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发表于 2024-8-17 08:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Today, we will bring the air element.


Many cannot understand when we say your bodies contain all the elements. Air is the vital force that keeps you alive. The entire metabolism in your bodies takes place through the elements that enter with the air you breathe. You receive the necessary vital energy to keep you alive through the air. Therefore, where is the doubt? All elements are in your bodies.


You produce air in your bodies: gasses. And many are being produced at this moment. They are expelled with each process of your breathing. And the air is inside there. It is part of the whole context and very important in your bodies.


The strength of the air element in your bodies is associated with the mind. It is associated with daydreaming, overthinking, restless minds, and minds that cannot stop for a second. All this comes from the strength of the air element in you.


Your world requires full attention at all times. Unfortunately, it is not attention to the present moment. It is attention to everything that needs to be done, the tasks that need to be fulfilled, and the targets that need to be met. The present moment is never in your thoughts when the opposite should be the case. Because when you are in the present moment, you have much more capacity to analyze and execute each task to be fulfilled.


Therefore, why are your minds so agitated? Because you do not give yourself time to look at the present moment. And I would say that, with that, you let many good things that the universe brings to you many times—but that you do not pay attention to—fly away because you are more concerned with what you need to fulfill or meet.


We understand that there are daily tasks, commitments, and work. But it is important that you bring the present moment at least once in a while and stop for a minute. A minute is enough. In that time, breathe deeply a few times.


And I assure you that it will not delay any task or work you might have to do because, at that minute, when you breathe, you fill yourselves with vital energy. It also brings solutions, quietness, and clean thoughts that will inclusively help you solve problems that apparently cannot be solved.


Do that a few times a day. Give that time to yourselves, and the universe will know that it will need to act for you during that time, and whatever needs to come will come at that moment, because the universe also conspires in your favor. If the present moment exists—still time—the universe will know that “This is my moment!” and will act.


Try it. It is effortless, and everyone can do it. There are no contraindications. And I would tell you to show that to your children. I tell you that they will learn faster than you to take a minute break, to stay still, just breathing, focusing on the breath, seeking not to think about anything else, just breathing. Try it. You will be surprised with your children. Create interesting moments: “The Moment of Stillness!” and everybody stops. It is important that the adults also do it so the children will understand that it is something they can imitate.


Name the moment as you wish and do it. I assure you that, over time, you will have learned to keep your mind empty during that minute. You will learn to really connect with yourself, your essence, and your soul, which will bring the opportunity for many messages.


A minute is short—not for the universe or for a being of Light to convey a message. It is more than enough. Therefore, try it. Just breathe normally or deeply—it does not matter. And focus on the breath and how your bodies expand and contract with each movement of breath.


Observe your bodies. The more you do this exercise, the more you will learn to empty the mind, to remain calm, and to stop at the right moment. Try it. You will not regret it. And you will understand once again that all the elements are part of your bodies and that the air is one of the most interesting because it is through the breath that you calm down—that you return to balance.


Try it. And if you wish to extend that time, do it. If possible, extend it, but extend it little by little. Do not think it is an easy exercise because the mind will keep saying: “No, you cannot stop for a minute. You are wasting your time. You are delaying everything. Do not stop.” The mind will continue chattering. And you will say: “Now, you must be quiet.” And learn to silence the mind.



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