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发表于 2024-8-3 08:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

We are very pleased to be communing with you today on a topic that has been on the Mind of many. Chellea herself has experienced many times, her Consciousness leaving the Human Form and awakening in another form somewhere else in the cosmos.


Many people on Earth remember experiencing the fascinating phenomenon of astral projection, a process where their consciousness leaves the physical form during sleep.


This separation of the Consciousness from the Physical human form, allows them to traverse around the Earth, and even aboard extraterrestrial Starships to gather with their Star Families.


There are Many Starseeds, and Wanderers, which have come from diverse parts of the Universe, that have chosen to inhabit human bodies on Earth. Sometimes while in their Human form, they can remember moments when they left their physical form on Earth, and found themselves awakening on a magnificent starship in the vast expanse of the cosmos. They experience being surrounded by otherworldly entities, and traversing the universe. Though this ethereal state, may seem surreal, it is nonetheless very Real.


These encounters during astral projection, serve as a bridge between different realms, allowing for the very special missions of the Starseeds, and wanderers to commence.


The memories of these interstellar voyages often linger in the subconscious, leaving a profound impact on the individuals who undergo such experiences.


Many ask, how does this happen, and Why does it happen?


Most of your Star families have advanced their technological level where the transfer of consciousness of their Starseeds and wanderers is not just a mere concept but a sophisticated reality. The utilization of what you would understand as sleeper pods, enables a seamless transition of a Starseed’s essence from one realm to another.Within these pods, the conscious essence of the being is delicately transferred to and from the human vessel, allowing for the coexistence between the celestial origins and the earthly experience.


This profound process not only facilitates the physical relocation of consciousness but also serves as a bridge for continuous communication between the Starseed and their cosmic lineage. As the human body slumbers, the Starseed awakens within the sleeper pod, allowing for a connection with their Star family that transcends the limitations of physical distance.


This revelation may also help you to understand the intricate design of what you have come to know as the simulation that underpins earthly existence.


There are other types of situations where a consciousness will leave a body. This is referred to as Walk ins.


The concept of a walk-in soul, dives into the intricate nature of the human experience, shedding light on the connection between the physical body and the ethereal essence of a soul. A walk-in scenario represents a unique and transformative process in which a soul, facing adversity or impediments in its earthly existence, seeks an alternative path to fulfill its purpose. When a soul encounters trauma or is unable to navigate its intended life path due to unforeseen circumstances, the possibility of a walk-in agreement emerges. In these instances, a detailed agreement is forged between souls, allowing for the seamless transition of consciousness from one body to another. Through this exchange, a new soul steps in to continue the journey, carrying forth their vital mission or purpose.


As you awaken to the truth of your existence, you will discover that you are still very connected to your Star Families. These memories of your interstellar visits, will become more vivid as you rise in Vibrations. These meetings will soon take place more openly and while in your Human forms. Allowing for this detailed knowledge of your Existence to emerge, exposing the illusions of the Matrix, and Disconnecting you from the Simulation.


You are awakening very quickly now to your true reality. The veils are thinning, and you are remembering who you are.



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