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Chapter9 Understandingthe Miracle Mineral Solution 第9章 理解神奇的矿物质溶液
Tounderstand MMS one must understand chlorine dioxide, as that is what isgenerated and what kills pathogens in the body. As explained in chapter 2,chlorine dioxide is highly explosive; therefore, whenever it is used it must begenerated on site. It cannot be transported, since it will instantly destroyany container that one might try to house it in. It cannot even be movedthrough metal or plastic pipes. 要想理解MMS,首先必须理解二氧化氯,因为二氧化氯就是MMS产生的能在体内杀死病原体的物质。如第2章所解释的那样,二氧化氯具有极高易爆性;因此,要想使用它就必须就地产生。二氧化氯不能被运输,因为它会即刻毁坏容纳它的任何容器。甚至也不能让它通过金属或塑料管。
Numerousmethods, which use many different chlorine chemicals, have been devised togenerate chlorine dioxide. Chlorine dioxide is used in many industrialprocesses: It is used in paper mills to bleach paper pulp white; it is used incloth mills to bleach cloth; and most importantly, it is used to purify waterin thousands of water purification systems throughout the world. In suchsystems, it is selective for pathogens and other bio-organisms that might beharmful to larger animals and humans. It does NOT combine with hundreds ofconstituents, as does free chlorine. When free chlorine combines with theseitems, it creates carcinogenic compounds. Thus, although the initial cost ofinstalling a chlorine dioxide system is higher, in the long run, a chlorinedioxide system saves money and is much safer from a health standpoint. 人们已经想了无数办法用来产生二氧化氯,这些方法使用了许多种不同的氯化物。二氧化氯可用于许多工业生产过程:在造纸厂,它能够漂白纸浆;在服装厂,它能使布变白;最重要的是,它可在全世界的无数水净化系统中被用于净化水。在这些系统内,它可选择性地杀灭病原体以及其他可能对人体和大型动物有害的生物体。它不是像游离氯那样将许多成份结合在一起。当游离氯与这些物质相结合时会产生致癌化合物。因此,尽管安装二氧化氯的初始成本更高,但从长远来看更节约钱;从卫生角度看也更安全。
Oneof the most popular methods of generating chlorine dioxide is by treatingsodium chlorite, a white or slightly yellow, flaky substance. While this soundslike table salt, it is not quite the same thing. Table salt is sodium chloride,and we generate chlorine dioxide from sodium chlorite. Note the last twoletters of each of these. 生产二氧化氯的最常用方法之一便是处理亚氯酸纳。亚氯酸纳是一种白色或淡黄色的片状物质,这个名字听起来像精制食盐,但实际上与食盐并不太相同。食盐是氯化钠;而我们用来生产二氧化氯的是亚氯酸纳。请注意它们的最后两个字母。
Throughoutthe world today, sodium chlorite (NaClO2) methods areused to generate chlorine dioxide more often than any other method. To arrive at the formula for chlorine dioxide, wemerely remove the sodium (Na) and we are leftwith ClO2. (Don’t worry; you don’t haveto understand these formulas to understand the basicsof what I am explaining here.) There are several dozen methods that use sodium chlorite to generate chlorinedioxide. The FDA has approved several methods inwhich swimming pool acid is added to a waterysolution of sodium chlorite for the purpose of makingchlorine dioxide, which is then used to sterilize chicken and beef before it is sold to the public. The acid generatesthe chlorine dioxide from the sodium chlorite. Inmany cases, the chlorine dioxide does nothave to be rinsed off vegetables that have been sterilized,as the chlorine dioxide soon turns to salt, but not enough to make the vegetables salty. 如今,亚氯酸纳方法在全球范围内比其他任何方法都要更常用于生产二氧化氯。为了获得二氧化氯的化学式,我们将钠(Na)移除,于是得到ClO2(别担心,要想理解我在此处解释的基本原理,您并不需要理解这些化学式)。有几十种方法都是利用亚氯酸纳来产生二氧化氯。FDA已经批准了几种方法;这些方法将游泳池中使用的酸加入到含亚氯酸纳的水溶液中,用于制造二氧化氯,随后用二氧化氯对鸡肉和牛肉进行杀菌然后再将这些肉出售。酸能通过亚氯酸纳产生二氧化氯。许多时候,并不一定要将二氧化氯从已经杀菌的蔬菜上冲洗下来,因为二氧化氯很快就会转变为盐;当然,这样的盐不足以令蔬菜有咸味。
In100,000 health food stores in the U.S., one can also find sodium chlorite in a watery form known as stabilizedoxygen. In almost all cases, stabilized oxygen ismanufactured by simply adding 3.5%sodium chlorite by weight to distilled water; that’s 35,000 ppm. You can also create it in your own kitchen,just don’t use any metal pots or pans—not evenstainless steel. Only use plastic, glass,or CorningWare. However, you will be much better offmaking MMS with my formula or buying it from someone who is using my formula. I’ll tell you exactly how to do thatlater in this book. 人们可以在美国100,000 家健康食品商店中找到水溶液形式的亚氯酸钠,俗称为稳定氧。我们只需要按重量计算将3.5%亚氯酸钠加入到蒸馏水中便可制备出稳定氧,这一浓度等于35,000 ppm。您也可以在自己的厨房里制造,但千万不要使用任何金属罐或者锅,哪怕是不锈钢材质的也不行。只能用塑料、玻璃或康宁锅(CorningWare)。然而,如果您用我的配方来制做MMS或者从使用我配方的制做者那里购买,效果会好得多。我将在下文明确告诉你们如何做。
For80 years, hundreds of thousands of people put a few drops of stabilized oxygen into their water or juice and drankit down thinking that it somehow furnished extraoxygen to their bodies. The few whorealized that some form of chlorine was generated, mentioned it in passing, but still insisted that thechlorite furnished the body withoxygen. Somehow, during all those years, not one of the alternative medicine groups ever decided to have agood chemist look at the formula, at least they neverwrote about doing so. The fact is thatsimple chemistry shows us that no oxygen that the body can use is generated. 80年来,无数人将几滴稳定氧放入他们的饮水或者果汁中,然后喝下去,认为这样做能为身体提供更多氧。只有少部分人意识到会产生某种形式的氯,但他们仍然坚持认为氯酸盐可为身体提供氧。当然,在这些年间,没有任何一个医疗组织决定找一位优秀的化学家来研究这个问题;至少他们从来没有写出他们这么做过。事实就是:这一简单的化学作用告诉我们没有产生任何能为身体所用的氧。
Chlorinedioxide is a powerful chemical and it has many uses. It is an oxidizer, lesspowerful than oxygen, but with a greater capacity for oxidizing, as it explodeswhen it encounters certain chemical conditions and is neutral in other chemicalconditions. It is selective. 二氧化氯是一种非常强效的化学物,有多种用途。它是一种氧化剂,不如氧有力,但氧化能力却更强,因为当它遇到某些特定化学条件时可产生爆炸。但它在其他化学条件下是中性的,它具有选择性。
Whatdo we mean when we say it explodes? To review the discussion presented inchapter 2, an explosion is merely a fast chemical reaction, generally oxidation,that also releases energy. There are two oxygen ions in the ClO2 formula, sowhy aren’t they released so the body can use them? It’s because they have a –2charge. They did their oxidizing before they arrived in this formula. Theycannot oxidize further, but the chlorine combined with the oxygen can. Whenchlorine dioxide touches an anaerobic pathogen with an outer surface thatcannot withstand oxidation or a poison that can be oxidized, it instantlyaccepts five electrons. It destroys anything that it can draw electrons fromand it generates heat at the same time (this action is called oxidation, evenwhen oxygen is not a part of the process). The oxygen atoms are then releasedfrom the chlorine dioxide; however, they are not elemental oxygen, they areions of oxygen with a –2 charge. They have the same charge as the oxygen incarbon dioxide, a gas that will kill you if you breathe enough of it eventhough it is not a poison. In other words, it doesn’t do anything to the lungs;instead, it prevents the lungs from getting the elemental oxygen that you need. 我们所说的爆炸是什么意思呢?根据第2章所述,爆炸指一种能释放能量的快速化学反应,通常是氧化反应。ClO2化学式中包含两个氧离子,但为什么它不释放出能为身体使用的氧呢?这是因为这些氧离子带–2电荷。它们在到达这一化学式之前确实发生了氧化作用。它们不能再进行氧化反应了,但是与氧结合的氯却可以。当二氧化氯接触到一个厌氧病原菌(这个厌氧病原菌的外表面经受不起氧化反应)或者一个可以被氧化的有毒物质时,它会立刻接受5个电子。它能破坏它从电子中获得的任何物质并同时产生热量 (这一作用被称为氧化作用,尽管氧并不是这一过程的一部分)。随后二氧化氯释放出氧原子。然而,这些氧并不是元素氧,而是带有–2电荷的氧离子。它们的电荷与二氧化碳中的氧相同;尽管二氧化碳不是有毒气体,但一旦人们吸入足量二氧化碳便会被它杀死。 也就是说,它不会对肺部产生任何作用,相反,它能阻止肺获得您需要的元素氧。
Hydrogenand oxygen mixed together become water, and that is all the oxygen can do atthis time. It becomes water or it becomes part of a carbon dioxide molecule.The chlorine, after the explosion of oxidation, loses its charge and becomes achloride—basically table salt—which again has no ability to oxidize, as it nolonger has any charge. There is nothing else left to cause any kind of sideeffect. 氢和氧混合在一起可变成水,而这也是目前氧所能做的一切。它能变成水或者二氧化碳分子的一部分。氯在经过氧化作用的爆炸后失去了电荷,变成氯化物。氯化物从基本上而言就是食盐,同样没有氧化能力,因为它也不带任何电荷。这样,剩下来不再有任何物质能产生任何副作用。
Thebasic idea is simply that oxygen and chlorine must be charged to the correctnumber of electrons or they do not oxidize. When oxygen is not capable ofoxidizing, it simply cannot do the job the body needs it to do. What sodiumchlorite really does is give us chlorine dioxide, a chemical that selectivelydestroys almost all pathogens that exist in the body. Each tiny chlorinedioxide molecule has tremendous power to destroy those things from which it candraw electrons, but it does not have the power to draw electrons from healthycells or aerobic bacteria. 其基本原理非常简单:氧和氯必须带正确数量的电子,否则不能氧化。当氧不能发生氧化反应时,它就不能完成身体需要它完成的工作。亚氯酸钠所起的作用就是为我们提供二氧化氯,二氧化氯能选择性地破坏身体内的几乎所有病原体。每个微小的二氧化氯分子都有很大的能力去破坏它从电子中获取的物质,但它不能从健康细胞或者需氧菌中获取电子。
Chlorinedioxide does not last forever. There is too much energy bundled into a smallparticle. It begins to lose some of its energy after a few minutes in the bodyand the same thing happens when it is released into public water supplies. Whenit has lost some of its energy in the body and is no longer explosive (unableto oxidize), it can then combine with other substances. There is some evidencethat it helps make myeloperoxidase, a chemical that the body uses to makehypochlorous acid, which is then used by the immune system to kill pathogens,killer cells, and other things. Chlorine dioxide is the only chemical knownthat has these qualities and that can do these things in the body withoutresulting in side effects. In public water works and in paper mills, thechlorine dioxide is generated at the site where it is used. Similarly, it isgenerated on site in the body from sodium chlorite. 二氧化氯并不会永远存在,这种小微粒里有太多能量。二氧化氯进入体内几分钟后就会开始失去某些能量;当它被释放到公用水供应系统中时也会发生同样的情况。二氧化氯在人体内一旦失去一部分能量就不再有爆炸性 (不能氧化),随后便会与其他物质结合。已有证据证实它能帮助制造骨髓过氧化酵素;身体可利用这种酵素产生次氯酸,而免疫系统可借助次氯酸杀死病原体、细胞和其他物质。二氧化氯是目前已知唯一具备这些特质、能在体内完成这些工作并且不产生副作用的化学物。在公用水处理机构和造纸厂,二氧化氯通常都是即产即用。同样,它在人体内也是通过亚氯酸钠现场产生。
How to Generate Chlorine Dioxide in the Human Body 如何在体内形成二氧化氯 Noneof the people who used stabilized oxygen for all those years ever realized thebenefits they were experiencing were the result of chlorine dioxide; and thus,no one ever tried to generate more of it. They believed that the millions ofoxygen ions connected to the chlorine were available to the body. While theyreceived a little benefit from the few drops of stabilized oxygen they added towater, which then released chlorine dioxide, it was released very slowly, andreally too slowly to do much good (a few chlorine dioxide ions per hour insteadof per minute). There was always some benefit, but nowhere near the fullpotential offered by MMS. For 80 years they missed out. 这么多年来,那些使用稳定氧的人中没有一个人意识到稳定氧所带来的益处正是二氧化氯产生的结果。因此,也从没有人试图制造更多二氧化氯。他们相信身体可获得无数与氯相连的氧离子。他们从加入水中的几滴稳定氧那里获得一点点益处,而稳定氧随后会释放二氧化氯,但这种释放速度非常缓慢因而没办法带来很多好处(每小时而不是每分钟释放一点点二氧化氯离子)。总是会有一些益处,但仍然不及MMS提供的所有可能益处。80年来他们都忽视了这一点。
So ifwe are going to generate chlorine dioxide in the body, we need to do it about1,000 times faster than is possible with a few drops of stabilized oxygen in aglass of water or juice, which gives you about 1 ppb (one part per billion).What we really need is 1 ppm (one part per million) and often even more. Infact, sometimes it takes 1 ppt (one part per thousand). But don’t worry aboutthose figures; one does not need to know all the technical details to make itwork. Just know that to cure AIDS it takes at least 1,000 times more chlorinedioxide than stabilized oxygen gives you, actually more like 10,000 times more. 因此,如果我们想要在体内产生二氧化氯,我们需要使其生产速率大概比“用一杯水或果汁中的几滴稳定氧生成二氧化氯(大约可产生1 ppb,即十亿分之一)”的速度快1000倍。我们所需要的是1 ppm (一百万分之一) 或者更多。事实上,有时还需要1 ppt (千分之一)。但是,不要担心这些数字;你们并不需要了解所有相关的技术细节。您只要知道这样获得的二氧化氯比稳定氧能提供的二氧化氯至少多1000倍,实际上通常要比10,000倍还要多。
Asmentioned above, the FDA has authorized adding swimming pool acid to solutionsof sodium chlorite in order to generate chlorine dioxide. All of the publicwater purification plants which do so, use various mechanical devices to addthe acid at a preestablished speed to the flow of watery sodium chlorite. Inthe human body, we want to add a lot of chlorine dioxide and do not have amechanical device we can use to add the acid slowly. We also want it to persistfor a while, so that it can be carried around to all parts of the body.Chlorine dioxide will persist for 1 to 2 hours if one has a food-grade sourceto ingest. 如上述,FDA已经批准将游泳池所用酸加入到亚氯酸钠溶液中以产生二氧化氯。所有公用水净化厂利用各种机器设备以一个预先设定好的速度将酸加入到亚氯酸钠水溶液中。在体内,我们想要添加大量二氧化氯,但是我们没有一个机械设备可以用来缓慢地添加酸。我们还希望它能保存一段时间,这样可以将二氧化氯带到身体各个部位。如果人们有食品级来源可以摄取,那么二氧化氯就能留存1至2小时。
TheImportance of Vinegar, Lime, Lemon, or Citric Acid 醋、酸橙、柠檬或柠檬酸 Thisis where vinegar, lime, or lemon comes in. The part that is important is the 5%acetic acid in the vinegar or the citric acid in lime or lemon. (On June 1,2007 it was discovered that pure citric acid works even better than vinegar,lime, or lemon.) When one of these items is added to sodium chlorite it causesthe solution to begin to release chlorine dioxide. The addition of 6 drops of asolution that is 22.4% sodium chlorite (MMS) to 30 drops of vinegar, lime, orlemon will release approximately 2 mgs of chlorine dioxide in 3 minutes—that’sthe reason for the 3-minute wait. However, when you add 4 ounces of water orapple juice to make about 1/2 glass of liquid, the process nearly stops,leaving the solution with 2 mgs chlorine dioxide for the body, which is quite abit. Adding vinegar, lime, or lemon to the sodium chlorite does the trick. Ifyou don’t add one of these items, all you have is the same old stabilizedoxygen health drink, which is interesting, but it really doesn’t get the jobdone. 因此,我们需要醋、酸橙或者柠檬。重要部分在于醋中的5%乙酸或者酸橙或柠檬中的柠檬酸(2007年6月1日人们发现纯柠檬酸比醋、酸橙或柠檬效果更好)。当这些东西中的某一种被加入到亚氯酸钠中,它可促使溶液开始释放二氧化氯。若将6滴22.4%亚氯酸钠溶液(MMS)加入30滴醋、酸橙或者柠檬中,可在3分钟后释放大约2mg二氧化氯,这也是我们为什么要等待3分钟的原因。然而,当你加入4盎司水或苹果汁以便获得半杯液体,这一释放过程就几乎停止了,只为身体留下含2mg二氧化氯的溶液;而2mg这一量是非常少的。将醋、酸橙或柠檬加入亚氯酸钠便可达到目的。如果你不加入上述任何物质,你所能获得的也不过是以前的稳定氧健康饮料而已;稳定氧健康饮料也有益处,但不能起到我们所需要的作用。
Thus,MMS starts off by producing 2 mgs of chlorine dioxide. It has an immediateeffect. We have been talking about using 6 drops of MMS, which is a maintenancedose, but if you are treating a disease, you may need 15 to 18 drops for a fulldose. As you read the instructions you will see that you usually start off withsmall doses and work your way up. 因此,MMS通过产生2mg二氧化氯开始起作用。它具有直接效果。我们一直在讨论使用6滴MMS这一保养剂量,但如果您是在治疗疾病,那么可能需要15至18滴完全剂量。当您阅读说明书时将会发现通常从使用小剂量开始,然后逐步增加。
Togive you an idea of how small 1 mg is, consider a standard U.S. dime. One gramis almost exactly 1/2 of a dime. Now imagine 1/2 of a dime cut into 1,000pieces. One of those pieces is 1 mg. That’s smaller than a speck of dust.That’s how powerful chlorine dioxide is; it only takes 1 mg of chlorine dioxideto begin killing pathogens in the body. The chlorine dioxide remains in thesystem for only a little over 1 hour. When the chlorine dioxide degenerates, itresults in either chemicals that the immune system really needs, or thechlorine turns to a chloride, leaving an insignificant amount of table salt andwater. Thus, there simply can be no side effects. There is nothing left tocause side effects. 为了让您了解1mg的剂量是有多么小,请想想标准的美国一角硬币。一克是一角硬币的1/2。现在请想象一下将一角硬币的1/2分成1000份,这1000份中的其中1份就是1mg,它比一粒灰尘还要小。这也正是二氧化氯的威力所在;它只需要用1mg二氧化氯就可以开始杀死体内病原体。二氧化氯可在系统内保持1个小时多一点。当二氧化氯退化时,它可产生免疫系统真正需要的化学物质;或者,氯可转变为氯化物,留下极微剂量的食盐和水。因此,没有任何副作用。没有什么能引发副作用的物质会残留下来。
Makeno mistake: Chlorine dioxide ions are extremely powerful. They are very smallparticles that contain a tremendous amount of energy, but they only remain thatway for a few minutes. They contain too much energy to last for any length oftime. In the world of submicroscopic energy particles, chlorine dioxide ionsare torpedos with selective warheads. Their chemical makeup gives them thisquality, and no other chemical has the same quality. 千万别弄错了:二氧化氯离子的效力是非常强大的。它们是非常小的微粒但却包含了极大能量,尽管这样的效力只能持续几分钟。它们包含的能量太大,因此无法持续太长时间。在亚微观能量粒子的世界里,二氧化氯离子好比是带有选择性弹头的水雷。它们的化学成分赋予了它们其他化学物质所没有的这一特质。
Somepeople have taken more than 40 times the amount of sodium chlorite contained instabilized oxygen. A perfectly healthy person may experience a small amount ofnausea for 10 to 15 minutes from a dose that large, and someone suffering froma serious illness may be nauseous for a longer period. I have tried 25 timesthe recommended MMS dose, as have a few other people, and it did make menauseous, but it did not have any lasting side effects. The point is, chlorinedioxide is not only not harmful, it is of great benefit to the body. Thenauseousness is the result of the chlorine dioxide attacking pathogens in thebody. In the case of a liver condition, such as hepatitis, one almost alwaysgets nauseous. The reason for this is that the liver begins to expel thepoisons as the chlorine dioxide begins to destroy them, but it also curesthe condition in record time. 有些人服用的亚氯酸钠是稳定氧所含量的40多倍。一个健康人在服用如此大的剂量之后可能会有轻微恶心感,并持续10至15分钟;而患有严重疾病的人的恶心感可能持续更长时间。我曾经试用过推荐MMS剂量25倍的剂量,这的确使我感觉恶心,但并没有任何持续副作用。二氧化氯不仅无害,而且对身体极为有益。人们有恶心感是因为二氧化氯正在攻击体内的病原体。如果有肝脏疾病(如肝炎),那么就会常常感觉恶心。这是因为当二氧化氯开始破坏有毒物质时,肝脏就会驱逐这些有毒物质,但同时也能在最短时间内治愈疾病。
Onelady with hepatitis C did exactly what I told her not to do. Instead of taking2 drops at first, to be certain she killed the hepatitis she used 30 drops,added the vinegar, waited 3 minutes, and added it to apple juice. It made hersick for 3 days. She then put the MMS aside and did not touch it for 8 months.She thought that since it had made her so sick that it didn’t work, but whenshe finally decided to go to the doctor, he could find no hepatitis in her body.Both were amazed. I have given it to many people with one of the hepatitisdiseases, A, B, or C. I can guarantee that 30 drops will make any hepatitispatient feel very sick, but it will also usually cure them. However, that isnot the way to do it. A hepatitis patient should never start out with more than2 drops. Normally, they will not feel any nausea with this dosage, and if theyslowly increase the drops until they can take 15 drops three times a daywithout nausea, they will usually test negative for hepatitis of all kinds. Ishould mention at this time that nothing is an absolute guarantee. Each personis different and there can be extenuating circumstances that change theoutcome. 一名患者丙肝的女士便没有按照我教她的方法使用MMS。她没有在一开始服用2滴MMS;相反,为了确保杀死肝炎病菌,她使用了30滴、加入醋、等待30分钟,然后再将混合溶液加入苹果汁中。这导致她生了3天病。随后,她讲MMS闲置在一旁,8个月都没有接触MMS。她认为既然MMS使其病得如此厉害,那么它根本就没有起效。但当她最后决定去看医生时,医生发现她体内没有肝炎了。 这真令人惊讶。我给许多患有甲肝、乙肝或者丙肝的病人服用过MMS,我能保证30滴这一剂量会使任何肝炎患者感到非常不舒服,但它确实治愈了他们。然而,治疗步骤原本不该如此。肝炎病人一开始不应当服用2滴以上剂量。通常,2滴不会使他们感到恶心,如果逐步增加剂量直至达到1天三次、每次5滴并且无恶心感,那么这些患者通常能转变为肝炎阴性,不论是哪种类型的肝炎。在此我应当说明,没有什么是绝对保证。每个人都是不同的,可能有一些情有可原的状况会改变结果。
Procedurefor Taking MMS for Maintenance 服用MMS用于保养身体状况的步骤 It isimportant to take MMS for longevity. I wish I could say for certain that itwill add an additional 25 years to your life; however, I can’t prove that yet,but I do believe it. All the evidence points to that conclusion. Dozens ofolder people are taking MMS and realizing that all the diseases that normallykill older people no longer have their sting. Their immune systems are up to100 times stronger than normal for people of their age, and pneumonia, flu, andother diseases just aren’t able to get a foothold as long as they are takingthe maintenance dose every day. 利用MMS实现长寿非常重要。我希望我能确定地说它能为您增加25年的寿命;然而,尽管我目前还不能做这样的保证,但我相信它可以。所有证据都表明了这样一个结论。许多老人都在服用MMS,并发现他们不再患有那些通常会杀死其他老人的所有疾病。他们的免疫系统比同龄普通老人要强100倍。只要他们每天服用保养剂量,肺炎、流感和其他疾病就不再有立足之地。
Youngerpeople can get by with taking the MMS maintenance dose two or three times aweek, but older people need to take it at least once a day. When taking it oncea day, every day, one can probably get by with taking 4-drop doses with thevinegar, the 3-minute wait, and the added apple juice (see below for exactinstructions.) Anyone taking it two or three times a week should always take atleast 6 drops per dose. Remember, hundreds of thousands of people have beentaking this solution for 80 years; all I have done is added a little food acid.No side effects have been reported in all these years and no side effects havebeen reported in the 6 years since the vinegar was added. Technically, thereshould not be any. It has been proven that a small quantity of chlorine dioxide(as in MMS) does not attack healthy cells. (A large quantity would kill anyoneor anything.) 年轻人可以每周服用MMS保养剂量2或3次,但老年人需要至少一天一次。每天服用一次且坚持天天服用。使用方法为:将4滴剂量混合在醋里、等待3分钟,然后加入苹果汁(参见下文的明确说明)。若一周服用2或3次,则每次至少需要使用6滴。请记住,80年来无数人都在服用这种溶液;我所做的只是加入了一点食物酸。在这些年间没有报导过任何副作用,自从加入醋之后的6年内也没有出现过任何副作用。从技术上而言,也不应当有任何副作用。已有证据证实,少量二氧化氯(比如MMS中的含量)不会攻击健康细胞(大量二氧化氯会杀死任何人或任何东西)。
Asexplained earlier, chlorine dioxide deteriorates into constituents that aretotally nonpoisonous. Nothing is left behind to build up, as is the case withmany conventional medicines. The chlorine dioxide lasts long enough to do itsjob and then the part that does not furnish the immune system with needed ionsbecomes nothing but micro amounts of table salt and water. The chlorine dioxidehas just a few minutes to do its thing and then it no longer exists. It leavesnothing behind that can build up. 如前面所述,二氧化氯可退化为完全无毒的各种成分。就像许多常用药品一样不会累积任何物质。二氧化氯可持续足够长的时间以完成它的工作,随后,不能为免疫系统提供所需离子的那一部分变成微量食盐和水。二氧化氯只需几分钟便能完成这些任务,随后不再存在。它不会留下任何可累积的物质。
Initialprocedure: Keep in mind that anyone taking MMS for the first timeshould start out with no more than 2 drops for their first dose. The reason beingthat 2 drops will not produce enough of a chemical reaction to causesignificant nausea in those who have a health condition. If you have a seriousillness, 2 drops could cause mild nausea for 10 minutes or so. In that case,continue taking 2 drops daily or several times daily until there is no nausea.When you have reached the point where there is no nausea from 2 drops, then use3 drops the next time. Continue this until you are at 15 drops three times aday and then drop back to 6 drops a day. When using MMS for treatment of someserious illness, you will need to consider that MMS is only active in the bodyfor about an hour. Thus, hourly doses will make the best progress, as the moreMMS you can get into the body without creating nausea or diarrhea, the greaterthe positive effect it will have against the illness. 初始步骤: 谨记一点,任何人在第一次服用MMS时的初次剂量不得超过2滴,这是因为2滴不会产生足够化学反应,继而不会导致健康人群的明显恶心感觉。如果您患有严重疾病,2滴可能引发10分钟左右的轻微恶心感。 在这种情况下每天服用2滴剂量一次或几次,直至不再有恶心感觉。当2滴剂量不会再使您有恶心感觉时,可于下一次使用3滴剂量。继续这么做,直至使用量达到一天三次、每次5滴(每天共15滴),然后再回到每天6滴的剂量。使用MMS治疗某些严重疾病时,需要记得MMS在体内的起效持续时间大约为1小时。因此,按小时给药可产生最佳效果,因为在不产生恶心或腹泻的情况下,身体吸收到的MMS越多,对疾病的积极治疗作用就越大。
Keepin mind that when we refer to drops we always mean that one must add 1/4 to 1/2teaspoon of vinegar, lime, lemon, or citric acid and then wait 3 minutes beforeadding 1/2 glass of juice. That’s 4 ounces of juice for those of you who aremore scientific. Without the vinegar, lime, or lemon, the whole exercise islittle more than the drinking of a nice health drink. But nice health drinks don’tdo the job. And remember, DO NOT use juice with added vitamin C. 记住,当我们提到“滴”一词时,通常意味着必须添加1/4至1/2茶匙醋、酸橙、柠檬或柠檬酸,等待3分钟后再加半杯果汁。更精确地说就是4盎司果汁。若没有醋、酸橙或柠檬,整个过程就差不多只是喝一杯不错的健康饮料而已。但这样的健康饮料并不能起到我们需要的作用。另外,请记住,切勿使用添加了维他命C的果汁。
Sothe exact procedure is this: Add 2 drops of MMS to a clean, empty, dry glass.Then add 10 drops of vinegar, lime, or lemon (if you use citric acid see theinstructions in chapter 10). Swirl the glass by hand to mix the contents. Wait3 minutes. Add 1/2 glass of apple juice and drink right away. You cansubstitute grape juice or pineapple juice as long as they are fresh, but don’tbuy juices with added vitamin C and do not use orange juice. Orange juiceprevents the production of chlorine dioxide. 具体过程如下:将2滴MMS滴入一个干净、干燥的空玻璃杯中,再滴入10滴醋、酸橙或柠檬(如果您使用柠檬酸,请参照第10章的说明)。用手振动玻璃杯,使内容物混合均匀。等待3分钟后加入1/2杯苹果汁,然后立刻喝下。你可以用葡萄汁或菠萝汁替代,只要它们是新鲜果汁,但千万不要购买添加了维他命C的果汁或者使用橙汁。橙汁会阻碍二氧化氯的生成。
As Ihave said, the reason for using fresh juice is that most juices have vitamin Cadded as a preservative. It makes the juice last longer and it is good for you,but it inhibits the release of chlorine dioxide. It can even prevent you fromgetting the results that you want from taking MMS. So, if you do usestore-bought juice, make sure that it does not say that vitamin C has been added.If it does, you can always drink it several hours before or after taking MMS. 我前面已经说明过,使用新鲜果汁是因为大多数瓶装果汁都添加了维他命C作为防腐剂。Vc能够延长果汁的有效期限,对人体也有益,但是它会抑制二氧化氯的释放。它会使你无法获得原本可以通过服用MMS而享有的效果。因此,如果您使用了商店贩卖的果汁,请确保里面没有添加维他命C。如果确实含有Vc,可以在服用MMS几个小时前后饮用。
Allowingthe drops and vinegar to sit more than 3 minutes is not necessarily a problem.The chlorine dioxide in the drops begins to separate and the chlorine goes offinto the air. Thus, the concentrate of chlorine dioxide remains fairly constantfor up to 10 minutes; however, tiny amounts of chlorine do remain in thesolution. Putting a lid on the container makes the chlorine dioxide muchstronger. Some people do this to make a stronger drink. The very best practiceis to not allow the drops and acid to sit for longer than 3 minutes beforeadding your juice and drinking it. 将MMS和醋的混合液静置3分钟以上并不会造成什么问题。MMS液滴中的二氧化氯开始分离,氯进入到空气中。因此,二氧化氯的浓度最多可维持10分钟;然而,溶液中确实还留有微量氯。给容器盖上盖子能使二氧化氯更浓。有些人便是用这样的方法制造更强浓的饮剂。最好的做法就是在添加果汁和饮用前等待的时间不要超过3分钟。
Toensure a strong drink of chlorine dioxide, drink it immediately after addingthe juice. (It’s not dangerous to allow it to sit longer, just not aseffective). Juices that can be used are apple juice, grape juice, pineapplejuice, and cranberry juice. Again, do not use orange juice. Orange juiceprevents the production of chlorine dioxide, and thus prevents MMS from beingeffective. 为了保证二氧化氯饮剂的浓度足够高,请在添加果汁后立刻喝下溶液(等待一段时间并不会产生什么危险,但效果会降低)。可使用的果汁有苹果汁、葡萄汁、菠萝汁和小红莓汁。我要再次强调,请勿使用橙汁。橙汁会抑制二氧化氯的形成,继而导致MMS失效。
AdditionalTechnical Stuff: This is just to further clarify some points madeearlier. There are two levels of deterioration that take place when we aretalking about a dose of MMS: 其他技术信息:这些信息是为了进一步阐明早前提出的一些要点。当我们谈及一份剂量MMS时,发现了两个层面的退化:
1.The first thing that deteriorates is the sodium chlorite. After the vinegar isadded, the sodium chlorite begins to deteriorate releasing chlorine dioxideinto the solution. A chlorine dioxide ion is an extremely small particle thatcontains a tremendous amount of energy and power. 2.Chlorine dioxide is not very stable and it too quickly begins to deteriorate. Achlorine dioxide ion retains its ability to destroy pathogens, diseased cells,poisonous substances, and other harmful items for only about 60 minutes. Itbegins to lose its energy within seconds after being released from the sodiumchlorite, but it can usually do its job for up to 60 minutes. By the end of anhour or so, it has deteriorated to the point that it will no longer destroypathogens, but it can still combine with various other chemicals. 1. 首先退化的是亚氯酸钠。加入醋之后,亚氯酸钠开始退化,释放二氧化氯到溶液中。一个二氧化氯离子是非常小的微粒,但却包含了非常多能量和效力。 2.二氧化氯不是非常稳定,很快开始退化。一个二氧化氯离子破坏病原体、疾病细胞、有毒物质和其他有害物的能力可保持大约60分钟。二氧化氯从亚氯酸钠中被释放出来后的几秒钟内就开始失去能量,但是在60分钟内都能完成自己的工作。一小时快结束之时,它已经退化得不再能破坏病原体,但是还能与各种其他化学物质结合。
Okay,so maybe “a tremendous amount of energy” isn’t very scientific, but let’s justsay that chlorine dioxide begins to deteriorate almost immediately andcontinues until it is no longer chlorine dioxide. It separates into itsconstituents of chlorine, oxygen, and energy—nothing else. The chlorine and oxygenhave lost their charge and thus are not active. “非常多的能量”这一说法也许不是很科学,我们可以说二氧化氯几乎立刻就开始退化并一直持续到它不再是二氧化氯为止。它可分离为各个成分:氯、氧和能量,不再有其他物质。氯和氧已经失去了能量,因此没有活性。 Thedeterioration of chlorine dioxide in the human body leaves absolutely nothingbehind. The process of destroying pathogens and other harmful items in the bodyleaves nothing behind but dead pathogens, and again, chloride and oxygen thatcan only become a part of the water of the body. 二氧化氯在体内的退化反应显然不会留下什么有害物质。在体内破坏病原体和其他有害物质的过程留下的是死亡的病原体,再无其他。同样,氯和氧只会变成体内水分的一部分。
Arnoldand I founded the Malaria Solution Foundation. He was in charge. I withdrewfrom that foundation when I realized its members were not very committed totreating malaria in Africa. They informed me that they had plenty of money andmillions to spend treating malaria in Africa, but they continued with miningand rice distribution programs and nothing happened with the program todistribute MMS in Africa. If they were really committed, but were just toobusy, they could have sent me. Arnold和我组建了疟疾溶液基金会(Malaria Solution Foundation),Arnold是负责人。当我意识到基金会的成员并不热心于在非洲治疗疟疾时,我退出了。他们告诉我,他们可以投入许多钱用于在非洲治疗疟疾,但他们继续热衷于采矿和大米分发计划,而没有付诸任何行动于MMS非洲分发计划。如果他们真的非常坚定而只是太忙碌的话,他们原本可以派我前去。
Wehave the cure for the disease that has been the biggest killer of humans forhundreds of years. So while millions of people have been suffering and dying,what has the Malaria Solution Foundation been doing? They have been over inAfrica giving out rice bran packets to school children. That’s a nice program.It’s nice to help children, but our organization was formed to solve theproblem of malaria. I may be beating this point to death, but there were anumber of people who could not see why I left the foundation to concentrate onwriting this book 我们已经治愈了疟疾;多少年来,疟疾一直是人类的头号杀手。当无数人在因疟疾而受罪甚至死亡时,疟疾溶液基金会应该做些什么呢?他们在非洲向学童发放米糠。这也是一个很好的计划,它能帮助儿童;但我们成立这个组织原本是以解决疟疾问题为目标的。我可能有点过于死盯着这点不放,但有太多人不理解为什么我离开基金会、专注于写这本书。
Afterseveral years, I finally realized that I could not leave the MMS information intheir hands. If I did, the world would never learn about it. This informationsimply cannot be owned or controlled by any one person or group. The MalariaSolution Foundation Web site (malariasolution.com) will tell you much about theprograms that we conducted in Africa and maybe give you more confidence in whatI have been saying—MMS really works. (This site, by the way, was finished inthe last part of 2006, 5 years after I was first told that they were going toput up a good site). Their last trip to Malawi was last year, and it hadnothing to do with curing malaria in that country. It had to do withdistributing rice bran packets to orphanages. That is a feel good program; butthe goal of the Foundation is not being addressed. 几年后,我终于意识到我不能将MMS相关信息留在他们手中。如果我这么做的话,全世界人民将永远不会了解它。MMS不应当由任何人或任何组织拥有或控制。疟疾溶液基金会的网站(malariasolution.com)将告诉你我们如何在非洲展开计划,并且让你对我所说的一切更有信心——MMS确实有作用(顺便说一下,这个网站于2006年12月建成,也就是他们第一次告知我将建立一个优秀网站的5年后)。他们最后一次去马拉威是在去年,但这次旅程与在该国治疗疟疾一点关系也没有。他们去那里是给孤儿院发放米糠。那也是一个很棒的计划,但基金会的目标没有得以实现。
Ifyou are interested in obtaining additional verification of the validity of MMS,you might contact the Malawi government. They conducted their own separatetests with MMS which produced the same results we achieved in the prison: 90%of malaria patients were cured in less than 24 hours and 100% were cured in 48 hours.No other treatment has ever reached even a 10% cure rate in 24 or 48 hours. 如果您有兴趣获取关于MMS有效性的其他证据,可以联系马拉威政府。他们用MMS展开了独立试验,其结果与我们在监狱做的试验结果一致:90%的疟疾病人在不到24小时内治愈,100%患者在48小时内痊愈。还没有其他治疗方法能在24或48小时内达到10%的治愈率。
Ihave included two pictures of blood samples on the following page. Thesepictures were taken with a dark-field microscope that was designed especiallyfor viewing blood. The first picture shows the blood of a person before takinga dose of MMS. All the cells shown are red blood cells. Notice how the cellsare all touching one another and clumped together. This is an unhealthycondition. This person needs more water and minerals. 我在下一页展示了两幅血液样本的照片。这些照片是用专为观察血液而设计的超显微镜拍摄的。第一张照片是某位病人服用MMS前的血液,照片中呈现的所有细胞都是红血球。请注意这些细胞如何相互接触并聚集在一起。这是不健康的状态。该患者需要更多水和矿物质。
Thesecond picture shows the blood of the same person 1.5 hours after taking a10-drop dose of MMS with the vinegar, the 3-minute wait, and added water. Notethat the red blood cells are no longer sticking together, but more importantly,the circles show three white blood cells moving towards the larger crystallineblood clot. They will ingest the clot trapping the crystalline particles.Although you cannot see movement in still pictures, these white blood cellswere up to 10 times more active than normal after MMS was taken. A video ofthis blood shows the movement. 第二张照片显示了同一病人在服用了10滴MM与醋的混合液(混合后等待3分钟再加入水)后1.5小时的血液样本。红血球不再粘在一起,但更重要的是,圆圈指出的3个白血球正在朝着更大的晶体状血块移动;它们将吞噬这种抑制结晶微粒的血块。尽管你在静止图片中看不到这种移动,但在服用MMS后这些白血球的活性比普通状态下高10倍。血液样本的视频录像可以展示这种运动。
Ifyou have Internet access, visit the following site to view these items: <www.miraclemineral.org>. 如果您可以上网,可登录下面这个网站浏览以上信息:<www.miraclemineral.org>。
Youmay not believe it, but for years the U.S. FDA has been suppressing all realcancer cures, as well as information concerning how vitamins prevent heartattacks, and all other information regarding products that may in any way reducethe income of the large pharmaceutical companies (Big PHARMA). Please don’ttake my word for it; become informed. Read the information available on theInternet. Just go to any search engine and search on “FDA Suppression.” Thereis voluminous documentation from as early as the 1930’s. You will see, theyhave put authors in jail and told them that they will only withdraw theaccusations if the author will withdraw his claims. Once the author has lostall of his money and is tired of fighting he gives up. There are hundreds ofmedical facts that are being suppressed right now that would save thousands oflives around the world. There are many records of people who have died undervery questionable conditions when they have tried to inform the public. Pleasedon’t write this off as a bunch of crazy conspiracy nonsense. MMS is one moremedical fact that they will try to suppress. Try it so you will know that itworks. Your life and the lives of thousands, even millions, are at stake. Isn’tthat important enough to at least try it once? Spend a couple of hoursresearching this issue. The facts are there. 您也许不相信,但事实的确是如此:美国FDA多年以来一直在压制所有真正的癌症治疗方法、关于维他命如何预防心脏病发作的信息以及所有 “可能减少大型医药公司(Big PHARMA)收入的产品”的相关信息。请不要把我说的话当回事,只要知道就好。您可以在网络上阅读相关信息,使用任何搜索引擎来搜索“FDASuppression(FDA压制)”一词。 还有大量来自20世纪30年代早期的文檔。你将会发现,他们已经将作者关进监狱并告诉作者如果撤销他的声明他们就不再起诉他。一旦作者失去所有钱财并厌倦了斗争,就会放弃。还有无数的医学事实正在受到压制,这些事实可以挽救全世界无数人的生命。还有许多人死于非常可疑的状况,他们都曾经试图将事实公之于众。 请不要认为这是疯狂的胡说。MMS也是他们想要压制的又一个医学事实。请试用一下MMS,您将会发现它的作用。您的生命、还有无数人的生命都处于危急关头。因此,难道不应该至少试用一次MMS吗?请花上几个小时来研究这一问题,事实摆在这里。
TreatingSymptoms 治疗症状 Modernmedicine, by way of doctors, treats symptoms. The majority of the drugs you buyat pharmacies (99%) focus on treating symptoms. In other words, if you have aheadache, the doctor gives you something for the pain, but doesn’t figure outwhat is causing the headache. If you can’t sleep, the doctor gives you a drugthat helps you sleep, but doesn’t figure out what is keeping you awake. If youget arthritis in the knee, the doctor gives you a drug for the pain, butdoesn’t figure out the reason for the arthritis. If you have poor digestion,the doctor gives you a tablet that neutralizes the acid in your stomach andallows the food to go through your system without being digested. He doesn’tfind the cause of the poor digestion, or even give you something that willdigest the food. There are a thousand different drugs directed at symptoms andone side effect of many of these drugs is death. All drugs have side effects.Death is not a possible side effect of all of them, but most of them havecaused a death at one time or another. 医生用现代医学治疗症状。你在药局购买的大多数药品(99%) 都以治疗症状为主。也就是说,如果你头痛,医生会给你止痛药,但不会弄清楚引发头痛的原因。如果你失眠,医生会给你帮助睡眠的药物,但不会深究什么使你无法入眠。假若你的膝盖有关节炎,医生会给你开止痛药,但不会帮你找出关节炎的诱因。如果你消化不良,医生则给你开一些能中和胃酸、使食物在无需消化的情况下通过身体系统的药片。他不会找出导致消化不良的病因,甚至也不会为你提供一些能消化食物的东西。许多药都是以症状为目标,而这些药物的副作用往往是致死。所有药品都有副作用,死亡并非所有药的副作用,但大多数药物都可能在某个时候导致死亡。
Whydo you suppose the drugs of the world, especially in America, have been createdto treat symptoms and not the causes of diseases? It’s no secret that drugsonly treat symptoms. Most people already know this, just ask anyone interestedin health. Medical drugs treat symptoms and all of the medical researchconducted by pharmaceutical companies is directed towards treating symptoms andnot towards finding the causes of problems. Well, the reason is that if youfind the cause of a disease or health problem, you can usually cure theproblem. In that case, you cannot continue to sell the drug over and over untilthe person dies. Billions of dollars are involved. Treating symptoms does notcure or change the problem. Why hasn’t there been any significant advancementin cancer treatment technology in 100 years? With one or two minor exceptions,the same treatments are used today as were used more than 100 years ago. Theworld has made dramatic advancements in almost everything except the treatmentof cancer and other diseases. They have refined the treatments, made the drugspurer, made the needles better, made the X-ray machines better, made therecords better, made the timers that time the treatments better, but thetreatments themselves have not changed. 为什么说世界上(特别是在美国)的药物都是为了治疗症状而非疾病病因而创造呢?药品只能治疗症状,这早已不是秘密。只要你问问任何关注健康的人,就会发现许多人清楚地知道这一点。医疗药品是用来治疗症状的;医药公司展开的所有医学研究都是以“治疗症状”而非“指出疾病病因”为导向。原因在于,如果找出疾病或或健康问题的原因,往往就能治愈疾病或解决问题;这样,医药公司就没办法不断继续销售药品直至病人死亡。 这关系到数十亿美元。而治疗症状则不会治愈或改变问题。为什么过去100年来癌症治疗技术都没有取得重大进展呢?除了一两个例外之外,如今使用的治疗方法与100多年前的还是一样。除了癌症和其他疾病的治疗外,这个世界几乎在所有方面都取得了巨大进步。人们已经促使治疗方法更完美、药物更纯净、注射针更完善、X线仪器更卓越、病历记录更全面、定时器能更准确地为治疗计时,但是,治疗本身却没有任何改善。
Thepharmaceutical companies spend billions of dollars on two lawyers and often twolaw offices for each congressman and each senator in the United States. Theyhave tried again and again to suppress vitamins. I don’t have time to cover allof the facts here. Please become informed on this subject. The data and theproof are available. The truth cannot be suppressed. Justread the thousands of documents available on the Internet. The pharmaceuticalcompanies spend billions influencing Congress under the pretense that they areinterested in public safety. Do you imagine that we would be much safer ifwe didn’t know about vitamins? The truth affects all countries of the world. Atthis time, the FDA has just informed the public that it intends to shut downover 50% of the alternative health supplement companies. This is because theyfinally prevailed upon Congress to pass a law stating that all supplements mustbe under FDA control. 在美国,医药公司花费了数十亿美元用于聘请两名律师并成立两个法律办公室分别针对国会议员和参议院。他们一次次地压制维他命。我没有时间在此处一一陈述所有事实,但请您关注这一问题。相关资料和证据均可获取,真相是不能被掩盖的。您可以在网络上浏览很多相关文檔。医药公司打着关注公众安全的旗号投入了无数资金影响国会的决定。您相信“如果我们不了解维他命,我们将会更安全”这一观点吗?事实才能影响全世界各个国家。这一次,FDA向公众宣布他们将关闭50%以上的替代健康补充品公司。这是因为他们最终说服国会通过了一条法律:所有补充剂必须由FDA控制。
MMSis such a simple cure that it need not be relegated to doctors. Individualshave the ability to treat themselves. This means that the FDA is going to havea much harder time suppressing it. The public, the sick and suffering, have oneshort window that is now open, but we don’t know for how long. This time, theFDA cannot suppress a couple of doctors or arrest the author of a book, becausethey can’t find me. I am not tied to some expensive lab and I can move around.But they don’t have to find me to stop MMS. The billions of dollars behind themwill definitely try, because ultimately, a great part of those billions arelost if MMS becomes well known. Please, please take the attitude that maybe, justmaybe, I might be telling the truth. MMS是一种不需要医生处理的简单治疗方法,每个人都能够为自己治疗。这意味着FDA更加需要压制MMS。遭受疾病和痛苦的公众获得了一个新的希望,但我们不知道这能持续多久。FDA这一次没办法镇压医生或者逮捕书籍作者了,因为他们找不到我。我与任何实验室都没有关系,我可以四处走动。但事实上他们并没有必要找到我以便停止销售MMS;即使他们不这么做,他们身后的财团也不会坐视不理。如果MMS变得知名,医药公司将会损失无数利益。请相信,也许,我只是说也许,我将告诉你们真相。
Thisis where you come in. It now rests on your shoulders. I’ve done what I can do.It’s up to you, the readers of this book, to spread the word to the world. Itcan happen if you will tell your friends. The more people you can get to read thisbook, and the more people you tell before the pharmaceutical companies find outabout MMS, the less likely they will be able to suppress it. Up to this point,they have been so convinced that I am a charlatan that they have not paid anyattention to me. This has been my only safeguard. But when they start gettingreports of people getting well and people being cured, it will be a differentstory. This is now the fourth printing of this book. The first printing soldout and thousands of people were cured of many different diseases. Many whoused this book passed the information on to their friends, but many did not. Ifwe are going to win, many more are going to have to lend a hand, in order todistribute the book further. 这就是你们所要做的了,现在一起都靠你们了。我已经完成了我所能做的一切。你们,本书的读者们,有责任将MMS推广到全世界。如果您愿意将它告诉朋友们,就能实现这一目标。如果你们能让更多的人读这本书,就可以在医药公司采取行动前让越多人了解MMS,FDA和医药公司压制MMS的可能性就越低。到现在为止,他们一直都确信我是一个不值得他们注意的吹牛者。而这也是我的唯一保护伞。但是,一旦他们收到人们好转和被治愈的报告,情况就会有所不同了。这一版是本书的第四版。第一版售罄后,无数人的许多种不同疾病都被治愈了。许多用过这本书的人都将这一信息传递给他们的朋友,但还有许多人没有这么做。如果我们想要赢,应当有更多人帮助我们,从而将这本书传播得更广。
Thereis a point of no return. I don’t know how many people it will take to getthere, but if we can reach that point, they will no longer be able to slam thedoor in our faces. That point will be reached when enough people have learnedabout MMS, and have used it and know it works. Believe me, a few individualsisn’t enough. It will take millions who know that it works. Please join us.Either use it or just support the idea that the public deserves to know. Get asmany people to download the free book (The Miracle Mineral Solutionof the 21st Century Part I) as possible and/or have them buy Part II onlineor the hardcopy of this book. When you are successful in using MMS to helpsomeone or yourself, broadcast it widely. We may only have a few months. Weprobably have less than a year to get it to the public. The elimination andprevention of suffering, misery, and the death of millions depends upon you.(Sorry to be so dramatic, but this is a fact.) 如今已经是箭在弦上不得不发了。我不知道能聚集起多少人,但如果我们做到了的话,他们就再也不能当着我们的面无礼拒绝我们。如果有足够多的人知道MMS、使用MMS并了解其作用原理,就能实现上述目标了。请相信我,一小部分人知道是不够的,需要有了解MMS如何起效的数百万人参与进来。请加入我们吧!无论是使用它,还是只是支持“公众应当知道它”这一观点。让尽量多的人来下载免费书(21世纪的神奇矿物质溶液第I部分 TheMiracle Mineral Solution of the 21st Century Part I),或者劝说他们购买网络版第II部分或本书硬拷贝。当你成功地使用MMS帮助他人或自己时,请广为宣传。我们可能只有几个月的时间了。我们只有不到一年的时间来让公众了解MMS。“消除并预防无数人的苦难、悲惨和死亡”这一任务就取决于你们了(请原谅我说得如此戏剧化,但这就是事实)。
Again,go to Google and search on “FDA Suppression” and you will realize that I amtelling the truth. Otherwise, you will realize that what I am saying here istrue when they begin their campaigns to convince the public that the facts inthis book are false. The problem that they will have is that anyone can try it,but they will use fear to prevent millions from even considering it. That iswhy we need millions who have already tried it and know that it works. Join thecrusade. Lives are at stake. Of course, if you don’t tell your friends, the FDAand the Big PHARMA will not mount such a campaign. 同样,如果用Google搜索“FDA压制(FDA Suppression)”一词,您将会发现我所说的都是真的。或者,你将会发现我此处所说的是真的,他们开始展开运动促使公众相信这本书是虚假骗人的。他们面临的一个问题就是任何人都可以试用MMS,但他们将利用人们的担心情绪阻止无数人考虑试用MMS。这也是为什么我们需要那些已经使用过MMS并知道其作用原理的人们的帮助。人类的生命正岌岌可危。当然,如果你们不将MMS告知朋友,FDA和大型医药公司也不会部署这样的运动。
Ifyou are on a tight budget and don’t have the 10 bucks for Book II, send me anemail according to the instructions given on the copyright page at thebeginning of this book and I will email you a free copy. As you will note onthe copyright page, in the event of my death, this book becomes public domain.I apologize again for being so dramatic, but I am 76 years old and in my yearsI have learned that people would rather hear the facts than someone “beatingaround the bush.” 如果您手头较为拮据,没有十元钱购买本书第II册,请按照本书开头版权声明里的说明给我发电子邮件,我将通过邮件回寄一份免费副本给您。版权声明这一页还指出,在我死亡后这本书将不受版权限制。请原谅我这么说,但是我已经76岁高龄了,我这么多年的生活阅历告诉我:人们更宁愿听事实而不是“拐弯抹角的话”。
Ialso want to say that any excess profit earned on the sale of this book, beyondthe expenses of its distribution, will be spent in Africa towards eliminatingdiseases there. I can now state that I am part of the Kinnaman Foundation. Somoney can be donated to the African-America MMS Project at the KinnamanFoundation, and such donations are fully deductible for income tax purposes. 我还想说,本书销售所得的收益在扣去分发费用后剩下的所有利润将被用于在非洲治疗疾病。