Chapter3 StabilizedOxygen, MMS, and a Contract 第3章 稳定氧、MMS及一份合约 Asstated in the previous chapter, I moved to the small town of Mina, Nevada, in2001, where I lived on a gold milling property at no cost. Dick Johnson, theowner of the property and a friend, offered me this opportunity to help me outwith my research. It gave me a few extra dollars to put towards theinvestigation of stabilized oxygen. 如上一章所述,我在2001年搬到内华达州的米纳小镇,并在一处黄金加工产权谋生。DickJohnson是该财产的所有者也是我的朋友,他给我提供了一个帮助我继续展开研究的机会。这份差事使我有一些余钱继续研究稳定氧。 Thestabilized oxygen mixture has been renamed several times since I began makingthe solution in my kitchen. It is not easy to get the chemical sodium chlorite,but if you keep at it, you can get some. It is available through many chemicalsupply houses, and I’ll tell you how to get it later in this book. I beganmaking the solution much stronger than the stabilized oxygen that is sold onthe market. For many years, stabilized oxygen was 3.5% sodium chlorite. At thistime, my solution, which I have named the Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS), is22.4% sodium chlorite. That’s almost seven times stronger than regularstabilized oxygen. This means that when I make a trip into the jungle, I cancarry seven times as much “healing power” as I was able to carry with theoriginal stabilized oxygen formula. 自我在厨房开始研制稳定氧混合溶液开始,它的名字已经改过好几次。要想获得亚氯酸钠这一化学物品并非易事,但只要你坚持就一定能成功。可以在许多化学用品店买到亚氯酸钠,而在本书的下文中我将告诉你如何获得它。我开始制作比市场上销售的稳定氧更强效的溶液。多年来稳定氧一直都是3.5%的亚氯酸钠。而我此次研制的溶液为22.4%亚氯酸钠,我给它取名为神奇矿物质溶液(MMS)。其浓度几乎是普通稳定氧的7倍。这意味着当我进入丛林探险时,我能够携带的新型“治疗力量”的剂量是最初稳定氧配方的7倍。 Letme explain what has happened. Over the past 80 years, researchers haveconducted their tests using from 5 to 20 drops, at most, of the 3.5% solution.As I started helping people with malaria and other problems, if a few dropsdidn’t work, I just gave them more. In all the research literature I have readconcerning stabilized oxygen, no one has ever increased the dosage beyond 25drops, and very few have used that many. (What happened to the old idea that if10 drops is good, 40 drops is 4 times better?) The only precaution I took wasto always try the heavier doses on myself first. Generally, I was dealing withpeople who wanted to get well, and they agreed to try it after I had tested it.I didn’t go directly from 10 drops of stabilized oxygen to 120, but eventuallyI arrived at 120 drops and used a second dose of 120 drops 1 hour later. Iincreased the dosage a little at a time until I determined what it took toovercome a problem. It is not a drug; it is a mineral solution. I am aninventor, not a doctor. I don’t even know what the Hippocratic oath says. I amnot trying to do what doctors do. Ever since I thought it was possible, my goalhas been to invent a way to help the immune system overcome malaria, and I haveaccomplished it. In my opinion, I have never put anyone at risk, and I havepersonally helped over 2,000 people. Over 75,000 people have overcome malariawith the help of people I have trained. The people treated were “cured” and nodeaths were ever reported, even though over 300 deaths could have been expectedfor a study of this size. When I say “cured” I’m referring to the fact thatthey got up, smiled, put their clothes on, and went back to work. They have notrelapsed, as far as we can tell. 让我来解释一下发生了什么。在过去80年间,研究人员已经利用5至20滴3.5%溶液展开了不同试验。当我开始帮助人们治疗疟疾和其他问题时,如果几滴不能起作用,我就会给他们用更多剂量。在我读过的所有关于稳定氧的研究文献中,从未有人将剂量增加到25滴以上,而且也很少有研究人员使用25滴这一剂量(为什么人们不再认同“如果10滴很好,那么40滴的好处就是10滴的4倍”这一古老的观念呢) 。我采用的唯一一种预防措施就是先在自己身上试验更高剂量。 我通常还会用更高剂量治疗希望好转的病人,他们会在我亲自检验之后同意尝试。我并没有直接将剂量从10滴增加至120滴,但我的最终尝试还是达到了120滴并且在1小时后再次使用了120滴这一剂量。我每次都将剂量提高一点点,直至我确定问题已解决。它不是药品,而是矿物溶液。我是发明家,而非医生。我甚至不知道希波克拉提斯宣言是什么。我尽量按照医生的做法去做。自从我知道可能实现之时起,我的目标就是发明一种方法帮助免疫系统克服疟疾,而我最终实现了这一目标。我认为我从未将任何人置于危险境地,并且亲自帮助了2000多人。有超过75,000 人在我培训过的人的帮助下治好了疟疾。这些接受治疗的人都“痊愈”了,也未报导过任何死亡事件,尽管我们预计这种规模的研究会有300多个死亡病例。我所述的“治愈”一词指人们能站起来、微笑、自己穿衣服并重新返回工作岗位。据我们所知,没有任何人旧病复发。 Didwe do double-blind and triple-blind tests? No. The money has not beenavailable. As I have said, Bill Gates will not help us until we are FDAapproved, which costs millions, but those people in Africa who went back towork feeling good didn’t care if we had FDA approval or not. When I phoned theFDA, they told me that they had no say in Africa and would not comment on myuse of MMS there, but if I want to get it approved for treatment of malaria inAmerica, that will be another story. They don’t care if it is not a drug. Theminute I say treatment of any disease, it becomes a drug and it must undergocountless tests and laboratory evaluations, which run anywhere from $50 millionupwards. 我们是否进行了双盲和三盲测试呢?答案是没有,因为没有足够资金。如我之前所说, Bill Gates不会帮助我们,除非我们获得FDA批准。获得FDA批准往往要花费数百万美元,而那些返回工作岗位并感觉良好的非洲人民并不在乎我们是否有FDA批准。当我打电话给FDA时, 他们说自己在非洲没有发言权,因此不会对我在当地使用MMS发表任何评论;但如果我想要他们批准在美国用MMS治疗疟疾,那么就另当别论了。他们并不关心MMS是不是药品。当它被用来治疗任何疾病时,它就是药品,那么就必须接受无数检测和实验室评估,而这至少需要5千万美元。 Thecountry of Malawi has approved MMS as a mineral solution that can be given toanyone, including those who are sick. They have shown a bit of reasonablelogic. It isn’t likely to happen here in the U.S. The doctors andpharmaceutical companies have lobbied Congress to the tune of billions ofdollars to have all the laws written in their favor and to produce money forthem. Every year, over 900,000 people in the U.S. die from medical drug-relatedcauses. However, when just one person died in 1 year from an amino acid foundin a health food store, the FDA ordered that amino acid to be removed from allhealth food stores in the U.S., in spite of the fact that it had helped morepeople than most drugs. Now, years later, that amino acid still cannot be sold.The particular amino acid was replacing a drug and was costing the drugcompanies money. The drug companies and the FDA are always ready to pounce onanything that might eat into the profits of the pharmaceutical companies. 马拉威已经批准MMS是一种可供任何人饮用的矿物质溶液,包括病人在内。该国的做法倒是有一点合理和符合逻辑,而在美国不会发生这样的情况。医生和医药公司已经花费了数十亿美元游说国会制定有利于他们的法律,为他们带来更多利润。在美国,每年都有超过900,000人死于药物相关事件。然而,只要1年内有一个人因健康食品商店内的氨基酸而死亡,FDA就会勒令美国所有的健康食品店停止销售氨基酸,尽管氨基酸比大多数药品更有益于人们。而直到多年后的现在,氨基酸仍然无法销售。氨基酸正在逐渐替代药品并让药品公司蒙受损失。药品公司和FDA总是不顾一切地打击可能侵蚀医药公司利益的任何事物。 Solong as one is promoting a mineral solution in the attempt to make people feelbetter, there is no criticism. So long as one is promoting a mineral solutionattempting to make people healthier, there is no criticism. But the minute oneattempts to treat someone for some specific condition with a solution that hasbeen used for 80 years, then that is a different story. You must be a doctor,you must do clinical trials, and you must have $100 million for double- andtriple-blind tests, and to meet the dozens of other requirements. No one offersto furnish the money. They just tell you what you are required to do. How dareyou try to treat someone for a disease! Only doctors and pharmaceuticalcompanies are permitted to do that. 只要人们努力推广矿物质溶液从而使人感觉更好,就不会再有批评声;只要人们推广矿物质溶液从而使人更健康,就不会再有批评声。但是,一旦用一种已经使用了80年的溶液来治疗某些特殊疾病,情况就有所不同了。你必须是医生,必须完成临床试验,还必须有1亿美元来进行双盲和三盲检验,此外你还必须符合其他各种要求。没有人会为你提供金钱。他们只会告诉你需要做些什么。所以,叫人怎么敢尝试为他人治疗疾病?只有医生和医药公司才被允许做这些事。 Thereare many people in America who realize that drugs only treat the symptoms, notthe causes of a disease. Why would a company bother to research how to besttreat the symptoms of a disease instead of attempting to find a cure for thedisease? A lot of us have asked this question, but not the FDA. Perhaps it’sbecause they know the answer: As long as the drug companies are only treatingthe symptoms, they won’t cure the disease and they can go on selling their druguntil the person dies. 很多美国人都认为药物可以治疗症状,但并不会引发疾病。为什么医药公司总是在研究如何最好地治疗疾病的症状,而不是试图找出治愈疾病的方法呢?大部分人都提出了这个问题,但FDA并不这么认为。也许是因为FDA知道答案:药品公司只会治疗症状,他们不会治愈疾病,这样他们就能继续销售药品直至人们死亡。 Severalwealthy people offered to pay to distribute MMS throughout the country ofHaiti. They wanted to eliminate malaria in Haiti. But when we approached morethan 15 clinics there, we found that they were controlled by doctors in theU.S. The doctors in the U.S. were determined to keep us from giving our mineralsolution to a single person. Haiti did not receive the solution and thousandsstill have malaria. 一些富人愿意出钱帮助在海地全国分发MMS。他们希望在海地消除疟疾。但当我们到达当地的15个诊所时,我们发现美国医生已经接管了一切。美国医生下定决心阻止我们向任何一个人提供矿物质溶液。因此,海地人并未获得我们的溶液,无数人还在遭受疟疾折磨。 Hasanyone been hurt? No. Thousands of people with malaria have taken MMS and theyare now happy and well. No one has claimed any lasting, negative side effect.There has been an instant reaction in about 1 out of 100 people, but that’s nota side effect. The reaction normally lasts less than 30 minutes. Look it up ina medical dictionary or on the Internet. A side effect is an effect that a drughas on healthy cells that are not a part of a disease. An instant reaction isthe result of the body adjusting to MMS as it affects diseased cells or diseasecausing germs. There are no effects on healthy cells. 有人受伤吗?没有!许多服用了MMS的疟疾患者如今仍非常健康快乐地活着。没有任何人报导任何持续性的副作用。100人中大约有一个会出现瞬间反应,但这并不是副作用。瞬间反应通常持续不到30分钟。你可以在医学字典或网络上查询,副作用指药物对不属于疾病一部分的健康细胞的影响作用,而瞬间反应则是当MMS作用于疾病细胞或疾病产生的细菌时身体为了适应这一作用过程而产生的结果。瞬间反应不会影响健康细胞。 Weknow that MMS (22.4% sodium chlorite) generates chlorine dioxide (CLO2) whenmixed with vinegar. The reason it produces chlorine dioxide when mixed withvinegar is because the acetic acid (in the vinegar) causes the solution to beneutralized or to become slightly acidic. MMS is normally extremely alkaline.When it is made acidic, by adding the vinegar, it becomes slightly unstable andbegins to release chlorine dioxide. By measuring the drops and the acetic acid,we know that it creates about 3 mg of chlorine dioxide in approximately 3minutes. When we add apple juice (or some other juice without vitamin C), itdilutes the solution so that there is about 1 ppm chlorine dioxide in the totalapple juice mixture. MMS continues to generate chlorine dioxide, but now at amuch slower rate. 我们知道MMS (22.4%亚氯酸钠)与醋混合时会产生二氧化氯(CLO2),这是因为醋中的乙酸可使溶液变成中性或者轻度酸性。MMS通常是碱性极高的,当通过添加醋使它变成酸性时,它会有一些不稳定并开始释放二氧化氯。通过测量溶液和乙酸,我们知道它能在大约3分钟后产生3mg二氧化氯。当我们加入苹果汁(或者某些其他不含维他命C的果汁),它会稀释溶液,使最终的苹果汁混合液中的二氧化氯含量大约为1 ppm。MMS继续产生二氧化氯,但产生速率已经大幅减缓。 Chlorineand chlorine dioxide have been used to purify water and kill pathogens inhospitals, and for many other antiseptic uses for more than 100 years. Lately,chlorine dioxide has been used more and more frequently, especially to purifywater. The FDA has authorized its use for the cleaning of chicken, beef, andother foods. Research has proven chlorine dioxide to be much safer thanchlorine, as it is selective for pathogens when used in water and it does notcreate compounds from other constituents in the water, which chlorine does.Simple chemistry tells us that without a doubt, the same situation exists inthe body. It has been proven that chlorine in drinking water creates at leastthree different carcinogenic compounds when it enters the body, but no suchcompounds have been found with the use of chlorine dioxide. In 1999, theAmerican Society of Analytical Chemists stated that chlorine dioxide is themost powerful pathogen killer known to man. 100多年来,氯和二氧化氯一直被用于医院内净化水和杀灭病原体以及许多其他抗菌用途。近年来,二氧化氯则被越来越多地用于净化水。FDA已经批准将其用于清洁鸡肉、牛肉和其他食物。研究已证实二氧化氯比氯更安全,因为它被用于杀死水中的病原体时不会像氯那样通过水中的其他成份形成某些化合物。简单的化学知识告诉我们,体内也毫无疑问存在同样的情况。已有研究证实,饮用水中的氯进入体内后至少会产生三种不同的致癌化合物,而使用二氧化氯则尚未发现此类化合物。1999年,美国分析化学师
协会发表声明指出二氧化氯是目前已知的最强效的病原体杀手。 Ifthis is the case—and it is—then you would think that the pharmaceuticalcompanies might say to themselves, “Hmm, if chlorine dioxide is such a powerfulkiller of bacteria, viruses, and other germs, and since it is used to killviruses on foods throughout the food industry, maybe, just maybe, it can beused to kill those things in the human body.” But no, they want to developdrugs that make you feel a little bit better, which you will buy again andagain. No point in creating something that’s going to cure a person with justone dose! Pharmaceutical companies should have discovered it 100 years ago, butthey didn’t. You might say this is just my opinion, my truth, but I am going tohave to call it a fact, because it is such an obvious truth. There is no excusefor why research has not been conducted on a solution that has been used for100 years to kill disease-causing germs. The pharmaceutical companies not onlyhave not done the research, they have actually refused to test stabilizedoxygen many times. 如果情况确是如此(事实上的确是这么回事),那么你完全可以想象医药公司可能会对自己说什么,“如果二氧化氯能如此强力地杀灭细菌、病毒和其他细菌,而且能在整个食品行业内被用于杀死食物上的病毒,那么也许(只是说也许)可用它来消灭人体内的病毒。”但它们并未这么认为,医药公司只会希望开发一些让病人稍有好转的药物,这样人们才会不停地反复购买药品。对他们而言,只需一次剂量便可治愈病人的东西毫无意义!医药公司原本应该在100年前就已经这么做,但他们没有做到。你也许会认为这只是我的观点,但我要称之为事实,因为这的确是一个如此明显的真相。没有任何借口可以解释为什么医药公司尚未研究这样一种“100年来被用于杀死疾病所引发细菌”的溶液。医药公司不仅没有展开这样的研究,甚至还多次拒绝测试稳定氧。 Sowhat happens when you put stabilized oxygen into the body? First, it goes downinto the stomach. There are dozens of research papers that state that when itcomes in contact with strong stomach acids it immediately breaks down intooxygen. However, they don’t describe the tests used to prove this hypothesis. Itested stomach acids in a glass and never had this result. I even triedtripling the strength of the acid in the glass to three times the acid thatwould normally be found in the stomach, and it never immediately broke down thesodium chlorite. In fact, it didn’t increase the speed of the production ofchlorine dioxide beyond approximately 1/100 of a milligram per hour—in otherwords, it essentially didn’t increase it at all. Of course, all that can becreated when the sodium chlorite does break down is chlorine dioxide and sodium(an insignificant amount). That is all there is; there isn’t anything elseleft. The chlorine dioxide “explodes” when it touches items that are a greatdeal different than cells of the body by accepting five electrons withtremendous energy. The items that cause this “explosion” are almost alwaysthings that are bad for the body. Otherwise, it simply bounces off healthycells. There is more about this later in the book (see chapter 15), but again,chlorine dioxide is the oxidizer here, not oxygen. 那么,当你将稳定氧放入体内后会发生什么呢?首先,它会进入胃。已有研究论文指出当稳定氧与强烈的胃酸接触后,便会即刻分解为氧。然而,这些文献并未描述用于证实这一假设的试验。我在玻璃杯内检验了胃酸,但从未取得上述结果。我甚至将玻璃杯内的胃酸浓度提高为胃中浓度的三倍,但仍然没有对亚氯酸钠起到分解作用。事实上,它并未能将二氧化氯生成速度提高到1毫克/小时的1/100以上,也就是说,根本没有任何作用。当然,亚氯酸纳分解时产生的物质只有二氧化氯和钠 (产生的量并不大)。这就是形成的所有物质,再无其他。当二氧化氯与不同于身体细胞的物质接触时,可接受5个带有巨大能量的电子,从而“爆炸”。能引发这种“爆炸”的几乎都是对身体有害的物质,否则它会从健康细胞弹回。关于这一点将在本书的下文(第15章)详细论述。但我要再次强调,二氧化氯是氧化剂而不是氧。 Withoutthe use of vinegar, lemon, lime, or citric acid, a tiny amount of chlorinedioxide is all that is produced. Any benefit from the stabilized oxygen has tobe derived from the tiny amount of chlorine dioxide, because there is nothing elseexcept an insignificant amount of sodium. The oxygen that is finally releasedby the chlorine dioxide is not useable by the body. All stabilized oxygen soldon the market today is a solution of sodium chlorite; there are no electrolytesof usable oxygen to be derived from it. Thus, since stabilized oxygen didindeed provide some benefit, we know that the chlorine dioxide was responsible. 若不加入醋、柠檬、酸橙或柠檬酸,就只会产生非常少量的二氧化氯。稳定氧所带来的任何益处都只能通过这微量的二氧化氯而获得,因为除了少量钠以外再无其他任何物质。二氧化氯最终释放的氧不能被人体所用。如今市场上销售的所有稳定氧都是亚氯酸钠溶液,不能生成有用的电解质。因此,既然稳定氧确实能带来某些益处,那么一定是二氧化氯在起作用。 Theaddition of vinegar changes the conditions dramatically. A solution consistingof 20 drops of stabilized oxygen and 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of full strengthvinegar provides approximately 1 milligram of chlorine dioxide when consumed in4 ounces of juice. The chlorine dioxide remains in the body for only about 1hour. 醋的加入可极大改变状况。含有20滴稳定氧和1/4-1/2茶匙足量强度醋的溶液混合入4盎司果汁后可提供大约1毫克二氧化氯,所产生的二氧化氯能在体内停留1小时左右。 Thered blood cells that normally carry oxygen throughout the body have nomechanism to differentiate between chlorine dioxide and oxygen. Thus, in thewalls of the stomach, where the blood picks up nutrients of various kinds, ared blood cell will accept a chlorine dioxide ion that touches it. If therehappens to be a malaria parasite present, it will be destroyed and the chlorinedioxide will be destroyed as well. If there are no parasites present, the chlorinedioxide will be carried by the red blood cell to some part of the body whereoxygen would normally be used to oxidize poisons and other bad things. There,the chlorine dioxide will be released. It won’t be able to oxidize some of thethings that oxygen can oxidize, but it will have a greater capacity to oxidizethose things it can oxidize. 在体内运载氧的红血球无法区分二氧化氯和氧。胃壁上的血液可接收各种营养物,因此红血球在胃壁上一旦接触二氧化氯便会接受它。如果胃壁处正好有疟原虫,疟原虫和二氧化氯都会被破坏。如果没有病原体,红血球可将二氧化氯运送至身体的某部位,在该部位,氧通常被用于氧化有毒物质和其他有害物。同时也将释放出二氧化氯。它不能氧化那些可被氧氧化的物质,但可以更强效地氧化那些它能够氧化的物质。 Letme use an anology to explain that last paragraph. Let’s say that when an oxygenmolecule arrives it is carrying a high-caliber, high-powered rifle with onlytwo bullets. Chlorine dioxide can be compared to a Tasmanian devil carrying amachine gun of lower caliber, but with hundreds of bullets. He might not havethe power of the rifle, but with the machine gun and all his bullets he cankill hundreds of small or weak things, while the rifle has only two bullets.Fortunately, only small and weak things need to be killed. The red blood cellis a bus designed to carry oxygen, but the driver isn’t very picky and willalso carry the Tasmanian devil. Taz, the chlorine dioxide, is let off by thered blood cell at approximately the same spot where oxygen would normally belet off. The terrorists are not a bit worried; they can handle Mr. Oxygen. Butthis time there is a surprise. The guy that gets off the bus is ferocious. He’smuch worse than the oxygen that normally gets off. He jumps out and lets flywith his machine gun, killing every single harmful terrorist that is present.So when the red blood cell bus arrives, watch out for Taz! 请让我用一个模拟来解释上一段文字。当一个氧分子到达时,它正好携带了一个只有两颗子弹的大口径、高火力来复枪。可以把二氧化氯比作一个携带机关枪的塔斯马尼亚恶魔,这把枪口径小,但配备了几百颗子弹。他的火力可能不如来复枪,但他的子弹可以杀死几百个更小或更弱的事物;而来复枪只有两颗子弹。幸运的是,我们只需要杀死弱小的物质。红血球是用于运送氧的巴士,但巴士司机并不是太挑剔,他还愿意运送塔斯马尼亚恶魔。红血球在放下氧的地方同样放下Taz——二氧化氯。恐怖份子非常烦恼;他们可以控制氧先生(Mr. Oxygen)。但这次有惊喜。从巴士上走下的家伙非常凶残。他比平常从巴士上下来的氧先生恶劣多了。他从巴士上跳出来,并用机关枪杀死每一个有害的恐怖份子。因此,当红血球巴士抵达时,请提防Taz! Ifthe chlorine dioxide does not hit anything that can set it off, it will beginto deteriorate, and thus gain an electron or two. This may allow it to combinewith other substances, creating a very important substance that the immunesystem can utilize to make hypochlorous acid. Hypochlorous acid is probably themost important acid used by the immune system. It is used to kill pathogens,killer cells, even cancerous cells. When the body has a deficiency of theimportant substance from which the immune system creates hypochlorous acid, thecondition is called myeloperoxidase deficiency. Many people suffer as a resultof this deficiency and the condition may worsen during disease situations,because the immune system needs a great deal more of this acid when a diseaseis present. I have made some suppositions here; however, we definitely knowthat chlorine dioxide is made in the body from sodium chlorite and that itkills the hell out of pathogens. 如果二氧化氯没有撞到可以使其爆炸的任何物质,它就会开始退化并获得一两个电子。这样它就能与其他物质结合,并形成一种非常重要的物质,免疫系统可以利用这种物质来生成次氯酸。次氯酸是免疫系统所能利用的最重要的一种酸,它可被用于杀死病原体、杀手细胞甚至是癌细胞。当身体缺乏可被免疫系统用来创造次氯酸的重要物质时,这种状况被称为髓过氧化物酶缺乏
症。许多人都因这种缺乏症而遭受痛苦,并且在患病期间更加恶化,因为若存在疾病时免疫系统需要更多这样的酸。我已经做出了几种假设;然而,我们显然已经了解,身体内的二氧化氯是通过亚氯酸钠而产生的,并且能杀死病原体。 Thereis one other function that the chlorine dioxide performs in the body. It tendsto neutralize poisons. Almost all substances that are poisonous to the bodyare, to some extent, acidic in nature or below the neutrality of the body. The chlorinedioxide neutralizes many of these poisons. We believe that can be the onlyexplanation for why a malaria victim often goes from totally sick to totallywell in less than 4 hours. The poisons that malaria generates are neutralizedby the chlorine dioxide at the same time the parasites are killed. 二氧化氯在人体内还有另一种作用,可以中和有毒物质。从某种程度上而言,几乎所有对身体有毒的物质都是酸性的或者在身体中性以下。二氧化氯能中和多种有毒物质。我们相信这一点能解释为什么疟疾患者可在不到4小时内从病情严重恢复为健康状态。疟疾产生的毒物被二氧化氯中和,同时疟原虫也被杀灭。 As anexample, I once gave some chlorine dioxide to a dog that was bitten by arattlesnake. I gave him a drink of the solution every 1/2 hour. The dog seemedto know it would help him and he drank it right down each time I gave it tohim. He was okay in a few hours, which would indicate that the poison wasprobably neutralized by the chlorine dioxide. 我曾经给一条被响尾蛇咬伤的狗服用二氧化氯,每半小时喂它喝一些溶液。小狗看起来似乎知道这是可以帮助它的,因此每次我拿着溶液过来喂它时它就会直接喝下。几小时后小狗便好转了,这说明毒物已经被二氧化氯所中和。 WhenI moved to Mina, Nevada, I was finally able to order my first 100-pound drum ofsodium chlorite. Actually, Dick Johnson, the same friend who helped me byproviding me with a place stay in Mina, bought it. When the drum arrived, hedropped by and took a few pounds to keep for himself, so he would never bewithout. 当我搬到内华达州的米纳镇时,我终于能够第一次订购一桶100磅的亚氯酸钠。事实上,是我的朋友DickJohnson购买的,也正是他为我提供了在米纳的住所。当这桶亚氯酸钠被送到我这时,他也顺便过来看了看并为自己留了一些亚氯酸钠。 Ibegan helping people in Mina and some of them began buying the solution that Ibottled in my kitchen. There are a number of people in Mina who have been usingMMS for several years now, and I have sent bottles all over the world. Peoplehave used it to treat cancer and every other disease you can think of thatmight be caused by bacteria, viruses, molds, yeast, or other pathogens. 我开始帮助米纳镇的居民们,有些人开始购买我在自己厨房里灌制的瓶装溶液。在米纳镇,有许多人已经使用了MMS好几年;如今,我将这些装有溶液的小瓶带到了全世界。人们用它治疗癌症以及所有可能由细菌、病毒、霉菌、酵母或其他病原体引起的疾病。 I waseventually approached by Arnold, a businessman who lived in Reno and owned anonworking gold mill in Mina. (I’ve changed Arnold’s name, since everything I’mgoing to say about him isn’t good.) He asked me to do some gold assays. Webegan talking, and when I mentioned that I had helped people with malaria, hewas extremely impressed. We talked on several occasions, and in time, wefinally signed a contract. In the contract, he agreed to provide the funding tomake MMS available throughout the world. He wanted to put up an Internet sitein Budapest and sell MMS to the world from there. I found him to be like manyother wealthy men who think MMS is great. They want to get others to investmoney, but they don’t want to invest any themselves. He began talking tonumerous people about MMS and was able to interest many “humanitarian” groups.He called and told me about each new group he was talking to concerninginvesting in MMS to combat malaria in Africa. 后来有一个生活在雷诺(Reno)的商人Arnold找到我,他在米纳拥有一家已经不再作业的黄金工厂(Arnold这个名字是我更改过的,因为接下来我要说的关于他的一切都不是什么好事)。他要求我做一些黄金分析。我们开始聊天,当我提到我帮助过的疟疾患者时,他非常震撼。我们又聊了一会,最终签署了一份合约。在这份合约中,他同意为我提供资金,使全世界都能买到MMS。他希望在布达佩斯建立一个网站,从这里将MMS销往全世界。我发现他和其他认为MMS很棒的有钱人一样。他们可以鼓动别人投钱,但自己却不愿意投资。他开始向许多人介绍MMS,并且使众多“人道主义”组织都对MMS感兴趣。他打电话给我,告诉我每一个他对话过的新组织;他劝说这些组织为MMS投入资金从而与非洲的疟疾做斗争。 Arnoldis a great humanitarian himself. He works to help the homeless in Reno, and healways stops to help anyone who is broken down on the highway. He supplies atruckload of clothes and other items to an orphanage in Mexico each year. Whena homeless person or someone down on their luck arrives in Mina, he will eithergive them a job himself or somehow get them a job with someone else in town. Hehelps out in many ways in Reno, including distributing meals to the homeless atChristmastime, and he was quite helpful to me, including working towardsgetting MMS distributed in Africa for 6 years. Arnold自己也是一位伟大的人道主义者。他致力于帮助雷诺的无家可归者,并总是在高速公路上停下来帮助任何一个遇到故障的车主。他每年都给墨西哥的一所孤儿院送去无数衣服和其他物品。当无家可归的人或者躲在他卡车下的人到达米纳时,他都会亲自为他们安排工作或者让他们去镇上其他人那工作。他在雷诺通过很多种不同方式行善,包括圣诞节时给无家可归者派送食物。他对我也有很大帮助,努力在非洲推广MMS长达6年。 Theproblem was that he never kept any of the agreements we made in the contract wehad signed. Instead, he kept finding people who might “potentially” finance thedistribution of MMS in Africa for malaria victims. We were always just weeks ormonths away from getting the money to distribute the MMS in Africa or to getthe money to conduct clinical trials to prove to the world that it works. 问题在于他从来不遵守我们签署的合约中的任何条款。相反,他不停地在寻找“可能”为“针对非洲疟疾患者而实施的MMS推广工作”提供资金援助的人。无论是在努力获取资金以便在非洲分发MMS之时,还是用资金展开临床试验以便向全世界证明MMS的功效之时,我们总是相隔几周或几个月路程的距离。 Arnoldbegan to use MMS to help people, as he is very compassionate towards people whoare sick. He personally gave MMS to many people after ensuring that they knewhow to use it correctly. He found veterans who had malaria that kept comingback and provided MMS to them. That was one way that he proved to himself thatit worked. However, I began to realize that he would not let me talk to any ofthe groups that he had said were interested in helping to finance thedistribution of MMS to the world. I don’t know what his reasoning was, but itseemed he was not as effective in dealing with people as he thought. Group aftergroup and individual after individual lost interest in MMS and simplydiscontinued their relationships with him and his ideas, and went away. Livingout here in the desert, I never got to talk to any of these people or groups. Iwas always told about them, but was never allowed to talk to them. Arnoldrefused to even discuss it. Arnold开始用MMS帮助人们,因为他对病人非常富有同情心。只要确保人们知道如何正确使用MMS,他便会亲自将MMS拿给他们。 一旦发现反复遭受疟疾侵袭的退伍兵,他也会免费提供MMS。这也是他向自己证明MMS有作用的一种方式。然而,我开始意识到他不会让我直接与愿意“为MMS之全球推广提供资金”的任何组织谈话。我不知道他这么做的理由是什么,但看起来他并不像自己以为的那样成功地与人打交道。越来越多的团体和个人失去了对MMS的兴趣,渐渐中断了与他和他的观点之间的关系,并选择离开。我住在这片荒野地,从来没有与任何人或团体有过对话。他总是向我讲述这些人或团体,但从不允许我和他们谈话。Arnold甚至拒绝讨论。 Thiscontinued for 5 years. He made many mistakes, such as hiring a young kid tocreate our Web site, who then sued us when we insisted that the Web site becreated the way we wanted. The kid took us to court and sent letters togovernment agencies saying that we were crooked and our MMS solution was afake. Those letters prevented us from getting a letter from the IRS statingthat we were a nonprofit group. 这种情况持续了5年。他犯了许多错,比如雇佣一个年轻小孩为我们创建网站;当我们坚持应该以我们希望的方式建立网站时,这名小孩对我们提起了诉讼。他将我们送上法庭,并给政府机构写信,说我们是骗子、MMS溶液是假货。这些信件导致IRS再也没有给我们写信声明我们是非盈利组织。 WhenI began writing this book on October 1, 2006, 5 years after the date the Website was scheduled to be completed (October 1, 2001), and thousands of dollarslater, we still did not have a Web site. Four additional people who had beenhired all bombed out, taking our money and producing nothing. Had I been ableto use some of the money that was lost, I could have completed clinical trialsin Kenya. Arnold also hired a grant writer who began to work against us. Arnoldwas very bad with people, but always thought he was especially good. I mentionthese negative aspects only to point out why I had to write this book. It’spart of the story, and getting the details of MMS to the world is, and hasalways been, my purpose. 当我在2006年10月1日(也就是网站原本应该建立之日(2001年10月1日)的5年后)开始撰写本书时,我们有了许多钱,但还是没有自己的网站。我们雇佣的其他4个人被炸弹炸得无家可归,他们没有为我们创造任何东西却卷走了我们的钱。如果我能使用一部分丢失的钱,那么我早已经在肯亚完成了临床试验。Arnold还雇佣了一名作家与我们做对。Arnold 对人非常糟糕,但总是以为自己很好。我提到这些负面信息只是想要说明我为什么必须写这本书。这是一部分原因,我的目标是要让全世界都知道关于MMS的一切详情。 Ishould emphasize that I do not think that Arnold is a bad guy. But I finallyrealized that if I stayed with him it would have to be his way or nothing. If Iwanted to get this information to the world, I had to leave that partnership.It wasn’t happening Arnold’s way and he would not allow us to try any otherway. Thus, I had to get away so I could do what I knew would work. 我要强调一点,我并不认为Arnold是一个坏人。但我最终意识到如果我还和他在一起,事情就会变成这样。如果我想要将信息公布给全世界,就必须离开这个合作伙伴。我不希望按照Arnold的方式进行,而他也不会允许我们尝试任何其他方式。因此,我不得不离开他,这样我才能做我所知道的会起效的事情。 Bythis time it was 2006, and I could no longer justify keeping this informationfrom the world. There were (and are) millions of people who needed MMS. Howcould I allow them to die when they could be saved? The answer was I could not. 此时已经是2006年,我不能再眼睁睁看着这一信息不为世界所知。有太多的人需要MMS。我怎能让这些原本可以被拯救的生命逝去?答案是我不能。 Icalled a friend, Ed Heft, who had a house in Mexico located on a bay just offthe Sea of Cortez. He immediately invited me to come down and finish the book.He said I could live there at no charge. It was an ideal offer and I accepted.So I packed my bags and left about mid-November 2006. There were several otherimportant events that took place before I left, but I will discuss them later(see chapter 4). I arrived in Mexico, somewhere below the border, and stayed inthe house on the bay while I continued to write my book. Anyone familiar withMexico knows where I was, but I’ll not name the place for now. 我打电话给一个朋友Ed Heft,他在墨西哥有一栋房子位于靠近Cortez海的海湾。他立刻邀请我前往该处完成书本写作。他说我可以免费住在那。这是一个理想的提议,我接受了。因此,我背上行囊,于2006年11月中旬动身。在我离开前又发生了几个重要事件,随后将进行讲述(参见第4章)。我抵达了墨西哥边界下的某个地方,呆在海湾边的房子里继续写书。熟悉墨西哥的人都知道我呆在哪,但我现在仍然不知道这个地点的名称。 Christmascame and went and I continued to write. Finally, the book was finished in March2007 and I had saved enough money working the job Arnold had given me cleaningup the old gold mill to buy the first 1,000 books. I had also spent this timeputting together a Web site—not a very good one, but it did the job and soldbooks. 圣诞节来了又走,而我还在继续写作,最终在2007年3月完成了全书。我用为Amold清扫旧黄金工厂获得的钱买下了第一个1,000册。我还花时间做了一个网站,虽然它不是特别好但确实起作用了,可以帮我卖书。 Ionly sold a few books, as I was not a very good Web advertiser, but the fewthat did sell got to the right people and some of them began making MMS and sellingit right away. One company began selling large amounts immediately. They knewhow to advertise on the Web and they sold thousands of bottles of MMS. For therecord, their name is Global Light. 我只卖出了少量书,因为我不是一个出色的网络营销人。但这些售出的书去到了适合的人手中,他们中的有些人开始制做MMS并立刻进行销售。一家公司开始大量销售MMS。他们知道如何在网络上做广告,因此卖出了许多瓶MMS。确切地说,这家公司叫Global Light。 Mybook sold for $14.95 and that helped out quite a bit. I also made two ebooks. Idivided the hard book, The Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21stCentury, into 2 parts and offered the first part (Part I) as a freedownloadable file. Then if someone wanted to read the second part (Part II), itcost them $9.95. That worked fairly well. For every 15 people who read Part I,one person would purchase and download Part II. Since there was no cost to mefor Part II, it was mostly profit. 这本书的售价为14.95美元,它的帮助作用并不少。我还制作了两本电子书。我将硬皮书《21世纪的神奇矿物质补充品》分为两个部分,其中第一部分(第I部分)可免费下载。如果想要阅读第二部分(第II部分),只需花9.95美元。这一策略非常有效。每15个阅读了第I部分的人中会有1个人购买并下载第II部分。对我来说第II部分并不花成本,因此这是主要的收益来源。 Theselling of MMS is what really started the ball rolling. I was down in Mexicoand couldn’t ship books out, so I had the book company ship the books to ClaraTate who became my secretary in Nevada. She shipped all the books from there.Soon I realized we were running out of books and that I needed to place thenext order right away. MMS的销售使得事情开始走上正轨。我还在墨西哥,没办法将书送出去,因此让图书公司将书本运送给我在内华达的秘书ClaraTate。她在内华达将所有书本发送出去。很快,我意识到我们的书快要脱销了,我需要立刻下第二个订单。 Thingsstarted to improve. One company called me up and offered to help by purchasinga large order. I decided to sell the second edition for $19.95. So the sale of500 books at half price would give me $5,000 dollars immediately, which was allthat the printing company required up front. My friend in Canada, KennethRichardson, said that he would pay the rest of the cost when the books wereready to be delivered to Clara in Nevada. I couldn’t lose. Although I had nomoney to speak of, everything was being paid for. I placed an order for 10,000copies of the second edition. 一切开始好转。一家公司打电话给我说他们愿意下一个大订单。我决定以$19.95的价格出售第二版。以第一版的半价销售500册书可令我直接获益5,000美元,而这一数字也是这家出版公司预先要求的。我的一个加拿大朋友Kenneth Richardson表示,一旦已准备好将这些书发给内华达州的Clara,他便将支付剩余的费用。我无法拒绝他的帮助。尽管我没有什么钱,但一切事务的花费都已经有着落了。于是我为第二版下了一份10000册的订单。 Anumber of people interviewed me on the radio and for various Web associations.My book sales increased to an average of about $350 a day, including the ebookand hard copy. I’d like to name all who helped, but there were just too manyand there isn’t enough room in this book. It wouldn’t be fair to leave anyoneout. One person whom I think was especially effective in keeping my bookselling was Adam Abraham who promoted it on his radio show, “Talk for Food.” 许多人都在电台和各种网站上对我进行采访。我这版书的销售额也增加至平均每天350美元左右,包括电子书和硬皮书。我非常想要列出所有帮助过我的人的名字,但本书篇幅有限,帮助过我的人又是如此多,因此无法一一列举。省略任何一个人都是不公平的。但是,有一个人对于促进本书销售有着特别贡献,那就是AdamAbraham,他在他的电台节目“Talk for Food(美食天地)”中推广我的书。 Ifound that I couldn’t live on the bay and still get everything done that Ineeded to accomplish. Most of the computer equipment and supplies I requiredwere available in a large Mexican city 60 miles away, and I needed to movethere. 我发现我不能继续在海湾生活,在那里我无法完成需要我去做的事情。我需要的大部分计算机设施和用品只能在60英里外的一个墨西哥大城市获得,因此我需要搬去那里。 Meanwhile,there were those who encouraged me to get the book printed in Spanish, and withthe money from the book sales I was able to do that. I found a nice lady intown who wanted to help, and soon we had made an agreement that she would starta Mexican company and sell Spanish books and MMS. I moved to town and was luckyto rent rooms from the lady’s family. I made one room into an office forcomputers, and the other into a bedroom. The family was very good to me. Ihired the sister of the lady to be my secretary. Her mother took great care ofme; my clothes were washed and ironed and my bed was always made. I was nolonger alone. 同时,人们还鼓励我在西班牙发行这本书;靠着此前书本销售赚来的钱我能够做到这一点。我发现该市有一名善良的女士愿意帮助我,我们很快签署了合约,由她成立一家墨西哥公司来销售西班牙版书籍和MMS。我搬到了这个大城市,并幸运地租住了这名女士家人的房子。我将一间房做为办公室,另一间则是卧室。她们一家人都对我非常好。我雇佣女士的妹妹担任我的秘书。她的妈妈则照顾我的生活;她们总会帮我洗熨衣服、整理床铺。我不再是孤独一人。 TheMexican company that we were establishing was extremely important, as the NorthAmerican Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) states that any products that are legalin one country are legal in the other countries signed on to the agreement.That meant that if we could get MMS registered and legal in Mexico, it wouldalso be legal in the U.S. and Canada. We could circumvent a lot of problems inthe U.S. Of course, I would also be making money on MMS in Mexico. I haddecided not to sell MMS in the U.S., as I thought that would help get MMSaccepted and selling, since people could not accuse me of trying to make moneyon snake oil. That may have helped in the beginning, but it was priced so lowthat no one seemed to care if I made some money on the sales or not. I won’ttry to sell any MMS in the U.S., but a number of companies who are selling MMShave agreed to donate to my African fund. 我们正在筹办的这家墨西哥公司非常非常重要,因为北美自由贸易协议(NAFTA)规定,任何在某一国家合法的产品在其他签署协议国家内也是合法的。这说明如果我们能在墨西哥注册MMS并使其合法,那么它在美国和加拿大也将是合法的。我们可以避开在美国遇到的许多问题。当然,我还是在墨西哥销售MMS。我决定不在美国销售MMS,我认为这么做有助于那里的人们接受和购买MMS,因为人们不会指责我靠“万能药”赚钱。这在一开始的确对我起到帮助作用,但由于MMS的价格非常低,因此没有人会关心我是否赚到钱。我不会尝试在美国销售任何MMS,但许多正在销售MMS的公司都愿意捐钱给我的非洲基金。 Inaddition, Nexus magazine decided to get my book translated into German and topublish it, which they did, with an agreement to pay me a royalty. It is nowpublished in English, Spanish, German, Croatian, Polish, Czech, and French. Ithas been translated into Japanese and will soon be published there as well. 此外,Nexus杂志决定将我的书翻译成德文并出版;他们最终确实这么做了,并且同意支付版税给我。如今该书已经通过英语、西班牙语、德语、克罗地亚语、波兰语、捷克语和法语出版发行。它还被翻译成日语,并且很快就要在日本发行。 So,in all this time, thousands of people have been cured and many people havewanted to lend a hand, but no one with money has stepped up to the plate andsaid, “Let me help.” Many rich people have refused when I have asked. But nowit actually looks like the book sales will produce enough money to cure atleast one country in Africa and the project will be accomplished. 因此,已经有无数人被MMS治愈并且还有无数人想要帮助我。但是没有任何一个有钱人对我说“让我帮助你”。曾经在我提出请求时,许多富人都拒绝了。如今,书本销售已经创造了足够财富,可至少帮助非洲的一个国家;这一工程必将完成。 Nevertheless,it continues to amaze me that millions of dollars are spent on frivolouspurchases each year, and the world marches blithely on ignoring the fact thatthe human race is marked for extinction, refusing to see the evidence staringthem in the face. Just a small fraction of the money spent on all the frivolouswaste could change everything. See the last part of chapter 10 for more informationon this topic. 无论如何,我将继续感到惊讶,因为每年仍有数百万美元被花在无聊的事上。整个世界在愉悦地前行着,却忽视了人类面临的灭绝问题,拒绝看清眼前的种种迹象。只要一小部分被浪费的钱就能改变一切。关于这一主题的更多信息请参阅第10章的最后一节。