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发表于 2024-5-8 10:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

I come on the wings of love! And so, a reminder that the way is opened for those who can access and imprint the new field of consciousness with higher frequencies, intentions and their visions of the world of the future that will serve to illuminate, uplift, inspire and nurture the population of good hearted souls of Light here on Earth. This momentous achievement came about through the determined efforts of the Lightwarriors who are incarnate on this ascending planet Earth, in collaboration with the ascended realms of Light. In unity consciousness, we have gathered together to initiate a new way of living here on this ascending planet Earth and it has been done. We celebrate this moment!

There is still more effort that is required, however, to anchor in that which wants to manifest in this new field. This field is tamper-proof, as only the highest God Light and energies can have an effect upon it, all else that is not in resonance with this field cannot have an influence in any way, shape or form. And this is also so for each of you who has achieved a certain level of vibration or frequency, only the highest Light can enter your radiating sphere of influence – all else bounces off your auric field. This is why you have been counselled to hold your vision and stand in your Light. The universal laws of resonance and attraction are now working on your behalf. We ask you to stay in tune and in the Divine flow.

As we move forward on the wheel of time, the very nature of it is changed. For those on the path of Light and ascension, it is being experienced as a great acceleration of time which keeps them from accomplishing as much of their ‘to do’ list as was once possible for them. For those who have not yet awakened to the knowing of a greater reality beyond the constructs of ‘the norm’ it will feel as though they are stuck in molasses as they try to go about their daily activities. Remember those times, Beloved Ones? You have been there and done that and so now you wait patiently for your sisters and brothers to go through this process of ascension. Give a helping hand and encouragement to them whenever you see them falter.

Ascending to a higher dimension in one’s physical body is a difficult process and one that has not been attempted before by the people on this planet, therefore, each experience is unique and new and has no barometer with which to measure the movement. It requires trust and more trust in the higher guidance you have been receiving. It requires you to believe that all is well, that everything is perfect. This is quite a stretch for so many of you to embrace with enthusiasm and we commend you for keeping on keeping on. It is not easy, we know. Each night as your physical bodies lie sleeping, your soul in its Lightbody is in conference with us as we take in the energy fluxes and movements that have occurred and ascertain what is needed to accelerate or counteract those movements for the greatest good of all.

This is the work that those who are reading this message are doing…it is a unified effort of vast proportions that encompasses the entirety of Creation. The planetary hierarchy works in tandem with the many Galactic and Universal Councils to ensure that all avenues available have been carefully considered and well thought out. It is a one step at a time approach but it is necessary in order to facilitate a Divine order to all things. Your soul works tirelessly in the eternal scheme of things and knows the part she has to play when the time is right. Each day (in Earth terms) is a grand adventure in reaching beyond former perceived limitations and transcending those boundaries and constructs. It continues and we say, Dear Ones, well met for each and every one of you!

来自:Marlene Swetlishoff

【觉醒家园】 www.awaker.info

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