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发表于 2021-12-28 08:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Dear brothers of this beautiful blue planet!  I AM SAINT GERMAIN!
I want to be here with you today, with great care and love.  We are starting a new cycle on this planet, a cycle of intense Light, a cycle of great truths, a cycle of transformation of consciousness on this planet.  Fear not, nothing or no one.  You are all being enveloped in an immense atmosphere of so much love and so much Light. There is no need to fear anything.  The atmosphere of this planet is full of very high vibration beings, who are at this moment vibrating Light, vibrating love and vibrating joy for the liberation of this planet.
Very soon a new time will begin, where everything will happen like a domino.  There is no way to stop, there is no way to extinguish, there is no way back.  From the moment the awakening takes place, all concomitant processes will be initiated.  Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, just be aware that anything can happen in retaliation;  anything can happen, to prevent what will happen.  But nothing, nothing will succeed.  Anything done to impede the progress of the process will be void.
Never in the history of this planet have so many enlightened activities been planned to happen at the same time.  So as much as the enemies, I will call them that so that you understand;  whatever enemies try to do, nothing will succeed.  Because the energy that is on this planet and that will be potentiated more and more each day, it no longer shelters contrary actions, it will only shelter actions that make this planet and its people grow, become enlightened, free themselves.
So fear nothing.  Anything contrary will be born and die quickly.  And everyone who is the author of the actions will receive his own harvest.  It will not be us who will judge him, it will not be us who will punish him;  his own harvest will quickly reverberate against him.  So you need to be very attentive to everything that happens.  Know how to discern who is right from who is wrong.  Know how to discern who is of the Light and who is not.  Know how to discern who will be spreading love and who will not.
Actions will be quick and concrete, we don't need to do anything under the covers for you to accept what is to come.  Everything will be done clearly and in a very transparent way.  How will you receive everything?  There is a problem that you will have to deal with.  You will either trust everything we have said for so long or you will simply doubt everything.  It's up to you to find the answer, it's up to you to bring the feeling in your heart, the truth or the lie.
The Violet Flame Journey is going in a very interesting way, where many have lost count of how many times they restarted, and are finding it wonderful.  So the purpose is exactly that, is to make each one of you find your moment, find your way, your way to make the journey, but to do it in a deep way, in a very overwhelming way.
We've already passed the first milestone and soon, very soon, we'll have another milestone.  For those who made it this far, not because they were better than anyone else, did it because their own journeys led them to it.  And more and more the landmarks will become smaller, less spaced.  But I would say to each of you, there is no rush, no time limit, no rush to finish the journey.  It has to be done with the heart, it has to be done with depth.  This is the great intention of this journey.

来自:Anjos e Luz Terapias

【觉醒家园】 www.awaker.info

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