楼主: 心的力量










 楼主| 发表于 2020-5-6 02:07 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 心的力量 于 2020-5-18 19:57 编辑

Dr.Moses Flomo, Sr., An African Herb Doctor
非洲草药医生——Moses Flomo, Sr.
Isigned the contract with Arnold in 2001. As I have said, Arnold talked tonumerous people concerning MMS (which we called OS-82) about helping the peoplein Africa with malaria. Each time he spoke to someone new he believed he hadfound someone who would provide us with the funds to prove MMS worked. Then we couldask the world to help us cure Africa. I remained in Mina, Nevada, continuing towrite emails to people in Africa. Many didn’t believe what I told them aboutMMS, and some asked me not to write them again.

Somewherearound July 2003, my emails to Africa paid off. I finally got in touch with adoctor in Guinea, West Africa. His name was Dr. Moses Flomo, Sr. I begantelling him about the results we had achieved in Tanzania. He was interested. Isent him a bottle of MMS and he tried it on a single malaria patient whorecovered in only hours. He immediately went to the office of the Ministry ofHealth. Dr. Gamy was the deputy minister of health at that time in Guinea.
2003年7月左右,我发往非洲的邮件终于没有白费。我与西非地区圭亚那的一名医生取得了联系,他的名字是MosesFlomo, Sr.。我开始告诉他我在坦桑尼亚已经取得的成果,而他也对此非常感兴趣。我寄给他一瓶MMS,他尝试着用这瓶MMS治疗了一名疟疾患者,该患者在几个小时后便康复了。他即刻赶往卫生部办公室,当时是Gamy医生任圭亚那卫生部副部长。

Dr.Flomo met with one of the doctors in the office who then authorized him to test25 people. He was to test those 25 people without charge. If MMS worked, hecould then begin charging people for MMS as a treatment for malaria.

Dr.Flomo put a large sign outside his clinic that said, “Free treatment formalaria.” Within hours he had more than 25 people signed up, and he treatedthem the same day. He had them agree to come back the next day for testing. Thenext day, all the people who returned were malaria free. He began treatingpeople for malaria for 5,000 GNF (0.75 USD) on October 1, 2003.
Flomo医生在他的诊所外竖起了一个大标牌,上面写着“免费治疗疟疾”。几个小时内便有不止25人报名参加,他于当日对这些人进行了治疗。他还让病人们同意第二天回到诊所接受检查。第二天,所有返回诊所的人的疟疾都被治愈了。他们于2003年10月1日开始按5,000 GNF (0.75美元)的价格治疗疟疾。

Peoplestarted lining up outside his office, and he continued treating them for a fewweeks. Unfortunately, Dr. Flomo couldn’t see the value of MMS. He believed hecould make a lot of money selling herb formulas in capsule form. He was onlydoing the malaria thing to get me to help him with his herbs. I agreed to helphim as long as he was working to address malaria. He wanted me to send him someempty capsules, some herb books, a capsule filling machine, and some othersupplies. When I sent him a package containing some books and a smallsemiautomatic capsule-filling machine, his post office held it. He got so upsetwith them that he closed his clinic. It didn’t make a lot of sense to me, buthe wasn’t from Guinea and he thought that was the reason he was being treatedbadly.

Welater learned that the postmaster had taken the package and put it on his desk.The next day, he became ill and the package remained on his desk for 2 weeks.Then an accident occurred and the package was essentially destroyed by rain.

Afterclosing his clinic, Dr. Flomo decided to go out to an American bauxite company,the biggest one in that part of the world. He knew one of the doctors in thecompany’s clinic, so he took some MMS to the doctor and explained how itworked. They began treating workers who had malaria with it. In all, theytreated about 2,000 people. The result was a 50% reduction in absenteeism. Dr.Flomo began negotiating to sell them 150 bottles of MMS for 60,000 USD. That’s400 USD per bottle. I had never intended to sell the bottles for more than 26USD, but Flomo insisted that we could use the money to set up a clinic. Sincewe had never settled on an exact price, I said okay. After all, that was stillsomewhat less than 1 USD per treatment.

Atthat time, Arnold didn’t have complete control of MMS. He hadn’t yet figuredout how to get complete control. I still had some say in how things werehandled. Later, Arnold told me that the people who were putting up the moneywanted him to have complete control, but at this time, I was able to allow Dr.Flomo to sell the MMS. Later I was not allowed to do such things.

Therewere some glitches in the bauxite company transaction and quite a bit of timepassed. I determined the main problem was that Dr. Flomo was making tripselsewhere, working on his herb plan. It was quite an extensive plan, and heintended to plant many acres with various herbs. Dr. Flomo would not allow meto talk to the doctors at the bauxite clinic. We had to go through him and hewas always busy elsewhere.

Idecided to tell Arnold about the possible sale. That was a mistake. Arnoldtried to call the clinic at the American bauxite company, but he couldn’t findthe right phone number. So he got in touch with the U.S. company that owned thebauxite company and got the phone number of the president of the company inGuinea. The president said that he would not use our MMS (OS-82) until auniversity had published a paper stating that they had tested MMS and that itworked. That ended the $60,000 sale of bottles to the bauxite company clinic,as the doctors there were informed that they could not use MMS. If we had notcontacted the front office, the doctors in the back would have continued to useit. (Arnold had made a big mistake. I didn’t want to stir things up in thefront office, as I realized that things were delicately balanced.) If they hadalready been using MMS for 6 months and absenteeism had been reduced by 50% forthat time, no one would have stopped the use of MMS. As it was, the frontoffice was never informed that the clinic had already treated 2,000 people. Atany rate, I continued to work with Dr. Flomo and sent him 10,000 empty capsulesand a number of small capsule-filling machines.

Guineais full of malaria. If Dr. Flomo had continued to treat people for 0.75 USDeach (an amount people in Guinea can afford), he would have become rich byGuinea standards. He would have been the most well-known doctor in that part ofthe world. Instead, he chose to continue selling herbs, which never worked. Wewould have furnished him with unlimited quantities of MMS and he could havechanged an entire country, but he just had to try selling his herbs.

Ifyou read chapter 19, you’ll see his mistake. He was so focused on his owngoals, he simply couldn’t adjust his vision to see the bigger picture. Hewasn’t interested in helping the people of that country; he was only interestedin making money. He lived in his own world. Still, over 2,000 people were curedof malaria as a result of Dr. Flomo’s efforts.

MMSis available for your purchase today. Just go to one of the search engines andsearch on MMS. I have no financial interest in the companies that sell it inthe U.S. I just thought you might like to try it before you make 100 bottles.Then, after you are convinced, you can refer to chapter 18, which explains howto make 100 bottles and more.



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 楼主| 发表于 2020-5-6 02:18 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 心的力量 于 2020-5-18 20:04 编辑

Kenya,East Africa
Arnoldjust happened to know the man in charge of the missionary group called theFaith Christian Fellowship International or FCF Int. We had decided at thatpoint that we should charge 5 USD per dose of MMS. It didn’t matter thatAfricans couldn’t afford to pay that amount, because we were planning to getthe money from one of the humanitarian sources. However, that still wasn’tgoing anywhere. Finally, it occurred to me that we could offer to make a largecharitable donation to FCF Int. I told Arnold and he thought it was a valididea.
Arnold偶然间结识了一个传教团体的负责人,该团体名叫国际基督徒团契或FCF Int.。我们当时决定每一份MMS剂量的售价为5美元。非洲人是否负担得起这样的金额已经不重要,因为我们计划通过人道主义来源获得金钱。然而,这一计划也未取得成功。最后,我想到我们可以捐一大批MMS给FCF Int.。我将这一想法告诉了Arnold,他也认为是个好主意。

Arnoldoffered to give them $200,000 worth of MMS if they would furnish the money tosend me to their missions to train their people in how to use OS-82. (That’swhat we were calling MMS at that point. The name has changed a number oftimes.) Since we had set the price of a dose at 5 USD, we could make $200,000worth for about $50.
Arnold向他们提出,如果他们愿意出钱请我训练他们如何使用OS-82(当时我们称MMS为OS-82。MMS的名字更改过许多次),我们便捐出价值200,000 美元的MMS。由于我们已经将价格定为每剂量5美元,因此我们每投入50美元左右便可获得200,000美元。

Letme just reiterate here that it was my idea. The 2,000 people treated in Guinea,the 5,000 people treated in Sierra Leone, and the 75,000 people treated inUganda and Kenya have all been cured as a direct result of my ideas. Yes,Arnold helped, but he didn’t come up with the ideas, nor did he contact thepeople in Guinea or Sierra Leone. I did all of it without any financing from Arnold.And still, everything had to be done his way, because that is the way thedonors wanted it done (at least that’s what he always told me). I wouldn’t haveminded doing it his way if something was actually getting done, but it wasn’t.

Regardless,the offer impressed FCF Int. and they decided to go ahead and send me to bothKenya and Uganda. For some reason, Arnold never allowed me to talk to the headof the FCF missionary group or any of the other people who might have helped tofinance our trips to Africa. However, he had to send me to Africa, as he wasnot qualified to teach anyone how to use MMS and he knew it. But he wasabsolutely adamant that things must be run his way, and so things were alwaysrun his way. That, of course, is why I am writing this book. Arnold tried, buthe made many mistakes.
不管怎样,我们的提议打动了FCF Int.,他们决定试一试并送我前往肯亚和乌干达。出于某些原因,Arnold从不允许我与FCF传教团体的负责人或者是任何可能为我们的非洲之旅提供资金支持的人谈话。然而,他必须派我前往非洲,因为他没有资格教授他人如何使用MMS;他也很清楚这一点。他坚持必须按他的方式做事,而我也同意了这么做。当然,这也是我为什么要写这本书的原因。Arnold努力了,但还是不可避免地犯了许多错。

FCFInt. finally sent me to Africa in 2004. Before going, I manufactured hundredsof bottles of MMS in my kitchen using kitchenware and a very accuratelaboratory scale. [As an aside, by October 1, 2006 I had bottled many hundredsof bottles with 450 doses per bottle. That added up to well over 1 milliondoses. And by the time I was writing the second edition of this book, therewere at least four manufacturers making MMS.] The bottles that we finallydecided upon were tall, dark green 4-ounce bottles with dropper tops, so thedrops could be easily dispensed from the bottles as long as there was solutioninside. I was reasonably sure there were no other similar bottles in Africa andI was correct. A bottle of MMS could be recognized a block away, as nothingelse was similar. Everyone is still using this same green bottle bought from acompany in New York. The company’s name and address are provided in chapter 18.
FCFInt.最终于2004年派我前往非洲。动身前,我在厨房里利用厨房用具和非常精确的实验室标准制做了许多瓶MMS (为备用,我在2006年10月1日之前制作了许多瓶MMS,每瓶为450剂量,加起来一共超过了1百万剂量。到我写这本书的第二版之时,至少有4个厂家在生产MMS) 。我们最后决定使用的是顶部带有滴头的4盎司装长型深绿色瓶子;有了滴管塞,只要瓶子内有溶液便可轻松从瓶子里取出液滴。我相信非洲不会有其他类似的瓶子,而且事实证明果然如此。一瓶MMS很容易识别,因为再没有其他相似的物品。这种购自纽约一家公司的绿色瓶子如今仍在使用。第18章将提到这家公司的名称和地址。

Iarrived in Kakamega, Kenya, on January 31, 2004. I was met at the airport byfour people who each gave me a hug. There was Javan Ommani, the head ministerof the mission there; Gladis Ayugu; Hezron Juma, the second in command at themission; and finally Beatic Iadeche. They were very glad to see me and theywere very gracious. I was driven to the mission where they had a very nice roomfixed with mosquito netting and everything that I would need.
我于204131日抵达肯亚的卡卡梅加。一共有4个人来机场接我,每个人都热情地与我拥抱。他们是:当地教会负责人JavanOmmaniGladis Ayugu、教会的二把手HezronJuma以及Beatic Iadeche。他们见到我时非常高兴,也很亲切。他们开车把我带到教会,在那里有一间非常棒的房间,配备了蚊帐和我可能需要的所有物品。


DoctorIsaac Opondo came to see me that evening. He was responsible for the mission hospitaland he had been told that I was going to be giving people something to helpwith malaria. He was worried. He really needed to know what I was going to begiving them. I realized that if he didn’t like me, or MMS, that he could shuteverything down and nothing would happen. I would have to return home withouthaving accomplished anything. So I began to explain exactly what MMS was andhow it worked. He understood chlorine dioxide, because his scientific knowledgeincluded water purification plants and disinfectants. I told him most of thethings already mentioned in this book, plus additional information. He wasinterested. I have found that exact facts work better than anything else, andthat is what I gave him.
当天晚上Isaac Opondo医生也去看我了。他是教会医院的负责人,并得知我是来帮助疟疾患者的。他有些担心,想知道我要用什么来进行治疗。我明白如果他对我或者MMS没有好感,他就会阻止我的行为,那么我将无法展开治疗。到时候我只能一无所成地回家。因此,我开始向他确切地解释MMS是什么以及它如何起作用。由于他对水净化植物和杀菌剂有一定的科学认知,因而很快便理解了二氧化氯。我告诉他这本书里描述了大部分内容,此外还有一些额外信息。他对此非常感兴趣。我发现准确的事实最有用,而这也正是我所给予他的。

Finally,Dr. Opondo said, “I have the picture, and if you can really get the chlorinedioxide into the body, I believe it will do exactly what you say it will do.”Once he had the picture of the chlorine dioxide in his head, he was soconvinced that he said, “My wife is sick with malaria. Can I go get her rightnow?”

Isaid, “Sure.” She arrived about 20 minutes later. I mixed an MMS drink for herthat contained only 5 drops. I considered 15 drops to be the standard dose atthat time and I do not remember exactly why I only used 5 drops. I guess I wasworried about making her nauseous. The next morning she was feeling a littlebetter, but she was not completely well and I had told him that she would bewell. I was scheduled to start treating at the hospital that morning. This wasa problem, but not as bad as you might think. The doctor believed myexplanation of how the chlorine dioxide worked and he seemed to have faith inwhat I had to say. The problem was that the strain of malaria here was morevirile than the strain of malaria in South America. In seeing that the doctor’swife was indeed a little better, I knew the MMS was working, but that the dosesimply was not large enough. I told the doctor that his wife just Dr. Opondowith MMS needed another dose, and he agreed.
我回答说当然可以。大约20分钟后医生的妻子到我这来了。我配制了一份只含5滴的MMS溶液给她。当时我认为15滴是标准剂量,但我已经忘记为什么那次只使用了5滴。 我猜想可能是因为担心她会感觉恶心。第二天早晨她感觉有所好转,但尚未痊愈,我告诉Opondo医生她一定会好的。按行程,我从那一天早晨起开始在医院进行治疗。这的确是一个问题,但不像你可能想象的那么糟糕。医生相信我对二氧化氯作用机制的说明,他看起来已经相信我所说的。问题在于这里的疟疾种比南美洲的疟疾更凶猛。看到医生的妻子确实好转后,我知道MMS起作用了,但是剂量还不够多。我告诉医生可能需要给她的妻子服用另一剂量的MMS,他同意了。

Thatmorning, when I began treating people at the mission hospital, I put on mywhite lab smock with the words, “The Malaria Solution Foundation,” embroideredin gold lettering on the front. I wore my hat, light tan pants, and whiteshoes. I looked like a doctor. I arrived at the hospital at about 8 a.m. andDr. Opondo set me up in his office. Of course, I explained to the people in theoffice that I was not a doctor. They didn’t care. I was the only white man for50 miles in any direction and they all had a great deal of respect for whitemen.
那天早上当我开始在教会医院治疗病人时,我穿上了前面刻有一排金字“疟疾溶液基金会(TheMalaria Solution Foundation)”的白色实验室工作服。我带着帽子,穿着驼色裤子和白鞋。我看起来像医生。我于8点左右抵达医院,Opondo医生在他的办公室向人们介绍我。当然,我解释我并不是医生,但他们并不在意。我是方圆50英里内唯一的一个白人,而他们对白人非常尊重。

Idiscussed the number of drops to be given to each patient with Dr. Opondo. Ipointed out that the malaria here seemed to be a stronger strain than thestrain in South America. We decided to use 15 drops per dose. Soon his wifearrived to get her next dose, this one containing 15 drops, and then she wenthome. With that second dose, Dr. Opondo’s wife became the first person I helpedovercome malaria in Africa.

Wedispensed 15-drop doses all day, but the next day most of the patients cameback feeling better, but not well. That did it. I decided on 30-drop doses, aswe needed to achieve a cure with only one dose. There were too many malariavictims to have to handle each one twice.

Thehospital laboratory was overloaded, so we simply could not check every sickperson’s blood for malaria. However, in that area there isn’t much questionabout whether or not a person has malaria. Normally, a doctor merely looks at aperson to determine whether or not they are infected. But they did take as manyblood samples as were practical. Everyone who tested positive for malaria byblood sample, eventually tested negative after the second dose or after the30-drop dose. In general, it took about 4 hours for all the malaria symptoms todisappear. In a few cases, it took up to 12 hours for the symptoms todisappear. Although many of the patients had other diseases as well as malaria,we never had a failure as far as the malaria was concerned. We cannot guaranteethat fact, as everyone did not receive a blood tested, but to the best of ourknowledge MMS never failed to kill the malaria parasite.

Wetreated the patients who were still feeling bad and everyone of them hadrecovered by the time they returned the next day. Dr. Opondo agreed with methat we should increase the dosage to 30 drops. It began to work with only onetreatment. This was eight times the dose that was used in South America. Thiswould equal 240 drops of the stabilized oxygen sold in health food stores. Atthe hospital, each malaria victim was introduced to me and those who couldspeak English would describe their symptoms a little bit. I gave a dose toeveryone. I did not only try to help malaria victims. I knew that MMS wouldhelp most problems. Some of the patients soon threw up worms, and others saidthat various difficulties were better.

TheReverend Ommini was head of the mission there and he looked a little tired. Hetold me that ever since his accident he had not had any trouble with malaria.He walked with a cane and he had some steel braces in his leg. He said thatmaybe the steel was somehow causing a reaction in his blood and that it waskilling the malaria parasites. I looked in his eyes and at his face veryclosely. I could only see extreme tiredness. He was sick and didn’t know it. Iasked if he was taking pain tablets, and he admitted that he took several each day.I said, “Reverend, please do me a favor and have your blood tested formalaria.” All of a sudden, he realized how he really felt.

I hadactually meant for him to have his blood tested the next day, but he took onemore look at me and went to wake up the laboratory technician. In about 1 hourhe came back with an amazing report. The average malaria patient who showed upfor treatment at the hospital had a reading of +6. Rev. Ommini had a reading of+120. He could have dropped dead at any minute. I gave him the biggest dose Ifelt would be safe, which was 30 drops. Normally, a person with a reading thathigh would be sick in bed, almost unable to move, but in some cases, painkillers will mask the symptoms.
我的意思是让他第二天来做血液检查,但他深深地看了我一眼,然后叫醒了实验室的技术员。大约1小时后他带着一份令人惊讶的报告回来了。来医院接受治疗的疟疾患者的平均读数为+6,但Rev. Ommini的平均读数却是+120。他随时都有可能死亡。我让他服用了我认为应当安全的最大剂量——30滴。通常情况下,读数如此之高的病人应当躺在床上无法走动,但有时候止痛药会掩盖症状。

Thenext morning, Rev. Ommini felt much better, but he was sick again by noon. Atnoon, his blood was reading +6, which was a normal reading for a person sickwith malaria. I gave him another 18 drops and by the next morning he wasproclaiming that he felt great. He looked good and his blood reading indicatedhe was free of malaria parasites. He was lucky that it turned out that way.Often, when people take pain tablets, the tablets mask the pain of malaria.They don’t realize they are suffering from malaria, just as Rev. Ommini did notrealize it. They keep taking more and more pain tablets, as their headaches andthe pains in their joints get worse and worse. This is a very dangeroussituation, as a person can be walking around with enough malaria in their bodyto kill them. In this case, a malaria victim can just drop dead, and it doeshappen.
第二天早晨,Rev. Ommini感觉有极大好转,但中午时又变严重了,血液读数达到+6,而这也是疟疾患者通常有的读数。我让他再服用了18滴,于是第二天他感觉舒服多了。他看起来状态不错,血液读数显示疟原虫已经清除干净。事实证明他是幸运的。通常,当人们服用止痛片时,这些药片会掩盖疟疾的疼痛症状。于是这些人不知道自己已经染上疟疾,就像Rev.Ommini那样。他们吃的止痛片越来越多,因为头痛和关节痛愈发严重。这是非常危险的,因为他们还可以四处走动,但同时体内的疟疾随时会杀死他们。这样的情况下疟疾患者最终会死亡,而事实上也的确发生过这样的案例。

Rev.Ommini began organizing malaria clinics at churches around the area, so thatpeople with malaria could come to the churches to be treated. Each morning,about eight of us would crowd into a mini-bus driven by Peter Mwangi, a localpastor who owned the mini-bus. The bus was about 20 years old. It was reallynothing more than a shell of a bus with a motor. Everything else had beenstripped out. The door hinges were far beyond worn out. They managed to keepthe door from falling off, but not from rattling. Being the only white person,I had to ride up front, but then so did three other people. Peter was somethingof a mechanic, so he kept the bus going. But everything on the bus wasextremely worn. When an auto gets as bad as that bus was and something quitsworking, you simply pull it out and throw it away. When it comes right down toit, all you really need is a motor, a chassis, and wheels.
Rev. Ommini开始在附近的教堂组建疟疾诊所,使疟疾患者能到教堂来接受治疗。每天早晨,我们8人都得挤进PeterMwangi开着的一辆小型巴士前往诊所。PeterMwangi是当地的一名牧师,也是小车的主人。他的巴士已经使用了20年左右。说它是一辆巴士,其实只不过是在马达外罩了一层外壳。门锁已经非常破旧不堪。他们可以确保门不会掉下来,但无法阻止它发出咯咯声。我是唯一的白人,因此必须坐在前面,但后来其他三个人也能坐前面。Peter具备一定机械工的技能,因此他可以让巴士动起来。但巴士上的所有东西都太破旧了。当一辆如此糟糕的汽车开动时,总有一些零部件会停止运转,而你只能将它们取出来扔掉。当你面对它时,你所需要的是马达、底盘和车轮。

Peopleat a church await our arrival. There were over 300 at this church.

Peterdrove us to several churches each day and also helped me by taking pictures.There were usually 50 to 200 people at a church. They introduced me to thecrowd and asked me to say something before we got started. I would talk for aminute or so, state that it was my pleasure to be there, and that I hoped theywould feel better. Then they would stand in line as I began filling the glassesthat were furnished at each church.

Whenthere were several hundred people, I would ask for extra glasses and somehowsomeone would get them. Then we would line up 20 or 30 of the glasses and Iwould begin putting the solution in them. I had a small measuring spoon thatheld exactly the right amount of solution (30 drops). Then I would add vinegarto each glass. After waiting three minutes, I would then pour pineapple juice intoeach glass until it was about 3/4 full. We would then distribute the glasses.

Severaltimes, when a group heard that I would not be inoculating them, they expresseddisappointment. They felt that if they were not getting inoculated, themedicine might not be powerful enough to help. However, as the day wore on ateach church, people started feeling better. Headaches went away, nauseavanished, and muscle pains subsided. The people were quite surprised and verypleased, and they showed it. It was always a pleasure to see the people gettingbetter and feeling well.

Whilewe were in Kakamega, Javan wanted us to visit one private clinic. We were tospend a full day at the clinic. The name of the clinic was The Bukura CommunityNursing and Maternity Home. When we arrived, there was a big, long line oflocal people who needed help with malaria. We spent most of the day there andthen we left them with several bottles of MMS for their use. Vincent Orimba wasin charge. He treated many people and took their blood readings both before andafter they took the MMS. Unfortunately, his clinic was associated with themissions that withdrew their support for MMS, thus the clinic no longerreceives funding for MMS. I have included a picture of Dr. Orimba at hisclinic. No doubt, he, like most of the other people in this book, can still becontacted.
当我们在卡卡梅加进行治疗时,Javan希望我们前往一家私人诊所,我们将在那停留一整天;这家诊所名叫Bukura小区护理与产科之家( The Bukura CommunityNursing and Maternity Home)。当我们到达时,需要接受疟疾治疗的当地人已经排起了长长的一队。我们在那治疗了几乎一整天,并留了几瓶MMS给他们。VincentOrimba是诊所负责人,他治疗了许多病例,并在他们服用MMS前后均为其做了血液读数检查。不幸的是,与他的诊所合作的教会取消了对MMS的援助,因此诊所没有再收到为MMS提供的资金。我在诊所内为Orimba 医生拍了一张照片。毋庸置疑,就像本书的其他人一样,他仍然与我保持联系。

Whilein Kakamega I did not see any other white people. One lady stopped me on thestreet and shook my hand. She said that she wanted to tell her husband that sheshook the hand of a white person today. Probably the biggest laugh I got at thetable was when I told everyone that my biggest worry was that these convertedcannibals might decide that they would rather have a good meal than go toheaven. All of them past the age of 30 claimed to be converted cannibals, but Idoubt that any of them were. They just like to have something to say.


1176信箱                      50100 肯亚卡卡梅加                电话:0722-300301
Jim Humble

1     第一天,一个体温高达104F(40摄氏度)的病情非常严重的1岁半婴儿住进了医院。血液载玻片显微镜检查结果为疟疾阳性,读数为4++++,这表明感染了非常严重的疟原虫。
备注:没有使用任何其他疟疾药物,也没有用抗生素。2天后,这名婴儿出院了。48小时内体温恢复正常,也没有出现其他症状。疟疾已经被疟疾溶液治愈了, 没有使用治疗这类严重病例常用的奎宁。

2 一名34的女性患者在夜里出现持续的越来越严重的头痛、恶心、无食欲和体重下降。血液显微镜检查显示存在疟原虫。她对许多抗疟疾药物都没有反应,包括奎宁注射在内。因此,在24小时内分两次剂量给她服用了2期疟疾溶液。到服用第三次剂量时,所有病征和症状都减轻了。5天后,患者终于在忍受了2个月的疾病折磨后好转了,并重新回到工作岗位。血液载玻片检查结果显示疟疾阴性。

3 三名患儿在出现支气管肺炎症状2天后服用了疟疾溶液。6小时后,病征和症状减少了。他们在病房里躺了48小时,直至肺炎症状完全消失。没有使用其他抗体。

4 我将疟疾溶液给了一个腹股沟部位长疣的5岁男童。5天内,疣消失了。


PeterMwangi Gitau

主题:Jim V. Humble
兹证明本人,PeterMwangi Gitau自2004年起一直与Jim在合作。他来到EmatsayiBall教会为人们治疗疟疾,在此期间都是我开车接送他。我们去了许多教堂,用神奇溶液治疗了大约1000人。随后,我们又前往乌干达帮助当地患者,并在乌干达坎帕拉的生命医学中心(Life Medical Center)对500多人进行了治疗。我们分别之时他给了我几瓶神奇溶液用于治疗疟疾,并让我在卡卡梅加培训人们如何使用溶液。下一页是接受治疗患者的一些照片和报告。我盼望着能在肯亚治疗更多患者并帮助Jim完成他的事业,因为我们已经获得越来越多的资金和捐款。我非常高兴能用神奇溶液治疗患者并使其好转。

您忠实的P. Mwang’
致上Peter Mwangi

我,Sila Kombo,非常感谢上帝将JimHumble带到肯亚,为我们提供神奇溶液。我非常高兴,因为神奇溶液让我康复了。我希望请求基督徒团契能将治疗范围扩展至坦桑尼亚。


Sila Kombo致上


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 楼主| 发表于 2020-5-6 02:28 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 心的力量 于 2020-5-18 20:10 编辑

Uganda,East Africa
WhenI left Kakamega, Kenya, I flew to Nairobi. There I gave a lecture to WadePorter and his group of doctors and nurses. The lecture was well received; theytalked to me for an hour after it. There was much handshaking and friendlywords, but for some reason, Wade and his wife decided I was evil, so that endedtheir plans to treat villagers in the nearby bush. They would never communicateabout it, so I had no way to tell them differently. Even stranger, the directorat FCF Int. in the U.S. was fired a few weeks after I returned. He was theperson in the organization that made the decision to send me over there. Maybethere was no connection, but it seemed funny that he was fired and I never knewthe reason. At any rate, the story continues.

WadePorter and his wife are standing on each side of me. The others were doctorsand nurses.
Wade decided not to use MMS, as he believed I was evil.

FromNairobi, I flew to Kampala, Uganda. I was met at the airport by SolomonMwesige, the main pastor of the mission there and the owner of the Life LinkMedical Centre, a clinic connected to the mission. He drove me to his house,where he had fixed up a room for my stay. In this area, everyone who comes intoa house must take off his shoes. I didn’t notice this at first, but as soon asI did, I apologized and took my shoes off. They were very gracious hosts.Dinner was served every evening with everyone sitting at the table. The foodwas very good. In Uganda, where there is no fighting, food is plentiful. Infact, an observer would call it a land of plenty.
接下来我又从内罗毕飞往乌干达的坎帕拉,是Solomon Mwesige在机场接我。Solomon Mwesige是当地教会的牧师,也是教会所属诊所LifeLink Medical Centre(生命连接医疗中心)的所有人。他开车带我去到他家,为我整理出一间房。在当地,每个人回到家中都必须脱鞋。我起先没有注意到这一点,但当我发现时,我立刻表示歉意并脱下鞋子。他们是非常慷慨大方的主人。每天晚餐时,全家人都会出席,食物也很棒。乌干达没有战争,因此食品较为丰富。事实上, 观察家们可以称之为“富饶之地”。
Solomonsaid that I could start using MMS at his medical clinic in the morning. I wasanxious to get started, as this would be one more step in proving the safetyand efficacy of MMS. I arrived at Solomon’s clinic at approximately 8 a.m. onthe 14th of February 2004. Patients were already arriving, as Solomon had madeannouncements at his church services that I would be there.

LifeLink Medical Centre
P.O.Box 15081, Kampala, Uganda; phone 077 479017.
乌干达坎帕拉,15081号信箱;电话077 479017

Theclinic charged a small fee for each dose of MMS, labeled OS-82 at that time. Ihad stopped calling it OS-82 back in Kenya, because “Malaria Solution” was theonly thing any of the doctors or nurses would call it. So that is what wefinally started calling it. The people of Africa had actually named it. When Icalled Arnold and told him the new name, he immediately agreed.

Istarted off using the data obtained at the Kakamega mission in Kenya. I used 30drops and almost everyone was getting sicker and vomiting after taking a dose.Of course, the next day—and frequently just hours later—they were well, but thevomiting was not popular. Again, the malaria in this area was different thanthe malaria in other places. Everyone who had malaria here also had an enlargedspleen. For some reason, the drops were reacting differently with this strainof malaria and it probably had something to do with the patients’ enlargedspleens. The malaria victims in Kakamega did not have enlarged spleens. Not everyonewas vomiting, so we continued with 30-drop doses for several days, but peoplewere beginning to stay away.

Finally,I decided that I had to do something. I had each person take a 15-drop dose andcome back in 4 hours for a second dose of 15 drops. This worked out OK. The15-drop doses did not cause anyone to vomit, and soon people were returning andlining up outside for help. Once again, minor problems had been overcome. Eachnew situation has added to the collection of important information provided toothers for use in administering MMS.

Authorand nurse look on as mother gives her baby MMS at the Life Link Medical Centrein Kampala, Uganda.

Alldoses, whether 15-drop or 30-drop, require the addition of ¼ to ½ teaspoon ofvinegar, lemon, lime, or citric acid solution (that’s 5 drops of acid for eachdrop of MMS). Without one of these food acids, the solution does very littlegood. The food acid acts as an activator that makes the solution work. Asstated earlier, one must wait 3 minutes before adding anything else. After the3-three minute wait, you can then add a 4-ounce glass of juice to mask some ofthe taste. It is important to remember that the juice cannot contain any addedvitamin C. This is the reason for using fresh juice, because one can be surethat vitamin C has not been added. Almost all bottled or canned juice hasvitamin C added as a preservative. Vitamin C is very good for you, but in thiscase, it prevents the MMS from being effective in the body. So only use freshjuice.
所有剂量(无论是15滴还是30滴)都需要加入¼ 至 ½茶匙醋、柠檬、酸橙或柠檬酸溶液 (相当于每一滴MMS需添加5滴酸)。如果没有这些食物酸,MMS溶液的作用也就很小。这些食物酸作为催化剂可使溶液起效。如前文所述,在加入其他物质前必须等待3分钟。3分钟后,可以加入一杯4盎司的果汁,使溶液味道更佳。请务必记得,这样的果汁里不得含有任何添加的维他命C。 这也是为什么要使用新鲜果汁的原因,我们必须确保不添加任何维他命C。几乎所有瓶装或罐装果汁里都添加了维他命C作为防腐剂。维他命C对人体益处颇多,但对MMS溶液而言,它会导致其不能在体内起有效作用。因此我们只能使用新鲜果汁。
Solomonhad a microscope at his clinic and technicians who could use it to determinewhether or not the malaria parasite was in a person’s blood. During the time Iwas there, we treated at least 50 patients who tested positive for malariabefore treatment and tested negative after treatment. However, most of the 500+patients we treated didn’t care. They only wanted to feel better and after twodoses of MMS they did. The fact is, at least 95% of them had malaria; we justdid not have the time to test everyone’s blood. Still, we verified 50 cases ofpeople who were cleared of the malaria parasite.

Shortlyafter I arrived at the Life Link Medical Centre I met one special pastor fromthe DRC Congo. His name was John Tumuhairwe and he was interested in MMS. Afterhe accepted a dose himself, he immediately began to help others as theyarrived. He was very enthusiastic concerning MMS and talked to me extensivelyabout going to the DRC Congo, but I didn’t have the money or support to do so.He visited a number of places in Kampala and almost arranged for me to visitthe army in northern Uganda where the fighting was taking place. I was willingto go, as there was widespread malaria in the army and it would have been asignificant contribution to settling the war. It would have also been a verygood way to advertise MMS at the time, but John was unable to get thingscompletely arranged while I was there.

Authorgives Ev. John Tumuhairwe his first dose of MMS for recurring malaria. ReadJohn’s letter at the end of this chapter.
本文作者给了Ev.John Tumuhairwe第一次MMS剂量用于治疗复发的疟疾。

WhenI left, I gave him my last bottle of MMS, which was enough to help about 180people with malaria. Several months later, I sent him 10 more bottles that heused quite a bit. If you read John’s letter to me, you will see that he treatedquite a few people in the Congo with all the MMS I sent him. The picture shown herewas taken as I was giving him his first dose of MMS. He, like most of thepeople named in this book, can still be contacted. On October 10, 2006 I senthim another 10 bottles.

A fewof the malaria victims at the clinic were children. Some of these childrenwould have died without MMS. Although reactions were infrequent, it was in thisclinic that we began to notice that the reactions that did occur were oftensimilar. As time progressed, we occasionally noticed the following reactions:

1.Dizziness – Some patients reported dizziness several hours after taking MMS.The dizziness never lasted more than 1 hour. When the dizziness passed, thesymptoms of malaria seemed to disappear at the same time.

2.Nausea – Nausea usually occurred within 10 to 15 minutes of taking MMS andseldom lasted more than 15 minutes.

3.Vomiting – On rare occasions someone vomited as a reaction to MMS, but nevermore than once.

4.Fatigue – The fatigue was total and throughout the body. It was quite amazing,as I experienced this once myself several years earlier when I first took MMSto overcome a case of malaria I had contracted in the jungle. One feelscompletely lethargic and is unable to move. It is not really unpleasant, it’sjust a weird sensation that’s slightly alarming. It lasts from 1 to 4 hours, nolonger.
5. Acombination of several or all of these reactions – This is rare, but it didhappen once or twice. There is really nothing that needs to be done for any ofthe reactions. They all pass and have no lasting effects.
5. 同时出现以上几种反应或所有反应——这种情况极度罕见,但的确发生过一两次。若出现任何反应都无需做什么。所有反应都会自行消退,并且无长期影响。

Authormixing doses of MMS in the clinic room.

Thedoctor at this clinic was a black man who had a great deal of compassion forchildren. He treated them with kindness and appeared to be very concerned. Hesaved several lives while I was there simply by making the correct diagnoses.He questioned me thoroughly about MMS. I ended up telling him about my friendwho had used stabilized oxygen and injected the solution into the veins of hisanimals. I also mentioned that he had injected me a couple of times. In ourdiscussions I finally told him that the strength of the solution that my friendused for injecting the animals was 15 drops in 20 ml of injection solution.

Mostchildren seemed to think MMS was a magical drink. These three certainly did

Towardthe end of my stay there, I noticed the doctor talking to groups of people whomet him outside the clinic. After he talked to several groups, I asked himabout them. He said that the groups consisted of advanced AIDS patients andtheir relatives. I didn’t ask him what the conversations were about, as itseemed that would be impolite; however, the day that I left he took me asideand said that he was going to treat some AIDS patients and that he would use aninjection of MMS. He said that he was connected to the very large KampalaHospital and that he would be able to approach AIDS patients that were beingsent home to die. You may think that I would feel concern at this point, butback in Las Vegas I had my friend inject me several times. We first used onedrop, then several drops, and then a full dose two different times. There wasnever any adverse reaction, but the injection did handle a very bad case of theflu. So I wasn’t worried about the AIDS patients; on the contrary, I wasextremely sad that we couldn’t treat every AIDS patient that was being senthome, plus the AIDS patients still in the hospital.

Again,MMS releases chlorine dioxide into the body. Chlorine dioxide is the mostpowerful killer of pathogens known to man. There is no reason why it wouldn’tkill the AIDS virus. It does no damage to the human body in the lowconcentration used in MMS. When using direct injection into the blood, youcannot use vinegar. The fact is, the blood has the same neutral pH level aswater, thus it dilutes MMS and causes the release of chlorine dioxide over aperiod of a few hours without vinegar.

Atthe time, I did not encourage the doctor, nor did I discourage him. I could notsee that the injection would hurt any of the AIDS patients and it wouldprobably help them. After I returned home I kept in close contact with thisdoctor as he treated 390 AIDS patients over a period of 8 months. They had allbeen sent home from the local Kampala Hospital to die. His emails indicatedthat 6 out of 10 AIDS patients felt good and were anxious to go back to work orback to their lives within 3 days of receiving the treatment. The other 40%recovered within 30 days. Not one of the cases that he was able to keep trackof had a relapse. Two out of the 390 cases died. The patients who were wellwithin 3 days needed time to recover, but it seemed they were only recoveringfrom an extreme case of weakness. Unfortunately, I must keep this doctor’s nameconfidential. But as you can see, he had very good results, as all of thesepatients were slated to die within weeks of being released from the Kampalahospital.

I didnot find it hard to believe his reports, as he had no reason to lie to me dayafter day. I was not paying him anything and wasn’t even sending him free MMS(I left him with 40 bottles). In addition, I have treated a number of AIDSpatients successfully myself and my friend who runs a business in Malawitreated several employees who were too sick from AIDS infections to come towork. They are now all back to work.

Itturned out that Solomon Mwsegi, the owner of Life Link Medical Centre had ahealth problem very similar to the health problem experienced by Rev. Ommini,the pastor in Kenya. Solomon was taking pain tablets for the pain caused bymalaria. Both he and his wife were avoiding the fact that they had malaria.Pain tablets often mask the symptoms of malaria—not very well, but they keepyou going. To take them for an extended period is extremely dangerous, as themalaria can kill you without you even feeling it. When I asked him about it, hesaid, “I know its malaria. I’ve just been putting off doing anything about it.I’ll take a double dose right now.”
生命连接医疗中心的所有者Solomon Mwsegi也出现了与肯亚牧师Rev.Ommini相似的健康问题。Solomon正在服用止痛片,以对付疟疾引起的疼痛。他和他的妻子都在逃避他们已经染上疟疾这一事实。止痛片往往会掩盖疟疾症状,也许效果不是很好,但确实能有所改善。长期使用止痛片是非常危险的,因为疟疾会在你毫无知觉的情况下取走你的性命。当我问起他时,他回答说“我知道我得的是疟疾,我不会再随便做任何与疟疾有关的事。我会马上服用双倍剂量。”

Iasked if he was sure, mentioning that it was going to make him nauseous. Hesaid, “I know it is, but I want to get it over with and I want to be sure themalaria is killed.” He had been carefully watching what I was doing and how Iadjusted the number of drops, so he took the double dose (with the vinegaractivator and the standard 3 minute wait). He later told me that he wanted thedrops to make him sick, as he felt that would be proof that something wasreally working in his body.

Here,word for word, is what I wrote in my notes at the time: “Within 20 minutes hewas nauseous. Within 1 hour he could not drive the car. He had diarrhea. Athome he felt totally tired, like he didn’t want to move except to go to thetoilet. It started at about 11 a.m. that morning and by 4 p.m., when we gothome, he was better. At 8 p.m., he was awake and lying on the couch. He saidall sickness was gone, but he was feeling weak. The next morning he wasslightly dizzy, but feeling good otherwise.” From the beginning to the end ofthis ordeal, he was very enthusiastic about it. When he got sick, he wasenthusiastic because he believed the MMS was working. The next day when it wasover, he couldn’t believe how well he was feeling.

Hiswife was watching the whole ordeal and was very worried, but she was alsoafraid of doing nothing, because she was well aware that her pain tablets werealso masking her malaria. When she proceeded to take a dose herself, Solomonstayed with her. She was not as nauseous as Solomon had been, but she stayedsick for most of the following day. After that she was extremely happy abouthow well she was feeling. She said it was the first time in over a year thatshe felt like herself. Evidently, when malaria is masked by pain tablets itgets very bad; thus, the MMS was extra reactive. However, both Solomon and hiswife could have avoided the reaction by simply taking smaller doses overseveral days, instead of trying to do it all at once. The problem was that theywere extremely busy and didn’t feel that they could afford the extra time.

Itdidn’t seem to matter whom I was involved with while I was in Africa; thepeople were willing to trust me. I think they could sense that I would not doanything that was not in their best interest. The time spent at Solomon’sclinic was very productive, as I learned more of the ins and outs of MMS.

Despitethe general goodwill I experienced, an unfortunate situation did occur. Mydriver, Peter Mwangi, had also come to Kampala and arrived the day after I had.Solomon furnished him a room in his house and Peter was a great help in theclinic. He helped me mix MMS doses, took pictures, and learned as much as hecould about MMS. However, several months after his arrival, Solomon accusedPeter of raping one of his servant girls. The girl was pregnant. Peter saidthat it was impossible; he hadn’t done any such thing. It seemed to me thatsince I was in the same house I would have heard some kind of noise, or wouldhave noticed the girl crying or something. But I had not heard anything. Fromwhat I had observed while I was there, Peter had a great deal of integrity, soI believed Peter when he said he didn’t do it.
尽管我经历的基本上都是友善,但还是发生了一件不愉快的事情。我的司机Peter Mwangi也在我到达坎帕拉后的第二天来了这里。Solomon在自己家里为他安排了一间房,Peter也在诊所帮了不少忙。他帮我混合MMS剂量、拍照片,并尽可能多地学习MMS相关知识。然而,几个月后,Solomon指控Peter强奸了他的一个女仆,还致使她怀孕。Peter说这不可能,因为他从未做过这样的事。因为我也住在Solomon家中,如果发生那样的事我应当听到些什么动静或者看到女孩哭或者有其他表现。但我从未听到过任何声音。通过我的观察判断,Peter应该是一个很诚实的人,因为当Peter说他没做过这样的事时我相信他所说的。
Anotherthing that seemed peculiar to me was how Solomon fired person after person fromhis clinic, even while I was there. I worked with the people that he fired andthey all seemed to be doing a good job. I never understood why he fired any ofthem, so when he accused Peter of raping his servant girl, I questioned thataccusation, but I did not interfere with Solomon’s operation of the clinic.

Inany case, we treated over 500 people while I was there. Solomon asked me tohelp and to remain present, because the people who came were expecting a whiteman. The people of that area had a great deal more confidence in MMS because awhite man was helping them. Even when I quit giving the solution to people,they were much more confident when I was simply present. Solomon had promisedthat a white man would be there, and the people who came were much moreconfident even if I only stood outside on the front porch.
Ifinally left Kampala on February 27, 2004 and flew back to Reno, Nevada. Fromthere I returned to the desert town of Mina, Nevada..

电话077 479 017

兹此证明Jim Humble对医生和这里的工作人员进行了疟疾溶液(MalariaSolution)使用相关知识方面的指导和培训。
负责人Solomon Mwsegi

EvJohn Tumuhairwe   
首先希望您平安健康,我是John Tumuhairwe。我第一次见到您是您初次来乌干达时所在的生命连接医疗中心,当时您带着一名肯亚籍兄弟向我们介绍疟疾溶液。我已经拜访了Solomon牧师,现在正呆在诊所(生命连接医疗中心),因为那些天我曾经经生活在刚果共和国。我很快就对疟疾溶液感到有兴趣,并加入了您和Emma医生的行动,开始向人们提供疟疾溶液。

我打算在坎帕拉创办第一所全人医疗中心(Holistic Healing Center)。我们将使用Humble健康饮料(疟疾溶液)作为主要治疗手段。

Ev John Tumuhairwe


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 楼主| 发表于 2020-5-6 02:43 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 心的力量 于 2020-5-18 20:15 编辑

ContinuingStory of MMS
InMina, I continued sending emails to everyone I could think of. I sent emails tothe president of the U.S., to Bill Gates, to various people who didhumanitarian things, and to all of the TV shows with a humanitarian focus, suchas Oprah. I continued to send out free bottles of MMS and I sold the 4-ouncebottles containing 325 doses for $20 each, or for $5 to anyone living in town.Later, when I doubled the strength, I sold the 4-ounce bottles with 450 dosesfor the same price.

Astime passed, people talked to me about various problems and I continued to findnew uses for MMS. All of my life I’d had trouble with my teeth. In fact, mostof my teeth are missing and I wear dentures. At that time, my gums were quitesoft and my teeth were somewhat loose. They often got sore and they had startedto hurt. I thought I would have to have one or two pulled. I finally decidedthat I should brush my teeth with MMS. I swirled 6 drops of MMS and 1/2teaspoon of vinegar together in a glass and then waited the 3 minutes and added1/3 glass of water. I used that to brush my teeth and again I was amazed. Allof the infection and soreness disappeared in hours. Within a week, my gums hadhardened up. When I finally did go to have a tooth pulled, it took the dentista full hour to pull it. My gums were so tough and the tooth was so well embeddedinto my jawbone he couldn’t simply grab it with his pliers and pull. Itwouldn’t come out. I’m not sure I should have had the tooth pulled. It lookedperfectly healthy when it was finally out. The dentist was more surprised thanI was.

Sincethat time, there have been a number of other people who have used MMS for oralhygiene. All who have used it have had the same results, a much healthier mouth.There have even been a number of people who were able to fix their abscessedteeth merely by brushing with MMS.

Inworking toward distributing MMS in Africa, my contention was always that ifArnold would provide me with enough money for a round-trip airplane ticket andsome living expenses, then I would travel anywhere. I would talk to the variousgovernment agencies and hospitals until I found someplace to do clinicaltrials. Arnold’s contention was that we could not go anywhere in Africa untilwe had an invitation. According to Arnold, there was plenty of money; we justneeded an invitation. His stance on this issue kept us immobile for years.

Atone point, Peter Mwangi, who had served as my driver in Kenya and Uganda andwhom I trained in dispensing MMS, secured an invitation from a hospital inKenya for me to travel there and do clinical trials. We could have conductedclinical trials on 100 malaria patients with before and after blood tests forless than $20,000, including my travel expenses. The money was available, butArnold would not allow me to go to Kenya. Instead, he wanted to help FloydHammer and his wife who were involved in various projects in Tanzania, but whocould not conduct clinical trials for months. In the end, he never conductedclinical trials, and a clinical trial was what we needed at the time. We couldhave had it through Peter, but we were going to do it Arnold’s way, regardlessof the results.

Timeafter time, for over a year, Floyd Hammer was given money from our MalariaSolution Foundation and he never provided us with any information as to itsuse. We helped him buy a pickup truck and shipped a large container of foodsupplies to Tanzania. When Floyd wrote a report to his people in the U.S., henever acknowledged that we had helped at all. He talked about treating malariapatients, but he never acknowledged that he was using MMS to treat them.Finally, Arnold said that he wasn’t going to send the Hammers any more money.If I could have had the money Arnold had already sent them, I could havecompleted the clinical trials in Kenya and would have had the proof thateveryone was asking for. I had repeatedly told Arnold that giving Floyd moneywas not helping, but it took over a year before he would listen.

I hadalso tried to get Arnold to hire Peter Mwangi. He was traveling to hospitalsthat were willing to try MMS and he was proficient in the dispensation of MMS.He could have also been traveling to churches, orphanages, and clinics. Thepeople there trusted him and many were willing to use the solution. In the sameamount of time that we wasted fooling around with Floyd, Peter could havehelped thousands of people and dozens of clinics would have used MMS.Unfortunately, Arnold would not consider anything I suggested. Hiring Peter, alocal, instead of someone from the U.S. would have been ridiculously cheap. Wewould not have had to pay for his airplane ticket and he would have worked forless than 100 USD a month. We would have had to pay for gasoline, someoperating expenses, and the shipping of plenty of MMS, that’s all. His expenseswere 1/10 the expenses of a foreigner or missionary. He would have accomplishedexactly what we wanted to do. Arnold didn’t trust Peter, but he had never methim. I had worked with him every day for an entire month. We were good friendsby the time I left. On the other hand, Floyd took our money—thousands ofdollars—and didn’t even say thanks. The money we had paid Floyd got usabsolutely nothing as far as we could tell.
我曾经试图劝说Arnold雇佣Peter Mwangi。Peter Mwangi去过许多个愿意试用MMS的医院,并且精通MMS的配制。他还去过教堂、孤儿院和诊所。当地人民信任他,许多人愿意使用这种溶液。在我们跟着Floyd混日子的那些时候,Peter原本可以帮助无数人并让许多诊所使用MMS。不幸的是,Arnold不会考虑我的任何建议。雇佣本地人Peter而非美国人,这样的花费非常低。我们无需支付机票钱,而Peter工作1个月的报酬还不到100美元。我们只用付汽油费、一些营业费用和MMS的运费,仅此而已。我们雇用他的费用只是雇佣外国人或传教士所需成本的十分之一。而他也有能力完成我们需要他做的工作。Arnold尽管从未见过Peter,但就是不信任他。而我与Peter一起工作了一个月。在我离开当地时,我们已经成为好朋友。而另一方面,Floyd卷走了我们无数资金却连句谢谢都没有说。我们付给Floyd的钱显然没有为我们带来任何益处。

Arnoldmade mistake after mistake, all the while saying that everything had to be donehis way. As I have said, he hired the kid who made so much trouble andprevented us from obtaining legal nonprofit status for the Malaria SolutionFoundation. He also hired a collection of other people to work on our Web siteand they all failed. For over 6 years Arnold said he was going to have a Website created and never accomplished it. He sent thousands of dollars to FloydHammer and we never received any acknowledgment or data concerning malariapatients helped by our MMS. With all the money Arnold lost, I could have had anumber of clinical trials completed in Kenya and have acquired the proof weneeded to show others MMS was safe and effective. Even though he continued tofail, he adamantly insisted that everything had to be done his way. Hecontinued to claim that the people who were going to sponsor us would only doso if he was in total control. Arnold actually prevented MMS from beingdistributed, all the while proclaiming to be getting it done.
在按照Arnold的方式处理一切事务期间,Arnold 犯了一个又一个错。正如我前面所说,他雇佣了一个孩子,导致我们惹上许多麻烦并且失去了为疟疾溶液基金会获得合法非盈利组织身份的机会。他还雇佣了许多人为网站工作,但全部都失败了。6年多来,Arnold 一直都在说要建立一个网站,但从未真正实现过。他给了FloydHammer许多钱,但我们从没有收到过任何感谢或者与服用过MMS的疟疾患者相关的数据。如果我有这些资金,我就能在肯亚完成大量临床试验,并获得足够证据向他人证明MMS的安全有效性。尽管Arnold一次又一次地失败,但他还是固执地坚持按他的方式完成每一件事。他还继续声称只有他掌控一切,人们才愿意赞助我们。Arnold表示他要努力推广MMS,但事实上他所做的一切都是在妨碍MMS的推广。

Arnoldcontinued to tell me that although I was on the board of the Malaria SolutionFoundation, it was going to be operated like a corporation. Basically, he saidthat he was the president and things were going to happen the way he specified.Arnold and John continued to say that I had no say in the way things were beingrun. There was no arguing with either one of them. If there was any discussionabout events that had taken place, they would both get together and tell me mymemory was wrong and start shouting. I could not get them to listen to myideas. Everything went along quietly as long as I kept my mouth shut. I couldhave left, and I should have, but there was always the promise that they wouldcome up with the money to get me to Africa to prove MMS so the world wouldaccept it. I kept my mouth shut because that promise was always hanging therein front of me. To be completely fair, when I finally returned from Africa thelast time, Arnold called me with several questions concerning how to do things.He stated he wanted my input, but as things continued, he would do things as hewanted regardless of my input. Up to this point, Arnold had been the only game intown for me. Then I realized I could write this book.

A Contract With the World Health Organization
Beforemy trip to Kenya and Uganda, I wrote quite a few letters to the World HealthOrganization (WHO), which evidently didn’t want to appear disinterested. Theyreturned one of my letters saying they had a program in which they tested variousdrugs that might have some effect on malaria. They indicated they wereinterested in MMS. After some discussion, they sent me a contract to sign. Wenegotiated a bit, changed some points, and finally, I signed their contract andsent them a bottle of MMS. About a year and a half later, after I returned fromAfrica, I finally got a letter from them stating that they were testing mysolution in a separate lab. They had contracted with a doctor to do the testingfor them. I was enthused to learn that a doctor was actually doing the testing,but he tested it on mice and reported it simply didn’t work. I was amazed, buthe reported that it wouldn’t cure mice or even improve their condition. Therewas nothing more I could say, as I wasn’t present when the testing was done. Atthat time, 35,000 human patients had been cured of malaria, but it couldn’tcure a mouse? Sorry, but he was wrong.

Thereis a country in Africa that won’t allow WHO to come across its borders, and Inow believe it’s for good reason. It seems to me that if WHO was really asinterested in helping the world as it claims to be, it would have at leastgiven MMS a comprehensive testing, especially since they were informed of thesuccesses in Kenya and Uganda. At that time, over 35,000 people had been successfullytreated in the field, based on reports that said that everyone went awayfeeling good. When I informed the doctor of our fieldwork, he was notinterested. Had WHO been even slightly interested, I would have been invited tohelp with the testing. The doctor doing the testing didn’t understand the firstthing about MMS. He didn’t understand the vinegar activation and he didn’tunderstand what the chemicals were. He didn’t want to know. He preferred to usemy solution without knowing what it was. My evaluation of his disinterest isthat he just wanted to prove it didn’t work and that’s all. Let me say itagain, he was completely disinterested in the fact that 35,000 malaria patientshad been successfully treated in the field. I talked to him at length on thephone, but again, he showed no interest. Obviously, all WHO wanted was adoctor’s signature that said that MMS didn’t work.
非洲有一个国家不允许WHO跨过他们的国界;我现在相信他们有理由这么做。如果 WHO真的像它所说的那样注重帮助世界,那么他们在已经得知MMS在肯亚和乌干达取得成功的情况下至少应该对MMS展开全面实验。当时,已经有35,000多人被成功治愈。当我将我们的实地工作告知那名医生时,他并不感兴趣。如果WHO对此稍微有一点关心的话,就应该邀请我帮助医生实施检验。做实验的这名医生并不理解关于MMS的第一件事。他不理解醋的活化作用,也不清楚这些化学物是什么。他不想了解这些。他更愿意在不知道MMS是什么的情况下使用MMS。我认为他只想要证明MMS不起作用,这就是原因所在。我再次重申,他一点也不关心已经有35,000名疟疾患者在当地被成功治愈。我在电话里与他详谈了一次,但他还是没有表现出任何兴趣。显然, WHO想要的只是医生的签名,证明MMS无效

Therewas also a doctor in Israel who tested MMS and said it did not work, but herefused to use vinegar to activate it. He said that acetate was the same thing,so he would only use acetate. Well, the fact is, acetate is not the same asvinegar. Chemically, they are totally different, but he simply would not usevinegar, as he obviously believed he knew best.

Ithought you might like to see the contract I signed with WHO, but it is severalpages long and there really isn’t enough room here to include it. However, Ihave included the letter that accompanied the contract. If you are reallyinterested in seeing the contract, just write me and I will send you a copy.You could even come by my place and view the actual contract.

Aroundthis time, Arnold really began taking control of MMS. He said that I could notgive any more away. When I gave two local people each a bottle of MMS, Arnold foundout and there was a long discussion about how I might go to jail because of it.He wanted us to maintain control of every bottle.

I amsure Arnold believes that he was the one who got everything going in Africa. Hecontinued to meet with people and groups hoping to find someone to finance usin Africa, and I continued to live out in the desert. Arnold would not allow meto meet any of the people who might finance us. However, out in the desert, Iwas able to get help for over 5,000 people with malaria by making friends inAfrica through email communications. Arnold had done nothing except talk aboutwhat he was going to do in Africa and nothing had happened. According to him,he had unlimited money (millions) to handle Africa and I only had my SocialSecurity check.


CarlosM. Morel医生   

Aboutone year after returning from Uganda I was working on the roof and fell off andbroke my neck and back. I was rushed to the hospital in the nearby city, butthey didn’t have the necessary equipment to treat me, so they flew me byairplane to Reno. When I finally arrived in Reno, they opened up my neck andput a titanium screw into the second cervical (the same bone that the actor whoplayed Superman broke). You should see the screw—it looks like a regular 1-1/2inch wood screw. My back healed quite quickly, but my neck refused to heal. Thedoctor had not brought the bones together tightly enough. The screw should havebeen given another half turn. Six months went by and still no healing. Thedoctor insisted that he needed to open my neck back up and put in two morescrews. The Veterans Hospital said that I needed another operation as well, butthey had a different idea about what needed to be done and wouldn’t be able toget to it for another 6 months. I was left between a rock and a hard place (ora broken neck in this case).
从乌干达回来后一年左右,我在屋顶上干活时摔了下来,脖子和背部都受伤了。我赶往附近城市的医院,但他们没有治疗所需的设备,因此他们用飞机将我运送至雷诺。当我抵达雷诺时,他们打开我的颈部,在第二颈椎(电影超人中超人的扮演者也是摔断了这一条颈椎)内放入一根钛钉,它看起来像是1-1/2英寸长的普通木螺钉。我的背部很快痊愈,但颈部还没有康复。医生没有将骨头足够紧地靠近在一起,钛钉原本应该转向另半边。6个月后我的脖子还是没有痊愈。医生坚持要再次打开我的脖子并放入另外两根螺钉。退伍军人医院(Veterans Hospital)也认为我需要再做一次手术,但他们对需要做些什么有不同看法,也不能再等6个月。我(或者说我受伤的脖子)真是进退两难啊!

Thena friend in Canada, Michael Haynes, suggested that I look into magnetism. Insearching the Internet, I found a group of clinics that were using a new theoryof magnetism, which works on the basic concept that magnetism must have acomplete magnetic circuit through the body in order to achieve maximum healingpower. I learned the clinics were experiencing great results; however, the costof treatment was very high. After getting as much information about the newtechnology and as much data on the old technology as I could find, I boughtsome of the strongest magnets available. In fact, they are so strong they aredangerous. They can crush a finger or cut it off if handled improperly.
我的加拿大朋友Michael Haynes建议我试试磁力治疗。在网络上搜索相关信息时,我发现一些诊所在使用一种新的磁力治疗理论,他们在研究一个基本概念:必须在体内有一条完整的磁路才能达到最佳愈合效果。我知道这些诊所取得了不错的结果,然而,这种治疗非常昂贵。在对这一新技术有了极大程度的了解并找到很多关于老技术的数据后,我购买了一些最强力的磁铁。事实上,这些吸引力强的磁铁是危险的。如果处理不当,它们可能会压坏或者切断手指。

Ibent a soft steel bar, 12 inches by 2 inches by 3/8 inches, into a curve sothat it would go from the front of my neck to the back of my neck. The magnetsI bought were put in place so they would create a complete magnetic circuitthrough my neck, with the south pole nearest the broken bone. I put the magnetsin place for a total of 5 days and nights, and sat up all night to make surethey did not move. At the end of 5 days, my neck began to swell. I went back tothe doctor and had another x-ray. The bone had completely healed. The doctorremoved my neck brace. He said that I didn’t need it anymore. He said he wasglad that he had decided to wait before performing another operation on me. Hedidn’t realize that I was using magnets. When I told him, he didn’t care and hewasn’t interested. In fact, he had wanted to perform the operation. He had notdecided to wait; I had refused the operation. If he’d had his way, I would havehad the operation.
我将一根尺寸为12”*2’’* 3/8’’的软铁棒弯成一条曲线,使其能从我的脖子正面绕至脖子背面;然后再将购买的磁铁放在适当位置,从而形成一条能通过我脖子的完整磁路,并使南磁极最靠近断骨。我将磁铁固定住并保持了5天5夜,甚至在夜里都是坐着,以确保磁铁不会移动。第5天快结束时,我的脖子开始肿胀。我回到医生那做了X线检查。骨头已经完全愈合了。医生取下我的颈托,他说我已经不再需要颈托。他说他很高兴此前决定在为我做另一次手术前等一段时间。他没有意识到我在使用磁铁。当我告诉他时,他既不介意也不感兴趣。事实上他原本是想要做这次手术的。他并未决定等待,而是我拒绝做手术。如果他坚持按照他的做法,那么我就不得不做这次手术了。

Idon’t know what the magnetic circuit does, but I do know that the extremelystrong magnets caused the area to swell with blood and turn red. No doubt, theextra blood aided healing. The x-rays from before and after prove that thebones healed in the 5 days that I kept the magnets in place. I was particularlyrelieved to know that if an opportunity arose to return to Africa, my neck washealed and I could go. If you have problems getting bones to heal, look intomagnetic therapy.

Aftersome time passed, a man called from Guinea. He wanted us to come to his countryto help the people there. He said that he was a friend of the first lady andthat he could get us approved by the government. He had told the first ladyabout us, and they were anxious for us to come. Arnold finally took me to meethim, so we talked, and as things were being set for us to go, I called the man.That was when all hell broke loose and Arnold told me that I was never to talkto this man again. He would not allow me to talk to anyone he considered hiscontact. There was the typical hollering and screaming that I so hate andcannot take part in. Arnold told me that this man had decided that he was goingto dictate the terms of our every move in Guinea, and that we simply could notaccept that arrangement. So we didn’t go to Guinea. I can’t tell you howhumiliating it was to be told that I couldn’t even talk to someone.

ChinoGoes to Sierra Leone West Africa
Avery active young fellow by the name of Chino contacted me and stated that hewould like to know more about MMS, which we were calling the Malaria Solutionat that time. I met Chino in Beatty, Nevada, in March 2005. I explained how MMSworked, mixed some doses and had him take one.

Chinoexplained that his family in Sierra Leone owned a large gold mining concessionalong the main river there. He explained that the malaria was so bad thateveryone in his family had it and that many people there had died of malaria.He said that he needed as much MMS as I could furnish. I said I would try toget him as much as possible. We had decided to charge a price that any Africancould afford at that time, which was about 0.10 USD per dose. I explained theprice and he said that he could get the money. I furnished him with 20 bottles,each of which could treat approximately 200 people (likely a few more, becausemore than half of the people to be treated were children). I offered to givethe bottles to him free of charge, but he insisted that he would pay in thenear future.

Chinoin Sierra Leone with MMS.

About2 months later he visited me in the desert. He had been to Sierra Leone and hadtreated about 1,000 people in the village and around the area where his familylived. He said that more people were waiting for him to bring more bottles ofMMS. He explained that it was not possible to charge anything for MMS, becausethe minute he began selling doses for any amount of money, the government wouldcome, take the money, and the MMS. That’s the way it is in East Africa. Thegovernment wants all the money and all the business. If you give the stuffaway, there is no money in it and the government is not interested. The onlyway for it to work was to bring it into the country and give it away withoutcharge.

If wehad charged for MMS, the government would have taken it and sold it to thosewho could pay large sums for the treatment. Chino’s assessment of the situationwas that MMS had to be furnished freely or the people of Sierra Leone wouldnever get the MMS. But he said that he had people in the U.S. who would furnishthe money. I didn’t ask him for money, even though he continued to say he wouldpay.

Peopleline up to take a dose of MMS in Sierra Leone. Notice how closely they standnext to one another.
This was Chino’s operation.

I puttogether 100 bottles, each containing 450 doses. Then Chino and I traveled toReno and shipped the bottles to Sierra Leone. He paid for the shipping with acredit card. I did not ask for any money, but did ask him to bring us a signedletter from each person with malaria that was treated and helped. He then leftto go back to Sierra Leone to begin helping more people. He later returned fromSierra Leone after having helped an additional 5,000 malaria victims. This triptook about 3 months. He had a camera and his cousin took a number of picturesof the people helped during the process. When he returned, he did not have anysigned letters, but he did have the pictures. Later he asked for more bottles.We never refused any of his requests for bottles of MMS, even though he did notbring the signed letters. I have included pictures of his work in Sierra Leone.

Chino,on the left, gives MMS to a boy who is somewhat reluctant to take it.
Mostchildren are very enthusiastic about taking MMS and consider it some kind ofmagical drink.

Johncontinued to talk about furnishing the money for us to go to Africa. Arnoldsaid we couldn’t go until we had an invitation. Since they had the money andkept talking about financing a trip to Africa to do clinical trials, I keptquiet. They relied on my desire to help the people of Africa. Thus, they tookmy technology, allowed me no say at all, and paid me nothing except expensesfor the trip, which of course, was really nothing at all. They assured thesponsors that no one would be receiving payment for the technology (i.e., Iwould not be receiving payment). They said that the sponsors wanted all oftheir money to go toward helping people in Africa, and I couldn’t really argueagainst that. How could I be so selfish as to want some return for mytechnology? The fact is though, I never knew who the “sponsors” were.

Ifinally realized that although they were ensuring that the money went towardstreating people in Africa, they were also using my technology to become knownin the country of Malawi. They were working on several different businessventures there, including mining and a new rice technology that would furnishrice protein worldwide. I was not included in any of that, and I didn’t want tobe. I believed that if I continued to work toward getting this MMS informationto the world, money would eventually come my way. If not, at least thisimportant data would not be under the control of any one person. I could notallow that to happen, and I am now seeing that it is published to the widestaudience I am able to reach.


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 楼主| 发表于 2020-5-6 02:52 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 心的力量 于 2020-5-18 20:25 编辑

Malawi,East Africa
TheMalaria Solution Foundation, formed by myself and Arnold, finally received aninvitation, not from the government of Malawi, but from a businessman there.His name is Zahir Shaikh, and he is a great humanitarian. Once he learned aboutus, he wanted us to help him help his people. So, with his invitation and moneythat John furnished, Arnold and I flew to Malawi in February of 2006, alongwith two other people Arnold wanted to bring along.

Onthe night before we left for Malawi, we were having a farewell dinner and Johnsaid to me, with everyone listening, “I just want you to know that you have todo everything exactly as Arnold wants it done, or there will be no money tofinance you in Malawi. You are a loose cannon and we can’t have you screwingthings up.”
Isimply replied, “All right, I’ll do it Arnold’s way.” Talk about off thewall—everything was already being done Arnold’s way. They had already ensured Ihad no say and they reminded me repeatedly. John just had to get this one lastdig in and for no apparent reason as far as I could tell. There were manythings that were not going to work Arnold’s way, but he would have to see thatfor himself as we went along. He certainly wasn’t going to listen to me.
Iwanted to walk out on the whole thing. I did not appreciate the way they weretreating me, but we were slated to help sick people in Malawi and I justcouldn’t turn my back on them. (The fact is, if I had walked out, the missionwould have failed.) Yes, John’s money made the mission possible, but my yearsof work pushing the idea and my technology were the reasons there was a missionin the first place. I had no idea they considered me a loose cannon, as I hadagreed to their demands. When I returned a little over a month later, Johnapologized because his girlfriend said he should, but that didn’t really changeanything. People with money have a tendency to show little respect for peoplewithout money. Money, however, has never been my thing. I spent 50 years andhundreds of thousands of dollars studying spiritual philosophies and religions.I have something John and Arnold will never have and will never understand. Myspiritual studies have enabled me to be sufficiently receptive to newpossibilities; that is why I was able to discover MMS.
我想不管这一切事情。我并不感激他们对待我的方式,但别人指定要我们去帮助马拉威的病人们,我不能不理睬这些患者(事实是如果我不参与进来,这项任务必将失败) 。是的,John的钱财的确使得这项任务可能成功,但我多年来为推动这一想法所做的工作以及我掌握的技术才是该任务的第一推动因素。我不知道为什么他们认为我是一个我行我素的人,因此我同意了他们的要求。当我一个多月后从马拉威返回时, John向我道歉了,因为他的女朋友说他应该这么做。但这并未改变任何状况。有钱人并不会对穷人们有一丝尊重。然而,金钱从来都不是属于我的。我花了50年的时间和无数金钱用于研究精神哲学和宗教。我拥有John和Arnold永远不会有也永远无法理解的一些东西。我的精神研究促使我善于接受新的可能性;这也是为什么我能发现MMS的原因。
ZahirShaikh, the businessman who invited us to Malawi, is an East Indian whoseancestors moved to Malawi many years ago. He took us to many government officesall around the capitol of Malawi helping us get approval for MMS (which at thattime we called the Malaria Solution). Our success in getting MMS accepted inMalawi was completely orchestrated by Zahir.
Everyday, he would take us around the city in his automobile to visit variousofficials, such as the chief of police, the inspector general, and the healthminister. When we visited the office of each official, Zahir would introduce usand then Arnold would talk about our mission to bring MMS to Africa and suggestthat I tell them the details of how MMS really works. At that point, I wouldspend 10 to 20 minutes explaining the basic chemistry of MMS. The time I tookwas determined by how many questions the officials asked. I thought this wasparticularly interesting, since before we left on the trip Arnold was adamantthat we should not tell anyone in Malawi how the solution worked. I tried topoint out that our program would not succeed if we didn’t tell people how MMSworked, and that was one of the reasons they called me a loose cannon. This wasone of the main points of contention.
I wasforbidden to tell anyone how it worked, yet to the very first person we met,Arnold said, “This is the inventor and he will tell you how it works.” So formonths Arnold was stuck on not explaining how it worked, but when we wereactually there, he immediately saw that we would have to tell them the details.At one point Arnold even said to me, “If you start telling them how it works, Iwill take you down to the airplane and send you home.” (That was when we weretalking about going to Guinea). This is one of the many examples of how Arnolddemonstrated that he must have complete control.
Ididn’t really push the point, because I knew that the doctors and thescientifically trained officials would never allow us to do anything without anexplanation of how MMS worked. Another point of disagreement was Arnold’sinsistence that we should not be the ones to administer MMS, that we shouldonly train the people there and then let them give MMS to the malaria victims.But that simply wasn’t practical. I didn’t push that point either, as I knewArnold would have to change when he got there. When you bring a solution, youhad better be prepared to give it to the people. If you don’t, no one willtrust you or your solution! As it turned out, we always administered the doses.Arnold was smart enough to see that it had to be that way. To hand the solutionto a local and say, “Here you give it,” just doesn’t work in Africa. They wouldconclude you are afraid to administer your own solution.
So aswe arrived at different places, I, as the inventor, made sure we gave the dosesand Arnold quickly saw the advantage. When we went to see an official, I wouldgenerally mix doses for everyone, including the officials. Believe it or not,every official we saw was willing to drink some. So the very first thing we didin Malawi was to personally give people their doses of MMS. When we finallywent out to a prison and other places, we again were the ones to dispense dosesof MMS. In the entire time we were there, I do not believe we had a singleMalawian dispense the doses. Basically, everything went the way I said it wouldgo, but there was no recognition of that. Rather, it just increased Arnold’sdetermination to have everything go the way he dictated.
Oncethe doctors and technicians saw that we were willing to give the solution andthat it worked, they began asking to be allowed to handle the solution and thesituation. It was important that we did not act as though we were in any wayhesitant to dispense the solution.
Whilewe were in Malawi, Arnold fired the two other people he had brought with us.One was a photographer named James Hackbarth, and the other was a friend ofArnold’s named John Wyaux. I won’t tell you all the details, just thehighlights. The most embarrassing part happened in what was probably the mostexclusive restaurant in town. Everyone had on suits and ties and we were theonly white people there. Arnold stood up and shouted at John Wyaux. I neverreally knew why. The whole restaurant went deathly silent when Arnold began toshout. I just sat there looking at my plate, too embarrassed to look up.Finally, Arnold stomped out of the restaurant because he was so angry andthings settled back down to a normal level of conversation. I found out thenext day that John had said something to Zahir, the businessman who was helpingus, but Zahir never heard what was said. I didn’t hear what was said either. Infact, no one but Arnold heard what was said. John didn’t even know what he hadsaid that set Arnold off. To this day, I don’t know what John said, thus Istill have no idea why he was fired.
我们在马拉威的时候,Arnold雇了两个人与我们同行。一人是摄影家JamesHackbarth,另一个是Arnold的朋友JohnWyaux。在此我不会赘述所有细节,将重点描述主要事件。此间发生的最尴尬事件恐怕是在当地最奢华酒店的经历。所有人都穿西装打领带,而我们是那儿仅有的白人。Arnold站起来并对John Wyaux大吼。我不知道他为什么这么做。当Arnold开始咆哮时,整个酒店死一般地寂静。我只是坐在座位上盯着面前的餐盘,场面是如此尴尬以致于我不敢四处张望。最终,Arnold生气地跺着脚走出了酒店,一切又恢复了正常。第二天我发现John对帮助我们的商人Zahir说了些什么,但Zahir从未听到他说什么。我也没有听到Arnold所说的话。事实上,只有Arnold一个人知道自己说了什么。John甚至也不知道自己说了什么惹怒了Arnold。直到今天我也不知道John当时说了什么,因此也不明白为什么他会被解雇。
Threeevenings later, Arnold was slightly inebriated. He entered James Hackbarth’sroom and fired him, because according to Arnold, he wasn’t taking the righttypes of pictures. I admit I didn’t like some of his pictures, but I figuredall we had to do was explain exactly what we wanted. In any case, after thatArnold told both of them that they would have to get home the best they could.During the few days they had left, Arnold was extremely rude to them anytime hesaw them. Perhaps I should have gone home with them, as no one deserves thatkind of treatment, but I wanted the Malawi project to succeed so badly that Iwas able to compromise my integrity concerning the treatment of myacquaintances. All of my decisions and choices were then, and still are,predicated on the idea that I want MMS to be used widely throughout the world.
三天后,Arnold带着少许醉意踏进了James Hackbarth的房间并解雇了他。事后根据Arnold所说,他这么做是因为James拍摄的照片不合适。我承认我也不喜欢某些照片,但我表示我们只需要向他明确解释我们想要的是什么。无论如何,Arnold所能做的就是告诉这两人让他们回家。在他们离开后的几天时间内,Arnold无论在何时看到他们都对他们非常无礼。也许我应当和他们一起回家,因为没有人应当遭到Arnold那样的对待。但我实在是太期待马拉威计划的成功,因此我能够忍受我这位朋友的所有不合理对待。无论是过去还是现在,我的所有决定和选择都是基于一个信念——使MMS能在全世界范围内被广泛使用。
Wehad the same problem in Malawi as we had in Kenya. The initial doses that Imixed were too weak. When we began helping prisoners in our clinical trials ata prison, they all returned the next day feeling better, but not totally well.So I increased the doses. There was one other problem. We were purchasing juicethat had vitamin C added as a preservative. The added vitamin C reduced theeffectiveness of MMS by about 75%. I had already proven this fact, but I let itslip by me at first, as I had never had a real problem with it before. Once Irealized that vitamin C was present in the purchased juice, I only used freshjuice and increased the dosage, after which our malaria recovery rate improvedto 100%.
Someonehad suggested that it would be easy to obtain permission to do clinical trialsin the local prisons, so we had decided to give it a try. We visited a localprison by the name of Maula in the city of Lilongwe, which is the capital ofMalawi. The manager of the prison gave us permission to talk to the medicaltechnician. The assistant medical technician’s name was S.S. Kamanja. Althoughhe was the assistant, he was always the only one there. He arranged for us todo the clinical trials. We slipped him a few dollars at several different timesand he was quite cooperative. He was actually quite cooperative even before we slippedhim a few dollars, but he was such a nice man that we thought it would be niceto help him out a bit.

Threenurses in the prison watch as I show them how to mix MMS.

Wethen left the prison to find a lab or hospital that would be able to processblood samples. It was especially important that they be a separateorganization. We finally settled on a medical hospital called MARS, which wasan international organization. MARS stands for Medical Air Rescue Service. Dr.Joseph Aryee was the person in charge and was very responsive to us. Weexplained what we wanted to do and what our MMS actually did. We mixed a doseto show him. He went ahead and drank the mixture, as did most other officialsin Malawi. He assigned us a medical lab technician whose name was Paul Makaula.Dr. Aryee said that all we would need to do would be to pay Paul’s salary whilehe was working for us. We agreed on 300 USD for 6 days, plus his gasoline andother expenses. Dr. Aryee allowed the medical lab technician to use the MARSlab and microscope for the blood tests for the prison at no charge, which wethought was very generous. He wanted to be of some help.
随后我们离开了监狱,想要找到能检验血液样本的实验室或医院,最好是一家独立的机构。我们最后选择了名叫MARS的医院,它是一个国际组织。MARS是空中救援医疗服务(Medical AirRescue Service)的简称。Joseph Aryee医生是该机构的负责人,他对我们非常热情。我们解释了我们想做什么以及MMS能起什么作用。我们混合了一个剂量并向他展示。就像马拉威的许多官员那样,他径直喝下了混合溶液。他为我们分配了一个医学实验室技术员PaulMakaula。Aryee医生说我们只需要在Paul为我们工作期间支付他一定薪水就可以了。我们同意6天支付300美元,再加上他的汽车油费和其他开支。Aryee允许Paul免费使用MARS实验室以及显微镜用来检验监狱里获得的血液样本。我们认为他的这一举措非常慷慨大方。他希望能对我们有所帮助。

Throughoutthe country of Malawi, the officials all drank a full dose of MMS. If it hadbeen a drug, they probably would not have taken it. If they were not willing totake MMS, which is merely a mineral supplement, then they would not be willingto have their people take it. In my opinion, these officials were verycourageous to assist us in helping their people. They were willing to take theMMS based on our word.

It ismy belief that the reason the Pharmaceutical Medicines and Poisons Board soreadily accepted our MMS as a mineral supplement, rather than a drug, was thatso many officials drank it without hesitation when we told them that it was nota drug. In essence, many people really wanted to see MMS help their country.They wanted it to work and they were willing to cooperate in order to have itwork for them.
Backat the prison the next morning, S.S. Kamanja brought in the first 10 men andArnold checked each patient’s temperature. The first thing we learned was thatear thermometers simply do not work in Africa. I think it is because peopleclean their ears differently in Africa, or not at all, especially when they arein prison. Luckily, we had the plastic strip thermometers that you just presson the forehead. Within about 10 seconds, a person’s temperature can be read inthe plastic. Eventually, Arnold was using the strip thermometers on everyone hechecked. The strip thermometers worked well and we were able to take thetemperature of each patient, which was generally quite high. Paul, the labtechnician, stuck each patient’s finger, took a blood sample, and put it on aslide with the patient’s name. Then I mixed the doses in plastic cups andArnold handed the cup to each patient. They were each given 6 drops of MMS with¼ teaspoon of vinegar. We waited 3 minutes and then pineapple juice was addedto their glasses. The blood sample slides were then taken to the MARSlaboratory and Paul checked each one under the microscope. We carefullyrecorded the data from the blood samples of the 10 patients we had seen thatmorning.
第二天早上我们回到监狱,S.S. Kamanja带来了第一批10个男人,Arnold为他们每个人测了体温。我们发现的第一件事便是电子耳温器在非洲没办法用。我想这是因为非洲人清洗耳朵的方式有所不同,特别是在监狱里时。好在我们还带了压在额头上使用的塑条式体温计。这种体温计大约10秒内便可读出人们的体温。Arnold最后用这种体温计为每个病人测量体温。塑条式体温计很好用,我们为每个病人测量了体温;他们的体温基本都非常高。实验室技术员Paul用针刺每个病人的手指以采集血液样本,并将血样放在标有病人名字的载玻片上。每个病人都获得了6滴MMS加¼茶匙醋。等待3分钟后,我们将菠萝汁加入玻璃杯中。随后,涂有血液样本的载玻片被带回MARS实验室,Paul在显微镜下检验了每一份样本。我们认真地记录下当天早晨会见的10名病人的血液样本检查结果。

Whenwe had finished taking blood samples, recording the data, and giving each ofthe 10 patients a dose, we asked if there were any more prisoners complainingof malaria. Kamanja said that there were 19 more. We said, “Bring them all inand we will dose all of them,” which is what we did. We returned that afternoonafter 3:00 p.m. to see the results, but they were not so great. Most said theywere feeling better, but they all still had fevers. The fever had been reducedin only one man. I knew something was wrong. We dosed everyone again, the 10who were actually being tested and the other 19 who were just receiving a dosewithout giving blood samples or having records kept. We again used only 6drops.

Youprobably guessed it, the next morning everyone still tested positive formalaria. It was then I began to remember that in Kenya I had been using 15drops. We only used 6 drops in the U.S. for maintenance. I began to get aninkling of what was going wrong. I also remembered the experiments proving thatvitamin C reduced the effectiveness of the chlorine dioxide. I began workingthat evening at getting the correct juice without vitamin C added.

TheMalawi prisons are much like concentration camps. The prison is enclosed with awire fence with barbed wire at the top. There are armed guards at the cornersof the prison in small guard shacks. While we were there, they asked us if wewould like to see the women’s quarters. Of course, we said yes. The women sleepon the bare floor with only a blanket or two. Arnold said that he would get thewomen foam mattresses to sleep on. Women who have children have the childrenstay with them in the prison. The guards get most of the food slated for theprison and sell it elsewhere. Therefore, the inmates have very little to eat.They do raise a few vegetables, such as potatoes. There is a single toilet forthe entire women’s dorm with water that runs continuously. Aside from the barefloors, the prison stays fairly clean. The women bathe outside under a waterfaucet, out of the sight of the men.

Fivepads on which female inmates sleep. Children also stay here with their mothers.

Therewas one man in the prison who had a high fever, but his blood test came backnegative (meaning no malaria was present). Since he seemed to have malariasymptoms, we suspected he may have been faking it. However, when we gave himMMS, his temperature came down to normal overnight and his symptomsdisappeared. Paul, the lab technician, said that he checked the blood a secondtime, but there were still no malaria parasites present. In any case, he gotwell even if it wasn’t malaria. There was also one prisoner who refusedtreatment, but since he was there, we recorded his name and temperature anyway.Several days later, when he saw all of the other prisoners getting well and hewas still sick, he decided that he wanted to be treated also. So, we went aheadand dosed him and he was okay the next day.
WhenI finally realized that the pineapple juice from the grocery store had vitaminC added as a preservative, we bought pineapples and a juice maker and made ourown juice. In addition to using fresh juice, we increased the dose to 18 drops.The next morning, before using the 18-drop doses, we again checked thepatients. Of the 10 from which we had originally taken blood samples, the oneman that did not test positive for malaria was feeling okay. The other ninesaid that they were feeling better, but again were still not well. A secondblood test was done. This test showed that the malaria parasites were stillpresent, but the parasites looked distorted in several cases. We then dosedeveryone with 18 drops and used the fresh pineapple juice. We also dispensedthe same 18-drop dose to the 19 additional prisoners with malaria.
Theblood tests that our lab technician performed the next morning all came backnegative and all patients reported they were feeling good. The other 19 alsoreported feeling good. We then selected another 10 cases to check. Again, wehad Paul take their blood. We treated them with 18 drops of MMS and used thefresh pineapple juice. Arnold was very helpful and assisted in everything. Hehanded out the doses to the patients and took their temperatures while I mixedthe doses and recorded the information. The next morning, (24 hours later) allof their blood samples tested negative for malaria. In addition, all of the“old” patients whom we treated in the prison were still feeling well.
I hadlearned in Uganda that a sure way to completely destroy the malaria parasitewas to use two doses of 15 drops each, separated by 1 to 4 hours. If we hadstarted out using this dosage, there would never have been any trouble here. Ihave to plead that I am old and have a poor memory. Two years had passed sincethe treatments in Uganda. I had simply forgotten the details and had to learnthem over again. In the U.S., we usually use 6-drop doses for maintenance, butwe often need to go above 6 drops to overcome some problems. I had forgottenthat we used two 15-drop doses in Uganda. I’ll never make that mistake againand hopefully someone smarter than me will be dispensing MMS next time.
Atthe end of the prison tests, Dr. Aryee at the MARS hospital reviewed Paul’sblood tests and gave us a very positive letter. The fact was that every patientwho originally tested positive for having malaria in their blood testednegative after the MMS treatment and they were feeling fine. It took severalextra doses for the first 10 tested, but all eventually tested negative. Let mesay that again: All eventually tested negative, which meant MMS was 100%successful, even if it did take an extra day to get the first group cured.
Whilein Malawi we also visited several grass hut villages. There we helped withevery kind of sickness you can imagine. We dosed the villagers as they came tous and told us what was wrong. We didn’t refuse a dose to anyone. Why not treatas many as we could, it was only a mineral supplement. Most of the people inthe village had one disease or another. Their water was not pure and the warmweather encouraged all kinds of diseases. They walked with bare feet and thegrass and streams contained diseases that entered through the skin. The nextday when we returned to the village, most of the illness had been overcome. Anumber of people had vomited worms and some had dead worms in their stools. Inthe future, we hope to go back with enough MMS so all of the villages can havewhat they need.
Letme mention at this point that after Arnold fired the two people he had brought,he was very active in getting things done. He made things happen. I was prettymuch just along for the ride at that point. I had no say in how things werehandled. Arnold dictated everything and he made it work. So I helped at theprison and made suggestions to Arnold. I carried the technical side of things,but Arnold controlled all phases of the operation. I really didn’t need to bethere except to figure out why the solution hadn’t initially worked and thenmake the necessary adjustments. The fact is, Arnold made the whole operationwork and it was successful.
Arnoldasked me once, “How would you have done it differently?” Well, I would havedone many things differently, simply because no two people do things the sameway. But, he asked me if I disagreed with how he did things. At that point, Ifelt there was no point in nitpicking. I did not disagree with anything exceptthe way he fired the two guys who he brought along on the trip and the factthat he tried to keep such complete control of the bottles of MMS solution. Atone of the villages I wanted to leave a bottle with the chief, but Arnoldinsisted that we would come back the next day to treat those who needed asecond dose. However, we never returned, even though I suggested it severaltimes. Thus, many went untreated, and it upset me whenever we didn’t keep ourcommitments.
Ihope you understand my purpose. I don’t just want to help some people in somevillages. That is important and very valuable, but my real purpose is to firstprove MMS to the point that the world becomes willing to use it to help destroymany health problems in Africa, including malaria and AIDS. When that happens,the world will need to spend less and less money on Africa. Right now, theworld spends untold billions of dollars in Africa. Malaria alone is the biggestcause of poverty in Africa. Each year, 500 million people are sick with malariaand can’t work; millions more have AIDS and other problems. It also takesmillions of other people to care for the sick. Everywhere you go in Africa yousee nonprofit humanitarian groups working to help the people there. Billionsand billions of dollars are being spent in an effort to help Africa, but still itisn’t enough. This money will not be needed when these diseases are undercontrol or even eradicated, and those billions of dollars can be allocated toother purposes.
Weaccomplished a lot in Malawi, but not as much as we had hoped. We got severalagencies of the government to accept our MMS as a mineral supplement, which wasimportant, but we treated less than 100 people while we were there. After wegained government acceptance and did a couple of 10-patient clinical trials, wewent home. In actuality, we did a total of three clinical trials. Finally, 6months later we also found out that the clinical trials conducted by themalaria board of the government resulted in the same 100% malaria recovery ratethat our tests proved in the prison.
Thereis the promise that we may treat the entire country one day, and I hope we do.Arnold did a very good job. He kept at it until we had our data. However, wedid not come close to doing what we had set out to do. We were supposed tospend a great deal of time in the villages training the chiefs and others touse MMS. We only went to three villages in all. We did not train anyone in asingle village to use MMS, and that was really why we were there. I assume weleft because we were out of money, but I never actually knew why. I wanted tostay and do our job. I was merely told that we were going home, so we wenthome. Our original idea was to treat a few thousand people, but we went homeafter doing just three clinical trials.
Weleft Malawi for the U.S. on April 27, 2006. I again wound up out in the desertin Mina. Nothing has happened in Malawi since then, only lots of promises. Iworked for Arnold as the foreman of a crew of men fixing up his mill. It was achance for me to make a few dollars while I was writing this book. John wasfinancing most of the operation at the mill. (This is Arnold’s friend whohelped with finances for some time, not the John who was fired.) They、 spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on the mill andmining operations. They continued to talk about returning to Africa, but itdidn’t appear to me that it was going to happen anytime soon, because Arnoldneeded to be in charge of operations at the mill or they would lose money. Mysingle goal was to get MMS to the world, so I focused on writing this book.
我们于2006年4月27日离开马拉威返回美国。我再次来到了米纳的沙漠中。此后马拉威再也没有发生任何事,只有许多未能实现的承诺。我是Arnold的工厂修理员的头头,因而可以一边写这本一边通过为他工作挣点小钱。John为工厂的大部分运营提供资金 (这个John是Arnold的朋友,有时为他提供资金帮助;而不是被Arnold解雇的那个John) 。他们投入了许多钱用于工厂和采矿业务。他们继续谈论起回到非洲,但我并不认为他们很快会去,因为Arnold需要管理工厂的业务,否则他们就会遭受经济损失。我的唯一目标是将MMS带到全世界,因此我专注于写这本书。
Up tothis point, Arnold still had not allowed me to talk to any of the new groupsthat he found that were interested in helping our cause. I suppose he believedthat I am as bad with people as he is. Isn’t it normal for people to see theirown faults in others? At any rate, things have changed as detailed below.
Icontinued to have a strong desire to see the entire country of Malawi treatedfor malaria, and Arnold and John continued to say they would furnish the money,but Arnold did not trust me to go to Malawi alone and he was not ready to go.In addition, even if they did treat all of Malawi and start on another country,they still planned to keep the details of MMS a secret. They wanted to treatall of Africa while keeping it secret. Thus, I became determined to see thatthe world be given the complete information. Even if organizations and peoplethroughout the world know the secret of MMS, that will not prevent us or othersfrom treating Africa for all the problems that MMS can handle. Hopefully,everyone will understand that. I have furnished as much information as I can inthis book so that you, the reader, can save lives. You really can—please try.As of March 1, 2008, more than 15,000 books have been sold and over 11,000bottles of MMS are being sold each month.
MMSis available for your immediate purchase. If you don’twant the hassle of mixing up doses and you would like to try my exact formula,you can order it from my friends in Canada or places in the U.S. where otherpeople are manufacturing MMS. At this time, they all charge about the sameprice. Most are putting it in the same size bottle, which is a 4-ounce bottlethat actually contains 5.5 ounces, and selling it for only 20 USD, plusshipping (which does not amount to much). So far, they have all kept the pricedown. I want everyone to be able to afford to be well, without it being afinancial worry to them. There are 450 6-drop doses in each bottle. It shouldlast you about 1 year. That’s far more solution than anyone selling the weakerstabilized oxygen is offering. So, make it yourself or buy it. Just get it intoas many hands as possible.

Thenext several pages show documents from the Malawi government, which serve asevidence that we were there. You could always give them a call.

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 楼主| 发表于 2020-5-6 03:09 | 显示全部楼层
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Understandingthe Miracle Mineral Solution

Tounderstand MMS one must understand chlorine dioxide, as that is what isgenerated and what kills pathogens in the body. As explained in chapter 2,chlorine dioxide is highly explosive; therefore, whenever it is used it must begenerated on site. It cannot be transported, since it will instantly destroyany container that one might try to house it in. It cannot even be movedthrough metal or plastic pipes.

Numerousmethods, which use many different chlorine chemicals, have been devised togenerate chlorine dioxide. Chlorine dioxide is used in many industrialprocesses: It is used in paper mills to bleach paper pulp white; it is used incloth mills to bleach cloth; and most importantly, it is used to purify waterin thousands of water purification systems throughout the world. In suchsystems, it is selective for pathogens and other bio-organisms that might beharmful to larger animals and humans. It does NOT combine with hundreds ofconstituents, as does free chlorine. When free chlorine combines with theseitems, it creates carcinogenic compounds. Thus, although the initial cost ofinstalling a chlorine dioxide system is higher, in the long run, a chlorinedioxide system saves money and is much safer from a health standpoint.

Oneof the most popular methods of generating chlorine dioxide is by treatingsodium chlorite, a white or slightly yellow, flaky substance. While this soundslike table salt, it is not quite the same thing. Table salt is sodium chloride,and we generate chlorine dioxide from sodium chlorite. Note the last twoletters of each of these.

Throughoutthe world today, sodium chlorite (NaClO2) methods areused to generate chlorine dioxide more often than any other method. To arrive at the formula for chlorine dioxide, wemerely remove the sodium (Na) and we are leftwith ClO2. (Don’t worry; you don’t haveto understand these formulas to understand the basicsof what I am explaining here.) There are several dozen methods that use sodium chlorite to generate chlorinedioxide. The FDA has approved several methods inwhich swimming pool acid is added to a waterysolution of sodium chlorite for the purpose of makingchlorine dioxide, which is then used to sterilize chicken and beef before it is sold to the public. The acid generatesthe chlorine dioxide from the sodium chlorite. Inmany cases, the chlorine dioxide does nothave to be rinsed off vegetables that have been sterilized,as the chlorine dioxide soon turns to salt, but not enough to make the vegetables salty.

In100,000 health food stores in the U.S., one can also find sodium chlorite in a watery form known as stabilizedoxygen. In almost all cases, stabilized oxygen ismanufactured by simply adding 3.5%sodium chlorite by weight to distilled water; that’s 35,000 ppm. You can also create it in your own kitchen,just don’t use any metal pots or pans—not evenstainless steel. Only use plastic, glass,or CorningWare. However, you will be much better offmaking MMS with my formula or buying it from someone who is using my formula. I’ll tell you exactly how to do thatlater in this book.
人们可以在美国100,000 家健康食品商店中找到水溶液形式的亚氯酸钠,俗称为稳定氧。我们只需要按重量计算将3.5%亚氯酸钠加入到蒸馏水中便可制备出稳定氧,这一浓度等于35,000 ppm。您也可以在自己的厨房里制造,但千万不要使用任何金属罐或者锅,哪怕是不锈钢材质的也不行。只能用塑料、玻璃或康宁锅(CorningWare)。然而,如果您用我的配方来制做MMS或者从使用我配方的制做者那里购买,效果会好得多。我将在下文明确告诉你们如何做。

For80 years, hundreds of thousands of people put a few drops of stabilized oxygen into their water or juice and drankit down thinking that it somehow furnished extraoxygen to their bodies. The few whorealized that some form of chlorine was generated, mentioned it in passing, but still insisted that thechlorite furnished the body withoxygen. Somehow, during all those years, not one of the alternative medicine groups ever decided to have agood chemist look at the formula, at least they neverwrote about doing so. The fact is thatsimple chemistry shows us that no oxygen that the body can use is generated.

Chlorinedioxide is a powerful chemical and it has many uses. It is an oxidizer, lesspowerful than oxygen, but with a greater capacity for oxidizing, as it explodeswhen it encounters certain chemical conditions and is neutral in other chemicalconditions. It is selective.

Whatdo we mean when we say it explodes? To review the discussion presented inchapter 2, an explosion is merely a fast chemical reaction, generally oxidation,that also releases energy. There are two oxygen ions in the ClO2 formula, sowhy aren’t they released so the body can use them? It’s because they have a –2charge. They did their oxidizing before they arrived in this formula. Theycannot oxidize further, but the chlorine combined with the oxygen can. Whenchlorine dioxide touches an anaerobic pathogen with an outer surface thatcannot withstand oxidation or a poison that can be oxidized, it instantlyaccepts five electrons. It destroys anything that it can draw electrons fromand it generates heat at the same time (this action is called oxidation, evenwhen oxygen is not a part of the process). The oxygen atoms are then releasedfrom the chlorine dioxide; however, they are not elemental oxygen, they areions of oxygen with a –2 charge. They have the same charge as the oxygen incarbon dioxide, a gas that will kill you if you breathe enough of it eventhough it is not a poison. In other words, it doesn’t do anything to the lungs;instead, it prevents the lungs from getting the elemental oxygen that you need.
我们所说的爆炸是什么意思呢?根据第2章所述,爆炸指一种能释放能量的快速化学反应,通常是氧化反应。ClO2化学式中包含两个氧离子,但为什么它不释放出能为身体使用的氧呢?这是因为这些氧离子带–2电荷。它们在到达这一化学式之前确实发生了氧化作用。它们不能再进行氧化反应了,但是与氧结合的氯却可以。当二氧化氯接触到一个厌氧病原菌(这个厌氧病原菌的外表面经受不起氧化反应)或者一个可以被氧化的有毒物质时,它会立刻接受5个电子。它能破坏它从电子中获得的任何物质并同时产生热量 (这一作用被称为氧化作用,尽管氧并不是这一过程的一部分)。随后二氧化氯释放出氧原子。然而,这些氧并不是元素氧,而是带有–2电荷的氧离子。它们的电荷与二氧化碳中的氧相同;尽管二氧化碳不是有毒气体,但一旦人们吸入足量二氧化碳便会被它杀死。 也就是说,它不会对肺部产生任何作用,相反,它能阻止肺获得您需要的元素氧。

Hydrogenand oxygen mixed together become water, and that is all the oxygen can do atthis time. It becomes water or it becomes part of a carbon dioxide molecule.The chlorine, after the explosion of oxidation, loses its charge and becomes achloride—basically table salt—which again has no ability to oxidize, as it nolonger has any charge. There is nothing else left to cause any kind of sideeffect.

Thebasic idea is simply that oxygen and chlorine must be charged to the correctnumber of electrons or they do not oxidize. When oxygen is not capable ofoxidizing, it simply cannot do the job the body needs it to do. What sodiumchlorite really does is give us chlorine dioxide, a chemical that selectivelydestroys almost all pathogens that exist in the body. Each tiny chlorinedioxide molecule has tremendous power to destroy those things from which it candraw electrons, but it does not have the power to draw electrons from healthycells or aerobic bacteria.

Chlorinedioxide does not last forever. There is too much energy bundled into a smallparticle. It begins to lose some of its energy after a few minutes in the bodyand the same thing happens when it is released into public water supplies. Whenit has lost some of its energy in the body and is no longer explosive (unableto oxidize), it can then combine with other substances. There is some evidencethat it helps make myeloperoxidase, a chemical that the body uses to makehypochlorous acid, which is then used by the immune system to kill pathogens,killer cells, and other things. Chlorine dioxide is the only chemical knownthat has these qualities and that can do these things in the body withoutresulting in side effects. In public water works and in paper mills, thechlorine dioxide is generated at the site where it is used. Similarly, it isgenerated on site in the body from sodium chlorite.
二氧化氯并不会永远存在,这种小微粒里有太多能量。二氧化氯进入体内几分钟后就会开始失去某些能量;当它被释放到公用水供应系统中时也会发生同样的情况。二氧化氯在人体内一旦失去一部分能量就不再有爆炸性 (不能氧化),随后便会与其他物质结合。已有证据证实它能帮助制造骨髓过氧化酵素;身体可利用这种酵素产生次氯酸,而免疫系统可借助次氯酸杀死病原体、细胞和其他物质。二氧化氯是目前已知唯一具备这些特质、能在体内完成这些工作并且不产生副作用的化学物。在公用水处理机构和造纸厂,二氧化氯通常都是即产即用。同样,它在人体内也是通过亚氯酸钠现场产生。

How to Generate Chlorine Dioxide in the Human Body
Noneof the people who used stabilized oxygen for all those years ever realized thebenefits they were experiencing were the result of chlorine dioxide; and thus,no one ever tried to generate more of it. They believed that the millions ofoxygen ions connected to the chlorine were available to the body. While theyreceived a little benefit from the few drops of stabilized oxygen they added towater, which then released chlorine dioxide, it was released very slowly, andreally too slowly to do much good (a few chlorine dioxide ions per hour insteadof per minute). There was always some benefit, but nowhere near the fullpotential offered by MMS. For 80 years they missed out.

So ifwe are going to generate chlorine dioxide in the body, we need to do it about1,000 times faster than is possible with a few drops of stabilized oxygen in aglass of water or juice, which gives you about 1 ppb (one part per billion).What we really need is 1 ppm (one part per million) and often even more. Infact, sometimes it takes 1 ppt (one part per thousand). But don’t worry aboutthose figures; one does not need to know all the technical details to make itwork. Just know that to cure AIDS it takes at least 1,000 times more chlorinedioxide than stabilized oxygen gives you, actually more like 10,000 times more.
因此,如果我们想要在体内产生二氧化氯,我们需要使其生产速率大概比“用一杯水或果汁中的几滴稳定氧生成二氧化氯(大约可产生1 ppb,即十亿分之一)”的速度快1000倍。我们所需要的是1 ppm (一百万分之一) 或者更多。事实上,有时还需要1 ppt (千分之一)。但是,不要担心这些数字;你们并不需要了解所有相关的技术细节。您只要知道这样获得的二氧化氯比稳定氧能提供的二氧化氯至少多1000倍,实际上通常要比10,000倍还要多。

Asmentioned above, the FDA has authorized adding swimming pool acid to solutionsof sodium chlorite in order to generate chlorine dioxide. All of the publicwater purification plants which do so, use various mechanical devices to addthe acid at a preestablished speed to the flow of watery sodium chlorite. Inthe human body, we want to add a lot of chlorine dioxide and do not have amechanical device we can use to add the acid slowly. We also want it to persistfor a while, so that it can be carried around to all parts of the body.Chlorine dioxide will persist for 1 to 2 hours if one has a food-grade sourceto ingest.

TheImportance of Vinegar, Lime, Lemon, or Citric Acid
Thisis where vinegar, lime, or lemon comes in. The part that is important is the 5%acetic acid in the vinegar or the citric acid in lime or lemon. (On June 1,2007 it was discovered that pure citric acid works even better than vinegar,lime, or lemon.) When one of these items is added to sodium chlorite it causesthe solution to begin to release chlorine dioxide. The addition of 6 drops of asolution that is 22.4% sodium chlorite (MMS) to 30 drops of vinegar, lime, orlemon will release approximately 2 mgs of chlorine dioxide in 3 minutes—that’sthe reason for the 3-minute wait. However, when you add 4 ounces of water orapple juice to make about 1/2 glass of liquid, the process nearly stops,leaving the solution with 2 mgs chlorine dioxide for the body, which is quite abit. Adding vinegar, lime, or lemon to the sodium chlorite does the trick. Ifyou don’t add one of these items, all you have is the same old stabilizedoxygen health drink, which is interesting, but it really doesn’t get the jobdone.

Thus,MMS starts off by producing 2 mgs of chlorine dioxide. It has an immediateeffect. We have been talking about using 6 drops of MMS, which is a maintenancedose, but if you are treating a disease, you may need 15 to 18 drops for a fulldose. As you read the instructions you will see that you usually start off withsmall doses and work your way up.

Togive you an idea of how small 1 mg is, consider a standard U.S. dime. One gramis almost exactly 1/2 of a dime. Now imagine 1/2 of a dime cut into 1,000pieces. One of those pieces is 1 mg. That’s smaller than a speck of dust.That’s how powerful chlorine dioxide is; it only takes 1 mg of chlorine dioxideto begin killing pathogens in the body. The chlorine dioxide remains in thesystem for only a little over 1 hour. When the chlorine dioxide degenerates, itresults in either chemicals that the immune system really needs, or thechlorine turns to a chloride, leaving an insignificant amount of table salt andwater. Thus, there simply can be no side effects. There is nothing left tocause side effects.

Makeno mistake: Chlorine dioxide ions are extremely powerful. They are very smallparticles that contain a tremendous amount of energy, but they only remain thatway for a few minutes. They contain too much energy to last for any length oftime. In the world of submicroscopic energy particles, chlorine dioxide ionsare torpedos with selective warheads. Their chemical makeup gives them thisquality, and no other chemical has the same quality.

Somepeople have taken more than 40 times the amount of sodium chlorite contained instabilized oxygen. A perfectly healthy person may experience a small amount ofnausea for 10 to 15 minutes from a dose that large, and someone suffering froma serious illness may be nauseous for a longer period. I have tried 25 timesthe recommended MMS dose, as have a few other people, and it did make menauseous, but it did not have any lasting side effects. The point is, chlorinedioxide is not only not harmful, it is of great benefit to the body. Thenauseousness is the result of the chlorine dioxide attacking pathogens in thebody. In the case of a liver condition, such as hepatitis, one almost alwaysgets nauseous. The reason for this is that the liver begins to expel thepoisons as the chlorine dioxide begins to destroy them, but it also curesthe condition in record time.

Onelady with hepatitis C did exactly what I told her not to do. Instead of taking2 drops at first, to be certain she killed the hepatitis she used 30 drops,added the vinegar, waited 3 minutes, and added it to apple juice. It made hersick for 3 days. She then put the MMS aside and did not touch it for 8 months.She thought that since it had made her so sick that it didn’t work, but whenshe finally decided to go to the doctor, he could find no hepatitis in her body.Both were amazed. I have given it to many people with one of the hepatitisdiseases, A, B, or C. I can guarantee that 30 drops will make any hepatitispatient feel very sick, but it will also usually cure them. However, that isnot the way to do it. A hepatitis patient should never start out with more than2 drops. Normally, they will not feel any nausea with this dosage, and if theyslowly increase the drops until they can take 15 drops three times a daywithout nausea, they will usually test negative for hepatitis of all kinds. Ishould mention at this time that nothing is an absolute guarantee. Each personis different and there can be extenuating circumstances that change theoutcome.
一名患者丙肝的女士便没有按照我教她的方法使用MMS。她没有在一开始服用2滴MMS;相反,为了确保杀死肝炎病菌,她使用了30滴、加入醋、等待30分钟,然后再将混合溶液加入苹果汁中。这导致她生了3天病。随后,她讲MMS闲置在一旁,8个月都没有接触MMS。她认为既然MMS使其病得如此厉害,那么它根本就没有起效。但当她最后决定去看医生时,医生发现她体内没有肝炎了。 这真令人惊讶。我给许多患有甲肝、乙肝或者丙肝的病人服用过MMS,我能保证30滴这一剂量会使任何肝炎患者感到非常不舒服,但它确实治愈了他们。然而,治疗步骤原本不该如此。肝炎病人一开始不应当服用2滴以上剂量。通常,2滴不会使他们感到恶心,如果逐步增加剂量直至达到1天三次、每次5滴并且无恶心感,那么这些患者通常能转变为肝炎阴性,不论是哪种类型的肝炎。在此我应当说明,没有什么是绝对保证。每个人都是不同的,可能有一些情有可原的状况会改变结果。

Procedurefor Taking MMS for Maintenance
It isimportant to take MMS for longevity. I wish I could say for certain that itwill add an additional 25 years to your life; however, I can’t prove that yet,but I do believe it. All the evidence points to that conclusion. Dozens ofolder people are taking MMS and realizing that all the diseases that normallykill older people no longer have their sting. Their immune systems are up to100 times stronger than normal for people of their age, and pneumonia, flu, andother diseases just aren’t able to get a foothold as long as they are takingthe maintenance dose every day.

Youngerpeople can get by with taking the MMS maintenance dose two or three times aweek, but older people need to take it at least once a day. When taking it oncea day, every day, one can probably get by with taking 4-drop doses with thevinegar, the 3-minute wait, and the added apple juice (see below for exactinstructions.) Anyone taking it two or three times a week should always take atleast 6 drops per dose. Remember, hundreds of thousands of people have beentaking this solution for 80 years; all I have done is added a little food acid.No side effects have been reported in all these years and no side effects havebeen reported in the 6 years since the vinegar was added. Technically, thereshould not be any. It has been proven that a small quantity of chlorine dioxide(as in MMS) does not attack healthy cells. (A large quantity would kill anyoneor anything.)

Asexplained earlier, chlorine dioxide deteriorates into constituents that aretotally nonpoisonous. Nothing is left behind to build up, as is the case withmany conventional medicines. The chlorine dioxide lasts long enough to do itsjob and then the part that does not furnish the immune system with needed ionsbecomes nothing but micro amounts of table salt and water. The chlorine dioxidehas just a few minutes to do its thing and then it no longer exists. It leavesnothing behind that can build up.

Initialprocedure: Keep in mind that anyone taking MMS for the first timeshould start out with no more than 2 drops for their first dose. The reason beingthat 2 drops will not produce enough of a chemical reaction to causesignificant nausea in those who have a health condition. If you have a seriousillness, 2 drops could cause mild nausea for 10 minutes or so. In that case,continue taking 2 drops daily or several times daily until there is no nausea.When you have reached the point where there is no nausea from 2 drops, then use3 drops the next time. Continue this until you are at 15 drops three times aday and then drop back to 6 drops a day. When using MMS for treatment of someserious illness, you will need to consider that MMS is only active in the bodyfor about an hour. Thus, hourly doses will make the best progress, as the moreMMS you can get into the body without creating nausea or diarrhea, the greaterthe positive effect it will have against the illness.
初始步骤: 谨记一点,任何人在第一次服用MMS时的初次剂量不得超过2滴,这是因为2滴不会产生足够化学反应,继而不会导致健康人群的明显恶心感觉。如果您患有严重疾病,2滴可能引发10分钟左右的轻微恶心感。 在这种情况下每天服用2滴剂量一次或几次,直至不再有恶心感觉。当2滴剂量不会再使您有恶心感觉时,可于下一次使用3滴剂量。继续这么做,直至使用量达到一天三次、每次5滴(每天共15滴),然后再回到每天6滴的剂量。使用MMS治疗某些严重疾病时,需要记得MMS在体内的起效持续时间大约为1小时。因此,按小时给药可产生最佳效果,因为在不产生恶心或腹泻的情况下,身体吸收到的MMS越多,对疾病的积极治疗作用就越大。

Keepin mind that when we refer to drops we always mean that one must add 1/4 to 1/2teaspoon of vinegar, lime, lemon, or citric acid and then wait 3 minutes beforeadding 1/2 glass of juice. That’s 4 ounces of juice for those of you who aremore scientific. Without the vinegar, lime, or lemon, the whole exercise islittle more than the drinking of a nice health drink. But nice health drinks don’tdo the job. And remember, DO NOT use juice with added vitamin C.

Sothe exact procedure is this: Add 2 drops of MMS to a clean, empty, dry glass.Then add 10 drops of vinegar, lime, or lemon (if you use citric acid see theinstructions in chapter 10). Swirl the glass by hand to mix the contents. Wait3 minutes. Add 1/2 glass of apple juice and drink right away. You cansubstitute grape juice or pineapple juice as long as they are fresh, but don’tbuy juices with added vitamin C and do not use orange juice. Orange juiceprevents the production of chlorine dioxide.

As Ihave said, the reason for using fresh juice is that most juices have vitamin Cadded as a preservative. It makes the juice last longer and it is good for you,but it inhibits the release of chlorine dioxide. It can even prevent you fromgetting the results that you want from taking MMS. So, if you do usestore-bought juice, make sure that it does not say that vitamin C has been added.If it does, you can always drink it several hours before or after taking MMS.

Allowingthe drops and vinegar to sit more than 3 minutes is not necessarily a problem.The chlorine dioxide in the drops begins to separate and the chlorine goes offinto the air. Thus, the concentrate of chlorine dioxide remains fairly constantfor up to 10 minutes; however, tiny amounts of chlorine do remain in thesolution. Putting a lid on the container makes the chlorine dioxide muchstronger. Some people do this to make a stronger drink. The very best practiceis to not allow the drops and acid to sit for longer than 3 minutes beforeadding your juice and drinking it.

Toensure a strong drink of chlorine dioxide, drink it immediately after addingthe juice. (It’s not dangerous to allow it to sit longer, just not aseffective). Juices that can be used are apple juice, grape juice, pineapplejuice, and cranberry juice. Again, do not use orange juice. Orange juiceprevents the production of chlorine dioxide, and thus prevents MMS from beingeffective.

AdditionalTechnical Stuff: This is just to further clarify some points madeearlier. There are two levels of deterioration that take place when we aretalking about a dose of MMS:

1.The first thing that deteriorates is the sodium chlorite. After the vinegar isadded, the sodium chlorite begins to deteriorate releasing chlorine dioxideinto the solution. A chlorine dioxide ion is an extremely small particle thatcontains a tremendous amount of energy and power.
2.Chlorine dioxide is not very stable and it too quickly begins to deteriorate. Achlorine dioxide ion retains its ability to destroy pathogens, diseased cells,poisonous substances, and other harmful items for only about 60 minutes. Itbegins to lose its energy within seconds after being released from the sodiumchlorite, but it can usually do its job for up to 60 minutes. By the end of anhour or so, it has deteriorated to the point that it will no longer destroypathogens, but it can still combine with various other chemicals.
1. 首先退化的是亚氯酸钠。加入醋之后,亚氯酸钠开始退化,释放二氧化氯到溶液中。一个二氧化氯离子是非常小的微粒,但却包含了非常多能量和效力。

Okay,so maybe “a tremendous amount of energy” isn’t very scientific, but let’s justsay that chlorine dioxide begins to deteriorate almost immediately andcontinues until it is no longer chlorine dioxide. It separates into itsconstituents of chlorine, oxygen, and energy—nothing else. The chlorine and oxygenhave lost their charge and thus are not active.
Thedeterioration of chlorine dioxide in the human body leaves absolutely nothingbehind. The process of destroying pathogens and other harmful items in the bodyleaves nothing behind but dead pathogens, and again, chloride and oxygen thatcan only become a part of the water of the body.

Arnoldand I founded the Malaria Solution Foundation. He was in charge. I withdrewfrom that foundation when I realized its members were not very committed totreating malaria in Africa. They informed me that they had plenty of money andmillions to spend treating malaria in Africa, but they continued with miningand rice distribution programs and nothing happened with the program todistribute MMS in Africa. If they were really committed, but were just toobusy, they could have sent me.
Arnold和我组建了疟疾溶液基金会(Malaria Solution Foundation),Arnold是负责人。当我意识到基金会的成员并不热心于在非洲治疗疟疾时,我退出了。他们告诉我,他们可以投入许多钱用于在非洲治疗疟疾,但他们继续热衷于采矿和大米分发计划,而没有付诸任何行动于MMS非洲分发计划。如果他们真的非常坚定而只是太忙碌的话,他们原本可以派我前去。

Wehave the cure for the disease that has been the biggest killer of humans forhundreds of years. So while millions of people have been suffering and dying,what has the Malaria Solution Foundation been doing? They have been over inAfrica giving out rice bran packets to school children. That’s a nice program.It’s nice to help children, but our organization was formed to solve theproblem of malaria. I may be beating this point to death, but there were anumber of people who could not see why I left the foundation to concentrate onwriting this book

Afterseveral years, I finally realized that I could not leave the MMS information intheir hands. If I did, the world would never learn about it. This informationsimply cannot be owned or controlled by any one person or group. The MalariaSolution Foundation Web site (malariasolution.com) will tell you much about theprograms that we conducted in Africa and maybe give you more confidence in whatI have been saying—MMS really works. (This site, by the way, was finished inthe last part of 2006, 5 years after I was first told that they were going toput up a good site). Their last trip to Malawi was last year, and it hadnothing to do with curing malaria in that country. It had to do withdistributing rice bran packets to orphanages. That is a feel good program; butthe goal of the Foundation is not being addressed.

Ifyou are interested in obtaining additional verification of the validity of MMS,you might contact the Malawi government. They conducted their own separatetests with MMS which produced the same results we achieved in the prison: 90%of malaria patients were cured in less than 24 hours and 100% were cured in 48 hours.No other treatment has ever reached even a 10% cure rate in 24 or 48 hours.

Ihave included two pictures of blood samples on the following page. Thesepictures were taken with a dark-field microscope that was designed especiallyfor viewing blood. The first picture shows the blood of a person before takinga dose of MMS. All the cells shown are red blood cells. Notice how the cellsare all touching one another and clumped together. This is an unhealthycondition. This person needs more water and minerals.

Thesecond picture shows the blood of the same person 1.5 hours after taking a10-drop dose of MMS with the vinegar, the 3-minute wait, and added water. Notethat the red blood cells are no longer sticking together, but more importantly,the circles show three white blood cells moving towards the larger crystallineblood clot. They will ingest the clot trapping the crystalline particles.Although you cannot see movement in still pictures, these white blood cellswere up to 10 times more active than normal after MMS was taken. A video ofthis blood shows the movement.

Ifyou have Internet access, visit the following site to view these items: <www.miraclemineral.org>.

Youmay not believe it, but for years the U.S. FDA has been suppressing all realcancer cures, as well as information concerning how vitamins prevent heartattacks, and all other information regarding products that may in any way reducethe income of the large pharmaceutical companies (Big PHARMA). Please don’ttake my word for it; become informed. Read the information available on theInternet. Just go to any search engine and search on “FDA Suppression.” Thereis voluminous documentation from as early as the 1930’s. You will see, theyhave put authors in jail and told them that they will only withdraw theaccusations if the author will withdraw his claims. Once the author has lostall of his money and is tired of fighting he gives up. There are hundreds ofmedical facts that are being suppressed right now that would save thousands oflives around the world. There are many records of people who have died undervery questionable conditions when they have tried to inform the public. Pleasedon’t write this off as a bunch of crazy conspiracy nonsense. MMS is one moremedical fact that they will try to suppress. Try it so you will know that itworks. Your life and the lives of thousands, even millions, are at stake. Isn’tthat important enough to at least try it once? Spend a couple of hoursresearching this issue. The facts are there.
您也许不相信,但事实的确是如此:美国FDA多年以来一直在压制所有真正的癌症治疗方法、关于维他命如何预防心脏病发作的信息以及所有 “可能减少大型医药公司(Big PHARMA)收入的产品”的相关信息。请不要把我说的话当回事,只要知道就好。您可以在网络上阅读相关信息,使用任何搜索引擎来搜索“FDASuppression(FDA压制)”一词。 还有大量来自20世纪30年代早期的文檔。你将会发现,他们已经将作者关进监狱并告诉作者如果撤销他的声明他们就不再起诉他。一旦作者失去所有钱财并厌倦了斗争,就会放弃。还有无数的医学事实正在受到压制,这些事实可以挽救全世界无数人的生命。还有许多人死于非常可疑的状况,他们都曾经试图将事实公之于众。 请不要认为这是疯狂的胡说。MMS也是他们想要压制的又一个医学事实。请试用一下MMS,您将会发现它的作用。您的生命、还有无数人的生命都处于危急关头。因此,难道不应该至少试用一次MMS吗?请花上几个小时来研究这一问题,事实摆在这里。

Modernmedicine, by way of doctors, treats symptoms. The majority of the drugs you buyat pharmacies (99%) focus on treating symptoms. In other words, if you have aheadache, the doctor gives you something for the pain, but doesn’t figure outwhat is causing the headache. If you can’t sleep, the doctor gives you a drugthat helps you sleep, but doesn’t figure out what is keeping you awake. If youget arthritis in the knee, the doctor gives you a drug for the pain, butdoesn’t figure out the reason for the arthritis. If you have poor digestion,the doctor gives you a tablet that neutralizes the acid in your stomach andallows the food to go through your system without being digested. He doesn’tfind the cause of the poor digestion, or even give you something that willdigest the food. There are a thousand different drugs directed at symptoms andone side effect of many of these drugs is death. All drugs have side effects.Death is not a possible side effect of all of them, but most of them havecaused a death at one time or another.
医生用现代医学治疗症状。你在药局购买的大多数药品(99%) 都以治疗症状为主。也就是说,如果你头痛,医生会给你止痛药,但不会弄清楚引发头痛的原因。如果你失眠,医生会给你帮助睡眠的药物,但不会深究什么使你无法入眠。假若你的膝盖有关节炎,医生会给你开止痛药,但不会帮你找出关节炎的诱因。如果你消化不良,医生则给你开一些能中和胃酸、使食物在无需消化的情况下通过身体系统的药片。他不会找出导致消化不良的病因,甚至也不会为你提供一些能消化食物的东西。许多药都是以症状为目标,而这些药物的副作用往往是致死。所有药品都有副作用,死亡并非所有药的副作用,但大多数药物都可能在某个时候导致死亡。

Whydo you suppose the drugs of the world, especially in America, have been createdto treat symptoms and not the causes of diseases? It’s no secret that drugsonly treat symptoms. Most people already know this, just ask anyone interestedin health. Medical drugs treat symptoms and all of the medical researchconducted by pharmaceutical companies is directed towards treating symptoms andnot towards finding the causes of problems. Well, the reason is that if youfind the cause of a disease or health problem, you can usually cure theproblem. In that case, you cannot continue to sell the drug over and over untilthe person dies. Billions of dollars are involved. Treating symptoms does notcure or change the problem. Why hasn’t there been any significant advancementin cancer treatment technology in 100 years? With one or two minor exceptions,the same treatments are used today as were used more than 100 years ago. Theworld has made dramatic advancements in almost everything except the treatmentof cancer and other diseases. They have refined the treatments, made the drugspurer, made the needles better, made the X-ray machines better, made therecords better, made the timers that time the treatments better, but thetreatments themselves have not changed.
为什么说世界上(特别是在美国)的药物都是为了治疗症状而非疾病病因而创造呢?药品只能治疗症状,这早已不是秘密。只要你问问任何关注健康的人,就会发现许多人清楚地知道这一点。医疗药品是用来治疗症状的;医药公司展开的所有医学研究都是以“治疗症状”而非“指出疾病病因”为导向。原因在于,如果找出疾病或或健康问题的原因,往往就能治愈疾病或解决问题;这样,医药公司就没办法不断继续销售药品直至病人死亡。 这关系到数十亿美元。而治疗症状则不会治愈或改变问题。为什么过去100年来癌症治疗技术都没有取得重大进展呢?除了一两个例外之外,如今使用的治疗方法与100多年前的还是一样。除了癌症和其他疾病的治疗外,这个世界几乎在所有方面都取得了巨大进步。人们已经促使治疗方法更完美、药物更纯净、注射针更完善、X线仪器更卓越、病历记录更全面、定时器能更准确地为治疗计时,但是,治疗本身却没有任何改善。

Thepharmaceutical companies spend billions of dollars on two lawyers and often twolaw offices for each congressman and each senator in the United States. Theyhave tried again and again to suppress vitamins. I don’t have time to cover allof the facts here. Please become informed on this subject. The data and theproof are available. The truth cannot be suppressed. Justread the thousands of documents available on the Internet. The pharmaceuticalcompanies spend billions influencing Congress under the pretense that they areinterested in public safety. Do you imagine that we would be much safer ifwe didn’t know about vitamins? The truth affects all countries of the world. Atthis time, the FDA has just informed the public that it intends to shut downover 50% of the alternative health supplement companies. This is because theyfinally prevailed upon Congress to pass a law stating that all supplements mustbe under FDA control.

MMSis such a simple cure that it need not be relegated to doctors. Individualshave the ability to treat themselves. This means that the FDA is going to havea much harder time suppressing it. The public, the sick and suffering, have oneshort window that is now open, but we don’t know for how long. This time, theFDA cannot suppress a couple of doctors or arrest the author of a book, becausethey can’t find me. I am not tied to some expensive lab and I can move around.But they don’t have to find me to stop MMS. The billions of dollars behind themwill definitely try, because ultimately, a great part of those billions arelost if MMS becomes well known. Please, please take the attitude that maybe, justmaybe, I might be telling the truth.

Thisis where you come in. It now rests on your shoulders. I’ve done what I can do.It’s up to you, the readers of this book, to spread the word to the world. Itcan happen if you will tell your friends. The more people you can get to read thisbook, and the more people you tell before the pharmaceutical companies find outabout MMS, the less likely they will be able to suppress it. Up to this point,they have been so convinced that I am a charlatan that they have not paid anyattention to me. This has been my only safeguard. But when they start gettingreports of people getting well and people being cured, it will be a differentstory. This is now the fourth printing of this book. The first printing soldout and thousands of people were cured of many different diseases. Many whoused this book passed the information on to their friends, but many did not. Ifwe are going to win, many more are going to have to lend a hand, in order todistribute the book further.

Thereis a point of no return. I don’t know how many people it will take to getthere, but if we can reach that point, they will no longer be able to slam thedoor in our faces. That point will be reached when enough people have learnedabout MMS, and have used it and know it works. Believe me, a few individualsisn’t enough. It will take millions who know that it works. Please join us.Either use it or just support the idea that the public deserves to know. Get asmany people to download the free book (The Miracle Mineral Solutionof the 21st Century Part I) as possible and/or have them buy Part II onlineor the hardcopy of this book. When you are successful in using MMS to helpsomeone or yourself, broadcast it widely. We may only have a few months. Weprobably have less than a year to get it to the public. The elimination andprevention of suffering, misery, and the death of millions depends upon you.(Sorry to be so dramatic, but this is a fact.)
如今已经是箭在弦上不得不发了。我不知道能聚集起多少人,但如果我们做到了的话,他们就再也不能当着我们的面无礼拒绝我们。如果有足够多的人知道MMS、使用MMS并了解其作用原理,就能实现上述目标了。请相信我,一小部分人知道是不够的,需要有了解MMS如何起效的数百万人参与进来。请加入我们吧!无论是使用它,还是只是支持“公众应当知道它”这一观点。让尽量多的人来下载免费书(21世纪的神奇矿物质溶液I部分 TheMiracle Mineral Solution of the 21st Century Part I),或者劝说他们购买网络版第II部分或本书硬拷贝。当你成功地使用MMS帮助他人或自己时,请广为宣传。我们可能只有几个月的时间了。我们只有不到一年的时间来让公众了解MMS。“消除并预防无数人的苦难、悲惨和死亡”这一任务就取决于你们了(请原谅我说得如此戏剧化,但这就是事实)。

Again,go to Google and search on “FDA Suppression” and you will realize that I amtelling the truth. Otherwise, you will realize that what I am saying here istrue when they begin their campaigns to convince the public that the facts inthis book are false. The problem that they will have is that anyone can try it,but they will use fear to prevent millions from even considering it. That iswhy we need millions who have already tried it and know that it works. Join thecrusade. Lives are at stake. Of course, if you don’t tell your friends, the FDAand the Big PHARMA will not mount such a campaign.
同样,如果用Google搜索“FDA压制(FDA Suppression)”一词,您将会发现我所说的都是真的。或者,你将会发现我此处所说的是真的,他们开始展开运动促使公众相信这本书是虚假骗人的。他们面临的一个问题就是任何人都可以试用MMS,但他们将利用人们的担心情绪阻止无数人考虑试用MMS。这也是为什么我们需要那些已经使用过MMS并知道其作用原理的人们的帮助。人类的生命正岌岌可危。当然,如果你们不将MMS告知朋友,FDA和大型医药公司也不会部署这样的运动。

Ifyou are on a tight budget and don’t have the 10 bucks for Book II, send me anemail according to the instructions given on the copyright page at thebeginning of this book and I will email you a free copy. As you will note onthe copyright page, in the event of my death, this book becomes public domain.I apologize again for being so dramatic, but I am 76 years old and in my yearsI have learned that people would rather hear the facts than someone “beatingaround the bush.”

Ialso want to say that any excess profit earned on the sale of this book, beyondthe expenses of its distribution, will be spent in Africa towards eliminatingdiseases there. I can now state that I am part of the Kinnaman Foundation. Somoney can be donated to the African-America MMS Project at the KinnamanFoundation, and such donations are fully deductible for income tax purposes.


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 楼主| 发表于 2020-5-6 03:17 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 心的力量 于 2020-5-18 20:33 编辑

A NewLook at Disease
Thereis another important discovery I would like to tell you about. It is amazingthat an inventor should have discovered it instead of one of the world’s mostprominent scientists. Apparently, it’s just too simple for science, as theinformation has been available for 100 years. It was mostly luck that I was inthe position to make the discovery. No doubt, 60 years of spiritual seekingmade the discovery possible. As with MMS, I really haveto tell the world about it. It must be told far and wide or I will foreversuffer the consequences, as the sin of omission is just as bad as the sin ofcommission, as far as karma is concerned

Ican’t say what it is right up front, because I’d probably lose you, but hang onfor a few paragraphs and I will surprise you. I was first introduced to sodiumchlorite in about 1985. As far as I could tell, it was used to purify water andkill diseases on tropical fish. In actuality, it was being used in many placesaround the world to purify water and as a health drink. I soon discovered thatsome health food stores carried it and that it was called stabilized oxygen.There was always a fair market for it, as it seemed to help recovery from manydifferent diseases. I had heard many great claims for stabilized oxygen, butlike most medicines, it seemed to only work for some people, and often onlysome of the time.

Aftermy discovery in the jungle that stabilized oxygen sometimes cured malaria, andmy later discovery that the addition of a food acid increased the rate ofrecovery from malaria to 100%, I began to see hundreds of people recover fromdiseases. When I traveled to Africa, I witnessed thousands of people recoverfrom malaria and other diseases. Then, while I lived in my small desert town, Iwatched more people recover from diseases. During that time, I sent manybottles of MMS to Africa and hundreds more were cured of malaria and otherdiseases. As I have said earlier, at one time I sent enough for one person totreat over 5,000 people for malaria in Sierra Leone, and at another time, Isent enough to treat over 1,600. Of course, there were many times when I onlysent 1 to 10 bottles. (I should mention that some of the time Arnold furnishedthe money for me to send these bottles, and other times he did not.) Inaddition, I sold and gave many bottles away around town, to people in theneighboring town, and to individuals in other places in the U.S. I’m not sayingall this to brag, and I hope it doesn’t sound like it. I’m simply trying tomake a point.

However,before I make the point, let me also say that since I came to Mexico, I havereceived more than 12,000 emails and hundreds of phone calls. Many have beenfrom people asking questions, but there have also been those who wanted to tellme how they were now free from the symptoms of lupus; diabetes; hepatitis A, B,and C; AIDS; cancer; and many other diseases. In Hermosillo, my Mexican,schoolteacher partner, Clara Beltrones, has treated about 100 people in herhome, many while I was present. She has also treated more than 500 localIndians.
然而,在我表达观点前,请允许我说明:自从我来到墨西哥后一共收到了12000多封电子邮件和无数来电。许多时候是人们向我提出问题,但还有些人是希望告诉我他们的狼疮、糖尿病、甲肝、乙肝和丙肝、艾滋病、癌症和许多其他疾病的症状已经消失。在埃莫西约(Hermosillo),我的墨西哥籍教师合作人Clara Beltrones在自己的家庭里治愈了大约100人。她还治疗了500多个当地印度人。

Forexample, one night a man called and brought his wife by after hearing a localradio talk show. She came in with a standard walker that you push along, butshe could not hold onto the walker, so her husband had to hold her hand on it. Her right hand and right foot were both paralyzed, and shehad trouble walking on the foot. She complained that her sciatica wasgiving her much pain. Clara gave her a 6-drop dose and had her wait 1 hourwhile they discussed things. In that first hour, the lady noticed that the painwas going away in her sciatica and that feeling was coming back in her hand.After the second 6-drop dose 1 hour later, she noticed feeling returning to herfoot. Soon she was moving her fingers and her toes. Before she left, she hadregained full movement of her hand and her foot. She could move all her toesand the other muscles in her foot. She left, still using the walker, but shedid not need help from her husband, and it was obvious that she would soon bewalking without the walker, once she got used to her new mobility.

Idon’t mean to say that everyone is instantly healed. Many work at it a lotlonger and sometimes there are other things involved aside from diseases.However, as I have said, within 1 year of arriving in Mexico, I had sold morethan 8,000 books, The Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21st Century,and more than 11,000 5.5-ounce bottles of MMS were being sold in the U.S.each month. Of course I was not selling the MMS.
我并不是想要说每个人都立刻被治愈。许多时候起效所需时间更长,除了疾病外还涉及其他事情。然而,如我所说,在抵达墨西哥的1年内,我售出了8,000 多册《The Miracle MineralSupplement of the 21st Century21世纪的神奇矿物质补充剂》),每个月都有11,000瓶5.5盎司装MMS在美国售出。当然,我本人并不销售MMS。

It’sgoing to be up to the scientists to prove or disprove what I say here, but Isee ample evidence to state with confidence that most diseases—I’d say up to95% of all diseases caused by pathogens— can be cured with MMS. That includes95% of all discomforts not caused by accidents, 95% of all blood diseases, allcancers, and all other, so called, disorders of mankind. Do you see what I amsaying? We are on the edge of eradicating most diseases that afflictmankind—forever.

Hundredsof times people have come to me, and more recently to Clara, to get a bottle ofMMS. We have had them take a dose, as we have wanted to show them how to mixthe drops, and within minutes their pains of 20 years disappear. Do you see?MMS has no nutritional value whatsoever. It is strictly a killer. It killspathogens and oxidizes heavy metal poisons. It does nothing else. The onlyexplanation as to why people have had the experiences described above is thatthere was something in their bodies that was killed, as that is all MMS can do.One might say that some heavy metals were oxidized, and in some cases that maybe what happened; however, there have been times when the subject was firsttested for heavy metals and there were none. It really doesn’t matter, does it?If the people are well, who cares?

Sofar, thousands of people have gotten well. I have come to the conclusion thatthere are thousands of different kinds of bacteria, viruses, molds, yeasts,parasites, fungi, and other microorganisms that have no name and which are notrecognized. In addition, there are many other organisms, necessarily micro innature, which are pleomorphic, in that they can switch back and forth from onekind of microorganism to another. Medical science has no clue about most ofthem, but when you kill them, the person becomes well and goes back to work orto his life. We can’t say they were cured, as it upsets almost everyone,including people on our side. Maybe someone can come up with a better way toexplain why all these people got well, but for now no one has.

So Iwant you to take a new look at disease. People who are sick and in pain areoften told that they are imagining it, that they have some mental problem andthe sickness solves it, or that it is a condition brought on by their genes andthey inherited it. They often spend thousands of dollars for psychiatric helpand are sometimes even convinced that they may actually be making it up or thatit is the result of the fact that their mother didn’t love them enough or somesuch thing. However, in almost every case when a person who has had such anexperience tries MMS the pain that was supposedly a creation of theirimagination is gone within several weeks, and sometimes within just a fewhours.

Nowconsider this: Colonies of viruses and bacteria may become established right upagainst a bone and thrive on the bone creating acids that cause much pain, ormold may gather and grow in areas of low blood flow preventing the flow ofnutrients in that area and using the nutrients that do get there. A colony ofviruses that live in a muscle can cause muscle pains and a colony of virusescan form around a nerve and shut off the nerve impulses. Some colonies areworse than others. It is well known that colonies of bacteria can grow on aheart valve, so why not other places? Some colonies cause arthritis and otherscause diabetes. Colonies of viruses and bacteria are responsible for causinghundreds of different ailments.

Thus,you didn’t get sick because you ate too much sugar. You didn’t get sick becauseyou ate too much white bread, too much ice cream, too much meat, or even toomany acid-causing foods. All of these things may be contributing factors, andthey can all feed microorganisms and thus help them thrive, but the real reasonyou got sick was because microorganisms, mostly anaerobic microorganisms,invaded areas of your body. Our bodies are really stronger than most peoplebelieve. But if you are sick, it is because colonies grew here and there orthey invaded your entire body or various organs of your body. Again, there arelikely other contributing factors, such as the fact that you breathed too muchpoisonous smoke or allowed your body to become too cold, but these factors onlyallowed the colonies of anaerobic microorganisms to start growing or to get worse.

Someresearchers have reported that when the brains of people who had Alzheimer’sdisease have been analyzed, spiroquetes (a microorganism that is oftenconsidered pleomorphic) have been found, showing that colonies of bacteria growin the brain as well. Now, don’t ask me about Alzheimer’s. I have not performedany research in this area and no one has called saying that he has treated aperson with Alzheimer’s or has treated himself for Alzheimer’s. I have hademails asking about it, but none reporting the use of MMS for this disease.Just about everything else has been treated and someone has called to report onit, but not Alzheimer’s.
有些研究人员报导,当他们对阿兹海默症患者的脑部进行分析时发现了spiroquetes (一种多晶微生物) ,这说明细菌群也在脑中生长。请不要向我询问关于阿兹海默症的信息。我还没有对这一领域展开过任何研究,而且也没有人打电话告诉我说治愈了自己的或者是他人的阿兹海默症。我曾经收到过询问这一疾病的邮件,但尚未有人报导用MMS治疗过这种疾病。几乎所有其他疾病都已经被治愈过而且也有人打电话询问过,但MMS从未治疗过阿兹海默症。

As Ihave stated before, I’m an inventor, not a doctor or a scientist; however, Ihave been a research engineer. I set up tests for an A-bomb, worked onintercontinental A-bomb and H-bomb missiles, worked with the first vacuum tubecomputers, and developed new technology concerning the recovery of gold. Thisis not to brag, but to point out that I am not scientifically illiterate. Thus,I feel qualified to make these statements here, and I am sure there will bethose who will want to prove me either wrong or right. I am sure that therewill be people working to prove it one way or the other, because there arethose who have already begun to investigate my suggestions.

It ismy belief that we have turned the corner into a new age where there is no suchthing as an incurable disease. The death knell for the drug companies hasalready been rung. Medical doctors will be needed to set bones, improvebreasts, do plastic surgery, and work on various other physical things.Alternative medicine practitioners will work mainly with nutrition to improvehealth, but they will not be focused on overcoming diseases. Imagine for aminute, if you will, a world populated with healthy people, where there isextremely little disease. It can be a reality in your lifetime if you pitch inand help a little. Hundreds of millions of dollars are needed for research withMMS, but we are closing in on it.

Manypeople are already successfully treating themselves. Just see that this bookgets out to as many people as you can, and see that as many people try a bottleof MMS as soon as possible. If the person next door cannot afford a bottle, buyone for him yourself. Do your part and we will arrive. That is all that theworld needs at this point is a bit of help from you, the reader of this book.The world may never meet you, but it won’t happen without your help and the daywill come that you will know that you really made a difference. You will knowthat you did your part to stop the drug companies and help those less fortunateto overcome their diseases.
许多人已经成功地治愈了自己。 请你们务必竭尽所能将这本书传播给更多人、尽快让更多人试用MMS。如果您的邻居买不起一瓶MMS,请为他买一瓶吧。请这么做,我们会补偿你们。你们,本书的读者们,你们的一点点帮助正是这个世界此刻所需要的。世界可能永远不会与你相遇,但没有你的帮助,我们的愿景就无法实现;那一天终会来临,到时你将会明白你的确起到了一定作用。你将发现自己完成了应尽的义务去阻止医药公司的无良行为,并帮助那些不幸的人们克服疾病。

Nowthat I’ve told you the good news, let me tell you the bad news—and I meanreally bad news. I wanted to tell you the good news first, as I don’t like tobe a doomsayer. But I need to tell you that the situation on Earth is worsethan 99.999% of the population understands. I have people call me from all overthe world. I have received thousands of emails and have talked to hundreds ofpeople, and you won’t like hearing what I’ve learned. You might even think I’mcrazy, but I’ve got to say it as I could not live with myself if I didn’t. I’dreally rather not mention it, as there are enough people who think I’m nutsalready, but I’ve got to if only to get some people thinking. It’s this: Ourleaders are trying to kill us.

Now,I talk to medical doctors, to clinics, to health professionals, and to sickpeople every day. I doubt that anyone talks to more medical professionals inthe health industries around the world than I do and what I have found is this:There are many new diseases out there. There are dozens, if not hundreds of newdiseases, and they are not natural diseases. MMS handles all of the naturaldiseases, such as flu, TB, pneumonia, diabetes, and malaria in a very shorttime. The recently created diseases are much harder to handle, as they seem tohave a certain ability to hide in the body when antibodies or oxidationchemicals are present. All these new diseases are traceable back to governmentlaboratories. None came from monkeys and our leaders refuse to do anything tostop their proliferation.

Thereis no way that I can tell you the whole story in a few paragraphs, but it’simportant to note that there is mercury in vaccinations, chemotherapy simplykills people and nothing more, foods are poisoned with Aspartame, modernmedicine has killed and is killing more people than all the wars put together,and the America public isn’t as dumb as some people seem to think. More than55% of the public has quit going to their family medical doctors and are optingfor alternative medical techniques. There must be a reason. People don’t justquit going to someone who is helping them to stay well.

Millionsand millions of people are sick from diseases that the government doesn’t evenrecognize. Morgellons disease is only one of a collection of terrible diseasesthat millions now have, which the government doesn’t recognize. Lyme diseasewas not recognized by medicine for a long time and is now only recognized by afew doctors, yet millions in the world have Lyme disease. There are dozens ofothers. The World Health Organization (WHO) refuses to so seek the opinion ofmore than one doctor on MMS, even after they were told of 75,000 victims curedof malaria. Their doctor claimed he tested it, but that makes no sense. He wasin Switzerland where there is no malaria. In our experiences, people havegotten well in 4 hours, and testing could be done in 1 day. Yet, it took him ayear and a half to get around to testing it, and then after 3 days he said itwouldn’t work. Once a doctor understands the chemical formula of MMS, heusually will agree that it has merit. It is so obvious that few doctors evenhave to test it before agreeing that, at the very least, it should work.
无数人所患的疾病都是政府不能识别的。莫吉隆斯症就是众多严重疾病中的一种,目前有数百万人都患上这种病。莱姆病在很长一段时间内都没有被医学领域所发现,目前也只有一小部分医生能识别它,然而世界上却有无数人患有这种病。还有几十种疾病也是如此。世界卫生组织(WHO) 在已经得知75000名疟疾患者被MMS治愈后仍然拒绝向更多医生寻求MMS相关信息。他们的医生声称已经检测过MMS,但这并无任何意义。他是在没有疟疾的瑞士做的试验。从我们的经验来看人们通常是在4小时内康复,因此可在1天内完成试验。但是这名医生却花了一年半左右,并且3天后就说MMS没有作用。医生一旦理解MMS的化学配方,就会认同MMS的优点。但是很显然,很少有医生在认同MMS应当起作用前会对MMS进行检验。

ReligiousChristians should be aware that the Bible says that in the last days the Earthwill be deluged with disease and sickness. I don’t believe in the Bible asreligious people do, but there are some things there that make one think. Lymedisease comes from many places, not just ticks. You can contract it having sex,from eating certain meats, and even from drinking from certain water supplies.There are those who want to kill the human race. They have been working at itfor a lot longer than you would believe. It’s not an easy job, but they havebeen at it for a godawful long time. I’m here, right now, watching it everyday.

Noone is sure where Morgellons disease has come from, but hundreds of thousandsof people have it, probably millions. There are those who think that it can betraced to chemtrails in the sky, but we don’t know. Millions and millions ofdollars are being spent on those chemtrails. If you are like most people, youare going to tell me those chemtrails are just commercial airplanes flying by,that Morgellons disease is nothing more than a psychological condition, andthat Lyme disease is cured by the family doctor. And then you might tell methat the reason that we have not advanced in the treatment of cancer for over 100years is because all of the research has found that nothing is better thansurgery and the poison of chemo or radiation. And if you tell me that, then itwill never have occurred to you that science should have answers by now.

Thefact is, chemtrails are not the same as contrails. Chemtrails result whenchemicals are sprayed at high altitude for biological warfare testing or theroutine control of vegetation and pests. Friends of mine were actually in anairplane in the sky right next to a cargo plane that was dumping thousands ofpounds of powdered chemicals out its rear. Chemtrails are very real; too manypeople have seen the evidence.

Then,of course, there is AIDS and the millions of people dying from AIDS. Did youknow that in the U.S. more people die from hepatitis C than from AIDS? And manydie from AIDS. The point is, the public trustingly goes on dying like flies withoutever considering that anything is wrong. There are dozens of diseases that youhave never heard of, which I only hear of now and then, that are killing ordisabling thousands. Many call me in terrible pain asking if MMS might help orif I know a way to use MMS more effectively. It breaks my heart every time. Weshould have a hundred million dollars to work on this to find the answers.Instead, we have no money, but are still collecting more data each day. Ibelieve we will have the answers to all of these governmentgenerated diseaseswithin a reasonable time, hopefully less than 1 year. You can help—just keeptelling people about what you have read here and get them to buy this book.Thanks for your support.

MMSInformation Web Sites That Are Frequently Updated
ThisList Updated - October, 2009
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