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发表于 2022-9-24 10:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

The shift is real, and it's happening in our world. The way we perceive the world, ourselves, and others will be radically different once we have fully made this shift. The shift is from duality to Oneness, from ego to higher self, from fear to love... and most importantly, the false reality has been replaced by a new reality that is much more aligned with who we truly are as human beings living on this planet... A beautiful place where everyone can thrive! Part of the old reality is collapsing, but we should not be fooled by the illusion.
We are living in a time of radical change. The old reality is collapsing, and we are watching it crumble before our eyes. The new world that is emerging from this collapse is based on love, connection, collaboration, and cooperation instead of competition and separation. The illusion that people are not ready to move into this new world has been created by those who benefit from keeping things as they are—a wealthy elite few who control most of the money and resources in our society—and perpetuated by many well-meaning individuals who believe that everyone needs to have more material things before we can enter into a state of peace and harmony with each other and nature. What we need more than anything else right now is clarity about what's happening around us so we can make informed decisions about how best to participate in creating a better future for ourselves and others while transitioning out of the old paradigm that no longer works for us or anyone else living here today!
This new reality is based on freedom, unconditional love, individual expression, and Oneness. The shift is happening in each of us, within our own consciousness. It's changing the way we see ourselves and others on a global level. The shift is not just a personal process; it's also an internal revolution that has been going on for thousands of years and will continue until the end of time. The shift is happening in our world: more people are waking up to their true potential and stepping into their power as creators of reality with every breath they take; we are seeing more compassion towards others and the Earth; more awareness about how connected everything truly is; less judgment towards others based on race, gender, or sexual orientation; there's so much goodness arising from this change! There's also another side to all this, though, which isn't so pleasant... It turns out that some people don't want change! They're scared because everything seems so new, and they've grown accustomed to their old ways by now (even though these ways don't serve them anymore). Because these folks don't want anything new coming into their lives, they resist evolution at any cost!
They'll do whatever it takes to keep things exactly how they are now, even if it means causing harm to themselves and others around them. It's all about stepping into our own power and taking responsibility for everything that we create in our lives and experiences. It's all about stepping into our own power and taking responsibility for everything that we create in our lives and experiences. Only from this state of pure being can we make a real shift within ourselves and shift reality around us. This doesn't mean that there are no more problems or challenges; it just means that life will become easier as we learn how to cope with them. Instead of being caught up in thoughts about what could go wrong or what has gone wrong in the past or worrying about your financial situation, you can focus on creating positive outcomes by taking action now! You can choose to act on an intention instead of reacting to something else that might not serve you at all.
We tend to spend most of our time thinking about things that haven't happened yet, which leads us away from experiencing joy right now because we're too busy worrying (or worse, complaining). When we spend too much time thinking about what hasn't happened yet-whether, it's positive, or negative-then this becomes our reality because these thoughts will manifest themselves into physical reality through synchronicity, so be careful what kind of energy you put out there into existence before anything happens first hand! The time has come for each one of us to follow our inner guidance and use our own gifts to help others raise the vibration of the planet! Your role is to BE. Remember that you are a unique expression of Source and that your contribution to the whole is unique, just as every other person's contribution is also unique.
Each one of us has an important role to play in this shift, no matter how small or large our gifts may be. It is time for each person on this planet to follow their inner guidance and use their own gifts and talents for the benefit of all! Each one of us plays an important role in creating a better world. We can be more helpful by listening to our inner guidance, following it, and being fully present with what is happening at the moment. Each of us has unique gifts that can help the world. By following our true purpose, we can help to create a better future for everyone.


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