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发表于 2019-7-3 06:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

翻译:Nick Chan

I am Sananda.


As always, it is a pleasure to be able to be with you to communicate with you in these ways, knowing that in the not-too-far-off future this type of communication will no longer be necessary. For you will receive your own telepathic communication not only from myself, but from all of your guides, all of those that are mentoring to you. All of you are being prepared for these types of communications to be able to assist you to continue to guide you through this ascension process.


And yes, my Dear Friends, it is a process. Your ascension is a process. And you are all going through this process now at this time. There is not a one of you that is on this call, there is not a one of you that would resonate to these words that is not going through the ascension process at this time.


Now the full ascension becomes a different story, because some of you will take longer to go through this process. Others may, upon the snap of a finger, be able to go through the full ascension as the energies continue to rise, as you continue to be able to acclimate and take these energies within you, just as you are all doing now.


You speak of things such as not eating meat anymore, and that that will assure your ascension.That is not in itself what will assure your ascension.


What will assure your ascension is your choice in the matter.You choose whether you want to ascend or whether you want to stay in the three-dimensional realm or in the lower fourth dimension. You choose that. It is not for us to choose. It is for you to choose. And it is based also on the contracts that you came in with how you would want to proceed at these times.


But I can tell you that each and every one of you that are going through this ascension process now, all of you are being able to take these energies within you, these waves of energy that have been coming in and coming in, and coming in, bombarding the earth with these energies. And some of you have a more difficult time of this than others do. But that is understood. That is expected.


But always understand that even we do not know exactly how this is all going to transpire. Because as you have heard many times from many different sources, this has never been done before in the way that it is happening here, your ascension, and the ascension of a planet at the same time. This has never happened before. So we do not know exactly how this is going to occur within each and every one of you, because each and every one of you are different, and at different levels of the ascension.


But I can tell you that there are three waves of ascension that will be happening. And whether or not you are on the first wave, or the second, or the third will be up to you.


But I can also tell you that this group, and many other groups such as this are being prepared to be in that first wave.Those of you are being prepared to be in the first wave of ascension. So that once you have moved through the ascension and fully completed your own personal ascension, you will then be able to turn around and assist others behind you that are coming in the second wave, and the third wave.


That is what you have come here to do, all of you. All of you, the Lightworkers and Warriors. This is what you have come here to do: to prepare the way. Just as there were many that prepared the way for myself as Yeshua. Many who came before me. Those you know of as the Essenes, the John the Baptist, the Disciples, many of you helped to prepare the way. And I say many of you, because many of you were there in various aspects at those times.


That is why you are here now in this group, because you have been drawn back together again, those of you, the Essenes, those of you, some of you, the Disciples, if not the direct twelve that were around me, then the many more that were also around me. This is you all recapitulating those things which you learned in those times and are relearning at these times now. This is what this is all about.


And I tell you, that as these waves continue to come in, and the celestial events continue to occur as they are and will, all of this is in preparation for the grand event to come.As to the time for that, no one can say. But we can say that because of consciousness, your collective consciousness here on the planet, and all of those that are assisting in this process, both on the planet, in the planet, and above the planet, all that are assisting in the process, are bringing you closer and closer to the grand event, to that time, that moment when all will shift in the blink of an eye. That is what you have all been readying yourselves for.


That is why we have been saying “fasten your seat-belts”because the times ahead could become somewhat rocky. But that is in preparation for those times ahead that will be very calm, very blissful, and in many respects a wonderful experience that we cannot even possibly explain or help you to visualize at this time. We do what we can to assist you in understanding what this may be like. But it is truly beyond your wildest imaginations at this time of what it will actually be.


I am Sananda. I leave you now to go in peace and to continue to share the love around you, share the light to all of those who come in contact with your light. Because that is how consciousness across the planet is continuing to rise.


I step aside now and invite Our Sister, KaRa, to be with you.


Peace and love be with all of you now.


原文:https://eraoflight.com/2019/07/0 ... oice-in-the-matter/
通灵:James McConnell
翻译:Nick Chan

【觉醒家园】 www.awaker.info

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