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发表于 2024-6-3 06:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Humanity, once again, is being engulfed with Beautiful, Divine Energies, from the Solar Flares from your Star, and The Earth Herself raising in the Light. This is also Along with all the Beautiful Cosmic Rays coming in from the Cosmos and all the Love and Healing being sent through your Star Families. All of These Energies have begun the Next Phase, bringing things into full bloom. Open to receive this Glorious Light. Just as the Flower opens to the Sun’s Light, so does your Soul, Open to the Light of The Infinite Creator. The Light of the Infinite Feeds your soul. Nourishing your spirit. Receive this Light with Gratitude and Love.


In these moments, many things are shifting. All that you have seeded, are now beginning to manifest into your reality.


Many of those, who are still lost in the Illusions, are confused. Things are not going how the Cabal, had planned them too. Their matrix is crumbling before their eyes. Those stuck in the programming are also confused and feeling lost. Nothing is working the way it did within the lower vibrations.


As you and your earth Raise in Light, every thing changes to meet that new vibration. Many of you have co-created a New earth, So this is what you will receive. When in co creation, you are working with the Infinite Creator, Co Creating in Love and Oneness. When in the Higher vibration, this type of manifestation, is much stronger. Much more powerful, because you are working within Oneness Vibration. All lower vibrational manifestation that is selfish, greedy, vengeful, or deceitful will no longer work within these new Vibrations. For a very long time in your history, those of the cabal, have hidden the truth of human’s ability to manifest their realities. Only keeping this knowledge for themselves. Within the Lower vibration of the 3rd Degree spectrum, all things can be manifested.


The Cabal or the Elites, used Humanities emotional reactions against them, To create the Matrix of control. Under the vibrations of selfish, greedy, vengeful, and deceitful Intentions.


This Lower vibrational Manifestation will no longer manifest for them. As the Earth has moved into the Higher vibrations, The Lower Vibrational spectrum begins to dissolve. This is what you are experiencing. The Illusion is Dissolving. This is leaving many lost and confused, wondering why things are not going the way they were or the way they wish.


And then there are those of you who are manifesting within the Vibration of Love, Who are changing everything. Your intentions, for the betterment of the all, are in Divine Balance. No more will Dark intentions rule. Humans, or any Other Beings, will no longer be able to manifest selfish, greedy, vengeful, or deceitful Intentions, while on the Earth within this sector of space. The Vibrations that this Solar system is now receiving is more intense than it has ever received before.


This is what we mean by, the Light has already won. Only true intentions of Love will be manifested within the Higher vibrational Spectrum.


Darker intentions will no longer manifest. Darker emotions will become harder to hold on too. Things are changing. Everything is shifting in your reality. The physical illusions are dissolving. All that’s left is Love. It comes down to where you are vibrationally. Are you within the vibrations of Unity and Service towards Others, or Separation and Selfishness? Separation and selfishness are the Illusion. The belief you are disconnected from the infinite Creator.


By stepping into your knowing that you are connected to the all, you begin to raise in the Conscious understanding, that you are also One with your Earth Family. Connected by the Same Breath, the Same Spirit and the Same Earth.


There are many of you who are the Starseeds and wanderers, who have embodied the Vibrations of Oneness and anchored it into Mother Earth. Hold your Light firm, you are making the difference. You are Anchoring the Earth in Love,


Humanity and the Earth are beginning to break free from the illusion. Those who are searching for answers, will find you.




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