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发表于 2022-2-20 10:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Dear sons and daughters of planet Earth!  I'M SANANDA!
Once again it is with great gratitude that I come here now, to pass on some more teachings.  Every moment that I'm allowed to pass on all my wisdom, all my thoughts, is an uplifting moment for this planet.  As I said here, these words spoken or read, are not loose in the wind, they are magnetized with my energy.  So everyone who listens to them with an open heart will receive all that is being said here.
The way I address you to me makes no difference.  I call you sons, daughters, I call you brothers, sisters, I call you friends… for me there is no difference.  But there is still the question at the heart of each one.  You were used to seeing me as that unattainable being somewhere in the sky, in which all respect and humility should be used to get to me.  Many confuse me with God, call me God.
What have we been saying here for some time now?  That there is no distance, there is no barrier, there are no points to be filled, much less conditions for each of you to reach me or to reach Father/Mother God.  Within your conception, it is easier for you to think of me, because I was a human like all of you, incarnated on the planet.  My image to this day is forged in countless ways;  as an extremely beautiful being to be more easily accepted by your very reproving mind.
Today, if at any time it were possible at that time to have a picture taken of me, I would say that I look nothing like what you see out there.  I had the features of the people of that time and place.  The beauty that you attribute to me in your images has nothing to do with my reality at that time.  But could it be that if I were portrayed as an Asian, an African, an albino or with features that you don't accept, what would the cult of my person be like?  So it was necessary that a totally false image, totally different from the real one, of that time, was created.
So I ask you: Where is the difference?  If I were a black man, would my energy be different, wouldn't my energy be enough for you?  Certainly for some yes, it would be unacceptable, inconceivable that I had been a black.  Why?  Would my heart be different?  Wouldn't I have done everything I did to get you here today?  Why not?  What I had when incarnated as Jesus the Christ was just a garment, which lasted a few years.  Only that.  My love, my energy, has nothing to do with the clothes I wore.
So I ask you: Why so much difference, why so much discrimination?  What do you think, that during these millennia and millennia that you were incarnating here on the planet, you incarnated with the same clothes that you have today?  And don't confuse this outfit that I quote with the outfit you wear;  it is the physical shell that you have been given.  Product of genetics, of mixtures, of the miscegenation of races that took place on the planet.
So each generated body is different, because the original mixture is different;  otherwise you would all be the same, at least in appearance.  Why have I insisted on this matter?  Because he's important.  Your religions have preached that you are unique in the universe.  The arrogance and arrogance is so much that it is not admitted that there are other beings in the universe.  Father/Mother God is really quite lazy and only created the human race, the rest of the universe he didn't want to do anything else.  Did he become disillusioned, discouraged, or just lazy?
But this is what has been passed on to you – There is no outside world.  And I can tell you that my soul came from this world out there, it is not earthly.  And then what are you going to say?  That I'm wrong, that I'm lying, that I'm not the one talking.  And then I'll just say listen to your hearts and you'll know if what I say is true or a lie.
You are about to meet races of the universe, and most interestingly, you will meet the cradle of their appearances.  You will know exactly how to identify the “mater” cells of the appearance you have today.  Because this is what happened.  I've already said it here and I'll repeat it: That little story of a single couple populating the planet is impossible, if it were true, you would all be the same.  But you are not.  So the origin of your appearances, comes from galactic beings, who populated this planet from the first human created here.
And what will you do when you see a being that has the same skin color, that has the same eye shape, that is the same height as you?  Will you actually recognize that he, that his race was the forerunner of your own appearance or not?  You will continue to deceive yourself into thinking that this does not exist.  Let's make one thing clear here: I'm not talking about the soul, I'm talking about physical clothing.  At each incarnation you assume a different outfit, depending on where you choose to be born, what family you want to be born from, and genetics determines what your image, your physical outfit will be like.  But it had an origin and you will see those origins clearly ahead of you.
So how are you going to explain all this?  So how will you understand the whole story that was told?  So I say to you: Stop looking at the other for the appearance, because in some of your incarnations you may have been just like him.  And since you take the beauty issue very seriously, you could have been a lot uglier than him.  Oh, but you don't believe that?  It is a way of protecting yourself from the truth, believing the lie.
Many of you who claim to be awake today still discriminate against each other.  It is something incompatible with those who supposedly want to go to the Fifth Dimension.  How do you discriminate against the other?  Where is unconditional love, where is love totally devoid of judgment, where is it?  Learn to look at the other as yourself, because at some point in your journey, you may have been very similar to them.  And why does he bother you so much today?  Because you were taught to disaggregate, to discriminate, to feel superior or inferior, bringing this wave of imbalance between you.
We have said here several times, we do not look at physical bodies, we only see the soul.  And of course this whole process of discrimination appears in the soul.  We know you don't have a pure heart, we know you still don't emanate 100% unconditional love.  But I will say something to you: by our infinite love, we also know that this is a gradual thing, that it will not be overnight that you will emanate 100% unconditional love.  But what do we need to at least see?  The intention, the attempt, the will, the search to take a step forward every day and this also appears.  And I tell you that this is what will allow you to reach the Fifth Dimension.
My sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, it will not be an easy process.  Let's put it this way: you were given free will, a unique process in the entire universe.  Now you will reap the result of that which is dimension shifting within physical consciousness.  Will be easy?  No, and I can tell you, every day it will be more difficult because the tests will become more profound.  With each step you take forward comes a more difficult test to realize how effectively you have learned what unconditional love is.  And this is the feeling that you often have, that you go forward and you go back, you go forward and you go back.  This is not just a feeling, it's the truth.  You go forward and you are tested, and you don't pass the test;  return on the way, to pass the same test again.
And you stay in this up and down, until you pass every test.  Now what is very important and which brings me back to what I said at the beginning: Father/Mother God is not at an unreachable point, nor is he extremely busy that he doesn't hear what you ask.  So do I, so do Maria, so do all the other Beings of Light that you know.  Each one of you who accepts us into your heart has us as Sparks within him.  So we are not outside, we are not in an image, we are inside you.  And there is no place faster, easier to access, than in this place we are.
So don't look for us outside.  Don't look for us in front of an image.  Look for us inside your heart, and surely, if you believe this, you will find us.

传导:Anjos e Luz Terapias

【觉醒家园】 www.awaker.info

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