheAustralian government and the Canadian government have both banned the sale ofMMS; however, that has not slowed sales. It has merely made the sales gounderground. This costs the governments money, because people no longer paytaxes on the manufacturing and sale of MMS. In these cases, the bans were institutedat the lowest levels by government clerks insisting that they must do theirjobs.
Inthe U.S., all persons manufacturing MMS have changed the label to specify thatMMS is sold for the purification of water (which it does very well). Thechemical used in MMS, which will be identified later in this book, has beenused to purify water for over 70 years. It is regulated by the EPA, not theFDA. Most MMS labels on bottles being sold throughout the world have beenchanged to indicate it is for water purification; however, it still killspathogens of all kinds—just as it always has. It is very unfortunate that thegovernments of the world are beginning to force their citizens to resort toillegal practices in order to purchase the things that will keep them well.Most governments have begun to do this to a greater or lesser extent.
在美国,所有制造MMS的人都对标签进行了更改,指明MMS的功效为水净化 (它在这方面效果非常好)。MMS所含的化学物(将在本书下文中鉴定)用于净化水的历史已有70余年。EPA(并非FDA)规定:全球正在销售的大部分MMS瓶上的标签已经修改过,指明了该产品用于水净化;然而,它仍能杀死所有病原体——一直以来都是如此。不幸的是,世界各地政府开始迫使人们不得不通过非法行动来购买对他们有益的物品。大多数政府已经开始这么做,只是采取措施的力度有所差异。
Atthis time, if you want to buy MMS for your own health you will have to go tothe Internet and find someone selling MMS for water purification. It isnow called the Miracle MineralSolution. Remember that last word,‘Solution’. It was ‘Supplement,’but MMS cannot be sold as a supplementnow. It is a waterpurification solution. The name of this book has beenupdated toreflect this change.
Aspeople learn more about the importance of MMS for their health and how it cansave their lives, they are going to start demanding that the government quitmaking laws that prevent people from exercising their freedom for health. Thiswill bring about a change in the congressmen and senators being elected. Keepthis in mind the next time elections are in progress, because by that timethose up for election will be stating whether or not they want to helpAmericans gain control of their freedom for health.


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 楼主| 发表于 2020-5-6 01:40 | 显示全部楼层
Part I
Thephone was ringing at the other end of the house. It was a long, narrow houseand there was furniture to get around and a hallway to get through. But inspite of the obstacle course, I made it. Bill Denicolo, an old friend inChicago, was calling. We talked, and he asked, “Jim, are you any good at prospectingfor gold?”
Ihave never been too modest, so I told him the truth—my truth. “Yes,” I said, “Iam amongst the best, if not the best.” That was enough for him. He was afriend, and since he was already familiar with my work in mining, he believedme.
Hecontinued, “I’m working with a group that wants to mine for gold in the junglein South America. We need your help and we’re paying the going rate. Plus, youget a share of the profits.” That was it. I agreed to leave in approximately 1month.
Billsent a contract to my house in Las Vegas, Nevada, where I had retired from goldmining. The contract was quite generous. I was to be paid a reasonable salaryand I would have 20% ownership of the operation, provided I located gold in thejungle. I signed a copy of the contract and sent it off, and received anairplane ticket in return. I was 64 years old at the time, but in topcondition. I would have no trouble navigating my way through the jungle.
Theywere willing to use my gold recovery technology, but that required me to shipequipment ahead. It took the entire month to get things ready and to readymyself for the jungle. The most important thing I took, as relates to thisstory, was several bottles of stabilized oxygen. (Please don’t get the ideathat stabilized oxygen is the miracle solution I am writing about.)
Chapter 1: The Discovery
It isdangerous to drink any water in a jungle. While it is usually quite safe todrink water from fast-moving streams in North America, it doesn’t matter howfast a jungle stream is moving; the water is not safe to drink. In fact, it canalmost always be guaranteed that one or more dangerous diseases are present.Despite this knowledge, I did drink from a fast-moving stream once while in thejungle and I developed typhoid fever.
Later,a number of people mentioned to me that the oxygen in stabilized oxygen wouldpurify water by killing any pathogens present, especially if the water was leftto sit overnight. To test this, I treated some sewage water with stabilizedoxygen and sent the sample to a laboratory to be analyzed. The results cameback showing all pathogens had been killed. Thus, I was relatively confidentthat I could purify my drinking water in the jungle with stabilized oxygen.
Bythe time I was packing for this trip, I had actually worked with stabilizedoxygen for some time, and a friend of mine who lived just outside Las Vegasused it quite a bit with his animals. He gave it to his chickens in their waterto keep them healthy, and he used it with his dogs. He even injected it intoone of his dog’s veins once when it was sick. The dog was cured in several hours.
Thejungle we were headed to is located in the country of Guyana. The name had beenchanged a few years earlier from British Guyana to simply Guyana. Guyana is thecountry just south of Venezuela on the east coast of South America. Youprobably remember it from the story of Jim Jones and his cult. The entire cultcommitted suicide at one point (actually, only a few committed suicide afterkilling the children and many of the other adults with cyanide.)
我们前往探险的丛林位于圭亚那,该国的名称在几年前已经从英属圭亚那变成圭亚那。圭亚那位于南美洲东海岸线上,委内瑞拉以南。提到Jim Joes和他的邪教组织,您也许会想起这个国家。整个邪教组织在某一时刻全部自杀身亡(事实上是一小部分成员在杀死了儿童之后再自杀,其他众多成人用氰化物自杀)。
Atany rate, I arrived in Guyana on a normal, rainy day in the middle of 1996. Iwas met by several local people who were also members of the mining operation.They led me through the lines at the airport with no waiting. We drove about 30miles to Georgetown, Guyana’s largest city and its capital. I was taken to alocal house where I was to stay until we departed for the interior, where wewould prospect Guyana’s greatest rainforest and jungle.
Atthe house, I met Mike, a local who owned the claims to a very large portion ofthe jungle and who was also one of the partners. Joel Kane, who lives in theeastern part of the U.S., was also one of the partners listed on the contract Isigned. He was to arrive within 2 weeks and before we departed for the jungle.There was one other partner who was also supposed to arrive soon, but probablyafter we departed for the jungle. His name was Beta and he was related to ahigh official in the government. The official’s name was Moses Nagamotoo, andhe was the first minister directly under the prime minister. (Beta’s real namewas Satkumar Hemraj, but he preferred the name Beta.)
在这间民宅,我结识了当地人Mike,他拥有大部分丛林地区的所有权,也是这次采矿行动的合作伙伴之一。来自美国东部地区的JoelKane也是我签署的合约上列明的合作人之一。他将在我们前往丛林前的2周内抵达此处。还有另一名合作人原本也应当很快到达,但他很可能在我们出发后才能抵达。他叫Beta,与政府的一名高级官员有关系。这位官员叫Moses Nagamotoo,是直属于总理的第一大臣(Beta的真实姓名叫Satkumar Hemraj,但他更喜欢Beta这个名字)。
Betawas not present, but because he was our partner, I was invited to the firstminister’s (Moses Nagamotoo’s) house for dinner the second evening I was there.While at his house, the first minister complained of a back problem that wasalmost preventing him from doing his job in the government. I explained to himthat I sometimes adjusted people’s necks and that I might be able to help hisback. So, after dinner he allowed me to adjust his neck, which I did very delicately,making sure that I did not jerk or hurt him. Within minutes his back problembegan to subside. We were all amazed and soon he was walking quite easilyaround the house.
Thenext day, one of the servants called me and asked if I would adjust Moses’sdaughter’s neck, as she was having bad back problems as well. I agreed and theypicked me up for dinner that night, which was the third evening I was there.After dinner I adjusted her neck. Her name was Angela. Moses had another daughternamed Adila, but she did not have a problem. As amazing as it may sound, Angelawas soon walking easily and her back problem seemed to disappear. I do notalways have such spectacular results, but sometimes it does happen. I was veryglad that I had taken the time to learn to adjust necks. Making such a powerfulfriend as Moses Nagamotoo was important. I did not realize how important it wasat the time, but no doubt, it kept me from spending time in prison at a laterdate.
Forthe record, and future researchers, Sam Hinds was the prime minister. JimPunwasee was the minister of mines, whom we often went to see and occasionallyvisited in his home.
从记录在案数据来看以及对将来的研究人员而言,Sam Hinds是圭亚那的总理。JimPunwasee则是矿业部部长,我们经常去看他,偶尔还前往他家中拜会。
Thegovernment had a gold laboratory where they bought gold from local miners. Theproblem was that all gold that came in was completely covered with mercury.They put the gold under a hood and used a blowtorch to burn off the mercury beforeweighing the gold. As everyone knows, mercury fumes are extremely poisonous.The fumes were going up the exhaust stack, out into the government courtyard,and into the government complex area. Many people had complained of thispractice, and when they gave me a tour of their gold facilities this wasmentioned. I offered to design a simple fume scrubber and they took me up on myoffer. They had very little money for such refinements, so I designed thescrubber from two 55-gallon barrels. It just so happened that I had severalthousand Ping-Pong balls stored in a warehouse in Las Vegas. I had them shippedto Guyana to be used in the scrubber. By the time the balls arrived I was inthe jungle, but they simply poured the Ping-Pong balls into the barrel designedto use them, turned on the water spray, and it was working when I returned. Itdid the job.
Asluck had it, between the mercury scrubber and helping the first minister andhis daughter, I hit it off very well with a few officials in the governmentthere. I had a friend who wanted to move from Russia to Guyana, and I mentionedthis to the minister of mining. A couple of days later, I got a call from theminister of immigration saying that I could call my friend and tell him tovisit the Guyana Consulate in Moscow. He said papers were waiting for my friendthere that would allow him to immigrate to Guyana. So you can see, I really didhave a little bit of pull. I mention this merely to illustrate my good luck.
Onour first expedition into the jungle, we would be taking eight men who wouldcarry the supplies and set up camp as we reached various locations. Our workerswere called droggers. These men were hired by Mike and they arrived at thehouse about a week ahead of time to begin putting supplies and equipmenttogether. One of the droggers was the foreman, and the others, of course, wereworkers.
Finally,it was time for our expedition to begin and neither Joel nor Beta had arrived.But we couldn’t wait. The men only made $6.00 a day (U.S. money), but it stillcost to keep them around and we wanted to get things done. So, the final crewconsisted of me, Mike the landholder, and the eight droggers.
Thetrip into the interior took about 2 days. First, there was about an hour’s ridefrom Georgetown to the town of Parika on the Mazaruni Cuyuni River. We loadedour supplies onto a large truck and four taxis, and arrived at Parika at about9:00 a.m. We then loaded our supplies onto several large speedboats. The riverat this point is more than 5 miles wide. Should you decide to do your ownresearch on this part of the story, you will find that the next leg of thejourney took us about 4 hours at what can be called high speed on that river.
这次内陆探险之旅大约需要2天。首先,从乔治敦骑车前往Mazaruni Cuyuni河畔的Parika镇需要1小时左右。我们将物品放在一辆大卡车和4辆出租车上,大约在上午9点到达Parika。接下来,我们将物资放在几艘大型快艇上。当时河面的宽度超过了5英里。如果你决定自己研究这一部分故事,那么将发现下一趟旅程花费了4小时左右,可谓是河面上的高速前行。
Wefinally arrived at our next destination, the town of Bartica, which is consideredthe gateway to the interior of the country of Guyana. There, we bought foodsupplies at a number of food stores constructed like warehouses, which mostlysupply excursions into the interior. Our buyer bought almost nothing exceptbeans and rice. Normally, they buy only rice for such trips, but because I wasthere they added several sacks of beans. (On other trips, I had been able toget them to buy a variety of groceries.)
我们最终抵达了下一目的地——巴蒂卡(Bartica)镇,该镇是通往圭亚那内陆地区的入口处。我们在那的多家食品店购买了所需用品, 这些商店的结构类似仓库,主要为内陆远足旅行供应物资。我们的采购员只购买了豆子和大米。对于这样的旅程,他们通常只准备大米,因为我的缘故他们才另外采购了几袋豆子。 (在其他旅程途中,我能让他们帮我购买各种食品杂货。)
Wethen loaded all of our supplies into several boats and crossed the river to aport on the other side, about 1 mile away, where we transferred our suppliesand equipment into two very large trucks. The trucks had wheels that were morethan 6 feet in diameter for driving through the jungle on roads that weremainly mud. Even with those big wheels, the trucks could not venture off theroads. The supplies were tied down securely and most of the men elected to walkon a somewhat shorter route to the next jumping-off point into the jungle. Isoon learned why they preferred to walk. The road was so rough and the trucksbounced so badly that it took constant attention just to hold on. There was nosleeping during the 5-hour trip to the final jumping-off point to the lastriver leg of our journey.
Wearrived after dark, as it always gets dark at 6:00 p.m. and gets light at 6:00a.m. in the jungle near the equator. We slept wherever we could that night. Islept on a bench outside the small store there. The next morning, we loaded allof our supplies into boats and continued up the Cuyuni branch of the river.Boats in this river are usually loaded to the gills, as the saying goes. Thesides of the boats were less than 4 inches above the water. It wouldn’t haverequired a very large wave to send water over the sides of the boats, loaded asthey were, and cause one to sink to the bottom. However, there are seldom largewaves in these rivers, because there are never storms in the jungle. It rainsterribly hard, but very little wind accompanies the rain, so storms simply donot occur. In fact, there are no natural disasters in this area of the world;i.e., there are no storms, no hurricanes, no forest fires, and no earthquakes.
我们抵达之时已是夜幕低垂,因为赤道附近的丛林地区通常是下午6点天黑、早晨6点天亮。那晚,我们睡得香极了。我就睡在一个小店铺外的长椅上。第二天早上,我们将所有物品卸下来然后装到船上,继续向库尤尼河前行。俗话说,河流上的船只往往是漂向峡谷的。船只露出水面的部分不到4英寸。非常大的水浪才会令水淹没过船只两侧,并使其沉到河底。然而,这样的河流通常不会有大浪,因为丛林中从不会有暴风雨来袭。 丛林中的雨总是下得很大,但下雨时几乎不会有风,因此不会出现暴风雨。事实上,这个地区没有什么自然灾害。也就是说,这儿没有风暴、没有飓风、没有森林火灾,也没有地震。
Wetraveled upriver for about 4 hours and arrived at the final jumping-off point.After we unloaded the boats and they pulled away, the men began loadingthemselves with supplies. The droggers carried their loads on their backs, butthe weight was on their heads. A strap went around the top of each man’s headand down to the pack against his back. They claimed that this was the leasttiring load-carrying method. They carried loads of up to 80 pounds like thisthrough the jungle and mountains.
Itwas now about 10:30 a.m. and we would have to travel up over a jungle mountainto the other side. Well, we called it a mountain, but hills are not consideredmountains in that area unless they are at least 1,000 feet high. This hill wasonly 997 feet high, but by the time we had climbed to the top, we were certainit was a mountain.
Themountain was totally covered with jungle vegetation. In this area, where thehumidity is 100%—and sometimes even 110%—it does not matter if it rains or not.One is very soon soaking wet, as the perspiration cannot evaporate. All clothesare soaked. Those who bring leather boots soon have boots full of water,because either the rain or the sweat quickly fills them. Keeping an eye on whatthe locals were wearing, I wore only tennis shoes. Boots offer some protectionfrom snakes, but they become almost impossible to use after a short time due toperspiration. I decided to just be extra careful in watching for snakes.
Someof the men had to make several trips over the mountain in order to get all ofour supplies to the other side. It took almost 2 complete days of travel toarrive at our campsite. This gives you an idea of how far out in the jungle wewere. Several days later, when two of our men came down with malaria, we wereplenty worried. We had been assured that there was no malaria in this area ofthe jungle and we had not thought to bring malaria medicine along with us. Iimmediately sent two men running to the closest mining camp hoping that theymight have malaria drugs. That would take at least 2 days, and if they did nothave malaria medicine, it would be at least 6 days before the men returned. Wesimply had to accept those facts, because it was the best we could do.
有几名工人必须往返大山几次以便将我们的所有物品带到山的另一边。抵达我们的露营地需要整整2天。由此可见我们所在的丛林有多么遥远。几天后,我们中有两个人染上了疟疾,这令我们感到非常焦虑。之前我们确切地得知该丛林区从未发生过疟疾,因此我们没有随身携带疟疾药。我立刻派了2人跑回最近的矿营,希望他们能带回治疗疟疾的药物。 这至少需要2天时间,如果他们找不到疟疾药,那么在他们返回前至少要等待6天。我们只能接受这样的事实,因为除此之外别无它法。
Wemight have tried calling a helicopter, but we didn’t have a radio. Radios don’twork in the jungle anyway, except for very short distances. Considering all Ihad learned about stabilized oxygen and how it kills pathogens in water, itseemed to me that it might cure malaria. I sat down with the men who hadmalaria and asked them if they would be interested in trying this “healthdrink” from America. They were very sick and suffering. They lay in theirhammocks shivering from the chills while at the same time they were runninghigh fevers. Their symptoms included headaches, aching muscles and joints, nausea,diarrhea, and vomiting. They were willing to try anything and they did so.
Igave them both a healthy dose of the stabilized oxygen in some water and theydrank it straight down. That was all I could do; we just had to wait for therunners to return. In 1 hour, the shivering had stopped. That didn’t mean much,as the shivering comes and goes, but they looked a little better. Four hourslater they were sitting up kidding about how bad they had been feeling. Theygot up out of their bunks and sat down at the table to eat dinner that evening.The next morning two more men had come down with malaria. They took the samedoses of stabilized oxygen and they were feeling okay by noon. We were allamazed. (This is not the whole story, and stabilized oxygen does not work allthe time.)
Icontinued with the gold prospecting. I had developed a method of assaying forgold (that means to determine the amount of gold that is present) that wasquite simple. I was able to conduct assays myself, instead of having to send myassays off to a lab somewhere and wait a couple of weeks for the results. SoonI had located some gold deposits and we began planning to erect a gold mill inthe jungle. This is not a story about gold, so to make a long story short,while putting up the gold mill and doing further gold prospecting, I did quitea bit of traveling in the jungle. Wherever I went I treated people for malaria(and sometimes typhoid fever). Although the stabilized oxygen only worked about70% of the time, it was enough to make me quite famous in the jungle.
我继续进行黄金勘探。我已经找到一种非常简单的黄金分析(黄金分析指确定所含黄金的量)方法。我能自行展开分析,而不需要将黄金送到某个地方的实验室并等待几周获取结果。很快,我发现了一些黄金矿床,我们计划在丛林中修建一所黄金工厂。本书的目的并非讲述一个关于黄金的故事,因此,长话短说,当我在筹建黄金工厂和展开进一步黄金勘探工作时,我在丛林中的旅程也减少了。无论身在何处,我都在治疗疟疾患者 (有时还治疗伤寒症)。尽管稳定氧只能对70%的案例起效,但这足够让我在丛林中声名大振了。
Onthe way back to town during that first trip into the jungle, we reached amining operation that was shut down for vacation. There were a number of menmerely waiting for the mill to start up again. One of the men was sitting at atable looking very sick. I asked him what was wrong and he said that he waswaiting for a boat to pick him up. He said he had typhoid fever and malaria atthe same time. I mentioned my stabilized oxygen, which I called a health drink,and he said he would try it. On my return from town, he came running out tomeet me. He grabbed my hand and pumped it up and down. He told me that he hadgotten better within hours after I left and he didn’t have to go into townafter all. I left him with a small bottle of drops, as I had done in otherplaces in the jungle.
Thereare a number of good stories like this one, but unfortunately, there were alsoa lot of people the stablilized oxygen did not help. Still, it was a treatmentthat got much better results than the standard malaria medicines. People inmalaria areas cannot afford to take the preventative malaria medicines, as sideeffects always develop over time. Thus, the locals never take the preventativemalaria medicines. They have to depend upon being cured by the standard malariamedicines after they contract malaria. Unfortunately, malaria has developed aresistance to those medicines. Visitors can only afford to take preventativemalaria medicines for a short period. As it turned out, several of myassociates were hospitalized as a result of the preventative malaria medicines.
Ivisited a missionary clinic near one of the mining villages in the jungle. Theyhad, as I remember, four beds. I offered the “health drink” to them, but theytold me that malaria was a disease visited upon the people of the junglebecause of their sinful sex practices and that they did not believe that Godwanted them to have a cure for malaria. There was nothing I could do to changetheir minds. I felt terrible seeing those people suffering, but I had to leave.I won’t mention the religion involved, as I feel that they must have changedtheir minds about helping malaria victims by this time.
Backin Georgetown I telephoned a friend, Bob Tate, to tell him how stabilized oxygencured malaria. He immediately flew to Guyana. We discussed it and decided tosee if we could sell the stabilized oxygen in Guyana. We put an ad in the localpaper stating that our solution cured malaria. That was a mistake. Immediately,the local television station sent reporters over to our place and we were on TVtelling about our solution. Then the radio and newspaper reporters arrived. Wewere famous for about 3 days. Then the government dropped a bomb on us. Theminister of health called us in for an interview. She told us that if we soldour solution to one more person we would be put in their prison and that wewouldn’t like it. I had seen the prison and I knew that she was right.
回到乔治敦后,我打电话给一个朋友Bob Tate,告诉他稳定氧如何治愈疟疾。他即刻飞往圭亚那。我们就此事进行了讨论,决定看看是否能在圭亚那销售稳定氧。我们在当地报纸上做广告,向大家宣传我们的溶液能治愈疟疾。但这是一个错误。很快,当地的电视台便派记者来到我们这,我们在电视上讲述我们的溶液。随后,电台和报纸的记者也蜂拥而至。我们在3天内成为知名人物,结果导致政府盯上了我们。卫生部长与我们会晤,并警告我们如果继续向他人出售这种溶液,政府将逮捕我们入狱,而这显然不是我们乐于见到的。我见过监狱,我知道她说的是对的。
Italked to my friend the first minister, Moses Nagamotoo, one evening. Heexplained to me that two drug companies had called the minister of health andthreatened to quit shipping drugs to the local hospital if she didn’t dosomething about the person claiming to be able to cure malaria. He explainedthat there was nothing his government could do at this time to help me, but hementioned that he suggested to the minister of health that she give me somelatitude.
一天晚上,我向我的朋友第一大臣Moses Nagamotoo谈到了此事。他解释说,有两家药品公司打电话给卫生部长,威胁她如果不对声称能治愈疟疾之人采取措施,他们便停止为当地医院供药。因此,政府这次没办法帮助我。但他表示他会建议卫生部长为我留些余地。
Atthat point, I made an even bigger mistake. Although we removed our ad from thenewspaper, I continued to sell the solution to more people who needed it. Mypartner, Bob Tate, had already gone home, but I was still planning to mine forgold in the jungle. We were just about ready with our mining supplies when Igot word that the government was going to charge me with a crime and that itwould be better if I were gone or somewhere else. I found that people inGeorgetown are more afraid of the jungle than are people from Las Vegas. Theyseldom chase people in the jungle. I immediately made the trip up the river andthe supplies followed me a few days later.
当时我又犯了一个更大的错。尽管我们将广告从报纸上撤出,但我仍继续将溶液卖给需要之人。我的伙伴Bob Tate已经回家,而我仍计划前往丛林开采黄金。就在我们准备采矿物资时,我得知政府将控告我犯罪;如果我已经离开或者在其他地方的话,情况也许会好些。我发现乔治敦的人们比拉斯韦加斯的居民更惧怕丛林。他们几乎不会在丛林中追捕人。我立刻前往河边,而所需物品则在几天之后被运抵。
Thisis the basic story of the discovery that stabilized oxygen sometimes curesmalaria; however, this is only the beginning of my story. I did not consider ita miracle solution, yet. I stayed upriver for slightly over 6 months working onthe gold recovery mill. I financed that part of the operation myself, becauseJoel Kane was very slow in arriving and never provided additional money. Whenhe finally did arrive and saw some of the gold that my mill was recovering, hewanted complete ownership and offered me 3%, instead of the 20% in thecontract. When I did not agree, he had Mike, the owner of the land, and thedroggers that Mike had hired tear down my working mill and carry it off intothe jungle. I know that’s what he did, because he told me so. According to thecontract, if he did not use my technology, he did not need to give me 20%. Theproblem for him was that the new technology that Mike, the landowner,implemented didn’t work. Thus, not only did I lose my investment, but he losthis as well. He was a millionaire and really didn’t care, but it was a littletougher on me.
这就是我如何发现稳定氧有时能治疗疟疾的基本经过。然而,这只是故事的开始。我当时并没有认为它是一种神奇的溶液。我在河的上游呆了6个多月,开办了黄金加工厂。我自己提供了一部分资金,因为Joel Kane抵达的时间较晚而且从不提供多余的钱。当他最后终于到达并且发现我工厂的黄金正在恢复,他提出想要拥有全部所有权并只给我3%的份额,而非合约中规定的20%。我当然不同意这么做,他便指使土地所有者Mike和Mike雇佣的工人拆毁我的工厂,将它搬到丛林区。我知道这是他干的,因为他告诉过我他会这么做。根据合约,如果他不使用我的技术,他便不需要给我20%份额。他面临的问题在于,Mike使用的新技术起不了作用。因此,不仅是我失去了自己的投资,他也如此。他是一个百万富翁,当然不会在乎这点损失,但对我来说却是一场劫难。
WhenI came back to town after those 6 months, all the Ministry of Health problemshad blown over and I left for the U.S. I lost my investment money, but I hadthe knowledge of what the stabilized oxygen could do and it was very exciting.I no longer cared about the gold. I couldn’t wait to get home to begin atesting program to find out why the stabilized oxygen only worked part of thetime.
Iwent back to Guyana a couple months later when another company hired me to helpthem improve their gold recovery process. I was still working with thestabilized oxygen. One night, I was careless and allowed myself to be bittenhundreds of times by mosquitoes. It really wasn’t planned, but when themosquitoes started biting, I just let them bite. Several days later I began todevelop malaria. The typical first symptom was light indigestion at a meal. Itwasn’t very pronounced, only a slight feeling of nausea that passed in about 15minutes. As is common, I didn’t feel the real nausea until the next day. SinceI did get sick, I decided that I might as well check out my own medicine. Idecided to wait until I got a blood test at the hospital in Georgetown beforestarting any treatment. That was almost a fatal mistake. The bus that runs fromthat part of the jungle to Georgetown did not come, and I knew that people whowait too long for treatment almost always end up dead. I waited a couple ofdays for the bus, but it didn’t arrive and I was getting very sick. Still, Iwanted to be absolutely certain, with a blood test, that I had malaria. I wasgoing home soon and I would not have any chance to do further testing of thiskind in the U.S.
Ididn’t tell anyone I was performing a test on myself. My employers, seeing howsick I was, felt responsible for getting me back to town. So, when I agreed topay for part of the cost for an airplane to pick me up, they instantly agreed.In that part of the jungle, they do have a radio and a nearby landing strip.The plane came the next day (now my fourth day of being sick). I rode a bicycleto the landing strip. By this time I was very sick. When I arrived atGeorgetown, they put me in a taxi and took me straight to the hospital.
Atthe hospital, I waited several hours for a blood test. I was definitelyexperiencing the symptoms of malaria, and the doctor told me that my bloodtested positive for malaria. I was an outpatient, so he just gave me a smallbottle of malaria pills. Of course, I did not take the pills; instead, I took alarge dose of my own medicine. Within hours I was feeling better. It worked forme. To top it off, I went back to the hospital and had another blood test takenthat showed I was now negative for malaria. I was elated! I was the firstpatient to have a blood test both before and after taking the stabilizedoxygen. I believed I had discovered a cure for malaria.
Iplanned to leave Guyana right after I tested negative for malaria. I was ridingmy Honda motorcycle, which I bought when I first arrived in Guyana, around thecity. As I rode along the street I met an old friend from Canada who was thereto do some diamond mining. I stopped and we shook hands and sat down at asidewalk café to talk. As we were talking, he noticed a friend shuffling alongthe street. He called out and the friend came over. We were introduced and hewas invited to sit down. He looked very tired and just a little sick. I askedhim what was wrong and he said malaria. He said that the drugs that thehospital was giving him didn’t seem to be helping much. I said, “Well, you justhappened to come to the right place.
Iexplained what I had just found out about curing malaria and said, “If you willwait just several minutes, I will ride home and get you some solution to take.”He agreed to wait. When I returned, I mixed a drink and gave it to him in aglass furnished by the sidewalk café. We continued to talk.
Afterabout half an hour he said, “You know, I feel a little bit better. It must bemy imagination.” All in all, we sat there about 2 hours after he took the solution.In that short period of time, all of his symptoms were gone. I gave him a smallbottle of the solution and later that night he came to where I was staying andgot another bottle from me.
Myplans at that time were to complete the research and then turn the informationover to the world. I was sure I could get it out to the world one way oranother.


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 楼主| 发表于 2020-5-6 01:44 | 显示全部楼层
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Developmentof MMS
Iarrived back in the U.S. in the last part of 1997 and moved to Walker Lake,Nevada, where my partner, Bob Tate, had moved my portable laboratories. Theplan was to set up and manufacture my own special mining equipment in order tomake a living while also investigating the stabilized oxygen that I had used inthe jungle. Unfortunately, during my exchange of Guyana money for Americanmoney before departing Guyana, a large sum of money was stolen from me, as Ihad no experience with the money system there. Therefore, our funds forinvesting in the mining equipment manufacturing business were very limited. So,I sold my 40-foot oceangoing houseboat for a small sum, which helped a lot.
1997年的最后一个月,我回到美国并搬至内华达州的渥克湖(Walker Lake),我的伙伴Bob Tate已经将我在那的流动实验室移走。我计划成立并生产自己的特殊采矿设备,从而一边生活一边继续研究我在丛林中使用的稳定氧。不幸的是,离开圭亚那前,我在用圭亚那币兑换美元时被偷了一大笔钱,因为我对当地的货币制度完全没有经验。因此,投资采矿设备制造业的资金非常有限。我不得不卖掉我40英尺的远洋游艇,而这笔小钱对我帮助颇多。

Weworked our mining equipment business for about a year, but then Bob began todevelop the terrible illness known as Lou Gehrig’s disease and was unable to domuch work. Equipment sales began to falter for many reasons. The magazine inwhich we advertised made a big mistake with our advertising and then refused togive us credit for the mistake, which cost us thousands. Eventually, I ended upliving on my Social Security income and the small amount I was able to earndoing an assay or two from time to time.
我们的采矿设备业务展开了大约一年后,Bob开始患上一种可怕的疾病——路盖里格氏病(LouGehrig’s disease),不能干太多活。出于种种原因,设备销售开始下滑。我们投放广告的杂志犯了一个大错,拒绝为我们提供赊账,这导致我们蒙受了一笔巨大的损失。最后,我不得不以社会保险收入为生,并通过不时地做一两次分析来赚些小钱。

Withmy son’s help in furnishing me with a computer and using the Internet, I beganwriting to various penpals in Africa. After some time, I made friends with aman in Tanzania who took people on safaris to Mount Kilimanjaro. His name wasMoses Augustino. I realized that he was mainly interested in making friendswith people in America because he hoped to come upon some kind of anopportunity. Had I been in his shoes, I might have been doing the same thing.He soon asked me for $40. I realized that $40 was a lot of money to him. Atthat time, $40 was quite a bit to me as well, but I wanted him to try thestabilized oxygen on some malaria cases in Tanzania, so I sent it to him.

The$40 paid off! Following my instructions, he began giving my solution to malariavictims that he knew in his area. Many people were getting well fast, but againnot everyone. He had a doctor friend whom he told about the stabilized oxygen.At that time, we called it the “Humble Health Drink.” I sent his doctor friendtwo bottles and I received an email back from the doctor saying that hecouldn’t see how salty water would help a malaria case. I emailed him back andsaid, “Just try it and you will see.”

Hedid try it and he was amazed. He began to treat all of his malaria patientswith the solution. The problem was, there weren’t many cases of malaria in thisparticular area. If there had been as many cases in his area as there were insouth Tanzania, he would have treated hundreds of people and it might have beena different story. But he only saw a few cases of malaria each week. I thoughtyou might like to see the two letters sent to me at my request. They areincluded on the next two pages. Many people were treated after these letterswere written and I received more data concerning the stabilized oxygen (HumbleHealth Drink).


Kittu J. Thomas
电话:+255 742421996/+744306581

MosesAugustino and his wife in 2000. Moses was the first man to cure someone inAfrica of malaria using MMS.
Moses Augustino和他的妻子,2000年。Moses是在非洲用MMS治疗疟疾患者的第一人。


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 楼主| 发表于 2020-5-6 01:56 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 心的力量 于 2020-5-18 19:54 编辑

Meanwhile,I was working to figure out the chemical composition of the stabilized oxygenand how it was made. I needed to find out why it wasn’t 100% effective. Ilearned that Dr. William F. Koch first started working with this solution inGermany back in 1926. He used it in conjunction with mentally retardedchildren, because he believed that the stabilized oxygen produced nontoxicoxygen identical to the oxygen produced by breathing. Dr. Koch used his formulafor 10 years believing that it somehow increased oxygen to the brains of theretarded children. Unfortunately, that was not the case. The problem was thateither the chemistry was not modern enough to allow Dr. Koch to understandexactly what the formula was doing, or he just didn’t understand chemistry wellenough.
同时,我也在致力于弄清楚稳定氧的化学组成以及如何制做稳定氧。我需要找出为什么它不是100%有效的原因。我知道William F. Koch医生是研究这种溶液的第一人,他早在1926年就已经在德国展开相关研究。他将稳定氧用在智力发展迟缓的儿童身上,因为他认为稳定氧产生的无毒氧等同于呼吸所产生的氧。Koch医生使用他的配方已有10年,并且相信该配方能增加智力发展迟缓儿童脑中的含氧量。问题在于当时的化学知识不足够现代,因此Koch医生不明白配方如何起作用;此外他也未能透彻理解这一化学作用。

Theformula found its way to the U.S. around 1930. Over the years, those who couldfind the actual formula began to add it to various products, thinking that itwas a form of oxygen that the body could use. Since that time, researchersstudying stabilized oxygen have continued to make the same mistake. The factis, what has been called stabilized oxygen for the past 80 years contains nooxygen that the body can use. In order for oxygen to be useful to the body, itmust be in its elemental state. That means it can have no charge. In otherwords, it cannot be an ion form of oxygen. The oxygen that is in stabilizedoxygen is in an ionic form with a–2 charge. Saying that the body can use theoxygen in stabilized oxygen is like saying that the body can use the oxygen incarbon dioxide. Do you understand? Carbon dioxide has two ions of oxygen with thesame –2 charge. If you only breathe carbon dioxide you will die. The oxygen instabilized oxygen merely becomes part of the water in the body. Water is madeup of oxygen and hydrogen. In that composition, oxygen and hydrogen do notdestroy any pathogens at all. Later in my research, when I realized all ofthis, I was amazed to find that several universities had made this mistake. Ofcourse, early on, I did not know any better either; I just knew the solutionneeded to be improved.
这一配方直到1930年左右才进入美国。这些年间,那些知道真正配方的人开始将它加入各种产品中,认为它是一种能被身体利用的氧。此后,稳定氧的研究人员继续犯着同样的错。事实是,过去80年被称为稳定氧的东西并不含有任何能为身体所用的氧。氧若要对身体有用,必须处于元素形式。也就是说氧不能带电,不能为氧离子形式。而稳定氧是带有–2电荷的氧离子。我们说身体能利用稳定氧中的氧,就等同于说身体能利用二氧化碳中的氧。 现在你们理解了吗?二氧化碳有两个带-2电荷的氧离子。如果你只呼吸二氧化碳,你会死亡。稳定氧中的氧只会变成身体中水的一部分。水由氧和氢组成。在这一合成物中,氧和氢并不会破坏任何病原体。在随后的研究中我认识到这一点,也惊讶于几所大学竟然也犯了同样的错误。当然,早些时候我的认知也没有比他们更好,我只知道需要改善这种溶液。

Whenyou take a breath of air, you are taking millions of oxygen atoms into yourlungs. Guess what happens when you breathe out. You are breathing oxygen out inthe form of carbon dioxide. The amount of oxygen going out is the same as theamount that came in, but going out it is carbon dioxide. You see, the dioxideis oxygen, but it is spent oxygen (so to speak). The thing that theoxygen does that keeps the body alive is it oxidizes things in the body.Oxidation involves an oxygen atom accepting electrons, which destroys poisons,neutralizes chemicals, and releases heat energy. In the process, carbondioxide, carbon monoxide, or some other combination is created. When the oxygenaccepts the electrons, it is no longer an oxygen atom; it becomes an oxygen ionwith a –2 charge. If it already has a –2 charge, as it does in stabilizedoxygen, it cannot oxidize anything, and thus, it is of no value to the body asoxygen. So if it isn’t the oxygen in the so-called stabilized oxygen that killsthe malaria parasite, what does?
每吸入一次空气意味着将数百万个氧原子吸入肺中。那么请猜猜当你呼出气体时又发生了些什么呢?你将氧以二氧化碳形式呼出。呼出的氧量等于吸入的氧量,但呼出的是二氧化碳。显然,二氧化物也是氧,但它是“用过的氧”(spent oxygen,可以这么说)。氧能够保持身体有生命力是因为它可以氧化体内物质。氧化反应包括氧原子接受电子(可以破坏毒物)、中和化学物、释放热量。在这一过程中生成了二氧化碳、一氧化碳或其他合成物。氧接受电子后便不再是氧原子,而是变成了带有-2电荷的氧离子。如果氧已经带有–2电荷,就像在稳定氧中那样,它便不再能氧化任何物体;这样的氧对身体没有任何价值。因此,如果说不是稳定氧中的氧杀死疟原虫,那又是什么在起着这样的作用呢?

Findingthe formula for stabilized oxygen was a hard thing to do back in 1998,particularly given my limited knowledge of chemistry. Nobody who had theformula was telling, and even when they sold it, they didn’t put theingredients on the label. However, I did find one company that gaveinstructions for using stabilized oxygen. They said that after you put thedrops into a glass of water it became unstable, and thus, you should never waitmore than 1 hour before drinking the mixture. I thought that was interesting,so I put 10 drops into a standard glass of water (8 ounces), waited for about 8hours, and then smelled it, like chemists often do. I thought I smelledchlorine. I realized that if water did make the stabilized oxygen unstable, itwas because the water had made it less alkaline (more neutral). I had beenusing 10 drops, but was getting the idea that I would have to use more. Afteradding 20 drops of stabilized oxygen to an 8 ounce glass of water, I decided toadd a little vinegar, because it contains acetic acid, which I knew would makethe solution even less alkaline than the water made it. I waited for more than24 hours this time and was then able to detect a much stronger smell of chlorine.

Bythat time my friends in Africa trusted me to some small extent, so they werewilling to give it a try. They started using the improved formula of 20 dropsof stabilized oxygen in a full glass of water with 1 teaspoon of vinegar. Afterwaiting 24 hours, they gave it to several of those who had not been helped bythe original dose. In every case, the malaria victim was cured when they usedthe vinegar and waited 24 hours.
Totest my mixture, I bought some chlorine measuring sticks used for swimmingpools. Guess what? After a few hours, the mixture began to measure a slightamount of chlorine. After 24 hours, it measured at least 1 ppm (part permillion) chlorine. That wasn’t the total answer, but I was getting closer. Ididn’t realize it at first, but the sticks were measuring chlorine dioxide.

Next,I put a lid on the glass containing the mixture and found that it developed thesame strength of chlorine in 2 hours as it did in 24 hours without the lid.That is, of course, as long as I used the vinegar. The reason was that thechlorine was not evaporating into the air as quickly. I transmitted this datato Tanzania and they began to use this new procedure. They added the teaspoonof vinegar, used a lid, and waited for 2 hours before giving it to the malariavictims. It worked every time. They were not experiencing any failures.

Thisall sounds easy now, but I did more than 1,000 different tests over a period of1 year to figure out all these “simple” things. My money was very limited andswimming pool test strips were expensive, as were the various chemicals that Ineeded to conduct the testing. I must admit that I didn’t do anything reallybrilliant. I just blundered along with the small amount of knowledge Ipossessed of the chemistry of metallurgy. There was also the fact that I was aresearch engineer in the aerospace industry for almost 25 years. I set up testsfor A-bombs and that sort of thing. So, I did have some experience conductingtests. I tried a dozen or more acids and a hundred combinations.

The2-hour wait was okay for the doctor, but it wasn’t very practical for my friendMoses Augustino. He was always on the move and would run into cases of malariaon his travels. He needed a method that would allow him to give a person a dosewithin 5 minutes or so, as he simply could not always wait 2 hours. Stabilizedoxygen is stable due to its very high alkalinity (i.e., the opposite ofacidity.) When a few drops are added to a glass of water, the alkalinity isneutralized by the water and ions in the drops become unstable and begin torelease chlorine. At least that is what I thought at the time. So the questionwas, how do we get this to happen faster?
2小时的等待对医生而言完全没问题,但对我的朋友Moses Augustino却不太实用。他总是在四处旅行并且在旅途中总会遇到各种疟疾病例。他需要一种方法能让他在5分钟左右为病人提供一定剂量,因为他经常没办法等2个小时。稳定氧能稳定是因为它的高碱度(与酸度相反)。稳定氧加入水中后,碱被水中和,稳定氧中的离子变得不稳定,于是开始释放氯。至少这也是我同时在思考的问题。因此,问题在于我们如何让这一现象更快速地发生。

Theresearch required the purchase and testing of different acids, which I finallyaccomplished. After trying all the mineral acids and various organic acids, Ifound that vinegar, an organic acid that is 5% acetic acid, worked the best.Then I made a mini–breakthrough, which now seems obvious. Instead of using aglass of water, I used no water at all. I just put 20 drops of stabilizedoxygen and 1/4 teaspoon of vinegar in a clean, dry, empty glass. I swirled itaround to mix it. That worked, and in only 3 minutes! I checked the mixturewith the chlorine strips and it showed a reading of over 5 ppm in only 3minutes’ time. When I added 1/2 glass (4 ounces) of water, it diluted themixture out to less than 1 ppm, but the taste was terrible. The stabilizedoxygen mixture with water doesn’t taste too bad before the chlorine isreleased, but afterwards it’s pretty bad. Some people don’t seem to mind thetaste; however, most people do, especially children, and they are the ones whoneed the solution most.
进行研究需要购买并测试不同酸,最终我也完成了这些步骤。在试用了所有矿物酸和多种有机酸后,我发现醋(一种含5%乙酸的有机酸)的效果最佳。接下来我取得了一个小小的突破,而这一突破在如今看来非常显著。我不再使用一杯水,而是根本不需要水。我将20滴稳定氧和1/4茶匙醋放入一个干净、干燥的空玻璃杯,然后旋转使其混合均匀。它起效了,仅仅3分钟后就起效了!我用氯测试条检验混合液,3分钟后读数便超过了5 ppm。当我加入1/2 杯 (4 盎司)水,混合溶液便被稀释为不到1 ppm且味道也很难闻。含水的稳定氧混合溶液在释放氯之前气味不算太糟糕,但氯被释放之后味道非常不好。有些人也许并不介意味道,但是大多数人是介意的,尤其是儿童,他们是最需要这种溶液的人群。
Itried various juices to see which ones might work the best. There were twoproblems: I needed something that would taste okay, and I needed something thatwould not change the amount of chlorine. After trying many juices and tasting alot of drinks, I settled on plain old apple juice, without added vitamin C. Itransmitted this information to my friends in Tanzania and they used it for afew months, but then something happened and I didn’t hear from them again. Iworried that my friend Moses had been injured on one of his trips toKilimanjaro, as he simply dropped out of contact. The doctor explained to methat he had not heard from him either. He also mentioned that he was going tomove. I have never heard from the doctor again, despite the numerous emails Ihave sent. He gave me a great deal of help and I miss hearing from him. Icontinued to send emails to Moses, and finally, in February 2009, I receivedword from him. We are now in communication again and I am helping him withmoney needed to begin selling MMS in Tanzania.
我尝试各种汁液以便找出哪些效果最佳。还有两个问题:我所需要的东西既要有不错的口感,还不能改变氯含量。 在试用了许多种不同汁液以及尝过各种饮料后,我发现不添加维他命C的苹果汁最理想。我将这一消息告诉了远在坦桑尼亚的朋友们,他们使用几个月后,不知忽然发生了什么,我再也没有收到他们的信件。我担心Moses在前往Kilimanjaro的途中受伤了,因为他与我失去了联系。医生告诉我他也没有Moses的消息。他还说他很快将要搬走。此后我与这位医生也失去了联系,尽管我向他发送了无数电子邮件。他曾给予我极大帮助,我希望能收到他的来信。我继续给Moses发邮件,终于,在2009年2月我收到了他的回信。我们现在仍保持通信,我为他提供在坦桑尼亚销售MMS所需的资金。

Youmay be wondering at this point about the formula for stabilized oxygen. I didfinally uncover it. I am sure that a lot of researchers would have figured itout in half an hour, but living on a desert lake with a very limited income, ittook me a while. Today, anyone in the world can find the information, but letme save you some trouble. The formula is NaClO2. The name is sodium chloriTe.That sounds like salt, but it’s not quite the same. Table salt is NaCl, and thename is sodium chloriDe. Notice the difference in the second to last letter.One is chlorite, and the other is chloride. So let me tell you about what allthe other researchers seem to have missed.
现在你也许想知道关于稳定氧的分子式。我相信许多研究人员都能在半小时内想出来,但像我这样生活在干涸的湖边又没有太多钱,要完成这样一项工作是要花时间的。如今,任何人都能发现这一信息,但让我来帮助你减少麻烦吧。这个分子式就是NaClO2,其通用名为亚氯酸钠。这个名字听起来像盐,但实际上与盐完全不同。食盐是NaCl,被称为氯化钠。请注意第二个至最后一个字母的区别。一个是chlorite(亚氯酸盐),另一个则是 chloride(氯化物)。下面我开始讲述被所有其他研究人员所忽视的一些关键点。

First,the chlorine I smelled was actually chlorine in the air above the solution, butthere was no chlorine in the solution. I discovered that what is in thesolution is chlorine dioxide, which is different than chlorine. Sodium chlorite(stabilized oxygen) is highly alkaline—the opposite of acidic. When it isneutralized, it becomes unstable and begins to release, not oxygen, butchlorine dioxide. However, this is where the oxygen comes in. The formula forchlorine dioxide is ClO2. That’s one ion of chlorine and two ions of oxygen,but the body cannot use that oxygen, because it has already lost its ability tooxidize. However, the chlorine ion has a powerful ability to oxidize. Chlorinedioxide is a powerful explosive. It cannot be contained, as it will explode anddestroy the container. It is always generated where it is used, because itcannot be moved. Even a chlorine dioxide particle as small as one ion willexplode if it hits the right thing, namely a pathogen in the body or some otheritem more acidic than the body. Body tissues are unaffected by chlorinedioxide, as they are much stronger than pathogens.

Anexplosion is merely a fast chemical reaction releasing energy, which is usuallysome kind of oxidization. When a chlorine dioxide ion meets a pathogen, itaccepts five electrons of charge and results in an instant oxidization, whichis the explosion. The result of this explosion (chemical reaction) is that thechlorine ion is completely neutralized. The two oxygen ions that were part ofthe chlorine dioxide ion are already neutral, which for oxygen is a –2 state.That means that the oxygen ion cannot oxidize anything; it can only become apart of the water in the body. The body cannot utilize it for any kind of oxidation.The chlorine ion becomes a chloride, which is basically just table salt with noparticular power. Both the oxygen and the chlorine do not have any charge thatwill create any kind of oxidation at this point. So you see, it’s the chlorinedioxide ion (the combination of chlorine and oxygen) that does the work, and ithas a far greater capacity to oxidize pathogens than oxygen.
爆炸是一种可释放能量的快速化学反应,通常为某种氧化反应。当二氧化氯与病原体相遇,它可接受5个带电电子并立刻导致氧化作用,也就是爆炸。这种爆炸(化学反应)的结果就是氯离子完全被中和。属于二氧化氯一部分的这两个氧离子已经是中性,氧处于–2电荷状态。也就是说,氧离子不再能氧化任何物质,只是体内水分的一个组成部分。身体无法利用其进行任何氧化反应。氯离子变成了氯化物,而氯化物只是没有任何特殊作用的食盐。氧和氯都不再带电,也就不能产生任何氧化反应。由此可见,是二氧化氯离子(氯和氧形成的化合物) 在起作用,它氧化病原体的能力远远强于氧。

Anotherfact is that several deep breaths of air will supply more oxygen to the humanbody than the stabilized oxygen can be expected to supply. Since the formulawas created to produce oxygen identical to the oxygen in the respirationprocess, what would be the point of taking the stabilized oxygen when you couldsimply take a couple of deep breaths? It’s a moot point, so we won’t waste timeon it. The fact is, what the researchers believed was happening was not. Theoxygen just becomes a part of the water in the body and/or possibly becomespart of a carbon dioxide ion, but it cannot be used by the body for anythingelse.

Thefunction of chlorine dioxide is to attract electrons away from anything that itcan oxidize. It does not supply oxygen. The chlorine dioxide ion is theoxidizer, not the oxygen. Check your chemistry book. Oxygen is not the onlyoxidizer. Any reaction in which electrons are transferred is consideredoxidation. If the researchers that worked with stabilized oxygen had been ableto understand modern chemistry, they may have been more successful in theirresearch. There is a lot more to the process than is covered in this initialexplanation. I intend to go over it thoroughly as I continue the story of thedevelopment of MMS. It’s written so anyone can understand it.

Atthe time I made this discovery, I had just moved a few miles to the town ofMina, Nevada, where I continued writing emails to people in Africa. Thirtymiles away from Mina is the town of Hawthorne, Nevada. There I met J. Andrew Nehring,a man who ran a small hobby shop. He had just returned from the Mayo Clinicwhere he had been operated on for cancer of the pancreas. He was continuing tobe tested at a hospital in a nearby city. Unfortunately, the tests were stillreturning positive for cancer. He was scheduled for exploratory surgery inapproximately 60 days at the Mayo Clinic. While visiting a mutual friend, heheard me talking about my solution. He asked me about it and wondered if itwould help his cancer. Since many people had already tried stabilized oxygen oncancer and had experienced some success, I believed that the addition ofvinegar might make the solution even better for treating cancer, as it had madethe solution better for treating malaria.
当我得到这一发现时我已经移居到距内华达州米纳(Mina)镇几英里的地方,我在那继续给非洲朋友们写邮件。霍桑(Hawthorne)镇距离米纳有30英里,我在那结识了模型小店店主 J. AndrewNehring。他刚从Mayo诊所做完胰腺癌手术回来。他还要继续在附近城市的医院里接受检查。不幸的是,检查结果又变成了癌症阳性。大约60天后他还得在Mayo诊所接受探知手术。他在拜访一个我们共同的朋友时听我说起我的溶液。他向我询问这种溶液并想知道是否能帮助他治疗癌症。于许多人已经尝试将稳定氧用于癌症并取得了一些成功,而我相信添加醋应当会使这种溶液能更好地治疗癌症,因为这在疟疾治疗上已取得更好的效果。

Weboth agreed to try it. I had not noticed any side effects at this point. IT ISNOT A DRUG. So, he began taking the solution using vinegar as the activator.Within 2 weeks his cancer readings began to decline. The high reading was 82 (whateverthat meant). At the next visit to the hospital the reading was 71. A monthlater the reading was 55. Two months later it was 29, and so on until thereading was less than 5. The doctors at the hospital didn’t know what hadhappened, but as soon as the readings began to go down, they canceled theappointment at the Mayo Clinic. They wanted to see what was happening. When thereading reached 3, they said there was no point in further testing. This isjust one of a number of cancer stories from the past 10 years in which thecancer just went away when the patient took MMS.
我们都同意试试看。此时我还尚未注意到任何副作用。它不是药物。因此,J. Andrew开始服用这种以醋为催化剂的溶液。2周内他的癌症指标开始降低。最高读数为82(不论这意味着什么)。当他下一次前往医院复诊时,读数变成了71。一个月后读数下降至55,两个月后则是29,最终读数小于5。医院的医生们不知道发生了什么,但当读数开始下降时他们便取消了Andrew在诊所的预约。他们想弄清楚到底发生了什么。当读数达到3时,他们认为已经不再需要继续做检查。这只是过去10年内众多癌症治疗案例中的一个,这些癌症患者服用了MMS后,癌症便消失了。

Atthat time, my goal was to get this information to the world one way or another.I developed a plan to put some of the story on the Internet to be distributedthroughout the world. The way I envisioned doing this was to put theinformation in an email, ready to be sent out to the world. I wanted it to bedistributed in the way viruses are often sent. When a person received this MMSinformation, it would have a tiny program that would allow the receiver toeasily send the information out to every email address on his computer. Ofcourse, he would be in total control. A person would only have to push onebutton and all the information concerning how to use and make MMS would go outto every email address on his computer that he so designated. Do you see howquickly that could propagate around the world? I was determined to make it areality.

Isold the one thing I had, a special process for gold recovery. I received$17,000 for the process. I searched the Internet and finally found a companywhose representatives claimed they could develop such a distribution program. Istarted working with them to get the program written. I paid $5,000 up front,several thousand as the program progressed, and a large sum at the end. Theprogram never worked. So, I never got a working program and I had spent most ofmy money. Just to be fair, let me tell you the name of the company that refusedto furnish me with a working program after I had paid them $14,000. It wasDanube Technologies, Inc., located in Seattle, Washington.
我售出了我自己拥有的一种特殊的黄金加工处理方法,获得17000美元。我在网络上搜索,并最终找到一家公司。该公司的代表声称他们能开发我所需要的传播程序。我开始与他们合作,让他们编写程序。我预先支付了5000美元,在程序编写过程中又付了几千美元,一共花了一大笔钱,但这个程序根本不起作用。因此,我没有获得一个有效的程序,反而花光了大部分钱。为了公平起见,我决定告诉你们这家“收取我14000美元后拒绝为我提供一个有效程序”的公司的名称——位于华盛顿西雅图的Danube科技公司(Danube Technologies, Inc.)。

Theytold me that when I made the final payment they would send me the workingprogram. Their first proposal to me was dated April 9, 2001. My final paymentto them was made on November 11, 2001. The program never came close to working.They claimed it did. They also said that the program was illegal. They wouldnot do anything more. Now, 6 years later, I am finally selling this book. Theprogram would have dispersed the MMS story very quickly, but a book is evenbetter. Far more information can be conveyed in a book than can be sent in anemail.

I’msure you must be thinking that with such an amazing cure philanthropists likeOprah Winfrey and Bill Gates would be standing in line to give me money tocarry out my mission, but that is not the case. It took a while to get it allfigured out, but I finally realized it is all based on money or the desire forprestige. Oprah wants to know what is going to bring her TV program the biggestaudience, because that is what brings in the money, and Bill Gates does notbuild his prestige by helping the little guy. His millions go to the bigpharmaceutical laboratories, which in turn gain him powerful friends throughoutthe world. To invest in something that works but reduces the income of thepharmaceutical companies would be unthinkable. He told me over the phone thathe would not back us until we had FDA approval. That takes $100 million dollarsand he knows we will never have that kind of money.
我确信此刻你们一定在想:对于效果如此惊人的一种治疗方法,像Oprah Winfrey和Bill Gates(比尔盖茨)这样的慈善家们一定排着队等着为我提供资金、帮我展开工作。但事实并非如此。他们这么做只需要一点点时间,但我最终意识到这取决于金钱或者对名声的欲望。Oprah想要知道的是什么能使她的电视节目观众最多,因为这能为她来收益;而Bill Gates也绝不会通过帮助小人物来建立声望。他的百万金钱只会投入到大型医药实验室,因为这可以帮助他在全球范围内结交到许多有权势的朋友。要想让他投钱给一些有效果但却会减少医药公司收入的项目根本就是不可能的。他在电话上告诉我,除非有FDA批准否则他不会支持我们。而申请FDA批准需要1亿美元,他知道我们永远不可能有这么多钱。

Isent many letters to these people and dozens of other organizations. It wasn’t,for the most part, that they didn’t believe me. For 100 years the medicalestablishment and the pharmaceutical companies with their billions of dollarshave stood shoulder to shoulder using the laws enacted by Congress to hold thealternative medicine manufacturers and practitioners at bay. They have tried tomake them look like quacks and charlatans, but the fact is that millions ofAmericans have discovered they are not. Despite medical warnings, every yearmore and more people discover answers in the alternative medicine field, andnow it is a multibillion-dollar business. You can’t possibly think thatmillions of Americans are so stupid that they would prefer quacks andcharlatans if they were not getting real help addressing their health problems.It may surprise you to know that 55% of Americans now use alternative medicineand have quit going to their family medical doctors. That’s why the governmentis frantically working to get all supplements under the control of the medicalestablishment.

Sincethe release of the first edition of this book, the FDA has announced itsintentions to shut down at least 50% of the alternative medical businesses. Anew law enacted by Congress gives the FDA the right to require that allsupplements be tested to prove their efficacy. This means that the FDA can stopthe sale of any supplement at any time and require testing, which can cost upto $100 million per supplement. While more than 900,000 people die from drugs eachyear, the alternative health industry does not average even one death per year.But should someone so much as report being sick from a health supplement, theFDA can, and does, stop the sale of every supplement of that kind in thecountry. In several such cases the supplements were never allowed back on theshelves, even though nothing was ever found to be wrong with them. Given thisnew law and what the government has said it is going to do, it is obvious thatthe FDA intends to ensure that eventually only drugs will be available to thosewho are sick. So please, tell your friends about this book.


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 楼主| 发表于 2020-5-6 02:04 | 显示全部楼层
StabilizedOxygen, MMS, and a Contract
Asstated in the previous chapter, I moved to the small town of Mina, Nevada, in2001, where I lived on a gold milling property at no cost. Dick Johnson, theowner of the property and a friend, offered me this opportunity to help me outwith my research. It gave me a few extra dollars to put towards theinvestigation of stabilized oxygen.
Thestabilized oxygen mixture has been renamed several times since I began makingthe solution in my kitchen. It is not easy to get the chemical sodium chlorite,but if you keep at it, you can get some. It is available through many chemicalsupply houses, and I’ll tell you how to get it later in this book. I beganmaking the solution much stronger than the stabilized oxygen that is sold onthe market. For many years, stabilized oxygen was 3.5% sodium chlorite. At thistime, my solution, which I have named the Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS), is22.4% sodium chlorite. That’s almost seven times stronger than regularstabilized oxygen. This means that when I make a trip into the jungle, I cancarry seven times as much “healing power” as I was able to carry with theoriginal stabilized oxygen formula.
Letme explain what has happened. Over the past 80 years, researchers haveconducted their tests using from 5 to 20 drops, at most, of the 3.5% solution.As I started helping people with malaria and other problems, if a few dropsdidn’t work, I just gave them more. In all the research literature I have readconcerning stabilized oxygen, no one has ever increased the dosage beyond 25drops, and very few have used that many. (What happened to the old idea that if10 drops is good, 40 drops is 4 times better?) The only precaution I took wasto always try the heavier doses on myself first. Generally, I was dealing withpeople who wanted to get well, and they agreed to try it after I had tested it.I didn’t go directly from 10 drops of stabilized oxygen to 120, but eventuallyI arrived at 120 drops and used a second dose of 120 drops 1 hour later. Iincreased the dosage a little at a time until I determined what it took toovercome a problem. It is not a drug; it is a mineral solution. I am aninventor, not a doctor. I don’t even know what the Hippocratic oath says. I amnot trying to do what doctors do. Ever since I thought it was possible, my goalhas been to invent a way to help the immune system overcome malaria, and I haveaccomplished it. In my opinion, I have never put anyone at risk, and I havepersonally helped over 2,000 people. Over 75,000 people have overcome malariawith the help of people I have trained. The people treated were “cured” and nodeaths were ever reported, even though over 300 deaths could have been expectedfor a study of this size. When I say “cured” I’m referring to the fact thatthey got up, smiled, put their clothes on, and went back to work. They have notrelapsed, as far as we can tell.
让我来解释一下发生了什么。在过去80年间,研究人员已经利用5至20滴3.5%溶液展开了不同试验。当我开始帮助人们治疗疟疾和其他问题时,如果几滴不能起作用,我就会给他们用更多剂量。在我读过的所有关于稳定氧的研究文献中,从未有人将剂量增加到25滴以上,而且也很少有研究人员使用25滴这一剂量(为什么人们不再认同“如果10滴很好,那么40滴的好处就是10滴的4倍”这一古老的观念呢) 。我采用的唯一一种预防措施就是先在自己身上试验更高剂量。 我通常还会用更高剂量治疗希望好转的病人,他们会在我亲自检验之后同意尝试。我并没有直接将剂量从10滴增加至120滴,但我的最终尝试还是达到了120滴并且在1小时后再次使用了120滴这一剂量。我每次都将剂量提高一点点,直至我确定问题已解决。它不是药品,而是矿物溶液。我是发明家,而非医生。我甚至不知道希波克拉提斯宣言是什么。我尽量按照医生的做法去做。自从我知道可能实现之时起,我的目标就是发明一种方法帮助免疫系统克服疟疾,而我最终实现了这一目标。我认为我从未将任何人置于危险境地,并且亲自帮助了2000多人。有超过75,000 人在我培训过的人的帮助下治好了疟疾。这些接受治疗的人都“痊愈”了,也未报导过任何死亡事件,尽管我们预计这种规模的研究会有300多个死亡病例。我所述的“治愈”一词指人们能站起来、微笑、自己穿衣服并重新返回工作岗位。据我们所知,没有任何人旧病复发。
Didwe do double-blind and triple-blind tests? No. The money has not beenavailable. As I have said, Bill Gates will not help us until we are FDAapproved, which costs millions, but those people in Africa who went back towork feeling good didn’t care if we had FDA approval or not. When I phoned theFDA, they told me that they had no say in Africa and would not comment on myuse of MMS there, but if I want to get it approved for treatment of malaria inAmerica, that will be another story. They don’t care if it is not a drug. Theminute I say treatment of any disease, it becomes a drug and it must undergocountless tests and laboratory evaluations, which run anywhere from $50 millionupwards.
我们是否进行了双盲和三盲测试呢?答案是没有,因为没有足够资金。如我之前所说, Bill Gates不会帮助我们,除非我们获得FDA批准。获得FDA批准往往要花费数百万美元,而那些返回工作岗位并感觉良好的非洲人民并不在乎我们是否有FDA批准。当我打电话给FDA时, 他们说自己在非洲没有发言权,因此不会对我在当地使用MMS发表任何评论;但如果我想要他们批准在美国用MMS治疗疟疾,那么就另当别论了。他们并不关心MMS是不是药品。当它被用来治疗任何疾病时,它就是药品,那么就必须接受无数检测和实验室评估,而这至少需要5千万美元。
Thecountry of Malawi has approved MMS as a mineral solution that can be given toanyone, including those who are sick. They have shown a bit of reasonablelogic. It isn’t likely to happen here in the U.S. The doctors andpharmaceutical companies have lobbied Congress to the tune of billions ofdollars to have all the laws written in their favor and to produce money forthem. Every year, over 900,000 people in the U.S. die from medical drug-relatedcauses. However, when just one person died in 1 year from an amino acid foundin a health food store, the FDA ordered that amino acid to be removed from allhealth food stores in the U.S., in spite of the fact that it had helped morepeople than most drugs. Now, years later, that amino acid still cannot be sold.The particular amino acid was replacing a drug and was costing the drugcompanies money. The drug companies and the FDA are always ready to pounce onanything that might eat into the profits of the pharmaceutical companies.
Solong as one is promoting a mineral solution in the attempt to make people feelbetter, there is no criticism. So long as one is promoting a mineral solutionattempting to make people healthier, there is no criticism. But the minute oneattempts to treat someone for some specific condition with a solution that hasbeen used for 80 years, then that is a different story. You must be a doctor,you must do clinical trials, and you must have $100 million for double- andtriple-blind tests, and to meet the dozens of other requirements. No one offersto furnish the money. They just tell you what you are required to do. How dareyou try to treat someone for a disease! Only doctors and pharmaceuticalcompanies are permitted to do that.
Thereare many people in America who realize that drugs only treat the symptoms, notthe causes of a disease. Why would a company bother to research how to besttreat the symptoms of a disease instead of attempting to find a cure for thedisease? A lot of us have asked this question, but not the FDA. Perhaps it’sbecause they know the answer: As long as the drug companies are only treatingthe symptoms, they won’t cure the disease and they can go on selling their druguntil the person dies.
Severalwealthy people offered to pay to distribute MMS throughout the country ofHaiti. They wanted to eliminate malaria in Haiti. But when we approached morethan 15 clinics there, we found that they were controlled by doctors in theU.S. The doctors in the U.S. were determined to keep us from giving our mineralsolution to a single person. Haiti did not receive the solution and thousandsstill have malaria.
Hasanyone been hurt? No. Thousands of people with malaria have taken MMS and theyare now happy and well. No one has claimed any lasting, negative side effect.There has been an instant reaction in about 1 out of 100 people, but that’s nota side effect. The reaction normally lasts less than 30 minutes. Look it up ina medical dictionary or on the Internet. A side effect is an effect that a drughas on healthy cells that are not a part of a disease. An instant reaction isthe result of the body adjusting to MMS as it affects diseased cells or diseasecausing germs. There are no effects on healthy cells.
Weknow that MMS (22.4% sodium chlorite) generates chlorine dioxide (CLO2) whenmixed with vinegar. The reason it produces chlorine dioxide when mixed withvinegar is because the acetic acid (in the vinegar) causes the solution to beneutralized or to become slightly acidic. MMS is normally extremely alkaline.When it is made acidic, by adding the vinegar, it becomes slightly unstable andbegins to release chlorine dioxide. By measuring the drops and the acetic acid,we know that it creates about 3 mg of chlorine dioxide in approximately 3minutes. When we add apple juice (or some other juice without vitamin C), itdilutes the solution so that there is about 1 ppm chlorine dioxide in the totalapple juice mixture. MMS continues to generate chlorine dioxide, but now at amuch slower rate.
我们知道MMS (22.4%亚氯酸钠)与醋混合时会产生二氧化氯(CLO2),这是因为醋中的乙酸可使溶液变成中性或者轻度酸性。MMS通常是碱性极高的,当通过添加醋使它变成酸性时,它会有一些不稳定并开始释放二氧化氯。通过测量溶液和乙酸,我们知道它能在大约3分钟后产生3mg二氧化氯。当我们加入苹果汁(或者某些其他不含维他命C的果汁),它会稀释溶液,使最终的苹果汁混合液中的二氧化氯含量大约为1 ppm。MMS继续产生二氧化氯,但产生速率已经大幅减缓。
Chlorineand chlorine dioxide have been used to purify water and kill pathogens inhospitals, and for many other antiseptic uses for more than 100 years. Lately,chlorine dioxide has been used more and more frequently, especially to purifywater. The FDA has authorized its use for the cleaning of chicken, beef, andother foods. Research has proven chlorine dioxide to be much safer thanchlorine, as it is selective for pathogens when used in water and it does notcreate compounds from other constituents in the water, which chlorine does.Simple chemistry tells us that without a doubt, the same situation exists inthe body. It has been proven that chlorine in drinking water creates at leastthree different carcinogenic compounds when it enters the body, but no suchcompounds have been found with the use of chlorine dioxide. In 1999, theAmerican Society of Analytical Chemists stated that chlorine dioxide is themost powerful pathogen killer known to man.
Ifthis is the case—and it is—then you would think that the pharmaceuticalcompanies might say to themselves, “Hmm, if chlorine dioxide is such a powerfulkiller of bacteria, viruses, and other germs, and since it is used to killviruses on foods throughout the food industry, maybe, just maybe, it can beused to kill those things in the human body.” But no, they want to developdrugs that make you feel a little bit better, which you will buy again andagain. No point in creating something that’s going to cure a person with justone dose! Pharmaceutical companies should have discovered it 100 years ago, butthey didn’t. You might say this is just my opinion, my truth, but I am going tohave to call it a fact, because it is such an obvious truth. There is no excusefor why research has not been conducted on a solution that has been used for100 years to kill disease-causing germs. The pharmaceutical companies not onlyhave not done the research, they have actually refused to test stabilizedoxygen many times.
Sowhat happens when you put stabilized oxygen into the body? First, it goes downinto the stomach. There are dozens of research papers that state that when itcomes in contact with strong stomach acids it immediately breaks down intooxygen. However, they don’t describe the tests used to prove this hypothesis. Itested stomach acids in a glass and never had this result. I even triedtripling the strength of the acid in the glass to three times the acid thatwould normally be found in the stomach, and it never immediately broke down thesodium chlorite. In fact, it didn’t increase the speed of the production ofchlorine dioxide beyond approximately 1/100 of a milligram per hour—in otherwords, it essentially didn’t increase it at all. Of course, all that can becreated when the sodium chlorite does break down is chlorine dioxide and sodium(an insignificant amount). That is all there is; there isn’t anything elseleft. The chlorine dioxide “explodes” when it touches items that are a greatdeal different than cells of the body by accepting five electrons withtremendous energy. The items that cause this “explosion” are almost alwaysthings that are bad for the body. Otherwise, it simply bounces off healthycells. There is more about this later in the book (see chapter 15), but again,chlorine dioxide is the oxidizer here, not oxygen.
那么,当你将稳定氧放入体内后会发生什么呢?首先,它会进入胃。已有研究论文指出当稳定氧与强烈的胃酸接触后,便会即刻分解为氧。然而,这些文献并未描述用于证实这一假设的试验。我在玻璃杯内检验了胃酸,但从未取得上述结果。我甚至将玻璃杯内的胃酸浓度提高为胃中浓度的三倍,但仍然没有对亚氯酸钠起到分解作用。事实上,它并未能将二氧化氯生成速度提高到1毫克/小时的1/100以上,也就是说,根本没有任何作用。当然,亚氯酸纳分解时产生的物质只有二氧化氯和钠 (产生的量并不大)。这就是形成的所有物质,再无其他。当二氧化氯与不同于身体细胞的物质接触时,可接受5个带有巨大能量的电子,从而“爆炸”。能引发这种“爆炸”的几乎都是对身体有害的物质,否则它会从健康细胞弹回。关于这一点将在本书的下文(第15章)详细论述。但我要再次强调,二氧化氯是氧化剂而不是氧。
Withoutthe use of vinegar, lemon, lime, or citric acid, a tiny amount of chlorinedioxide is all that is produced. Any benefit from the stabilized oxygen has tobe derived from the tiny amount of chlorine dioxide, because there is nothing elseexcept an insignificant amount of sodium. The oxygen that is finally releasedby the chlorine dioxide is not useable by the body. All stabilized oxygen soldon the market today is a solution of sodium chlorite; there are no electrolytesof usable oxygen to be derived from it. Thus, since stabilized oxygen didindeed provide some benefit, we know that the chlorine dioxide was responsible.
Theaddition of vinegar changes the conditions dramatically. A solution consistingof 20 drops of stabilized oxygen and 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of full strengthvinegar provides approximately 1 milligram of chlorine dioxide when consumed in4 ounces of juice. The chlorine dioxide remains in the body for only about 1hour.
Thered blood cells that normally carry oxygen throughout the body have nomechanism to differentiate between chlorine dioxide and oxygen. Thus, in thewalls of the stomach, where the blood picks up nutrients of various kinds, ared blood cell will accept a chlorine dioxide ion that touches it. If therehappens to be a malaria parasite present, it will be destroyed and the chlorinedioxide will be destroyed as well. If there are no parasites present, the chlorinedioxide will be carried by the red blood cell to some part of the body whereoxygen would normally be used to oxidize poisons and other bad things. There,the chlorine dioxide will be released. It won’t be able to oxidize some of thethings that oxygen can oxidize, but it will have a greater capacity to oxidizethose things it can oxidize.
Letme use an anology to explain that last paragraph. Let’s say that when an oxygenmolecule arrives it is carrying a high-caliber, high-powered rifle with onlytwo bullets. Chlorine dioxide can be compared to a Tasmanian devil carrying amachine gun of lower caliber, but with hundreds of bullets. He might not havethe power of the rifle, but with the machine gun and all his bullets he cankill hundreds of small or weak things, while the rifle has only two bullets.Fortunately, only small and weak things need to be killed. The red blood cellis a bus designed to carry oxygen, but the driver isn’t very picky and willalso carry the Tasmanian devil. Taz, the chlorine dioxide, is let off by thered blood cell at approximately the same spot where oxygen would normally belet off. The terrorists are not a bit worried; they can handle Mr. Oxygen. Butthis time there is a surprise. The guy that gets off the bus is ferocious. He’smuch worse than the oxygen that normally gets off. He jumps out and lets flywith his machine gun, killing every single harmful terrorist that is present.So when the red blood cell bus arrives, watch out for Taz!
请让我用一个模拟来解释上一段文字。当一个氧分子到达时,它正好携带了一个只有两颗子弹的大口径、高火力来复枪。可以把二氧化氯比作一个携带机关枪的塔斯马尼亚恶魔,这把枪口径小,但配备了几百颗子弹。他的火力可能不如来复枪,但他的子弹可以杀死几百个更小或更弱的事物;而来复枪只有两颗子弹。幸运的是,我们只需要杀死弱小的物质。红血球是用于运送氧的巴士,但巴士司机并不是太挑剔,他还愿意运送塔斯马尼亚恶魔。红血球在放下氧的地方同样放下Taz——二氧化氯。恐怖份子非常烦恼;他们可以控制氧先生(Mr. Oxygen)。但这次有惊喜。从巴士上走下的家伙非常凶残。他比平常从巴士上下来的氧先生恶劣多了。他从巴士上跳出来,并用机关枪杀死每一个有害的恐怖份子。因此,当红血球巴士抵达时,请提防Taz!
Ifthe chlorine dioxide does not hit anything that can set it off, it will beginto deteriorate, and thus gain an electron or two. This may allow it to combinewith other substances, creating a very important substance that the immunesystem can utilize to make hypochlorous acid. Hypochlorous acid is probably themost important acid used by the immune system. It is used to kill pathogens,killer cells, even cancerous cells. When the body has a deficiency of theimportant substance from which the immune system creates hypochlorous acid, thecondition is called myeloperoxidase deficiency. Many people suffer as a resultof this deficiency and the condition may worsen during disease situations,because the immune system needs a great deal more of this acid when a diseaseis present. I have made some suppositions here; however, we definitely knowthat chlorine dioxide is made in the body from sodium chlorite and that itkills the hell out of pathogens.
Thereis one other function that the chlorine dioxide performs in the body. It tendsto neutralize poisons. Almost all substances that are poisonous to the bodyare, to some extent, acidic in nature or below the neutrality of the body. The chlorinedioxide neutralizes many of these poisons. We believe that can be the onlyexplanation for why a malaria victim often goes from totally sick to totallywell in less than 4 hours. The poisons that malaria generates are neutralizedby the chlorine dioxide at the same time the parasites are killed.
As anexample, I once gave some chlorine dioxide to a dog that was bitten by arattlesnake. I gave him a drink of the solution every 1/2 hour. The dog seemedto know it would help him and he drank it right down each time I gave it tohim. He was okay in a few hours, which would indicate that the poison wasprobably neutralized by the chlorine dioxide.
WhenI moved to Mina, Nevada, I was finally able to order my first 100-pound drum ofsodium chlorite. Actually, Dick Johnson, the same friend who helped me byproviding me with a place stay in Mina, bought it. When the drum arrived, hedropped by and took a few pounds to keep for himself, so he would never bewithout.
Ibegan helping people in Mina and some of them began buying the solution that Ibottled in my kitchen. There are a number of people in Mina who have been usingMMS for several years now, and I have sent bottles all over the world. Peoplehave used it to treat cancer and every other disease you can think of thatmight be caused by bacteria, viruses, molds, yeast, or other pathogens.
I waseventually approached by Arnold, a businessman who lived in Reno and owned anonworking gold mill in Mina. (I’ve changed Arnold’s name, since everything I’mgoing to say about him isn’t good.) He asked me to do some gold assays. Webegan talking, and when I mentioned that I had helped people with malaria, hewas extremely impressed. We talked on several occasions, and in time, wefinally signed a contract. In the contract, he agreed to provide the funding tomake MMS available throughout the world. He wanted to put up an Internet sitein Budapest and sell MMS to the world from there. I found him to be like manyother wealthy men who think MMS is great. They want to get others to investmoney, but they don’t want to invest any themselves. He began talking tonumerous people about MMS and was able to interest many “humanitarian” groups.He called and told me about each new group he was talking to concerninginvesting in MMS to combat malaria in Africa.
Arnoldis a great humanitarian himself. He works to help the homeless in Reno, and healways stops to help anyone who is broken down on the highway. He supplies atruckload of clothes and other items to an orphanage in Mexico each year. Whena homeless person or someone down on their luck arrives in Mina, he will eithergive them a job himself or somehow get them a job with someone else in town. Hehelps out in many ways in Reno, including distributing meals to the homeless atChristmastime, and he was quite helpful to me, including working towardsgetting MMS distributed in Africa for 6 years.
Theproblem was that he never kept any of the agreements we made in the contract wehad signed. Instead, he kept finding people who might “potentially” finance thedistribution of MMS in Africa for malaria victims. We were always just weeks ormonths away from getting the money to distribute the MMS in Africa or to getthe money to conduct clinical trials to prove to the world that it works.
Arnoldbegan to use MMS to help people, as he is very compassionate towards people whoare sick. He personally gave MMS to many people after ensuring that they knewhow to use it correctly. He found veterans who had malaria that kept comingback and provided MMS to them. That was one way that he proved to himself thatit worked. However, I began to realize that he would not let me talk to any ofthe groups that he had said were interested in helping to finance thedistribution of MMS to the world. I don’t know what his reasoning was, but itseemed he was not as effective in dealing with people as he thought. Group aftergroup and individual after individual lost interest in MMS and simplydiscontinued their relationships with him and his ideas, and went away. Livingout here in the desert, I never got to talk to any of these people or groups. Iwas always told about them, but was never allowed to talk to them. Arnoldrefused to even discuss it.
Arnold开始用MMS帮助人们,因为他对病人非常富有同情心。只要确保人们知道如何正确使用MMS,他便会亲自将MMS拿给他们。 一旦发现反复遭受疟疾侵袭的退伍兵,他也会免费提供MMS。这也是他向自己证明MMS有作用的一种方式。然而,我开始意识到他不会让我直接与愿意“为MMS之全球推广提供资金”的任何组织谈话。我不知道他这么做的理由是什么,但看起来他并不像自己以为的那样成功地与人打交道。越来越多的团体和个人失去了对MMS的兴趣,渐渐中断了与他和他的观点之间的关系,并选择离开。我住在这片荒野地,从来没有与任何人或团体有过对话。他总是向我讲述这些人或团体,但从不允许我和他们谈话。Arnold甚至拒绝讨论。
Thiscontinued for 5 years. He made many mistakes, such as hiring a young kid tocreate our Web site, who then sued us when we insisted that the Web site becreated the way we wanted. The kid took us to court and sent letters togovernment agencies saying that we were crooked and our MMS solution was afake. Those letters prevented us from getting a letter from the IRS statingthat we were a nonprofit group.
WhenI began writing this book on October 1, 2006, 5 years after the date the Website was scheduled to be completed (October 1, 2001), and thousands of dollarslater, we still did not have a Web site. Four additional people who had beenhired all bombed out, taking our money and producing nothing. Had I been ableto use some of the money that was lost, I could have completed clinical trialsin Kenya. Arnold also hired a grant writer who began to work against us. Arnoldwas very bad with people, but always thought he was especially good. I mentionthese negative aspects only to point out why I had to write this book. It’spart of the story, and getting the details of MMS to the world is, and hasalways been, my purpose.
当我在2006年10月1日(也就是网站原本应该建立之日(2001年10月1日)的5年后)开始撰写本书时,我们有了许多钱,但还是没有自己的网站。我们雇佣的其他4个人被炸弹炸得无家可归,他们没有为我们创造任何东西却卷走了我们的钱。如果我能使用一部分丢失的钱,那么我早已经在肯亚完成了临床试验。Arnold还雇佣了一名作家与我们做对。Arnold 对人非常糟糕,但总是以为自己很好。我提到这些负面信息只是想要说明我为什么必须写这本书。这是一部分原因,我的目标是要让全世界都知道关于MMS的一切详情。
Ishould emphasize that I do not think that Arnold is a bad guy. But I finallyrealized that if I stayed with him it would have to be his way or nothing. If Iwanted to get this information to the world, I had to leave that partnership.It wasn’t happening Arnold’s way and he would not allow us to try any otherway. Thus, I had to get away so I could do what I knew would work.
Bythis time it was 2006, and I could no longer justify keeping this informationfrom the world. There were (and are) millions of people who needed MMS. Howcould I allow them to die when they could be saved? The answer was I could not.
Icalled a friend, Ed Heft, who had a house in Mexico located on a bay just offthe Sea of Cortez. He immediately invited me to come down and finish the book.He said I could live there at no charge. It was an ideal offer and I accepted.So I packed my bags and left about mid-November 2006. There were several otherimportant events that took place before I left, but I will discuss them later(see chapter 4). I arrived in Mexico, somewhere below the border, and stayed inthe house on the bay while I continued to write my book. Anyone familiar withMexico knows where I was, but I’ll not name the place for now.
我打电话给一个朋友Ed Heft,他在墨西哥有一栋房子位于靠近Cortez海的海湾。他立刻邀请我前往该处完成书本写作。他说我可以免费住在那。这是一个理想的提议,我接受了。因此,我背上行囊,于2006年11月中旬动身。在我离开前又发生了几个重要事件,随后将进行讲述(参见第4章)。我抵达了墨西哥边界下的某个地方,呆在海湾边的房子里继续写书。熟悉墨西哥的人都知道我呆在哪,但我现在仍然不知道这个地点的名称。
Christmascame and went and I continued to write. Finally, the book was finished in March2007 and I had saved enough money working the job Arnold had given me cleaningup the old gold mill to buy the first 1,000 books. I had also spent this timeputting together a Web site—not a very good one, but it did the job and soldbooks.
Ionly sold a few books, as I was not a very good Web advertiser, but the fewthat did sell got to the right people and some of them began making MMS and sellingit right away. One company began selling large amounts immediately. They knewhow to advertise on the Web and they sold thousands of bottles of MMS. For therecord, their name is Global Light.
我只卖出了少量书,因为我不是一个出色的网络营销人。但这些售出的书去到了适合的人手中,他们中的有些人开始制做MMS并立刻进行销售。一家公司开始大量销售MMS。他们知道如何在网络上做广告,因此卖出了许多瓶MMS。确切地说,这家公司叫Global Light。
Mybook sold for $14.95 and that helped out quite a bit. I also made two ebooks. Idivided the hard book, The Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21stCentury, into 2 parts and offered the first part (Part I) as a freedownloadable file. Then if someone wanted to read the second part (Part II), itcost them $9.95. That worked fairly well. For every 15 people who read Part I,one person would purchase and download Part II. Since there was no cost to mefor Part II, it was mostly profit.
Theselling of MMS is what really started the ball rolling. I was down in Mexicoand couldn’t ship books out, so I had the book company ship the books to ClaraTate who became my secretary in Nevada. She shipped all the books from there.Soon I realized we were running out of books and that I needed to place thenext order right away.
Thingsstarted to improve. One company called me up and offered to help by purchasinga large order. I decided to sell the second edition for $19.95. So the sale of500 books at half price would give me $5,000 dollars immediately, which was allthat the printing company required up front. My friend in Canada, KennethRichardson, said that he would pay the rest of the cost when the books wereready to be delivered to Clara in Nevada. I couldn’t lose. Although I had nomoney to speak of, everything was being paid for. I placed an order for 10,000copies of the second edition.
一切开始好转。一家公司打电话给我说他们愿意下一个大订单。我决定以$19.95的价格出售第二版。以第一版的半价销售500册书可令我直接获益5,000美元,而这一数字也是这家出版公司预先要求的。我的一个加拿大朋友Kenneth Richardson表示,一旦已准备好将这些书发给内华达州的Clara,他便将支付剩余的费用。我无法拒绝他的帮助。尽管我没有什么钱,但一切事务的花费都已经有着落了。于是我为第二版下了一份10000册的订单。
Anumber of people interviewed me on the radio and for various Web associations.My book sales increased to an average of about $350 a day, including the ebookand hard copy. I’d like to name all who helped, but there were just too manyand there isn’t enough room in this book. It wouldn’t be fair to leave anyoneout. One person whom I think was especially effective in keeping my bookselling was Adam Abraham who promoted it on his radio show, “Talk for Food.”
许多人都在电台和各种网站上对我进行采访。我这版书的销售额也增加至平均每天350美元左右,包括电子书和硬皮书。我非常想要列出所有帮助过我的人的名字,但本书篇幅有限,帮助过我的人又是如此多,因此无法一一列举。省略任何一个人都是不公平的。但是,有一个人对于促进本书销售有着特别贡献,那就是AdamAbraham,他在他的电台节目“Talk for Food(美食天地)”中推广我的书。
Ifound that I couldn’t live on the bay and still get everything done that Ineeded to accomplish. Most of the computer equipment and supplies I requiredwere available in a large Mexican city 60 miles away, and I needed to movethere.
Meanwhile,there were those who encouraged me to get the book printed in Spanish, and withthe money from the book sales I was able to do that. I found a nice lady intown who wanted to help, and soon we had made an agreement that she would starta Mexican company and sell Spanish books and MMS. I moved to town and was luckyto rent rooms from the lady’s family. I made one room into an office forcomputers, and the other into a bedroom. The family was very good to me. Ihired the sister of the lady to be my secretary. Her mother took great care ofme; my clothes were washed and ironed and my bed was always made. I was nolonger alone.
TheMexican company that we were establishing was extremely important, as the NorthAmerican Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) states that any products that are legalin one country are legal in the other countries signed on to the agreement.That meant that if we could get MMS registered and legal in Mexico, it wouldalso be legal in the U.S. and Canada. We could circumvent a lot of problems inthe U.S. Of course, I would also be making money on MMS in Mexico. I haddecided not to sell MMS in the U.S., as I thought that would help get MMSaccepted and selling, since people could not accuse me of trying to make moneyon snake oil. That may have helped in the beginning, but it was priced so lowthat no one seemed to care if I made some money on the sales or not. I won’ttry to sell any MMS in the U.S., but a number of companies who are selling MMShave agreed to donate to my African fund.
Inaddition, Nexus magazine decided to get my book translated into German and topublish it, which they did, with an agreement to pay me a royalty. It is nowpublished in English, Spanish, German, Croatian, Polish, Czech, and French. Ithas been translated into Japanese and will soon be published there as well.
So,in all this time, thousands of people have been cured and many people havewanted to lend a hand, but no one with money has stepped up to the plate andsaid, “Let me help.” Many rich people have refused when I have asked. But nowit actually looks like the book sales will produce enough money to cure atleast one country in Africa and the project will be accomplished.
Nevertheless,it continues to amaze me that millions of dollars are spent on frivolouspurchases each year, and the world marches blithely on ignoring the fact thatthe human race is marked for extinction, refusing to see the evidence staringthem in the face. Just a small fraction of the money spent on all the frivolouswaste could change everything. See the last part of chapter 10 for more informationon this topic.


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