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发表于 2020-5-5 13:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


The greatest co-creators on your planet are the ones who aren’t daunted by the great unknown. They connect into the realm of highest potentials with surrender, faith, flow, and trust, and then allow the process of how it is going to take on form to make itself known to them. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



Creating beyond challenges is how you discover your incredible capability. It deepens your knowing of your true empowered self which opens you up to so many more potentials and possibilities. And as you gain confidence in your ability to create, you will eventually get to the point in your empowerment journey where you will realize you can release your need to overcome something as the catalyst for change and simply embrace being a creator for the pure joy of exploration, expansion, and self expression. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


If you are feeling resistance to anything, first acknowledge the feelings that are causing the resistance. Usually you will find it is fear. Explore the fear. Ask it how it is trying to serve you. What does it need from you? Give it whatever love, reassurance, or support it needs. By moving into acceptance of the fear you will automatically begin to shift the resistance. Let it know you understand it but are now taking the reins of responsibility from it and thank it for its service.

Once you are done that, it is time to redirect. You do that through surrender. What you are wanting to surrender into is whatever your energetic preference is. So you may surrender into vibrant health, or financial wellness and satisfaction, or safe connections, or joyful, supported service – whatever your main focus for transformation is.

Feel your energetic response to the wording you choose. When you find the right combination of words, you will feel an expansiveness in your heart. This is where the gold is, Dear Ones, for when you find the energetic response that feels so good you have found the direction you can surrender into without any resistance at all.

This will allow you to effortlessly flow onto an entirely different timeline the holds your energetic preferences and the perfect solutions you knew must exist but haven’t been able to find. It is empowered redirection because all aspects of you will be in agreement with the forward movement and ready to fully embrace your expansion into the new. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



The flow is an incredibly efficient system that contains both action phases and lull phases. It is by embracing both you will harness the support and inherent gifts that exist in both phases.

Humans have a tendency to know in their hearts what phase they are in and rather than accept and embrace that knowing, make themselves wrong for it and try to force their way forward in energies that are not supportive. This is another form of resistance that rarely produces desired results because it consists of forcing rather than flowing.

Dear Ones, trust what you know. If your efforts are not being supported in one area, you are not wrong, or bad, or lazy, or permanently blocked. The energies are simply saying, not today. Redirect. What does your body really require? What is the best use of your time? What would you really like to do? What would feel good?

Don’t let the chatter of your mind talk you out of the knowing of your soul. Rest easy in the knowledge that by waiting until your efforts are supported you will be far more efficient in the long run.

If there is one thing you can count on, it is that every lull is followed by a period of forward movement. The greater the lull, the more important it is to embrace your preparation for the great wave of action that is sure to come and sweep you forward in the most profound and amazing ways. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


翻译:Nick Chan

【觉醒家园】 www.awaker.info

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