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发表于 2018-3-8 08:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


Sexual energy is connected to one of the deepest Goddess mysteries, the mystery of reintegration of female and male polarities into Ascension. This is the true meaning of the alchemical formula of “solve et coagula”.
譯註:solve在煉金術代表融解 coagula是煉化 solve et coagula是將普通金屬煉化成黃金或賢者之石的過程。下圖是印度克久拉霍的性廟。
The Archons were manipulating human sexual energy since the late Atlantean period, trying to create as much separation as possible. They did this by implanting women and men in a different way, creating a psychological division and split between female and male personalities. This primary split from the time of Atlantis is the main reason for misunderstandings in male-female relationships.

Females were implanted in a special way that kept their connection with their twin soul intact, but the implant has suppressed sexual connections with all other men. This has conditioned women into monogamy, when women tend to project their twin soul to their current partner.

Males were implanted in a special way that blocked their connection with their twin soul, but the implant has allowed sexual connections with all other women. This has conditioned men into polyamory, when men tend to deny the existence of their twin soul and avoid it by being with many women.

Additionally, both females and males were implanted with an implant that separated sexual energy from the energy of the Heart and were receiving diametrically opposite implants to ensure maximum separation and conflict.

Females were implanted with a program that allows only love without sex. Only in special circumstances where many conditions are met, a woman will feel safe enough to allow sexual energy to fuse with her love.

Males were implanted with a program that allows only sex without love. Only in special circumstances where many conditions are met, a man will feel safe enough to allow love energy to fuse with his sex drive.

On top of all this, the Archons started to violently suppress female sexual energy on the planet with systematic trauma-based programming of women through brutal rapes during the Kurgan Archon invasion more than 5000 years ago:

In the timeframe between 3000 BCE and 300 CE women were still able to express themselves as sexual healers in Goddess temples:
譯註:聖娼(sacred prostitute)是一群經過儀式和身心訓練的女性神職人員。她們透過性行為讓信眾體驗神性和開悟。聖娼在古代是擁有崇高社會地位的職業,其中甚至有人成為東羅馬帝國的女皇帝(狄奧多拉女帝)。現代人對聖娼的刻版印象源自古代的基督教狂熱份子。他們相信只有經過水深火熱重生的人才能進入不需要性行為的天堂。

Then the Khazarian Kurgan invasion in the 4th century brutally ended this tradition and sexually suppressed women even further. Then in the middle ages, the Inquisition went one step further by burning many women at the stake.

This trauma-based programming was ongoing for the last 5000 years and has created deep scars in the planetary female psyche. Sadly, this programming is still ongoing by the same perpetrators worldwide in March 2018:
譯註: 第一則新聞:英國司法單位已經連續好幾年故意忽略年輕少女遭到幫派份子迷姦的案件。Tommy Robinson是為這群少女發聲的社會運動家。他的推特帳號也被刪除。

The Archons are also manipulating the Cabal and are pushing the homosexual agenda among Cabal members because they know too well that a genuine positive sexual interaction between a male Cabal member and a woman is the most powerful force that can actually transform the Cabal member into someone that supports the Light.

Many Cabal members have a twisted and distorted access to some of the lesser Goddess mysteries which they have received as part of their occult training. Many Cabal members were dropouts of ancient mystery schools in antiquity in past incarnations when they failed to pass the tests to gain access to greater mysteries and then kept, misused and distorted the lesser mysteries they already had access to:

The Cabal is trying to enforce their distorted perception of the lesser mysteries on the general population through Hollywood and the mass media.

All this has put the surface population in a very fragmented state.

Many men, frustrated with the situation, started to play The Game:

Real healing of the fragmented state of human sexuality will only come through the arrival of Goddess energy to the surface of the planet.

For this to happen, we need to allow ourselves to feel and express our emotions:

The main key for planetary healing is women allowing themselves to feel and express their sexual energy. Many times it does not need to be expressed through a sexual union, it can be expressed through a sensual touch. Or through dance:

The purpose of sexual energy is merger of female and male polarities into the One. It is the key to immortality and Ascension.

Sexual merger as part of Ascension process is part of the greater Goddess mysteries.

This was perfectly described in Spiritus Eros, a secret doctrine of a positive Templar group named Ordo Bucintoro:

You can read a description of Spiritus Eros text in German here (you can google translate if you do not speak German):

Many secrets of sexual merger into the One are locked away deeply in the Kaula Tantra system:
密宗譚崔(Kaula Tantra system)深藏許多透過性融合達到合一的秘密:
譯註:Kaula Tantra system不確定是哪一個派系。暫時翻譯成密宗譚崔

And finally, you might wish to read this book:

Victory of the Light!

翻譯:Patrick Shih


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