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发表于 2024-8-24 08:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

I’m delighted to be here with you once again.


We’re all celebrating. Why are we celebrating? Because we’re seeing the evolution of the planet;  we’re seeing the evolution of some of you; we’re seeing the journey of ascension more and more full of people , completing your own journeys.  Without really asking themselves what they will find.


That’s not the preoccupation at the moment. The preoccupation is simply to get there; to be ready.


Each day that passes, within your dimension, can be considered a step forward towards the Light or not. It depends a lot on what you build each day. It depends on what you live, what you emanate, what you contribute to the Whole. I would say that there is no point in planning. “Today I’ll do this. Tomorrow I’ll do that”, because everything is changeable. And what’s around you is very strong.  Your surroundings are still very strong.  


So it’s up to you to always be vigilant, to always be aware of what you think, what you say and how you act. It’s these 3 points that can create that step, which corresponds to today or not. And, unfortunately, it can also create a step backwards, if the disequilibrium is too great.


That’s why, my dear brothers, the journey is so difficult. moving forward is rare. Because in fact, to move forward, you need: attention, love, dedication, heart, and many other skills, so as not to get caught up in your surroundings. Then yes, you can move forward effectively.

所以,亲爱的兄弟姐妹们,旅程是困难的。前进是罕见的。因为事实上,要前进,你需要:注意力、爱、奉献、用心以及许多其它的能力,这样就不会陷入周遭。然后是的, 你可以有效地前进

No, I’m not going to say that most of the time you go backwards. No, you don’t; you stay in the same place. Because at some moments you are able to jump forward, but then you take a step back. So you keep moving back and forth, back and forth, almost all day long.


So you might ask me: “What do you do to get ahead? Isolate yourself from the world? Go into a dark room and stay there. No contact, no communication, no doing anything?” No, that’s not the way. It would be very easy for me to come here and say: Look, create a room, put food and water in it and stay there, isolated from the world. It would work if you were monks; if you went into a meditative state and stayed there for 24 hours. Then you would make several quantum leaps along the way. But you’re not.


So what would be the point of staying inside a closed room if your mind would be outside? It would be thinking, acting, working, judging, just as you do when you’re going about your daily life. So this is not the way. So, “What is the way? Teach us. What’s the way forward? Instead of staying in this constant coming and going?”.


The way is to live every moment emanating love. But not the love you proclaim. It’s emanating the unconditional love He,yes ,is capable of constantly moving you forward. It’s loving yourself above all else. It’s taking care of yourself. It’s making yourself happy, before trying to make someone else happy. It’s looking at the world and seeing the beauty in it; not the problems; not the violence; not the negative energies.


Because these are all distractions. All this causes you to lose your way and come back again and again. So it’s about always looking ahead and seeing the beauty in everything.So, play, sing, smile, hug, speak sweet words. Live the positive feelings. Forget the other person. Don’t want to live the other person’s journey. Look at your own journey. You often lose points by getting in the way of other people’s journeys. Everyone needs to look at yourself at this moment.


Take care of others with love. Do everything with love. Live with love. Without worrying about what will come in return. Trusting that if you are walking a way of love, you will only reap flowers; you willn’t reap thorns. The flowers will be immune to the thorns. This is the secret to the journey. This is the secret to movement, to moving forward, to going more and more towards the Light.


Pay attention, to what you think, feel, speak and act. Only with great attention are you able to move forward; When the other person attacks you, for whatever reason, when the other person tries to throw you off equilibrium, breathe deeply. Fill yourself with Light and surround him in Light.  That’s enough. This will make you destroy any and all feelings that would arise in you towards the other person.


Learn to emanate Light to everyone. Look at the person and see them as a ball of Light. That’s all. You’ll be doing good for each other and you’ll always be in equilibrium. Easy, isn’t it? I know you’ll respond that it’s not. But start practicing.


We all do these techniques, even here in the Fifth Dimension. Because we’re often not here. We lower our vibrations to help the planet. And it’s necessary to keep ourselves in equilibrium.


So, be attentive, always. And I assure you: you will be able to move forward.



【觉醒家园】 www.awaker.info

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