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发表于 2022-2-18 10:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


We often advise you to make your highest choice one now moment at a time. How do you know what that is? By using your wisdom to feel into what choice would bring you the most long lasting joy. What makes you feel good in the moment but also gives you satisfaction in the long run? What choice aligns with your truest intentions for today and tomorrow?
For example, if you have quit smoking but are feeling very stressed and are experiencing a craving, having a cigarette might feel satisfying momentarily but will ultimately lead to regret. Reuniting in a relationship that has run its course might feel satisfying in the moment but will quickly lead you back to remembering why it does not work.
Think of your ego as an insatiable child who wants things now. It knows what it wants and doesn’t think much of consequences or your intentions for the future. The ego is a very necessary part of the human experience, it just isn’t the part of you that you would want to make all your decisions because they won’t be made from a space of wisdom.
Do you see? The choices your ego makes will only satisfy you temporarily, where your soul based choices will continue to satisfy you over time. So when you are faced with a decision we highly recommend you feel into what is the most loving choice for both your present you and your future you. From there you will be able to move forward confidently as your own loving shepherd and guide, and the results will always support the highest unfoldment of you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



You are loved beyond measure! On this day that celebrates love, our wish for you is that you will open to receiving love from all sources – from others, from us, from the universe, and most of all, from yourself. Imagine any barricades you have created towards love completely dissipating and allow the flow of love that always exists to pour to you and through you in a glorious demonstration of the love that you are. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



Your highest decisions often will involve embracing change. Your ego self is invested in things staying the same but your soul knows expansion is the way. So how do you get your ego on board? Reassure it! Treat the unknown like an adventure, like a treasure hunt. If you take the time to lovingly guide all aspects of you forward and there will finally be enough cooperation from all parts of you that you can finally see where surrender and flow have been trying to take you. You might think of it as trying to take a family vacation with small children – a wise parent plans in advance on how to keep the more challenging travellers comfortable and occupied until you arrive where you wish to go and the real fun can begin. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



If you were ordering pizza and just blurted out, “I don’t want anchovies!”,  you would not be giving enough information about your order for it to be completed. It would be confusing for the person trying to serve you and it would create a lot more work for them to try to discern what it is you do want.
When it comes to what you wish to experience, it is good to know what you don’t like. Your dislikes do serve a purpose and that is to redirect you towards what is your perfect match. You can’t lead a satisfying life if you only focus on what you don’t want and never allow yourself to flow beyond it.
Do you see? State and focus clearly what you do want and you will find both your communication and your results getting clearer and much more satisfying. From that space your needs will become much easier to meet, and you will be well on your way to becoming a very adept and conscious creator. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



Dear Ones, you do not need to hear spirit in order to be guided. We are guiding and supporting you all the time! We are the gentle nudge that makes you decide to stop at a location you normally don’t visit where you meet your next beloved. We are the ones that slowed you down just enough to miss the traffic accident on your way to work. We hold you tight when you are in despair and encourage you to keep going because we can see a miracle is right around the corner for you. We are the butterfly that lands in front of you, giving you the glimpse of heaven on earth. We keep your inspired ideas in your awareness until they get so loud you choose to go down the path to your next great discovery. We are always loving you and cheering you on. We are all around you! All you need to do is be willing to see the magic and you will be amazed at the support that is always there to love and guide you forward every step of the way. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



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