Greetings to You! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am Kejraj!
In every culture, from ancient times to now, through millennia, humanity has always believed in this unseen Creator. In all the different reli·gions what is brought up often is about pleasing this Creator. The how to’s, the do’s and dont’s, etecetera.
People were and still are distracted because their focus is on the outer world. In truth they still are not certain what ‘pleases’ the Creator. If they were, they would drop reli·gion and never attend their weekly sermons again. And would most likely spend time and pray in nature instead of inside a brickwalled building.
Many in this world today are really out for themselves. I do not say this with any sense of judgement, but it is truth, for those claiming to know God’s path in particular. Even when they pretend to be doing something for God, they’re usually doing it for their own personal interests.
For one to truly be of service to Creator, one must not PICK who they serve and how to serve them.
Every living being is part of the One. So when you are serving your fellow humans, you are serving Creator. When you love animals, when you care for Earth and the environment, you are serving Creator.
You can be just sitting down, meditating, even than, you are serving Creator. Do you understand what we are attempting to convey to you now?
There are an infinite amount of ways through which you can serve the Creator. But the most, shall we say complicated task for humans, it seems, by which they would immeasurably serve the Creator is through LOVING THEMSELVES UNCONDITIONALLY in this now moment and eternally.
When one has ‘accomplished’ THIS ‘task’, you will come to understand your purpose, and the true meaning of service.
From heart to heart, I AM Kejraj!
翻译:Nick Chan https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/ntH6etuAHEE6ir3ith8saA