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发表于 2018-10-31 12:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Sananda via James McConnell, October 7th, 2018

Iam Sananda.
Itis always a pleasure to be with you in these ways to continue to work with youto continue to be able to express a new higher level of consciousness that allof you are moving toward, that all of you are preparing for.

Wehave spoken of the storm.  Many have spoken of this stormnow.  The storm that is still yet approaching.  Before astorm arrives, there is always that calmness before the storm.  You arenow in that calmness.  As before an earthquake strikes, there is aneerie calm with everything, all life forms.  So too now, there isthat calm now.   I tell you now:   when this calmlifts and the storm finally does come, you will know it.  You will knowit as the many truths are revealed:  not only here in this country,but across the entire planet, almost as if a wave of truth were to spreadacross.

Knowthat you—each one of you—are that wave of truth.  You are thecatalyst for the truth to come forward.  You are the ones you havebeen waiting for.  Yes, you have much help.  Much help fromabove, much help from below.  Much help from even here on the surfaceof the planet, many that have come forward to spread the light.  Theyare doing so.  You are doing so.

Thereare still those pockets of darkness.  Still those ones stillattempting to hold off the inevitable, hold off the storm fromarriving.  They know they cannot do it much longer.  Manyhave already surrendered. Many have turned to the light.  Thereare still those ones, those stubborn ones, that hold on, thinking somehow theywill be miraculously rescued.  But alas, that is not tobe.  They have almost worn out their welcome.  And whenthings finally do begin to come to fulfillment, come to be revealed, they willbe standing there without anything to assist them any longer.  No onewill jump to their commands any longer. Once they have no support, theirtime will be up.  That is coming.

Revealingsof truth are coming.  Turnout of your financial system iscoming.  Many announcements are being prepared.  Manydifferent ways and many different kinds.  Yes, even your brothersfrom above up in the ships are preparing for those times when they can come andbe revealed, not only to those of you who have already been seeing them, but toall of mankind.  When it is safe for them, they will revealthemselves. But as Ashtar and Aramdahave said, they are already in the process now of revealing themselves to many,many more.  Many new sightings will occur.  For this cannotbe stopped.
Thosethat were in power are no longer in power.  It only appears yetso.  But their time is nearly over.  Yours is justbeginning.

Iam Sananda.  I have always been with you, am with you now, and willalways be with you, even until the ends of time as you know it.

Peaceand love be with all of you.


【觉醒家园】 www.awaker.info

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