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发表于 2017-7-21 09:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

我是萨南达,今天我来点亮你心中的光。现在已经到达地球的是一种非常强大的光能量,你可能需要一些帮助来吸收到你的身体里。你可能需要一点一点地吸收。这是我今天要来帮助的,如果你觉得你需要帮助把光吸入你身体里,请召唤我。有很多的合一存有与我在一起,他们很乐意提供帮助。你所有的指导者和导灵者也乐于服务。现在到达地球的是神性意识之光- 有人称之为基督意识。

I am Sananda and I have come today to lighten up the light in yourhearts. It is a very strong and light energy that now has reached Earth and youmight need a bit of help to absorb it in your bodies. You might need to take itin bit by bit. This is what I am helping with today. So, call on me if you feelthat you need help with absorbing the light in your bodies. I have manyco-beings with me who also gladly want to help. All your guides and leaders arealso of service. It is the light of God’s consciousness that now reaches Earth– some call it Christ consciousness.


There is now an opportunity to ascend in one’s own consciousness and becomethe beautiful being you already are deep inside. The energy is high dearchildren on Earth. The energy is high and it is slowly spreading around theEarth with warm loving rays. It embraces all that it can embrace and it loosensup and dissolves possible blockages that it finds on its path. We in the higherrealms stand by and help it find its way into people’s heart. This is why I nowsay that you should call on us if you need help with absorbing this beautifullight energy. It is a light and loving energy that now is coming down as a giftfrom Heaven.

静心一段时间,然后收到它,你的生命将变得轻松自在。你会觉得仿佛能在云端行走- 你只想跑,笑,唱歌。你的头脑会变得神清气爽,你将看到世界上所有可能存在的。没有什么是不可能的。在意识之光中,一切都变得如此容易。你应该为地球上所有的孩子感到骄傲,因为他们在地球上已经降低了的光的意识。它是存在于宇宙中有史以来最纯粹、最美丽的光。神的恩典今天照耀着地球,所以你们要向神表达敬意,感谢祂所赐给你们的祝福。

Be still for a moment and then receive it and your life will become somuch easer to live. You will feel as if you could walk on clouds – you willjust want to run, laugh and sing. Your mind will become young and light and youwill see all the possibilities that exist in the world. Nothing is impossibleany more. Everything becomes so much easier in this light of consciousness. Youshould be proud all you children on Earth for having brought down theconsciousness of Light on Earth. It is the sheerest and most beautiful of lightthat ever has existed and does exist in the Universe. It is God’s grace thatshines over Earth today, so bow your hearts to God and give him thanks for theblessing that he has given you.

我无时无刻地感恩神,因为他/她给予我们的伟大的仁慈与爱。我,耶稣/萨南达,是那么爱你,我在你现在尽我所能帮助你。能成为这个转变的一部分,我感到非常荣幸,能够与你们分享这些,我的心充满了喜悦与爱。这是地球上的一个伟大时刻,也是整个宇宙的一个重要时刻。随之而来的是更多的欢乐和感激之情。有一天,我亲爱的孩子们,你们将会明白,为什么你们会在此时被选中来到这里。因为你是在一个人类的身体里,所以比起你现在能够理解的,这是一个更大的事件。然而,在我们能够见面、分享历史片段之前,剩下的时间已经不多了– 这足以让你们了解自己在地球上的历史。

I thank Godevery day and hour for the grand mercy and love he/she has given us. I, Jesusor Sananda, love you so much and I move among you now to help you as much as Ican. It is a great honor to be part of this transformation and my heart is fullof joy and love for being able to share this with you. It is a grand time onEarth and a big moment for the whole of the Universe. It is followed with muchjoy and gratitude. One day my dear children you will understand why and why itwas you who were selected to be here and now. It is a greater event than youcan understand right now, as you are in your human bodies. However, there isnot much left before we can meet and we can share pieces of the history –sufficiently for you to understand your own history here on Earth.


Many ships are now circulating around Earth. Some can be seen, but mostof them are invisible. Only a small part of humanity on Earth has been madeaware of them. Most people are not yet susceptible to this encounter, but withthe new light energy this can change in just a few moments. We are here inorder to help you and Earth forward in your transformation, up in the higherregions of Light.




I love youso much and hope for a reunion shortly.

Call formy help. I am your humble servant.




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