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发表于 2024-8-17 08:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Throughout your Human experience, you come across many diverse energies. Some of these energies are of beautiful vibrations, of Love, compassion, and unity. While many more, are energies that are very negative in nature, which can pull you down into fear, hate and separation.


Almost all these energies come from your outer reality, they are not your own energies. Your interaction, throughout your daily life, attaches many energies to you. Any interaction with others can, result in you picking up their energies, and even experience them as your own.


As Humanity encounters a variety of energies, some individuals find themselves trapped in lower vibrations and struggle to break free. This phenomenon is not random. Beyond human perception, there exist entities with extremely low vibrations dwelling in the Lower 4th dimension. These beings engage with humans through the veil, nourishing themselves with the vibrational energy emitted by human emotions. Within your perspective and current understanding, these beings would be known as your Demons, or the Archons of Gnostic teachings. They are a parasitic entity that feeds on energies emitted by other beings. They have always been just beyond your view, controlling and interfering with your daily lives.


As you continue to progress along your spiritual journey and immerse yourself in the Light, you are gradually developing a heightened sense of discernment that enables you to distinguish between energies that align with your true essence and those that do not. This newfound ability to differentiate serves as a powerful tool in navigating the complex web of energies that surround you. While you may possess the capacity to perceive and understand various energies beyond your own, it is important to recognize that there exists a potential challenge that may arise.


In addition to tuning into the vibrations of others, it is important to remember that there are often unseen entities lurking just beyond the veil of your physical reality. Those that seek to latch onto and influence unsuspecting individuals.


These entity attachments can manifest as intrusive energies that disrupt your own energetic field, leading to feelings of unease, frustration, and even fear. Encountering entity attachments can be a disconcerting experience, as these entities may attempt to feed off your energy or manipulate your thoughts and emotions. It is crucial to remain vigilant and cultivate a strong sense of self-awareness to protect yourself from such influences. By strengthening your energetic boundaries and practicing techniques such as grounding and shielding, you can shield yourself from unwanted attachments and maintain a sense of inner peace and balance.


As most of you who are resonating with these messages, can keep your vibrations higher than most, you are becoming a very bright beacon of Light, for all to see. Even those throughout the lower dimensional realms. Beings will become attracted to you, like moths to the light. Within the many different spectrums of reality on Earth, there are some very diverse energetic beings. These beings traverse unseen by human eyes. These beings interact with you, on a daily basis, and you are totally unaware. As there are many dark beings beyond the veil, there are also many Beings of Light. The Angelic’s who keep the Lower entities at bay, Your Many Guides and Family who have moved beyond, and your many Star Families, who are of the Higher Dimensions of Light. You have many who are with you, interacting with you through Love.


It is important to understand that as you navigate through life, your energetic field is constantly interacting with the energies around you. This interplay can have a significant impact on your well-being and overall state of mind. By being more conscious of the energies you are exposed to and learning to differentiate between what serves your highest good and what does not, you can better protect yourself from negative influences.


Furthermore, the concept of entity attachments sheds light on the idea that there are unseen forces that can latch onto your energy field, influencing your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. Recognizing and addressing these attachments is crucial in maintaining your own energetic sovereignty and ensuring that you are not being unduly influenced by external forces.


As you ascend into the Light, the Veil is becoming thinner, and soon these entities will become visible to you. They will no longer be able to meddle unnoticed.


As you continue to elevate your vibration and shine your light brightly, you may attract both positive and negative entities. It is essential to cultivate a sense of discernment and protection to safeguard your energy and maintain a sense of balance and harmony within yourself. You are magnificent beings of Light, and all can see your brilliance.



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