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发表于 2024-8-29 08:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Nothing, absolutely nothing, should shake you. Fear nothing. If you trust in the Light, there is nothing to fear or to worry about.


Many still do not believe that we travel in your skies. They continue to find excuses to cover up, to validate all they have learned. But it is no longer possible to deny it. Those who continue to deny it will have proof. They may not admit it, but they will have to prove it.


We will appear more and more. We will come with larger ships, showing there is nothing to fear. But we know what this will provoke. Therefore, you must not believe everything you hear; do not believe everything you see. They will forge our attacks, making you think, we are not friendly. But the truth will soon follow because the Light is on the planet.


Those who continue to deceive themselves will not see the truth. They will continue feeding the lie as a way to justify their difficulties in believing. But many will see. Many will know. Many will see and have proof. And in this way, we will appear more and more.


Your governments can no longer deny our existence. Many are certain of our existence and presence here. They just do not yet know the real reason. This will never be told. On the contrary, there will be various reasons, all lies, and all deceptions. None will be the true reason: to eliminate the evil on this planet, to eliminate the shadows, to eliminate those who came here and brought pain and suffering.


Fear nothing, my brothers and sisters. Do not believe everything you see. Do not believe everything you hear. There are no set dates. There is no set time. For us, time operates very differently than it does for you. Do not try to draw parallels; do not try to read between the lines of what we are saying. In your time, it could be tomorrow, it could be a year from now, it could be ten years from now. For us, it makes no difference because we do not follow your time.


Simply be assured that everything is moving quickly. Decisions are coming quickly. Actions are happening quickly. And, likely, you will only know after it has happened. You will likely learn the truth after it has been carried out. Not during, not before. When you realize it, everything will already have happened. We will simply show you.


So open your hearts. Be ready, but always for the truth. And how do you know what is true? Close your eyes; dive into your heart. Into that special place you have already created. And if you still need to create it, it is high time to do so. Be in that place and ask your heart: “Is this true or false?” And wait for the answer.


The heart does not lie. It will not be the ego responding; it will be the heart. So learn to listen to your heart. Learn to create this special place and converse with your heart. This is very important. I would say it is a practice and a habit that you need to have daily so that you can connect with your Higher Self. This is how it is done.


Seek the answers, and you will have them. Seek the truth, and you will have it. Seek to see what is right, and you will see. Do not be deceived. Only those who listen, see, and believe with the mind can be deceived—and greatly so. But those who do everything with the heart, from deep within the heart, are not deceived and are not misled. They see only the truth.


Seek the truth in your hearts. Do not seek it outside. Do not seek it in anyone else. Seek it in your hearts. Only the heart of each of you can answer truthfully and faithfully. Be ready, my brothers and sisters. Everything is moving very quickly.


And soon, very soon, everyone will know what we are doing in your skies. Now, it will be up to each one of you to believe or not in the true purpose of each of us here. And then we will see how each of you will react.



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