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【萨南达与娜达夫人】 与你的更高自我连接(冥想)









发表于 2019-10-17 11:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


The heart of Mother Earth beats with surety that all is well for the ascension of mankind, despite continuing unrest, terrorism and turmoil on the planet. The underlying force of the Creator’s breath is love, Dear Ones, and all that has been created contains the knowledge of this in your DNA. You all have the Creator’s unconditional love inside of you because you are one with Him/Her, not separate as many of you believe.


The higher knowing that all humans possess is contained in their DNA and also in their Higher Self, which is their Christ Consciousness and their link to the Universal Mind. The Higher Self, or is located above the crown and is accessible when you meditate or focus your attention on it. Just as we, Lord Sandada and Lady Nada, are the higher consciousness of Christ himself, each person’s Higher Self may be an aspect of a former lifetime or a master who has agreed to hold the energy for that soul, depending on the level of evolvement each soul has achieved up to this lifetime. Your Higher Self is intrinsically linked to the Divine love of the Creator and the highest consciousness of all; therefore, when you access your Higher Self you are also accessing the truth of the Creator and the knowledge of the universe in oneness with the all.


Your higher mind is linked to your conscious and subconscious thoughts. When you access your it to solve a problem, a situation or to consider a person who is bothering you, the answer will be clearer to you because it will not be muddled by the thoughts of the mind. Bringing your higher self into your heart space and knowing, rather than thinking, the answer is an important skill right now in terms of the world’s ascension and the vibrations emanating from each individual and Mother Earth herself. Instead of reacting, Loved Ones, interact with your higher mind and use your higher wisdom to raise your consciousness to a higher level before you speak or act. When you think, speak and act with your higher mind, the vibration you emit will be of a higher order and will result in a much less reactive response from you.


We cannot stress to you how important it is to treat each other with love and respect, Dear Ones. The impact of each individual’s initial thoughts and reactions on their subsequent interactions with each other very much depends on how aligned their consciousness is to the upper fourth and lower fifth dimension, how in tune they are with their higher mind and how connected they feel to the Earth and to the all. Disconnection is the greatest divider of humanity and the cause of much of the political, social and religious turmoil on the planet at this time. By connecting to your higher, or Christed, mind, you are automatically connecting to the power of Source and the energy of oneness, tolerance, peace and the highest truth.


Please try this simple meditation to connect to your higher self and the consciousness of love.


Meditation to Connect to Your Higher Self


Be seated comfortably and close your eyes. Take three, slow abdominal breaths and feel yourself relaxing. Be aware of your physical body in the chair, your feet on the floor and the sounds around you. As you breathe in for a fourth time, envision a light coming through your crown. As you breathe out, send the light straight down through your body and deep into the Earth. Breathe in and out slowly and deeply three or four more times. With every outbreath feel your energy going deeper, anchoring you into the Earth. Then, when you feel heavy and grounded, bring your energy and awareness back up through your body until your focus is centred in your heartspace.


Envision a beautiful, golden ball of light above your head. This is your higher, Christed self and link to the wisdom you hold from all of your lifetimes. Focusing on the golden sphere of light, invite or simply bring it through your crown and down into your heartspace. As it settles into your heart area, ask that you are sitting within your higher self and see, feel or imagine the golden light surrounding you.


Continuing to breathe regularly and evenly in and out, visualise a situation or person that is troubling you and ask that you be given the answer in the highest and best way for all concerned. To ensure you avoid thinking with your mind, place your hand on your heart space and focus your attention on feeling and seeing the golden energy. Allow yourself to know the answer as a thought, vision or feeling. Do not THINK, just KNOW.


When you have finished, see, feel or imagine the golden light shrinking and going back to its place above your crown. Ground your energy back into Mother Earth and bring it back to centre in your heartspace. Open your eyes when you are ready.


In Oneness and unconditional love,


Lord Sanada and Lady Nada!


通灵:Victoria Cochrane
翻译:Nick Chan
來源: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100004491903654

【觉醒家园】 www.awaker.info

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