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发表于 2018-5-12 10:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Sananda via James McConnell, May 6th,2018

AndI AM Sananda.
Andas always it is wonderful to be with this group, this family, this family oflight, this family of love.

Thoseof you that have been drawn back together again. Those of you that were withme; that were with Sanat Kumara; that were with Ashtar; that were with Aramda,Archangel Michael, and all the rest. And those of you that are here with us atall times just as we are here with you at all times. As we have said many timeswe are in this together, we are pulling this all together.

Andbecause of you, because of each one of you and the missions that you are on,and remembering those missions now — many of you are beginning to do so. Manyof you are beginning to recall, beginning to remember those times long ago whenyou found yourselves together either with each other or with us in variousways. Some of this is coming back to you now. — And many of you are beginningto remember who you were in past times. All of that is beginning to come back.

You’rebeginning to realize that you are all one. All of us are one together. And thisis quite a revelation for many because many, throughout your lives, you havebeen taught that you are an individual and that you are an individual untoyourself. And in some ways yes, that is true.

Butin other ways you are an individual and you are also one with everything. Andthis, of course, is somewhat of a paradox here. But know and trust as youcontinue to recall, those times, those memories, coming back to you, that allis in this process of orchestration.

Allis being brought together in many different ways. And in many different waysyou are being directed. Directed to go forth, to move to certain places, tojourney to certain places. And those of you that are on this journey, those ofyou that are on this journey of remembering your missions: your individualmissions; as well as your soul group mission; you are here to do all that youare learning to do. All that you are remembering is more the word here. You arenot necessarily learning, you are re-learning. You are re-membering.

Becauseso much is yet in front of you. And many of you have no idea yet quite of themissions that you are on and of all that you are meant to accomplish in thislifetime, this lifetime … that has been building for a long time now. Throughmany, many lifetimes, many thousands of years you have been working at this.Working to come to this moment, this very moment in time.

Wecan say that you have arrived. You have arrived at that moment. But manymoments are yet ahead of you.

AndI am saying it in this way that many moments are ahead of you because it isimportant for you to live in every one of those moments, to not only focus onthe future and what the future will bring.

Yes there are wonderfulthings ahead. Wonderful things that you have been building toward. But there isalso the moment Now. The moment that you cancherish for your entire lifetime. For the memories that you are creating noware more important than the memories that you are remembering from long ago.

Createthose memories now. Be those memories now. And as you do that you will createthe wonderful golden vision of the New Earth, a new Golden Age of Gaia.

Ileave you now.

IAM Sananda. All of my peace and love be with you, each and every one, of you asyou continue on with this journey, and as we continue on with this journeytogether with all of you.


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