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发表于 2020-4-9 12:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

We are to tell you there is great change coming for mankind. This is not to be feared, for the changes will bring about many blessings, despite the losses that have been incurred.

Change comes from necessity. Nothing can change unless the old is released. The intent to change must come from the heart and mind, not just one or the other. For instance, one can know they need to make a change but never follow through because they don’t want to – their heart is not in it. Or, someone really want to make a change but their mind holds them back through fear, belief or lack of it. Only when the heart and mind are aligned will change truly take place with intention, purpose and determination.

So it is with the ascension of the planet at this great time. Never before has there been such an awakening of the masses and an urgency felt by so many that change is necessary and so imminent. With the global lockdown at hand, the loss of freedom has brought about an epiphany that life on Earth is a gift not to be wasted. The planet has always been the playground and now it is unavailable for play.

Lockdown is a necessary part of the changes that are now afoot. As with any transition, there must be an integration of the past into the present then a releasing of negativity, toxicity and anything else that is no longer of use in the consciousness of mankind. This does not happen overnight, dear hearts! The most important message now is to release fear and to embrace your divinity. Heed the call of awakening and resist no longer. The hour is at hand.

Any illness or pain in the physical body has emotional links and ties to past trauma. The pandemic sweeping the globe is born out of ego, hatred and spite and fed by a wave of panic akin to those in days gone past. However, the difference now is that the media and the internet carry and spread lies, fake news, falsities and fear mongering as fast as they spread information and truth. At this moment, all are mixed up in a soup that is confusing and has an energy like treacle, which will ensnare people and keep them chained to the lower vibrations should they allow it.

So, take the time to reunite yourself with your own company and reacquaint yourself with your loved ones. Meditate, pray and play! Embrace the world as your cocoon as you integrate the energies of ascension into your heart, mind, consciousness and being. It will not be long now.

Darkness is the opposite of the light and light will always extinguish the darkness. Look no further than the light within yourself, dear ones, which is love; love for yourself, the love of your family and life here on Earth, because therein lies the hope for the future that will literally bring the planet and humanity out into its new life. If you cannot find love there, ask us to connect you to the light and unconditional love of the Creator, Mother/Father God, whose light is always within you and whose love for you is ever eternal.

通灵:Victoria Cochrane
翻译:Nick Chan

【觉醒家园】 www.awaker.info

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