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发表于 2021-9-10 10:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Dearest, brothers and sisters,
Greetings of the most high. We come forward now in this moment of your time with extremely important news to share with everyone who is a vibrational match to receive this message at this time.
It is clear for all of those with activated pineal glands and open third eyes to see that all of the ascended beings and galactic beings and the higher self of the 144,000 incarnated Illumined Twin Flames are currently working on the higher dimensional realms at the moment to fully and completely anchor the Golden Age timeline.
This is currently occurring on the higher realms at the moment, and is intricately connected to the stellar work that the star beings have been doing and achieved in these latest few months.
There are so many of you who are reading these words, who have been diligently working on and taking responsibility for your spiritual vibration to the point that you have entered into the zero point field of all time and no time.
As one individual soul arrives home in the zero point field, they become extremely potent and magnetic to their divine counterpart on all dimensional planes of consciousness. This particular gateway that we are in, which is connected to the 9:9 numerological portal, is deeply connected to the completion of the timeline of separation.
We, as a galactic species, since the fall of Atlantis have taken on the experience of deeply experiencing and understanding every minute aspect of separation consciousness. However, with the anchoring of the Golden Age timeline, this is heralding the absolute completion of this cycle.
The 9:9 portal is unlike any portal that we have experienced thus far as it is acting as a climax point for the anchoring of the Golden Age timeline.
The Golden Age timeline is in the process of being anchored as we speak and all of us that gather on our grid points to hold our mastery frequency for the 9:9 transmission, are being encouraged to understand on a very deep and intricate level, that there has been an energetic shift. And we are being called to witness the final completion of the anchoring of the Golden Age timeline in the 9:9 transmission.
It has come to my attention that everybody who takes part in the transmission is being trained to become a heavyweight on the spiritual realms. And it is absolutely imperative that if you commit to show up for this level of spiritual and galactic service, that You understand that the more transmissions you show up for the more solid and stable your energetic field becomes….it’s not just a one-off wonder. Every transmission that you show up for builds up your spiritual muscle on the higher dimensional realms and creates the conditions which make you unpenetratable and protected on the most profound unfathomable levels.
The 9:9 completion ceremony is intricately connected to the powerful triumphant successful reunion of the 144,000 Twin Flame Illumined pairs.
This particular gateway is bearing witness to the most profound unprecedented number of Twin Flames coming into sacred recognition reunion at this auspicious time. The energy of the unified Twin Flames activates the frequency of rapture and rapture is the specific energetic code that will lift the earth out of its fixation in the third dimensional matrix into the higher fifth dimensional Christic paradigm.
There has never been a more important time for you as a lightworker to show up on duty on your grid point on the 9:9 transmission.
There has been an unprecedented number of souls in the community that have heard the call so far. And I trust that we are going to reach our target of 999 souls on the live call for this transmission.
Please see below for full details to book.
Please know that everyone that comes forward to offer their time and energy for this level of planetary service will receive a profound boost with their own spiritual energetic frequency. And this choice will clear any blocks that you may be experiencing with regards to the manifestation and anchoring of your divine Twin Flame union.
If you are connecting to these words, if you are feeling your heart expanding, if you are feeling emotional, if you are feeling excited from reading this message, you are meant to be there. You are meant to be at the ceremony.
Please know that there are many people that will not be able to make the live ceremony. And it is just as powerful to show up for the recording as there will be many people tuning in just after the live event.
I’ve been guided to host a transmission after-party for brothers and sisters that want to go even deeper into the teachings. And there is a link if you would like to book onto the after-party transmission with me. This will give everyone an opportunity to ask some very important questions about the current energies and the best way to navigate this energetic shift that we are in.
Even though the Golden Age has anchored, is anchoring and is climaxing on the 9:9 transmission, only those of you who are a vibrational match to the timeline will experience it. If you are stuck in a victim consciousness of focusing on lack and observing the fact that things aren’t aligning for you, then you are not a vibrational match to the Golden Age timeline.
in order for you to match the energies, it is important that you find the spiritual practice that brings you home to emptiness to the zero point field that you remember to continuously go on endless rampages of gratitude and do random acts of kindness, whilst becoming 100% orientated to serving your brothers and sisters, as well as having profound vigilant boundaries.
This is the way to reach spiritual mastery. This is the way to become extremely magnetic. This is the way to activate your higher self destiny. I pray from the deepest depths of my heart, that you take powerful inspiration from these words and understand how important and pertinent your individual role is in this current planetary ascension is.
You are the one that you have been waiting for. You are the one that you have been praying for. There is no more waiting now.
There’s just the invitation to step fully into sovereignty and mastery.
in love and eternal life Jenji and the white wolf tribe.



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