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发表于 2021-12-9 11:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Dear sons and daughters of planet Earth!  I AM SANANDA!
Once again and with great gratitude I come to you.  I come to bring all my love and all Light to illuminate every heart on this planet.  At this moment, every being on this planet, receives my energy, receives my Light, regardless of race, color, creed;  every human being is receiving.  And this is how I want to expand the Light on this planet, I want to expand the love on the planet, I want to expand the solidarity, I want to expand the joy, all those very high vibrational feelings that you know.
The moment is one of joy.  Many may ask, joy for what?  So I answer them: Joy and gratitude for being alive;  joy and gratitude for living in this moment on your planet.  Such a special moment and so unique in the entire universe.  So be grateful and be happy.  Don't try to remind me that you have problems, don't try to remind me that the world has problems, I know them more than you know.  But you need to stop thinking of the world as a troubled world created by Father/Mother God, as a world of misery created by Father/Mother God, as a world of violence created by Father/Mother God.
It was you who brought your world into the model it is today, not Father/Mother God.  So don't blame us for the world you live in.  You participate in this world, you feed this world, you help keep this world the way it is.  So stop seeing yourself as eternal poor things, where we let go, where we don't pay attention, we don't give love.  I am now sending all my love to every inhabitant of this planet.  If you want to feel this love, close your eyes and put your hands over your physical heart;  you will feel the beat of this heart.  And the beating of this heart is living proof, of the Divine Spark that is within.  My love intensifies this Spark.
You are alive, you are aware of everything that happens.  So be grateful and be happy.  The moment is not one of sadness, the moment is one of vibrating joy.  For you have the ability to be aware of everything that happens today, for you have the ability to choose, the ability to learn, the ability to understand so many truths that have been hidden from you for so long.  Be grateful and be glad that you were able to get this far.  You, I would not say that you are having privileges, I would say that you are walking and during this walk, you have reached a critical point, a point where you take a very important step, which is the choice.
Some may still ask, "What choice?"  The choice to evolve or to continue living what you have always lived.  For those who choose to evolve, the journey is not easy, the journey is very attentive to every point that appears on the way.  It's as if along a road you had to stop and come across something that needs to be analyzed and dealt with.  And with each point analyzed and treated, the road ahead becomes lighter, becomes easier.  But you also have the choice of doing nothing, passing through that point and continuing on the road.  But later on, that same point will reappear, a little bigger, a little harder to solve.  If you choose to correct it, the walk will become easier.  But you can choose to leave it there one more time and continue walking, until you reach a point where it will block your path it's so big it's going to get.  And then you won't be able to let it go anymore.  And I guarantee you will spend a lot of time solving it.  Because it has become so big and immense, that there is no alternative but to treat it so that it effectively disappears from your path.
So these are the choices.  What do you choose: to remain happy and cheerful, knowing that you have the possibility to enter the Fifth Dimensional road and stay on it?  Or do you choose to continue living what you have lived until today?  We can't impose anything on you, the choice is up to each one.  You have free will, use it at will.  My energy that I'm putting into your heart now, maybe it will bring you more joy, maybe it will bring you more strength, more confidence, more faith, and it will make you lift that heavy load that you still carry, but which has suddenly become a little more light and you already have pleasure in carrying it.  Because you know that further down the road, you will completely disentangle yourself from it.
So receive my energy, this energy is full of unconditional love.  Everyone is getting it.  Use this energy as best you know how.  Make a request, ask for forgiveness, make plans;  but don't plan for tomorrow, make plans for today, now.  Do things that you would like to do and have never had the courage, as long as it is for your own good and for the good of the Whole.  Use my energy as best you can, and I assure you that this energy is so strong, so potent, that it does not dissipate easily.  You receive it and if you vibrate high, if you keep your journey in unconditional love, it stays there, it will dissipate very slowly, otherwise it will fade away soon.
So know how to keep my energy in your hearts.  Vibrate high, vibrate unconditional love, vibrate Light and it will remain there, in your heart for a long time.  Take advantage of this time and convince yourself of the powerful being you are.  Decree what will be good for you, take advantage of my energy and decree a lot, respecting the non-repetition of decrees.  But there is no limit to how many decrees you can make, just don't repeat them;  except for the journey.  I'm not breaking any rule here.  You can repeat each decree only once.
Then make a list of all those you found interesting and important during the journey.  Use this energy of mine and repeat each one of them, once, with a lot of faith and a lot of love, and you will see that the results will come very quickly.  And you will come to believe in the powerful beings that you are, in your ability to believe, to have faith and to trust everything you are taught.
I further increase the power of my energy in your heart.  Make your decrees one at a time.  Remember, don't repeat, just one decree at a time.  But do, do as many as you want, having this energy in your heart.  And I guarantee you, the results will be wonderful.

来自:Anjos e Luz Terapias

【觉醒家园】 www.awaker.info

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