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发表于 2018-1-31 13:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Sitting in the Sacred I AM PRESENCE Connecting with my Higher Self and with Beloved Ra and he brings forth the following message:


Dear Children, I Ra, come forth this day through my beloved to share great news and I come forth with love and peace to speak with you of the many shifts that is coming forth.


You and your Planet are undergoing a unique and wondrous transition in your spiritual evolution at this time. You are preparing for a quantum leap unlike any that has ever occurred before. In order to help you understand this more fully, I must first tell you about the orbit of the entire Galaxy around the Great Central Sun of All That Is. Just like your ‘Solar Ring’ (our term for a ‘Solar System’) orbits around the Galactic Center, the Galaxy itself moves through space in the form of continual, connecting circles, like a great Cosmic Spiral.


At the completion point of a multi billion-year single circular orbit around the Great Central Sun, our Galaxy connects diagonally to the next ‘ring’ on the great Cosmic Spiral. When this diagonal move from one ring of the great Cosmic Spiral to the next takes place, all of the planets, solar systems, and their inhabitants simultaneously take an ‘initiatic’ step into a new evolutionary cycle. This is occurring now. You are not only at the end of a 26,000-year Earth/Sun/Pleiadian cycle; the entire Pleiadian system, which includes this solar ring, is at the end of a 230,000,000-year orbit around the Galactic Center, and the entire Galaxy is at the completion of its infinitely longer orbit around the Great Central Sun….


Just before the end of 2012, Earth underwent a spiritual and physical house-cleaning, corresponding to what have commonly been called the ‘Earth Changes’. These changes, which have already begun, intensify both externally and internally as your Solar Ring moves deeper into the Photon Band, a high-frequency Cosmic emanation from the Galactic Center. You have been in and out of the edges of this Photon Band for a few years now, and, after the year 2000 Your Earth went into full immersion preparing for the shift in 2012.


Your Earth is in the midst of a great transition period which began in 2012 and we anticipate that this will conclude in 2026. By which it is planned to move the Earth into the Golden Age of Light.


There will be in the run up to this Great Event many Events taking place and your Earth is about to embark on an Event that hath been planned but an Event that has not been like no other.


Great changes are about to occur with the governments upon your Earth – there is about to be a little shake – a ripple.


There are some struggles at this time and those that are of a lower Density will see these changes a great threat and will do what they can to derail.


The energy is intense within the Cosmos at this time and many are getting a little confused with the Energy a little overwhelmed and we are doing what we can to stabilize the energy.


There are great Cosmic Shifts unfolding and many planetary and star alignments have occurred that have brought a little disruption to the Earth as a Planet.


This is why that Floods, earthquakes, changes in land masses, volcanic eruptions, and finally a complete pole shift, that recently took place on your earth.


We have now entered a time of the Galactic Solar Initiation of Earth, as a Mystery School and home for the Cities of Light, can now finally take place. You who now live on Earth must choose whether or not you are ready to become spiritually responsible Human Beings in order to carry out the work and move the Earth to the next stages in her ascension process.


It is now a time for all you Ascended Souls, Ascending Souls, Lightworkers, Wayshowers, Starseeds, and Earth Angels to step forth now in the work that you have come forth to the Earth to do at this time.


I AM RA and I speak through Elaine this day.


通灵:Elaine DeGiorgio
翻译:Nick Chan https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/AzNgwhG9QqCzofx0GE2-2Q

【觉醒家园】 www.awaker.info

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