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发表于 2024-8-13 07:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Conquer doubt!

LADY NADA: Beloved human beings,


Do not be discouraged and conquer doubt! The earth is being remade and man is being reshaped. Inwardly and outwardly, the miracle of transformation is taking place – a miracle that happens little by little, a miracle that is being given and for which only one condition is needed from you: DEDICATION. You often lack this and allow yourselves to be directed by fears, taken in by doubts and unsettled by constant propaganda.


Will the change succeed? Will it still work out? What still needs to happen for something to happen? These are the kinds of questions you ask and often you can’t find any answers to them. You look at the world, you observe people and you can see how the majority push and are pushed in the wrong direction, how they allow themselves to be influenced by the forces of darkness and how they are kept away from a spiritual experience.


You want change and you stand up for it – but it won’t happen. The mountain that has to be conquered seems too great, the walls that have to be overcome seem too solid and the forces that have to be disarmed seem too powerful. To achieve paradise on earth – but how? Jahn, you have questions …


JJK: Indeed, this topic is currently on my mind. Yesterday I came back from the wonderful vacation I’ve spent with my family on the sunny Greek island of Paros, and on the airplane the questions YOU raised here came to my mind. I observed people and realized once again how numb and unconscious most people are as they go through life. Most young people in particular seem like remote-controlled robots to me. They are glued to their cell phones – as if they were born with them – and have hardly any awareness of their surroundings. The system seems to have completely taken over these people.


“Acted normality”

But I also noticed a kind of “acted normality” on Paros. After Covid, “normality” has returned there too, but something just doesn’t seem right with the people. Sometimes I felt reminded of the “Truman Show”. As if people were living in a simulated reality, each in their own predetermined path, of course without being aware of it themselves. In the US feature film from 1988, the main character, played by Jim Carrey, took 29 years to become suspicious and slowly break out of the artificial reality. My question is: will people ever break out of the “Truman Show” that they think is real life? Sometimes, like right now, I really have serious doubts!


LADY NADA: People’s mistrust of this system is considerable and it is growing by the hour.


Even if the majority of people are still stuck in victim consciousness, there is essentially only one reason why they do not yet dare to break out: they do not know how.


Many people know that they are living the wrong life, but there is no way out.


JJK: What is the solution to this? What options are there for leaving the Truman Show?


The divine light

LADY NADA: The only way to leave this wrong path, to get out and live a real life, is the divine light. The spiritual light of GOD first opens the hearts, then the spiritual channels of man and suddenly man gains sight – it becomes bright and light. This is why people have been flooded with the spiritual light of the CENTRAL SUN for decades and gradually you can give up the victim consciousness and embrace self-consciousness.


You are being opened up and a profound transformation is being triggered. This is happening now, but not all people are committing to this change. Many are rejecting this grace and instead of engaging with the divine light, they are blocking it. In this way, necessary and further transformational steps are not taken. People remain part of the system because the system is alive within them. Taking oneself out of the system means avoiding areas of the system, wanting to remove the system from within oneself means destroying the inner programming of the system – and this requires consistent transformation work.


JJK: Yes, but what about us, us who can barely stand this game, even though we’re watching from the sidelines?


LADY NADA: You are the builders and shapers of the new earth. For you, it’s not about leaving the show, because you’ve already done that inside.


For you, it is all about remaining clear inside, living your assignments and keeping yourselves ready. It is about strengthening yourselves and, if you are discouraged, to realign yourselves again. The path of light is destined for you and is not worth considering for those people who still long for earthly adventures.


What I am talking about is the separation of people, which goes hand in hand with the separation of the earths. It is a process that has been prepared for a long time and is now taking place, slowly at first, then faster – until the tipping point is reached.


JJK: What about those people who actually want to break out but just can’t because of their lack of prospects? If you are cut off from abundance because of your birth but have the best dispositions inside, what then?


LADY NADA: ALL imaginable and unimaginable bridges to real life are built for these people.


You can and should trust that each person will find their destined life and live their destined life based on the wisdom of their soul. Those who live suspiciously in the matrix or are cut off from abundance, but really want to break free on the inside, will receive EVERY support from their embodied and non-embodied spiritual families.


The whole universe works for you as soon as you signal to the universe what you really want and if you back up your will with action. No matter how hard a fate may be, it will always be overcome when the person is ready and the time is right. There are no mistakes in the universe, only the limited perception of a being makes fateful life plans look like mistakes.


Why do many lightworkers stagnate?


JJK: For weeks now, I have been preoccupied with another topic: Why are so many lightworkers currently treading water?


I notice how people who have already attended many seminars, retreats or workshops simply can’t get off the ground. They go round in circles – or to put it bluntly – they always navigate to the same banana peel with astonishing certainty and – just as astonishingly – slip on it again and again. I wonder why that is? After all, they are people who work on themselves, who look at themselves and practice transformation work. People who are desperate to get out of the show are stagnating on the spiritual path. Many have been searching for their “calling” or their “assignments” for years. Why do those who want to open up spiritually stagnate and lose their way?


LADY NADA: Wanting and actually doing are two different things. The only reason and the real cause for this is that these people skillfully avoid and circumvent a real introspection. Your own transformation is work, it is intensive work and requires a lot of courage.


However, with practice comes success and with success comes joy. At the beginning, however, it is very difficult for most people to dedicate themselves to the construction sites within. As a result, these people skilfully avoid them and work on the surface. As soon as things get dangerous, the subconscious cleverly looks for excuses and finds plenty of them. Many people like to take refuge in an illusion of light and love. Many people are simply not prepared to face their unredeemed hatred or their lack of self-love.


Only the true seeker can really look and dig deep in the right place!


“Soft” and “hard” topics

Many pretend to search, but the fear of finding is often greater and so only “soft topics” are resolved, issues on the surface that barely touch deeper layers.


This half-hearted transformation work initially leads to stagnation and ultimately to frustration.


Those who avoid really stressful “hard topics” in their transformation work because they are too afraid of change will always reach a point where they can no longer go on. As soon as this state becomes unbearable for a person, they begin to relinquish responsibility and complain about life, or they take their fate into their own hands and face up to the really explosive transformation issues.


There are two paths open to man: the path of powerlessness or the path of power.


At a certain point of maturity, it is impossible for a person to live with this self-deception and the true work of transformation begins. Only then can you be given the knowledge of your assignments and your calling.


Without deep transformational work, you will not be able to recognize your assignments even when they are visibly in front of you:


● Many lightworkers are only treading water because they do not expose their self-image to correction and do not get to the bottom of their blockages, beliefs, opinions, ideas, programming and patterns seriously and effectively enough.

● Many Warriors of the Light only stagnate because they exhaust themselves in external battles instead of focusing all their energy and using it to resolve internal conflicts.

● Many people who turn to GOD see no light at the end of the tunnel because it is still dark in their hearts and they themselves have not yet been transformed by love, although they like to talk about it – skillfully and even more skillfully running away from themselves until they are willing to put their money where their mouth is.

In order to see your true beauty, it is important to remove mental obstacles, emotional blockages and spiritual concepts.

Only when this work is done do new horizons open up for you: you become aware of your assignments and you know that from now on everything will be given to you at the right time.


Please be aware: GOD only pours the water of life into an empty vessel.


JJK: Now I’m centered again and my observations of people and the world have been steered in the right direction by the wonderful energy I was enveloped in during our conversation. But what does a person do who doesn’t have this access, who can’t talk to YOU? What does a person do when they are in a slump or are haunted by world-weariness?


Handling negative moods

LADY NADA: Prayer, meditation, well-founded transformation work and taking time – patience, being able to wait and give the processes the time they need.


Negative moods often lead to new questions being raised. Get to the bottom of these questions until you have found answers. Don’t settle for prefabricated esoteric phrases. Not everything is “light and love” and not every person is essentially “good, noble and fine”. Not everything is a “teaching” for you and events are not always “guided”. Sometimes light and love are pure illusions, often people are just deceivers and so-called “instructive events” are not always “guided” by GOD but are the result of misconceptions and lead to detours.


JJK: Aren’t detours also part of the journey?


LADY NADA: The true seeker always chooses the most direct path to GOD. Even if it is the most difficult path, the true seeker will not be dissuaded, because his longing leaves him no other choice. Are detours part of your path or are you rushing towards GOD? Your answer says everything about you and everything about your journey.


Discernment and judgment

Finally, I encourage you to do so: Develop discernment in all matters and form a judgment! What am I dealing with?


You are human beings in a world that demands decisions from you every day. To discern, to form a judgment and to decide – that is the right order. Avoid condemnation but form a judgment!


Expose yourself to the truth! Please allow yourself to become fully involved. This is the point that deserves the most attention right now. If the seeker of truth avoids his own truth, no one is served!


JJK: Our conversation is coming to an end – you know what I and probably a lot of people are still very concerned about at the moment: The alleged man-made climate change! People have been softened up about this for years and the evil seeds seem to be sprouting! Many people are accepting the propaganda completely without question.


Greece has also made the transition from the covid deception to the climate scam. Here are two examples: During my vacation on the Aegean Island, Athens first announced that the Acropolis would be temporarily closed at lunchtime due to the heat. The employees themselves demonstrated and walked off the job. The union and security staff also reported that at least 20 visitors had collapsed in the past few days due to the heat. The media, of course, say nothing about the fact that it can be very hot in Greece in summer, at least since ancient times, instead arguing climate change and stirring up fears. Then, just a few days later, there were devastating forest fires on the island of Rhodes, around 400 km away from Paros. The local authorities spoke of arson and the Greek government blamed climate change. I don’t know what the majority of the Greek population believes, but one thing is clear: the climate agenda is running and the propaganda is working.


My final question, and I know I have asked it repeatedly:


How much longer will this madness continue, because – as I said at the beginning – for a healthy person it really is almost unbearable?


LADY NADA: When the destroyers have destroyed themselves and the people have raised themselves up, then this time of transition ends and the bridge into the light becomes visible – for all those who are to cross it. The time until then is measured.


I am among you in infinite love.



来自:Jahn J Kassl

【觉醒家园】 www.awaker.info

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