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发表于 2020-3-26 11:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

While human activity on the Earth stops and retreats into its shell, Mother Earth regroups and heals. All will be well, because the spread of the infection will slow and stop altogether in 3 to 4 weeks from now. While it is clear that this virus is dangerous and highly infectious and its death rate high, the recovery rate will continue to rise above the death rate.

What has this pandemic been about you may ask? Is it retribution for human behaviour that discounts the cost of human life above ego? Or is it a slap on the wrist from Mother Earth for mistreating her so badly? Perhaps it is a warning of the possibilities of infection and how life on Earth could be decimated by disease so easily?

In the energy of duality and separation from the Source of Creation it is all of these things. However, in the energy of Oneness and unconditional love, or God, the highest source of energy, it is merely a consequence of the choices humans make with their free will that fly against spiritual law and that create dis-harmony, dis-equilibrium, dis-connection and dis-tance amongst souls whose spirits are all one with the light of source and thus all connected. The results are dis-ease, dear hearts, social imbalance and a world that is so far from the Christ consciousness of love, tolerance and peace that it cannot continue existing the way it has been. Low vibrations of ego such as self-service, hatred, fear, revenge and anger will attract low vibrations making the physical body much more susceptible to succumbing to disease, illness or imbalances in the many systems and functions of the body.

God, the Creator, does not judge or condemn, but he cannot interfere in the free will of a human race that continues to treat each other and the planet with such dis-respect. The light is always there on the other side of darkness and, in these dark times where the unknown looms like an ever-present shadow, re-connection to the light of Source, with or without religion, is the way to re-connection of humans to each other. How do you do this? There are so many ways!

Of course, prayer and meditation will help you to feel more grounded, centred and connected to yourself, the Earth and to God (or the higher energy of the universe) and to raise your vibrations and consciousness above the fear emanating from the human collective consciousness. Yet, you must know, dear hearts, that you have never been separate from God, the Creator, so that the love you give to yourself and others is also that of Source. Love is the highest energy of all and will also bring about the greatest change in behaviour through kindness, tolerance, understanding and compassion.

The virus must run its course and the measures of social distancing and isolation will work to curb its spread, but it is important for all humans to dis-allow this dis-ease to cause spiritual dis-connection. We, the masters of light, bring you this message at this time of global shutdown – open your hearts and minds to love and peace. Ask us for help to restore balance within your own mind, body and spirit and to help you to re-connect to your divine blueprint. You cannot imagine how powerful this one action is in bringing the world back into balance and re-alignment with the universe.

WE ARE the Masters of the Cosmic Council

通灵:Victoria Cochrane
翻译:尼克 Nick Chan

【觉醒家园】 www.awaker.info

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