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发表于 2024-2-11 11:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Many wonderful souls see that change needs to occur in a certain area and decide to assist with that change. Before you know it, they are filled with judgement for those who do not support their views and are exhausted by a fight that gets nowhere. While their hearts are very much in the right place, they try to affect change using the very energies that created the imbalance in the first place.
True change, authentic change, comes from embracing who you really are and actively hold the energy of what you want more of. You cannot force your point of view on others, nor can you create change by focusing on what you do not want. It simply cannot be done. True change comes from each individual in the collective embodying their highest alignment until the energies shift to the point where the old ways are no longer supported.
Anchoring the change you wish to see is mindful activism and that is exactly how the enlightening human being will create the peace on earth you seek. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

At this point many of you have a very good spiritual knowledge base. You have gathered a lot of useful information, all in preparation for the times you are in. Dear Ones, now is the time to start applying that knowledge!
Many of you understand the importance of nurturing yourselves, yet you continue to put others first and wear yourselves out. Many of you know that you stay balanced when you practice meditation, yet continue to be “too busy” to honour yourselves in such a manner. You understand that you are always creating with your thoughts and belief systems, yet continue the old disempowering chatter out of habit.
The skill base you have is designed to help you move forward with the greatest comfort and ease but it simply cannot assist you if you do not use it. Now is the time to take the reins and consistently apply what you know. It is the only way to have the empowered life expression you dream of. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Why not make today a treasure hunt? Spend the day consciously looking for the beauty that exists all around you. As you do, you will be filled with wonder for the magic that exists everywhere, if only you have the eyes to see. At the end of the day, take a moment to feel heartfelt gratitude for all the treasures you found. If you make this a practice each day, you will be stepping into a role of active co-creator, working in partnership with the universe to bring even more beauty to your life. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

So many having a human experience spend a lot of their time looking at what’s wrong. A lull period might be wrong, other people’s actions are wrong, society is wrong, different spirituality is wrong, even the weather is wrong! This is such an exercise in futility. You simply are not qualified to judge because from your vantage point you lack the higher perspective as to why an event may be occurring.
Moving into acceptance and allowing clearly demonstrates that you have complete trust in the process of the universe and have an understanding that all is divinely perfect. This will free up a tremendous amount of your time and energy. What will you do with all that free time? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Did you know that each and every enlightening human being on the planet, right now, has come to assist with the shift? Many of you no longer required incarnating to this planet, yet you came back into the density of earth to be of service. This is how remarkable you are and this is how much you love. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

来自:Shelley Young

【觉醒家园】 www.awaker.info

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