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发表于 2017-12-20 15:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Sananda via AnnDahlberg, September 17th, 2017

I amSananda and I have come today to tell you a story. One day a very long time agoI sat underneath a tree and talked to my apostles. I was telling them about theorigin of life and that everything is coming from our Father/Mother God andthat we were created by him. I said we are co-creators of our own lives. One ofthe apostles then said – Is not everything already predetermined? I said wehave free will on Earth and even if our intentions are to create a pre-destinedfate on Earth it is not for sure that it will turn out that way. Together withyour guides you have decided to obtain a certain experience on Earth, but onceyou come down you have forgotten whom you are and what you are supposed to bedoing. – How am I then going to complete my contract another apostle iswondering? I looked at him and answered – By being in your heart. Your heartshows which path you should follow. If you have already closed your heart thepath might be difficult, but you will always have the Angels with you who aretrying to open it up again. Sometimes the road is so difficult that they arehaving difficulties to get through, but they never give up hope for your soul.You always have the opportunity to open up your heart and heal your wounds.They thought about this for a moment and then wondered if it was possible to returnto God if you were a lost being who was driven by evil intent. I answered thatwe all have been driven by evil intent, but we have all tried to improve and tostart our journey to seek God. We have asked for forgiveness and we have askedfor help to walk a lighter and better path – Blessed are the penitent as theycan again find their God and their love in their heart. An open heart is aloving heart. They looked suspiciously at me and wondered how a wicked personcould become benevolent again. I understood their thoughts and I said that if aperson is showered with love a small light might appear. This light can becomelarger and stronger and gradually it can open up your heart so that eventuallysome light might leak out into the world. Many wonders might happen, but thewonder of love is the largest of all wonders. I smiled towards them and said –Give your heart nourishment, let a large fire burn in your heart and you willbecome one of God’s servants of light. God is love and in your heart there is alight of this love. – Does everybody have this light in their heart one apostlewondered? Yes, everybody has a light. Some care for it and add fuel to the fireand other forget their heart and maybe there is only some glowing pieces leftfrom the large fire that once burned there. The glow can however never beextinguished. It is part of your life here on Earth. Your positive andbenevolent thoughts and deeds contribute to keeping the fire within you alive.Your evil thoughts and deeds diminish the fire and make it less alive.

我是萨南达,今天我来告诉你们一个故事。在很久以前的一天,我坐在树下,和我的使徒们聊天。我告诉他们生命的起源,所有的一切都来自于我们的父神/母神,我们是由他创造的。我说,我们是我们自己生活的共同创造者。其中一个弟子说,不是说一切都已经预先设定好了吗?我说,我们在地球上有自由意志,即使我们的意图是在地球上创造一种注定的命运,也不能确定它成为成那样。你和你的指导灵一起决定在地球上获得一定的经验,但是一旦你投身下来,你就忘记了你是谁,你应该做什么。另一个使徒问,我该怎样才能完成我的契约呢?我看着他,回答说— 经由你们的内心。你们的心告诉你应该走哪条路。如果你们已经把自己的心封闭了,那么这条路可能会很艰难,但是你们总是有天使陪着,天使想要再次把它打开。有时,道路是如此艰难,以至于他们很难达成,但他们永远不会放弃对你灵魂的希望。你们总是有机会敞开心,疗愈你的伤口。他们思考了一会儿,然后想知道如果是一个被邪恶意图驱使的迷失的人,是否还有可能回到神那里。我回答说,我们都被邪恶的意图所驱使过,但我们都在努力改进,寻找神的道路。我们请求宽恕,我们请求帮助,走一种更轻便、更好的道路——悔过的人有福了,因为他们能再次在他们的心里找到神和他们的爱。敞开的心是充满爱的。他们怀疑地看着我,想知道一个邪恶的人怎么能再次变得仁慈。我理解他们的想法,我说,如果一个人沐浴在爱中,那么一点微小的光就会发亮。这种光会变得越来越大,逐渐地,它会打开你的心,最终光会涌出到这个世界。许多奇迹可能会发生,但爱的奇迹是所有奇迹中最大的。我对他们微笑着说,给你的心以滋养,让巨大的火焰在你的心里燃烧,你就会成为神的光的仆人。神是爱,在你的心里都有一种爱之光。一个使徒很想知道---每个人心中都有这样的光? 是的,每个人都有光。一些人关注它,将燃料添加到火中,另一些人忘记了他们的心,也许只有一些在大火中燃过的余烬留在那里。然而,这种光永远不会被熄灭。它是你在地球上生命的一部分。你的正向仁慈的思想和行为有助于你保持内心的火焰的活力。你的邪恶的思想和行为让火焰变小,让它变得微弱。

Enjoy lifedear apostles, enjoy life, laugh and be happy, as it is then that you spreadyour rays of love that can heal both yourselves and others that you encounteron the way. Listen to your heart and be in your own truth. The sword stands forthe truth and splits darkness and lies. It is the sword of light that youshould hold in your hand – The sword that stands for truth, love and light. Itlights up the dark and reveals what lies hidden their. Nothing can remainhidden to the light my dear apostles. When the light is lit all over the Earththe dark will flee in all directions in order to try to find some hideout wherethey can remain hidden. When the light has ignited enough hearts the dark canno longer remain. It is then that Earth is reborn to a light being in serviceto God. – When will this happen they wondered and looked expectantly towardsme? I smiled and said – The time is always now my dearfriends, the time is always now and with this I left them to think about what Ihad said.


The timeis now my dear brothers and sisters. The time is now to throw some firewood onto the fire. The light has returned and it beams down from Heaven down to you.Mother Earth shines from inside and your radiance becomes broader and larger.


I love youJesus (Sananda)



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