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发表于 2018-6-15 11:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
银河联邦 20180612

Good-day Beloved ones, We are your friends known as the Galactic Federation. By now many have heard the phase that you are moving inside the ascension process. We at this point wish to add another definition to this phase. You are inside the heighten process of evolution. Yes, you are evolving inside your human form. Expanding your consciousness, your cells, your hearts to experience life to the fullest. On the way to passing your birthright of joy, abundance peace, to go beyond where there is no end to what you can achieve as a species.


This process is moving inside divine timing and must be done slowly to allow time to integrate and not be overwhelming for your body. As you allow it to take place and be peaceful during this transformation you will be the love avatars you always have been.


You inhabiters of earth are divinity in motion and we shall say your doing a major reset of your lives. What we mean by that is, you are realigning with your true potential and with the energies of love to open into endless bliss. Once fully integrated it will give you a freedom you have never felt before.


So many many things will become available to you. The ability to self heal. To have gifts of telepathy and teleportation. To understand the true nature of God and the God within. And to tap into the grid of wisdom to answer your quandries.


As your human form balances these energies and you re-learn to love yourselves the human conditions that have prevailed in past like wars ,hunger, fear will be a thing of the past. The ball is in motion so it is best to stay grounded and in the present moment inside joy.


Remember LOVE is the thread within and without that will give your harmony and the ability to expand. As you connect to this energy with self appreciation for your fellow humans and self and commit to the new you you will experience freedom way past anything you can imagine.


Those things orchestrated by those in control whereby the skies will no longer be poisoned, as well as the food is ending. There will be full respect of Mother Nature and all her allies and they too will align with you.


This will pave the way to the grand awakening so we can come forth and assist in clear view.


The human race is now in the matrix of evolution and it has been long awaited for. We cheer you on. We celebrate you and all you are even if you still can’t see your enormous greatness.


This master program of evolution is underway so we suggest you can step up to the plate and align inside that thread of love. You will be so glad you did.


Breath in deeply through your day asking that these source energies from universe to fully integrate. Meditate, ask in prayer for assistance and it will come. Keep in mind that the use of affirmations to reset old programs will aid this process.


Allow yourself to reflect with excitement about these new times. There are so many beings here to aid so do seek them out. For example…


Nancy Joy Hefron a precious channeler who shared this message from Kryon is worth repeating here. Check out her newsletter and site when you have time.

Nancy Joy Hefron是一个宝贵的管道,分享了这则来自克里昂的信息。去看看她的网站,当你有时间

Recite this prayer and give yourself the gift of connecting to Krayon remembering words have power and they instruct change to manifest.


Kryon channeled by Lee Carroll is an angelic loving entity from the Source (or “Central Sun”) who has been with the Earth “since the beginning” and belonging to the same “Family” of Archangel Michael.

Lee Carroll通灵的克里昂是一个来自源头(或“中央太阳”)的有爱的天使实体,从“一开始”就与地球同在,从属于和大天使麦克相同的“家庭”

It is as follows:


Dear cellular being that I am, I am in charge. Let all things that have occurred in my life from my birth to this very moment be on notice. Let the memory in my brain, the very synapse that holds them, be on notice. Cease and desist those things that would be below my magnificence as a creation from God on this planet. You’re not allowed to keep the “tapes” playing. The “tapes” are these: The betrayal I’ve experienced, the sorrow, the bad feelings, the anger, my low energy Human nature, the buzz itself. Cease and desist. I am in charge of my memory, and every single cell resounds with my Higher-Self. I am part of this in a way that I never knew before. I am in charge of all things that are me. I command this so I might go from this place and not have to carry those negative things from my own past that have occurred since my current birth on this planet.


Dear cellular structure, I’m in charge. The boss is talking. Listen up: I command you to see the beauty and the benevolence and the God inside of every cell in my body. I command you to be more resistant to disease than I have ever been before. You see, disease cannot attach itself to the light, and I hold more light than ever before. I command that which was in me, which is inappropriate, to go away and to change. Let the chemistry in my body show itself in the next days so I know this is real. I take command of things that I was never told I could take command of. It is settled.


As Nancy Joy says catch the magic. It is the magic of self and living on a sacred planet.

正如Nancy Joy说的,抓住魔力。这是自我的魔力和生活在神圣星球上的魔力

We now continue this message for you to Understand that YOU yes you are in control of your inner self and it is time if you are reading this to realize the gift and abilities you have. These abilities through prayer and intention will aid as you reawaken to your true magnificence.


We leave you with good-day. Everyday is a good day even inside great change when you think it so to ride the wave of ascension and rebirth.


We hope you are recharged with this new information and that you think about it to further your own loving light.


Love Pass It On as you be the love you are.


通灵:Star Blossom
翻译:Nick Chan https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/AyuyoaFfLveS2nJLxCZEkQ

【觉醒家园】 www.awaker.info

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